
Defines functions compute_sub_smd compute_smd

Documented in compute_smd compute_sub_smd

#' Compute standardized mean differences before and after matching
#' This function accepts a MatchIt object (i.e., the result of matchit function)
#' , and calculates standardized mean differences before and after matching.
#' Note exact matching and subclassification are not applicable to this function
#' . For subclassification, use compute_sub_smd() instead. In addition, SMD can
#' be calculated on the basis of the standard deviation of original treatment
#' group, which is the formula used in matchit function, or on the basis of the
#' simple pooled standard deviation of original treatment and control group. The
#'  default is sd = "pooled", but it can be switched to "treatment".
#' @param mi_obj A matchit object derived from MatchIt pacakge
#' @param sd The standard deviation used as the denominator in the formula,
#'   either "pooled" or "treatment"
#' @keywords SMD
#' @aliases SMD
#' @seealso compute_sub_smd()
#' @return Return a data frame containing SMD and other information
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # take lalonde data as an example
#' # run matchit() to obtain the matching result (i.e., a matchit object)
#'  m_out <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ re74 + re75 + age + educ + hispan +
#'  black, data = MatchIt::lalonde, method = "nearest")
#' # use matching result and compute_smd() to obtain a SMD data
#' # frame
#'  opt_smd <- compute_smd(m_out, sd = "treatment")
#' @references Austin, P. C. (2011). An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods
#'   for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies.
#'   \emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46}(3), 399-424.
#'   https://doi.org/10.1080/00273171.2011.568786
#' @references Ho, D. E., Imai, K., King, G., & Stuart, E. A. (2011). MatchIt:
#'   Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference. \emph{Journal
#'   of Statistical Software, 42}(8). https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v042.i08
compute_smd<- function(mi_obj = NULL, sd = "pooled"){
  # check matchit object
  # check matching method, result of exact matching or subclassification is not
  # applicable to this function
  if (is(mi_obj, "matchit") == FALSE) {
    stop("The input data is not a matchit object.")
  } else if (as.character(mi_obj$call)[4] == "exact" |
             as.character(mi_obj$call)[4] == "subclass") {
      stop(message(strwrap("The matching method is either exact matching or
        subclassification, SMD table cannot be generated.")))
    else {
      summary_data <- summary(mi_obj)
      covariate_data <- as.data.frame(mi_obj$X)
      smd_data <- data.frame(
        "mean_tr_bf" = summary_data$sum.all$`Means Treated`,
        "mean_ctl_bf" = summary_data$sum.all$`Means Control`,
        "mean_tr_af" = summary_data$sum.matched$`Means Treated`,
        "mean_ctl_af" = summary_data$sum.matched$`Means Control`)
      smd_data$rnames <- row.names(summary_data$sum.all)
      row.names(smd_data) <- row.names(summary_data$sum.all)
      smd_data$var_type[smd_data$rnames == "distance"] <- "continuous"
      for (i in 2: nrow(smd_data)){
        if (dim(table(covariate_data[row.names(smd_data)[i]])) == 2){
          smd_data$var_type[i] <- "binary"
        } else {
          smd_data$var_type[i] <- "continuous"
      smd_data$var_tr_bf <- NA
      smd_data$var_ctl_bf <- NA
      tr_idx <- as.numeric(as.character(mi_obj$treat))
      smd_data$var_tr_bf[1] <- var(mi_obj$distance[tr_idx == 1])
      smd_data$var_ctl_bf[1] <- var(mi_obj$distance[tr_idx == 0])
      for (i in 2:nrow(smd_data)) {
        if (smd_data$var_type[i] == "continuous") {
          smd_data$var_tr_bf[i] <-
            var(covariate_data[row.names(smd_data)[i]][tr_idx == 1, ])
          smd_data$var_ctl_bf[i] <-
            var(covariate_data[row.names(smd_data)[i]][tr_idx == 0, ])
        } else if (smd_data$var_type[i] == "binary") {
          smd_data$var_tr_bf[i] <-
            smd_data$mean_tr_bf[i] * (1 - smd_data$mean_tr_bf[i])
          smd_data$var_ctl_bf[i] <-
            smd_data$mean_ctl_bf[i] * (1 - smd_data$mean_ctl_bf[i])
      smd_data$sd_bf_pooled <-
        sqrt((smd_data$var_tr_bf + smd_data$var_ctl_bf)/2)
      smd_data$sd_bf_tr <- sqrt(smd_data$var_tr_bf)
      if (sd == "pooled") {
        smd_data$smd_before <- (smd_data$mean_tr_bf - smd_data$mean_ctl_bf) /
        smd_data$smd_after <-  (smd_data$mean_tr_af - smd_data$mean_ctl_af) /
      } else if (sd == "treatment") {
        smd_data$smd_before <- (smd_data$mean_tr_bf - smd_data$mean_ctl_bf) /
        smd_data$smd_after <-  (smd_data$mean_tr_af - smd_data$mean_ctl_af) /
      } else {
        stop("The argument of sd can only be either 'pooled' or 'treatment'.")
  smd_data$rnames <- NULL
  class(smd_data) <- append(class(smd_data),"smd.data")

#' Compute standardized mean differences for subclassification result
#' This function accepts a MatchIt object (i.e., the result of matchit function)
#' , and calculates the overall standardized mean difference after
#'  subclassification. Note only subclassification result is applicable to this
#' function. For other matching results except for exact matching,
#' use compute_smd() instead. In addition, SMD can be calculated on the basis of
#'  the standard deviation of original treatment group, which is the formula
#'  used in matchit function, or on the basis of the simple pooled standard
#'  deviation of original treatment and control group. The default is sd =
#'  "pooled", but it can be switched to "treatment".
#' @param mi_obj A matchit object derived from MatchIt pacakge
#' @param sd The standard deviation used as the denominator in the formula
#' @keywords SMD subclassification
#' @aliases sub_SMD
#' @seealso compute_smd()
#' @return Return a scalar (the overall SMD)
#' @import dplyr MatchIt tidyr
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats weighted.mean
#' @importFrom MatchIt match.data
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # take lalonde data as an example
#' # run matchit() to obtain the matching result
#'  m_out <- MatchIt::matchit(treat ~ re74 + re75 + age + educ + hispan +
#'    black, data = MatchIt::lalonde, method = "subclass", subclass = 7)
#'  compute_sub_smd(m_out, sd = "treatment")
#' @references Austin, P. C. (2011). An Introduction to Propensity Score Methods
#'   for Reducing the Effects of Confounding in Observational Studies.
#'   \emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research, 46}(3), 399-424.
#'   https://doi.org/10.1080/00273171.2011.568786
#' @references Ho, D. E., Imai, K., King, G., & Stuart, E. A. (2011). MatchIt:
#'   Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Causal Inference. \emph{Journal
#'   of Statistical Software, 42}(8). https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v042.i08
compute_sub_smd <- function(mi_obj = NULL, sd = "pooled"){
  if (is(mi_obj, "matchit") == FALSE) {
    stop("The input data is not a matchit object.")
  } else if (as.character(mi_obj$call)[4] == "exact") {
      stop(message(strwrap("The matching method is exact matching,
        compute_sub_smd() and compute_smd() are inapplicable to it.")))
  } else if(as.character(mi_obj$call)[4] != "subclass"){
      stop(message(strwrap("The matching method is not subclassification,
        please try compute_smd() instead.")))
  } else {
    matched_data <- MatchIt::match.data(mi_obj)
    compared_var <- as.character(mi_obj$formula)[2]
    sub_mean_diff <- suppressMessages(matched_data %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$subclass, .data[[compared_var]]) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(weighted_mean =
               weighted.mean(.data$distance, .data$weights), n = n()) %>%
      tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = .data[[compared_var]], values_from =
                           c(.data$weighted_mean, n)) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(mean_diff = .data$weighted_mean_1 - .data$weighted_mean_0,
        sub_n = .data$n_0 + .data$n_1, product = .data$mean_diff * .data$sub_n))
    var_bf_tr <- var(mi_obj$distance[mi_obj$treat == 1])
    var_bf_ctl <- var(mi_obj$distance[mi_obj$treat == 0])
    sd_bf_pooled <- sqrt((var_bf_tr + var_bf_ctl) /2)
    sd_bf_tr <- sd(mi_obj$distance[mi_obj$treat == 1])
    if (sd == "pooled") {
      SMD <- sum(sub_mean_diff$product) / sum(sub_mean_diff$sub_n) /
    } else if (sd == "treatment") {
      SMD <- sum(sub_mean_diff$product) / sum(sub_mean_diff$sub_n) /
    } else {
      stop("The argument of sd can only be either 'pooled' or 'treatment'.")

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MatchItEXT documentation built on Oct. 28, 2020, 5:06 p.m.