
stopifnot(requireNamespace("Matrix" , quietly = TRUE)) # includes 'methods'

CAex <-
	load(system.file(file.path("external", "CAex_slots.rda"), package = "Matrix"))
	## -> 'L'
	r <- methods::new("dgCMatrix")
	for (n in c("Dim", "i","p","x"))
	    methods::slot(r, n) <- L[[n]]

## The reverse { CAex |--> L } is
if(FALSE) {
    sNms <- c("Dim", "i", "p", "x")
    L <- lapply(sNms, function(N) slot(CAex, N)); names(L) <- sNms
    save(L, file = "/u/maechler/R/Pkgs/Matrix/inst/external/CAex_slots.rda")

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Matrix documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 1:08 a.m.