Man pages for MazamaLocationUtils
Manage Spatial Metadata for Known Locations

APIKeysAPI keys for data services.
clusterByDistanceAdd distance-clustering information to a dataframe
coreMetadataNamesNames of standard spatial metadata columns
getLocationDataDirGet location data directory
id_monitors_500Idaho monitor locations dataset
initializeMazamaSpatialUtilsInitialize MazamaSpatialUtils package
location_createIDCreate one or more unique locationIDs
LocationDataDirDirectory for location data
location_getCensusBlockGet census block data from the FCC API
location_getOpenCageInfoGet location information from OpenCage
location_getSingleAddress_PhotonGet address data from the Photon API to OpenStreetMap
location_getSingleAddress_TexasAMGet an address from the Texas A&M reverse geocoding service
location_getSingleElevation_USGSGet elevation data from a USGS web service
location_initializeCreate known location record with core metadata
MazamaLocationUtilsManage Spatial Metadata for Known Locations
or_monitors_500Oregon monitor locations dataset
pipePipe operator
setLocationDataDirSet location data directory
table_addClusteringAdd clustering information to a dataframe
table_addColumnAdd a new column of metadata to a table
table_addCoreMetadataAdd missing core metadata columns to a known location table
table_addLocationAdd new known location records to a table
table_addOpenCageInfoAdd address fields to a known location table
table_addSingleLocationAdd a single new known location record to a table
table_filterByDistanceReturn known locations near a target location
table_findAdjacentDistancesFind distances between adjacent locations in a known...
table_findAdjacentLocationsFinds adjacent locations in a known locations table.
table_getDistanceFromTargetReturn distances and directions from a target location to...
table_getLocationIDReturn IDs of known locations
table_getNearestDistanceReturn distances to nearest known locations
table_getNearestLocationReturn known locations
table_getRecordIndexReturn indexes of known location records
table_initializeCreate an empty known location table
table_initializeExistingConverts an existing table into a known location table
table_leafletLeaflet interactive map for known locations
table_leafletAddAdd to a leaflet interactive map for known locations
table_loadLoad a known location table
table_removeColumnRemove a column of metadata in a table
table_removeRecordRemove location records from a table
table_saveSave a known location table
table_updateColumnUpdate a column of metadata in a table
table_updateSingleRecordUpdate a single known location record in a table
validateLocationTblValidate a location table
validateLonLatValidate longitude and latitude values
validateLonsLatsValidate longitude and latitude vectors
validateMazamaSpatialUtilsValidate proper setup of MazamaSpatialUtils
wa_airfire_metaWashington monitor metadata dataset
wa_monitors_500Wshington monitor locations dataset
MazamaLocationUtils documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:08 p.m.