RevNetTimeLagged: Example data for RevNetTimeLaggedMethod

Description Usage Format Details Source References


The data provide an example for the Time Lagged method to reverse engineer a metabolomic network. The matrix dataset contains measured metabolite concentrations at different times.




The format is:
RevNetTimeLagged, numerical matrix with dim(RevNetTimeLagged) = 100 4 first dimension: time
second dimension: metabolites


The dataset contains metabolite concentrations from the following experiment:
Every 9 seconds metabolite 1 is increased 20% from steady state. Running the example produces the vertex-edge matrix:

1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1
0 0 1 1


Chassagnole, C., D. A. Fell, et al. (2001). "Control of the threonine-synthesis pathway in Escherichia coli: a theoretical and experimental approach." Biochemical Journal 356: 433-444.


Reverse engineering of metabolic networks, a critical assessment. Diana M. Hendrickx, Margriet M. W. B. Hendriks, Paul H. C. Eilers, Age K. Smilde and Huub C. J. Hoefsloot. Mol. BioSyst, Volume 7:2 (2011) pages 511-520

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