
Defines functions remove.species

Documented in remove.species

remove.species <-
  if(!inherits(sp, "metapopulation"))
    #if (class(sp)!="metapopulation") 
        stop(paste(sp, " should be an object of class class 'metapopulation'.", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
    l1 <- sp$mapsize
    l2 <- sp$minimum.distance 
    l3 <- sp$mean.area 
    l4 <- sp$SD.area
    l5 <- sp$number.patches
    l6 <- sp$dispersal 
    l7 <- sp$nodes.characteristics[,1:8]
    rland.out <- list(mapsize=l1, minimum.distance=l2, mean.area=l3,
                               SD.area=l4, number.patches=l5,dispersal=l6,nodes.characteristics=l7)
    class(rland.out) <- "landscape"

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MetaLandSim documentation built on Jan. 13, 2023, 1:11 a.m.