removepoints <-
function (rl, nr)
if(!inherits(rl, "landscape"))
#if (class(rl)!="landscape")
stop(paste(rl, " should be an object of class class 'landscape'.", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
mapsize2 <- rl$mapsize
dist_m2 <- rl$minimum.distance
areaM2 <- rl$mean.area
areaSD2 <- rl$SD.area
Npatch2 <- rl$number.patches
disp2 <- rl$dispersal
rl_0 <- rl$nodes.characteristics
ID2 <- rl_0$ID
nr_select <- nrow(rl_0)-nr
rl_1 <- rl_0[sample(1:nrow(rl_0), nr_select, replace=FALSE), ]
rl_2 <- rl_1[sort.list(as.numeric(rownames(rl_1))), ]
names(rl_2)[names(rl_2) == "ID2"] <- "ID"
rl_3 <- list(mapsize=mapsize2, minimum.distance=dist_m2,
mean.area=mean(rl_2$areas), SD.area=sd(rl_2$areas),
number.patches=nrow(rl_2), dispersal=disp2,
class(rl_3) <- "landscape"
rl_4 <-
rownames(rl_4$nodes.characteristics) <- 1:nrow(rl_4$nodes.characteristics)
class(rl_4) <- "landscape"
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