
Defines functions MBoxplot

Documented in MBoxplot

#' @title MBoxplot.
#' @description \code{MBoxplot} will generate an annotated boxplot. A unifying
#'   function for MS-data Boxplots based on \'raw\' and \'sam\'.
#' @details Usually metabolomics experiments are conducted on multiple replicates
#'   of a sample group. Boxplots allow to quickly access potential differences
#'   between measurement values of several groups. \code{MBoxplot} can be nicely
#'   used to generate QC plots for all metabolites prior and after normalization,
#'   in absolute or relative scale and sorted according to significance.
#' @param pk Colname of raw to plot if \code{pk} is character OR the colnum number if \code{pk} is numeric.
#' @param raw Plotting data as samples (rows) x metabolites (cols).
#' @param sam Sample table.
#' @param met Containing at minimum columns for annotation (see parameter \code{an}) and \code{nrow(met)} should be \code{ncol(raw)}.
#' @param g Grouping vector if \code{Group} not contained in \code{sam}.
#' @param flt Filter to exclude certain samples (T/F) vector.
#' @param an Switch to include annotation (from met) in the boxplot providing a character vector of colnames from \code{met}.
#' @param plot_sample_n Amend each box with the number of finite values which were a basis for plotting this group.
#' @param txt Character vector with information per sample to be plotted on top of the box as text.
#' @param cex.txt Specify size of annotation text.
#' @param plot_rel_axis Specify one level of \code{g} (or \code{sam$Group}) which to express the data relative against.
#' @param ... Further options parsed to \code{boxplot}.
#' @return Nothing. Will produce a plot (or file if specified).
#' @examples
#' x <- data.frame("y" = runif(36), "GT" = gl(3, 12), "TP" = factor(rep(rep(1:3, each = 4), 3)))
#' x <- cbind(x, AdjustSymbols(cols = x$GT, pchs = x$TP))
#' MBoxplot(
#'   pk = "y", raw = x, sam = x, met = data.frame("Peak" = "y", "Test" = I("info")),
#'   g = interaction(x$GT, x$TP), an = "Test", plot_n_samples = TRUE, txt = rownames(x)
#' )
#' @importFrom graphics par boxplot axis text mtext strwidth
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb
#' @export
MBoxplot <- function(pk = pk, raw = NULL, sam = NULL, met = NULL, g = NULL, flt = NULL, an = NULL, plot_sample_n = FALSE, txt = NULL, cex.txt = 0.5, plot_rel_axis = NULL, ...) {
  # check parameters
  if (is.character(pk)) {
    stopifnot(pk %in% colnames(raw))
    pk <- which(colnames(raw) == pk)[1]
  if (is.numeric(pk)) {
    stopifnot(pk %in% 1:ncol(raw))
  stopifnot(nrow(sam) == nrow(raw))
  stopifnot(any(is.null(an), all(an %in% colnames(met))))
  stopifnot(any(!is.null(g), "Group" %in% colnames(sam)))
  # prepare data
  if (is.null(flt)) flt <- rep(T, nrow(raw))
  stopifnot(length(flt) == nrow(raw))
  if (is.null(g)) {
    tmp.x <- factor(sam$Group[flt])
  } else {
    tmp.x <- factor(g[flt])
  if (!("cols" %in% colnames(sam))) {
    tmp.col <- sapply(split(AdjustSymbols(cols = tmp.x), tmp.x), unique)
  } else {
    tmp.col <- sapply(split(sam$cols[flt], tmp.x), unique)
  tmp.y <- raw[flt, pk]
  tmp.l <- unique(sapply(gregexpr("_", tmp.x), function(x) {
    length(x[x != (-1)])
  if (length(tmp.l) > 1) tmp.l <- 0
  par(mar = c(tmp.l + 2, 4, length(an), 0) + 0.5)
  if (!is.null(plot_rel_axis) && plot_rel_axis %in% levels(tmp.x)) {
    if (!any(tmp.y < 0, na.rm = T)) {
      tmp.y <- tmp.y / median(tmp.y[tmp.x == plot_rel_axis], na.rm = T)
    } else {
      warning("[MBoxplot] cant compute relative log2-axis as data contain negative values", .call = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(plot_rel_axis)) {
    graphics::boxplot(tmp.y ~ tmp.x, las = 1, col = tmp.col, xaxt = "n", log = "y", ...)
  } else {
    graphics::boxplot(tmp.y ~ tmp.x, las = 1, col = tmp.col, xaxt = "n", ...)
  if (tmp.l == 0) {
    graphics::axis(side = 1, at = 1:length(levels(tmp.x)), labels = levels(tmp.x))
  } else {
    for (i in 1:(tmp.l + 1)) {
      graphics::axis(side = 1, at = 1:length(levels(tmp.x)), labels = sapply(levels(tmp.x), function(x) {
        strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][i]
      }), line = i - 1, tick = ifelse(i > 1, F, T))
  if (plot_sample_n) {
    graphics::mtext(text = table(tmp.x[is.finite(tmp.y)]), side = 1, at = 1:length(levels(tmp.x)), line = -1, cex = cex.txt)
  if (!is.null(txt)) {
    graphics::text(x = jitter(as.numeric(tmp.x)), y = tmp.y, labels = txt, cex = cex.txt, col = "lightblue")
  if (length(an) >= 1) {
    for (i in 1:length(an)) {
      txt <- met[pk, an[i]]
      txt <- ifelse((par("fin")[1] - 0.4) < strwidth(txt, "inch"), paste(substr(txt, 1, floor(nchar(txt) * ((par("fin")[1] - 0.4) / strwidth(txt, "inch")))), "..."), txt)
      graphics::mtext(side = 3, line = length(an) - i, text = txt, adj = 1)

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MetabolomicsBasics documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:02 a.m.