Man pages for MethodCompare
Evaluating Bias and Precision in Method Comparison Studies

agreement0Plot the agreement before recalibration
agreement1Plot the agreement after recalibration
bias_plotPlot the bias and measurements
compare_plotPlot used to visualize the recalibration of the new method...
data1Simulated dataset 1
data2Simulated dataset 2
data3Simulated dataset 3
measure_compareEstimation of the amount of bias of the new measurement...
MethodCompare-packageEvaluating Bias and Precision in Method Comparison Studies
msePlot the mean squared errors
pct_agreement0Plot the percentage agreement before recalibration
pct_agreement1Plot the percentage agreement after recalibration
precision_plotPlot the precision of the methods
sqrt_msePlot the square root of the mean squared errors
total_bias_plotPlot total bias
MethodCompare documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:07 p.m.