Man pages for MiRKAT
Microbiome Regression-Based Kernel Association Tests

bindataSimulated DEPENDENT data with BINOMIAL traits for correlated...
CSKATSmall-sample SKAT for correlated (continuous) data ('c'...
GLMMMiRKATThe Microbiome Regression-based Kernel Association Test Based...
inner.CSKATInner Function for CSKAT, Correlated Sequence Kernel...
inner.KRVKernel RV Coefficient Test; Inner Function
KRVKernel RV Coefficient Test (KRV)
MiRKATMicrobiome Regression-based Kernel Association Test
MiRKAT_binaryMicrobiome Regression-Based Kernel Association Test for...
MiRKAT_continuousMicrobiome Regression-based Analysis Test for a continuous...
MiRKAT.QRobust MiRKAT (quantile regression)
MiRKAT.RRobust MiRKAT (robust regression)
MiRKATSMicroiome Regression-based Kernel Association Test for...
MMiRKATMultivariate Microbiome Regression-based Kernel Association...
nordataSimulated DEPENDENT data with GAUSSIAN traits for correlated...
poisdataSimulated DEPENDENT data with POISSON (count) traits for...
throat.metaSimulated metadata for microbiome regression-based analysis
throat.otu.tabSimulated OTU data for microbiome regression analysis
throat.treeSimulated rooted phylogenetic tree
MiRKAT documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:55 p.m.