oo <- getOption("rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title") on.exit(options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = oo)) options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)
This vignette is intended to help users structure their data for analysis using the MigConnectivity package. There are many ways to derive the data needed for analysis and below, we provided examples and code as a reference for users. However, the most appropriate methods and approaches for particular questions and data types should be considered by the users.
There are examples at the end of this vignette that illustrate ways to calculate bias and variance metrics using light-level geolocator data derived from the SGAT and FLightR packages.
This MigConnectivity package provides tools for estimating the pattern and strength
of migratory connectivity. We've developed methods to integrate intrinsic markers,
tracking, and band reencounter data collected from the same or
different individuals. The package functionality includes integrated analyses
that account for differences in precision, bias, reencounter probability,
and directionality among different data types (banding reencounter,
light-level geolocator, stable isotopes in tissues, genetics, and GPS). The package
separates estimation of migratory connectivity into two functions: estTransition and estStrength.
The estTransition
function estimates transition probabilities (ψ) from seasonal movement data (i.e. pattern of movement)
and the estStrength
estimates the strength of migratory connectivity (MC) from transition probabilities.
Below we provide a worked example using Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) data to help users format their data to use the new functionality in the MigConnectivity package. There are multiple published Yellow Warbler data sets that can be used to estimate migratory connectivity. Here, we illustrate how to integrate genetic data and light-level geolocators to estimate MC. Genetic sampling of 203 individuals occurred at 20 locations across the nonbreeding range, from Baja Mexico, south through central Mexico, Central America (Costa Rica and Nicaragua), and South America (Trinidad and Venezuela) [@bay_genetic_2021].
We identified 4 nonbreeding regions using ecoregions which include the Pacific and Central Mexico, Atlantic Lowland Mexico, Central America and South America.
library(MigConnectivity) library(sf) library(terra) set.seed(1) newDir <- tempdir() baseURL <- 'https://github.com/SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity/blob/devpsi2/data-raw/YEWA/' file.name <- "YEWA_target_sites.rds" url1 <- paste0(baseURL, file.name, '?raw=true') temp <- paste(newDir, file.name, sep = '/') utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb') YEWA_target_sites <- readRDS(temp) unlink(temp) YEWA_target_sites <- YEWA_target_sites[,c("Region","targetSite","geometry")] # vector of target names # targetNames <- c("Pacific and Central Mexico", "Atlantic Lowland Mexico", "Central America", "South America")
# Define the origin sites file.names <- paste0("originSitesYEWA.", c("shp", "dbf", "prj", "shx")) urls <- paste0(baseURL, file.names, '?raw=true') temp <- paste(newDir, file.names, sep = '/') for (i in 1:length(file.names)) utils::download.file(urls[i], temp[i], mode = 'wb') YEWA_origin_sites <- sf::st_read(temp[1], quiet = TRUE) # vector of origin names originNames <- c("Arctic", "Pacific Northwest", "Southwest", "Central", "East") # object with the number of originSites nOriginSites <- 5 #Plot function lims <- rbind(st_bbox(YEWA_target_sites),st_bbox(YEWA_origin_sites)) mins <- apply(lims[,c(1,2)], 2, FUN = "min") maxs <- apply(lims[,c(3,4)], 2, FUN = "max") op <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(graphics::par(op)) par(mar = c(0,0,0,0)) plot(YEWA_origin_sites$geometry, ylim = c(mins[2],maxs[2]), xlim = c(mins[1],maxs[1]), col = c("#78a18d40", "#dece6640", "#a8a80040", "#56995940", "#c4d09740"), border = "white", lwd = 0.25) plot(YEWA_target_sites$geometry, lwd = 0.25, add = TRUE, col = c("#E9D097", "#67B8D6", "#1C77A3", "#DEA785"), border = "white") legend("topright", legend = targetNames, fill = c("#E9D097", "#67B8D6", "#1C77A3", "#DEA785"), border = "white")
The Yellow Warbler genoscape identifies 5 genetically distinct breeding populations (Arctic, Pacific Northwest, Southwest, Central, and East) from 419 sampled individuals at 50 breeding locations [@bay_genetic_2021].
Below we create a vector of the origin names. These names correspond with the genoscape.
# Load shapefile of origin sites derived from genoscape data # Define the origin sites file.names <- paste0("originSitesYEWA.", c("shp", "dbf", "prj", "shx")) urls <- paste0(baseURL, file.names, '?raw=true') temp <- paste(newDir, file.names, sep = '/') for (i in 1:length(file.names)) utils::download.file(urls[i], temp[i], mode = 'wb') YEWA_origin_sites <- sf::st_read(temp[1], quiet = TRUE) # vector of origin names originNames <- c("Arctic", "Pacific Northwest", "Southwest", "Central", "East") # object with the number of originSites nOriginSites <- 5
par(mar = c(0,0,0,0)) plot(YEWA_origin_sites$geometry, ylim = c(mins[2],maxs[2]), xlim = c(mins[1],maxs[1]), col = c("#78a18dff", "#dece66ff", "#a8a800ff", "#569959ff", "#c4d097ff"), border = "white", lwd = 0.25) plot(YEWA_target_sites$geometry, col = c("#E9D09740", "#67B8D640", "#1C77A340", "#DEA78540"), border = "white", lwd = 0.25, add = TRUE) legend("topright", legend = originNames, fill = c("#78a18dff", "#dece66ff", "#a8a800ff", "#569959ff", "#c4d097ff"), border = "white")
For information about sampling and assignment methods see Bay et al. (2021) for genetics and Witynski and Bonter (2018) for geolocators.
#read in the data genetic_samples <- read.delim("YEWA_nonbreeding_genetic_samples.txt", stringsAsFactors = TRUE) str(genetic_samples, 1)
file.name <- "YEWA.rep_indiv_est.Wintering.w_meta.txt" url1 <- paste0(baseURL, file.name, '?raw=true') temp <- paste(newDir, file.name, sep = '/') utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb') genetic_samples <- read.delim(temp, stringsAsFactors = TRUE) unlink(temp) names(genetic_samples) <- gsub(names(genetic_samples), pattern = "X[0-9]..", replacement = "") str(genetic_samples,1)
The genetic data have the probability that each individual is assigned to a specific genetic population. These data are used during the resampling process to estimate transition probabilities and the strength of MC. Below, we format the data so we can easily use it in our analysis.
# Note that we re-order the probabilities to match the order of originNames # YEWA_genetics <- as.matrix(genetic_samples[,c("Alaska","WesternBoreal", "Southwest","Central", "East")]) # give names to the object dimnames(YEWA_genetics) <- list(as.character(genetic_samples$indiv), originNames) # Double-check that all rows sum to 1 summary(rowSums(YEWA_genetics))
Convert the data into a spatial object
# Convert the data into spatial object targetPoints_genetic <- st_as_sf(genetic_samples[,c("longitude","latitude")], coords = c("longitude","latitude"), crs = 4326) # WGS84 # Assign the data type to the spatial layer targetPoints_genetic$Type <- "Genetics Capture"
We obtained location estimates from seven individuals tracked using light-level geolocators deployed and recovered in Maine (n = 4) and Wisconsin (n = 3; Witynski & Bonter, 2018). We used the daily location estimates while individuals remained on the breeding grounds to derive location bias and uncertainty estimates. The geolocator data were processed and reported by @witynski_crosswise_2018.
# Capture locations # # See dates and summary data from Table 1. page 44. # Maine #129 # Maine #132 # Maine #136 # Maine #137 # Wisconsin #139 # Wisconsin #144 # Wisconsin #146 caplocs <- cbind(c(rep(-70.6142,4),rep(-87.8123,3)), c(rep(42.9891,4),rep(42.5000,3))) # Departures # departs <- as.POSIXct(c("2015-09-04", "2015-08-22", "2015-09-04", "2015-08-28", "2015-08-24", "2015-08-24", "2015-08-30"))
# read in the daily location data # file.name <- "Yellow_Warbler_Witynski.csv" url1 <- paste0(baseURL, file.name, '?raw=true') temp <- paste(newDir, file.name, sep = '/') utils::download.file(url1, temp, mode = 'wb') EstLocs <- read.csv(temp) unlink(temp) # make it spatial YEWA_gl_locs <- sf::st_as_sf(EstLocs, coords = c("location.long", "location.lat"), crs = 4326)
# read in the daily location data # EstLocs <- read.csv("Yellow Warbler_Witynski.csv") # make it spatial YEWA_gl_locs <- sf::st_as_sf(EstLocs, coords = c("location.long", "location.lat"), crs = 4326)
# Summarized nonbreeding locations reported in Witynski and Bonter YEWA_GL_nb <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(bird = factor(c(129,132,136,137,139,144,146)), long = c(-75.09,-74.81,-74.30,-74.21,-68.72,-67.08,-65.39), lat = c(10.03,8.52,10.51,3.14,0.96,5.73,6.67)), coords = c("long","lat"), crs = 4326) # assign type to GL spatial object YEWA_GL_nb$Type <- "GL Estimated Target" # Convert the capture locations to a spatial object YEWA_GL_breed <- st_as_sf(data.frame(bird = c(129,132,136,137,139,144,146), longitude = caplocs[,1], latitude = caplocs[,2]), coords = c("longitude","latitude"), crs = 4326) # assign type to GL spatial object YEWA_GL_breed$Type <- "GL Capture"
Calculate location bias and covariance which are used to estimate transition
probabilities (estTransition
# project from WGS84 into meters # YEWAmeters <- sf::st_transform(YEWA_gl_locs,'ESRI:102010') CapMeters <- sf::st_transform(YEWA_GL_breed, 'ESRI:102010') # split birds into their own data # YEWAests <- split(YEWAmeters, f = YEWAmeters$'individual.local.identifier') # Empirical estimates of bias and vcov, but on mean locations by bird ests2 <- mapply(x = YEWAests, lats = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,2], lng = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,1], z = departs, FUN = function(x,lats,lng,z){ # keep only data from deployment until departure from breeding # newdata <- x[x$timestamp<z,] # calculate the difference in meters from estimated location # to actual capture location long <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,1]) - lng lat <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,2]) - lats return(c(difflong = long, difflat = lat))}, SIMPLIFY = TRUE) (geoBiasYEWA <- apply(ests2, 1, mean)) #Bias (geoVCovYEWA <- cov(t(ests2))) #Variance-covariance matrix
The following code creates objects that are needed and/or helpful when using
the estStrength
or estTransition
## Set up input for running in estTransition # Number of geolocator birds nGL <- nrow(YEWA_GL_breed) # We have 0 birds with telemetry data nTelemetry <- 0 # How many birds have raster data (isotopes; for this example, none) nRaster <- 0 # How many birds have probability data (genetics) nProb <- nrow(YEWA_genetics) # Total number of animals nAnimals <- nGL + nTelemetry + nRaster + nProb # Set up a vector of TRUE/FALSE indicating if the individual # has geolocator data isGLYEWA <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), c(nGL, nTelemetry + nRaster + nProb)) # Vector indicating whether an individual has telemetry data isTelemetryYEWA <- rep(FALSE, nAnimals) # Vector indicating whether an individual has raster assignment data isRasterYEWA <- rep(FALSE, nAnimals) # Vector indicating whether an individual has probability data isProbYEWA <- rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), c(nGL + nTelemetry + nRaster, nProb))
Now that we have objects that tell the function which type of data are associated with each individual we can set up the spatial data.
# combine all the target locations into a single object # NOTE - we reorder the columns to match between the data sets targetPointsYEWA <- rbind(YEWA_GL_nb[,c("Type","geometry")], targetPoints_genetic[,c("Type","geometry")]) # Transform (re-project the data) into Equidistant conic projection targetPointsYEWA <- st_transform(targetPointsYEWA, "ESRI:102010") # A vector indicating where the birds were captured capturedYEWA <- rep(c("origin", "target"), c(nGL, nTelemetry + nRaster + nProb))
Here we do some spatial analyses to determine target sites from the data we've gathered so far. These data are needed for the analysis.
# Where birds were captured in the origin sites (i.e., geolocators) originPointsYEWA <- CapMeters # Transform (re-project) data into Equidistant conic projection targetSitesYEWA <- st_transform(YEWA_target_sites, "ESRI:102010") # Create a vector of the target assignments of the input data targetAssignment <- suppressMessages(unclass(sf::st_intersects(x = targetPointsYEWA, y = targetSitesYEWA, sparse = TRUE))) # Set any target assignment that results in 0 to NA targetAssignment[lengths(targetAssignment)==0] <- NA # convert from a list to an array # targetAssignment <- array(unlist(targetAssignment)) # If the assignment is NA - assign to the nearest targetSite targetAssignment[is.na(targetAssignment)] <- sf::st_nearest_feature(x = targetPointsYEWA[is.na(targetAssignment),], y = targetSitesYEWA)
Accounting for relative abundance is an important component when estimating migratory connectivity strength or estimating transition probabilities between two or more phases of the annual cycle.
Below, we use eBird.org products to estimate abundance. Note - users may need to create an account and get permission to access eBird data. See information to Download eBird data products.
# Read in data from eBird library(ebirdst) library(tidyverse) sp_path <- ebirdst_download(species = "yelwar", path = "./") run_review <- subset(ebirdst_runs, species_code == "yelwar") yelwar_dates <- run_review %>% # just keep the seasonal definition columns select(setdiff(matches("(start)|(end)"), matches("year_round"))) %>% # transpose gather("label", "date") %>% # spread data so start and end dates are in separate columns separate(label, c("season", "start_end"), "_(?=s|e)") %>% spread(start_end, date) %>% select(season, start_dt = start, end_dt = end) %>% filter(season != "resident") # did the season pass review quality_rating <- run_review[paste0(yelwar_dates$season, "_quality")] yelwar_dates$pass <- as.integer(quality_rating) > 1 yelwar_dates rastAbundMed <- load_raster(path = sp_path, product = "abundance", period = "weekly", resolution = "mr") # dates for each abundance layer weeks <- parse_raster_dates(rastAbundMed) # assign to seasons weeks_season <- rep(NA_character_, length(weeks)) for (i in seq_len(nrow(yelwar_dates))) { s <- yelwar_dates[i, ] # skip seasonal assignment if season failed if (!s$pass) { next() } # handle seasons cross jan 1 separately if (s$start_dt <= s$end_dt) { in_season <- weeks >= s$start_dt & weeks <= s$end_dt } else { in_season <- weeks >= s$start_dt | weeks <= s$end_dt } weeks_season[in_season] <- s$season } table(weeks_season) b <- which(weeks_season == 'breeding') w <- which(weeks_season == 'nonbreeding')
eBirdRelAbund <- function(wks, abund, regions, names=regions[,1], fun = max, regionFirst = FALSE, seasonalAlready = FALSE) { regionSum <- array(NA, nrow(regions), list(names)) thing <- abund[[wks]] for (j in 1:nrow(regions)){ region <- regions[j, ] rastvals <- terra::extract(thing, terra::vect(region))[,1 + 1:length(wks)] if (seasonalAlready) { regionSum[j] <- sum(rastvals, na.rm = TRUE) } else if (regionFirst) { sumByWeek <- apply(rastvals, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE) regionSum[j] <- do.call(fun, list(x = sumByWeek, na.rm = TRUE)) } else { valid <- apply(rastvals, 1, function(x) any(!is.na(x))) maxed <- apply(rastvals[valid, ], 1, fun, na.rm = TRUE) regionSum[j] <- sum(maxed, na.rm = TRUE) } } testII <- prop.table(regionSum) return(testII) } targetSitesProj <- sf::st_transform(targetSitesYEWA, terra::crs(rastAbundMed)) originSitesProj <- sf::st_transform(YEWA_origin_sites, terra::crs(rastAbundMed)) relAbundYEWAWint <- eBirdRelAbund(w, rastAbundMed, targetSitesProj, targetNames, mean) relAbundYEWABreed <- eBirdRelAbund(b, rastAbundMed, originSitesProj, originNames, mean)
relAbundYEWABreed <- c(Arctic = 0.1711898, 'Pacific Northwest' = 0.1180323, Southwest = 0.2857159, Central = 0.2415061, East = 0.1835559) relAbundYEWAWint <- c('Pacific and Central Mexico' = 0.08557703, 'Atlantic Lowland Mexico' = 0.16889791, 'Central America' = 0.46434053, 'South America' = 0.28118453)
relAbundYEWAWint relAbundYEWABreed
There are a few other things we would need for eventually running estStrength
the distances between breeding regions, and the distances between nonbreeding
# calculate distance between originSites originCentersYEWA <- st_centroid(YEWA_origin_sites) originCentersYEWA <- st_transform(originCentersYEWA, 4326) originDistYEWA <- distFromPos(st_coordinates(originCentersYEWA$geometry)) # calculate distance between targetSites targetCentersYEWA <- st_centroid(YEWA_target_sites) targetCentersYEWA <- st_transform(targetCentersYEWA, 4326) targetDistYEWA <- distFromPos(st_coordinates(targetCentersYEWA$geometry))
We now have all the data in order to run estTransition
and then estStrength
Note - there was no overlap of data sources for individuals, i.e., we only had
one type of data for each bird - so we set the overlap setting to “none”. If
there are multiple types for an individual animal or only one type of data overall,
it's best to leave dataOverlapSetting
at its default ("dummy").
## Run analysis for psi system.time((psiYEWA <- estTransition(originSites = YEWA_origin_sites, targetSites = YEWA_target_sites, originPoints = originPointsYEWA, targetPoints = targetPointsYEWA, originAssignment = YEWA_genetics, originNames = originNames, targetNames = targetNames, nSamples = 10, # Set low for demonstration speed isGL = isGLYEWA, isTelemetry = isTelemetryYEWA, isRaster = isRasterYEWA, isProb = isProbYEWA, captured = capturedYEWA, geoBias = geoBiasYEWA, geoVCov = geoVCovYEWA, verbose = 2, maxTries = 400, resampleProjection = st_crs(YEWA_origin_sites), nSim = 40, dataOverlapSetting = "none", targetRelAbund = relAbundYEWAWint))) # Take a look at the results # psiYEWA
yewa_data <- list(originSites = YEWA_origin_sites, targetSites = YEWA_target_sites, originPoints = originPointsYEWA, targetPoints = targetPointsYEWA, originAssignment = YEWA_genetics, originNames = originNames, targetNames = targetNames, nSamples = 10, isGL = isGLYEWA, isTelemetry = isTelemetryYEWA, isRaster = isRasterYEWA, isProb = isProbYEWA, captured = capturedYEWA, geoBias = geoBiasYEWA, geoVCov = geoVCovYEWA, verbose = 2, maxTries = 400, resampleProjection = st_crs(YEWA_origin_sites), nSim = 40, dataOverlapSetting = "none", targetRelAbund = relAbundYEWAWint, originRelAbund = relAbundYEWABreed) #saveRDS(yewa_data,"../data-raw/yewa_estTrans_data.rds")
Plot the results using the built-in plotting function
par(mar = c(2,3,0,0)) plot(psiYEWA, legend = "top", cex = 0.4)
The code below is a repeatable example for how to calculate location bias and location error using coordinates derived from light-level geolocators (see @cohen_quantifying_2018) analyzed using the SGAT package [@wotherspoon_sgat_2017; @lisovski_light-level_2020].
# Load in projections data("projections") # Define deployment locations (winter) # captureLocations<-matrix(c(-77.93,18.04, # Jamaica -80.94,25.13, # Florida -66.86,17.97), # Puerto Rico nrow=3, ncol=2, byrow = TRUE) colnames(captureLocations) <- c("Longitude","Latitude") # Convert capture locations into SpatialPoints # CapLocs <- sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(captureLocations), coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"), crs = 4326) # Project Capture locations # CapLocsM<-sf::st_transform(CapLocs, 'ESRI:54027') # Retrieve raw non-breeding locations from github # First grab the identity of the bird so we can loop through the files # For this example we are only interested in the error # around non-breeding locations # here we grab only the birds captured during the non-breeding season # Using paste0 for vignette formatting purposes winterBirds <- dget(paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/", "SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity/master/", "data-raw/GL_NonBreedingFiles/winterBirds.txt")) # create empty list to store the location data # Non_breeding_files <- vector('list',length(winterBirds)) # Get raw location data from Github # for(i in 1:length(winterBirds)){ Non_breeding_files[[i]] <- dget(paste0("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/", "SMBC-NZP/MigConnectivity/master/data-raw/", "GL_NonBreedingFiles/NonBreeding_", winterBirds[i],".txt")) } # Remove locations around spring Equinox and potential migration points # same NB time frame as Hallworth et al. 2015 # two steps because subset on shapefile doesn't like it in a single step Non_breeding_files <- lapply(Non_breeding_files, FUN = function(x){ month <- as.numeric(format(x$Date,format = "%m")) x[which(month != 3 & month != 4),]}) Jam <- c(1:9) # locations w/in list of winterBirds captured in Jamaica Fla <- c(10:12) # locations w/in list of winterBirds in Florida PR <- c(13:16) # locations w/in list of winterBirds in Puerto Rico # Turn the locations into shapefiles # NB_GL <- lapply(Non_breeding_files, FUN = function(x){ sf::st_as_sf(data.frame(x), coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs = 4326)}) # Project into UTM projection # NB_GLmeters <- lapply(NB_GL, FUN = function(x){sf::st_transform(x,'ESRI:54027')}) # Process to determine geolocator bias and variance-covariance in meters # # generate empty vector to store data # LongError<-rep(NA,length(winterBirds)) LatError<-rep(NA,length(winterBirds)) # Calculate the error in longitude derived # from geolocators from the true capture location LongError[Jam] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Jam], FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]- sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[1,1])})) LongError[Fla] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Fla], FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]- sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[2,1])})) LongError[PR] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[PR], FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,1]- sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[3,1])})) # Calculate the error in latitude derived from # geolocators from the true capture location LatError[Jam] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Jam], FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]- sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[1,2])})) LatError[Fla] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[Fla], FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]- sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[2,2])})) LatError[PR] <- unlist(lapply(NB_GLmeters[PR], FUN = function(x){mean(sf::st_coordinates(x)[,2]- sf::st_coordinates(CapLocsM)[3,2])})) # Get co-variance matrix for error of # known non-breeding deployment sites # lm does multivariate normal models if you give it a matrix dependent variable! geo.error.model <- lm(cbind(LongError,LatError) ~ 1) geo.bias <- coef(geo.error.model) geo.vcov <- vcov(geo.error.model)
The code below is a repeatable example for how to calculate location bias and location error using location estimates derived from light-level geolocators analyzed in FLightR [@rakhimberdiev_flightr_2017; @lisovski_light-level_2020]. The geolocator data were processed and reported by @witynski_crosswise_2018.
# Capture locations # # See dates and summary data from Table 1. page 44. # Maine #129 # Maine #132 # Maine #136 # Maine #137 # Wisconsin #139 # Wisconsin #144 # Wisconsin #146 caplocs <- cbind(c(rep(-70.6142,4),rep(-87.8123,3)), c(rep(42.9891,4),rep(42.5000,3))) # Departures # departs <- as.POSIXct(c("2015-09-04","2015-08-22","2015-09-04","2015-08-28","2015-08-24","2015-08-24","2015-08-30")) # read in the daily location data # EstLocs <- read.csv("Yellow Warbler_Witynski (1).csv") YEWAsf <- st_as_sf(EstLocs, coords = c("location.long","location.lat"), crs = 4326) caplocs_sf <- st_as_sf(data.frame(bird = c(129,132,136,137,139,144,146), longitude = caplocs[,1], latitude = caplocs[,2]), coords = c("longitude","latitude"), crs = 4326) # project into meters # YEWAmeters <- sf::st_transform(YEWAsf,'ESRI:102010') CapMeters <- sf::st_transform(caplocs_sf, 'ESRI:102010') # split birds into their own data # YEWAests <- split(YEWAmeters, f=YEWAmeters$'individual.local.identifier') # Empirical estimates of bias and vcov, but on mean locations by bird ests2 <- mapply(x = YEWAests, lats = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,2], lng = st_coordinates(CapMeters)[,1], z = departs, FUN = function(x,lats,lng,z){ # keep only data from deployment until departure from breeding # newdata <- x[x$timestamp<z,] # calculate the difference in meters from estimated location # to actual capture location long <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,1]) - lng lat <- mean(st_coordinates(newdata)[,2]) - lats return(c(difflong = long, difflat = lat))}, SIMPLIFY = TRUE) (geoBiasYEWA <- apply(ests2, 1, mean)) #Bias # difflong difflat # -6512.898 50964.969 apply(ests2, 1, var) #Variances apply(ests2, 1, sd) (geoVCovYEWA <- cov(t(ests2))) #Variance-covariance matrix # difflong difflat # difflong 259401516 -894387951 # difflat -894387951 4708578511
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