# matrixt.R
# MixMatrix: Classification with Matrix Variate Normal and t distributions
# Copyright (C) 2018-9 GZ Thompson <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
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#' Distribution functions for the matrix variate t distribution.
#' Density and random generation for the matrix variate t distribution.
#' @name rmatrixt
#' @param n number of observations for generation
#' @param x quantile for density
#' @param df degrees of freedom (\eqn{>0}, may be non-integer),
#' `df = 0, Inf` is allowed and will return a normal distribution.
#' @param mean \eqn{p \times q}{p * q} This is really a 'shift' rather than a
#' mean, though the expected value will be equal to this if
#' \eqn{df > 2}
#' @param L \eqn{p \times p}{p * p} matrix specifying relations among the rows.
#' By default, an identity matrix.
#' @param R \eqn{q \times q}{q * q} matrix specifying relations among the
#' columns. By default, an identity matrix.
#' @param U \eqn{LL^T} - \eqn{p \times p}{p * p} positive definite matrix for
#' rows, computed from \eqn{L} if not specified.
#' @param V \eqn{R^T R} - \eqn{q \times q}{q * q} positive definite matrix for
#' columns, computed from \eqn{R} if not specified.
#' @param list Defaults to `FALSE` . If this is `TRUE` , then the
#' output will be a list of matrices.
#' @param array If \eqn{n = 1} and this is not specified and `list` is
#' `FALSE` , the function will return a matrix containing the one
#' observation. If \eqn{n > 1} , should be the opposite of `list` .
#' If `list` is `TRUE` , this will be ignored.
#' @param force In `rmatrix`: if `TRUE`, will take the input of
#' `R` directly - otherwise uses `V` and uses Cholesky
#' decompositions. Useful for generating degenerate t-distributions.
#' Will also override concerns about potentially singular matrices
#' unless they are not, in fact, invertible.
#' @param log logical; in `dmatrixt`, if `TRUE`, probabilities
#' `p` are given as `log(p)`.
#' @return `rmatrixt` returns either a list of \eqn{n}
#' \eqn{p \times q}{p * q} matrices or a
#' \eqn{p \times q \times n}{p * q * n}
#' array.
#' `dmatrixt` returns the density at `x`.
#' @references Gupta, Arjun K, and Daya K Nagar. 1999.
#' Matrix Variate Distributions.
#' Vol. 104. CRC Press. ISBN:978-1584880462
#' Dickey, James M. 1967. “Matricvariate Generalizations of the Multivariate t
#' Distribution and the Inverted Multivariate t
#' Distribution.” Ann. Math. Statist. 38 (2): 511–18.
#' \doi{10.1214/aoms/1177698967}
#' @details
#' The matrix \eqn{t}-distribution is parameterized slightly
#' differently from the univariate and multivariate \eqn{t}-distributions
#' - the variance is scaled by a factor of `1/df`.
#' In this parameterization, the variance for a \eqn{1 \times 1}{1 * 1} matrix
#' variate \eqn{t}-distributed random variable with identity variance matrices
#' is \eqn{1/(df-2)} instead of \eqn{df/(df-2)}. A Central Limit Theorem
#' for the matrix variate \eqn{T} is then that as `df` goes to
#' infinity, \eqn{MVT(0, df, I_p, df*I_q)} converges to
#' \eqn{MVN(0,I_p,I_q)}.
#' @seealso [rmatrixnorm()],
#' [rmatrixinvt()],[rt()] and
#' [stats::Distributions()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(20180202)
#' # random matrix with df = 10 and the given mean and L matrix
#' rmatrixt(
#' n = 1, df = 10, mean = matrix(c(100, 0, -100, 0, 25, -1000), nrow = 2),
#' L = matrix(c(2, 1, 0, .1), nrow = 2), list = FALSE
#' )
#' # comparing 1-D distribution of t to matrix
#' summary(rt(n = 100, df = 10))
#' summary(rmatrixt(n = 100, df = 10, matrix(0)))
#' # demonstrating equivalence of 1x1 matrix t to usual t
#' set.seed(20180204)
#' x <- rmatrixt(n = 1, mean = matrix(0), df = 1)
#' dt(x, 1)
#' dmatrixt(x, df = 1)
rmatrixt <- function(n, df, mean,
L = diag(dim(as.matrix(mean))[1]),
R = diag(dim(as.matrix(mean))[2]), U = L %*% t(L),
V = t(R) %*% R,
list = FALSE,
array = NULL,
force = FALSE) {
if (!(allnumeric_stop(n, df, mean, L, R, U, V))) {
stop("Non-numeric input. ")
if (!(n > 0)) {
stop("n must be > 0. n =", n)
if (length(df) != 1) stop("Length of df must be 1. length = ", length(df))
if (((is.null(df)) || || (df < 0))) {
stop("df must be >= 0. df =", df)
if (df == 0 || is.infinite(df)) {
n = n, mean = mean, U = U,
V = V, list = list, array = array
mean <- as.matrix(mean)
u_mat <- as.matrix(U)
v_mat <- as.matrix(V)
dims <- dim(mean)
dim_result <- dimcheck_stop(u_mat, v_mat, dims)
if (!(dim_result == "ok")) stop(dim_result)
if (force && !missing(R)) chol_v <- R else chol_v <- chol(v_mat)
if (min(diag(chol_v)) < 1e-6 && !force) {
"Potentially singular covariance, use force = TRUE if intended. ",
nobs <- prod(dims) * n
mat <- array(stats::rnorm(nobs), dim = c(dims, n))
chol_u <- CholWishart::rInvCholWishart(n, df + dims[1] - 1, u_mat)
result <- array(dim = c(dims, n))
for (i in seq(n)) {
result[, , i] <- mean + (crossprod(chol_u[, , i], mat[, , i])) %*% (chol_v)
if (n == 1 && list == FALSE && is.null(array)) {
return(array(result[, , 1], dim = dims[1:2]))
# if n = 1 and you don't specify arguments, it just returns a matrix
if (list) {
return(lapply(seq(dim(result)[3]), function(x) result[, , x]))
if (!(list) && !(is.null(array))) {
if (!(array)) {
warning("list FALSE and array FALSE, returning array")
#' @rdname rmatrixt
#' @export
dmatrixt <- function(x, df, mean = matrix(0, p, n),
L = diag(p),
R = diag(n), U = L %*% t(L),
V = t(R) %*% R, log = FALSE) {
dims <- dim(x)
if (is.null(dims) || length(dims) == 1) x <- matrix(x)
dims <- dim(x)
if (length(dims) == 2) x <- array(x, dim = (dims <- c(dims, 1)))
p <- dims[1]
n <- dims[2]
if (!(allnumeric_stop((x), df, (mean), (L), (R), (U), (V)))) {
stop("Non-numeric input. ")
if (length(df) != 1) stop("Length of df must be 1. length = ", length(df))
if (((is.null(df)) || || (df < 0))) {
stop("df must be >= 0. df =", df)
mean <- as.matrix(mean)
u_mat <- as.matrix(U)
v_mat <- as.matrix(V)
dim_result <- dimcheck_stop(u_mat, v_mat, dims)
if (!(dim_result == "ok")) stop(dim_result)
if ((df == 0 || is.infinite(df))) {
return(dmatrixnorm(x, mean = mean, U = u_mat, V = v_mat, log = log))
# gammas is constant
# this could be shifted into C++ but I don't want to pull out of CholWishart
gammas <- as.numeric(CholWishart::lmvgamma(
(0.5) * (df + dims[1] + dims[2] - 1),
) -
0.5 * dims[1] * dims[2] * log(pi) -
CholWishart::lmvgamma(0.5 * (df + dims[1] - 1), dims[1]))
results <- as.numeric(dmat_t_calc(x, df, mean, u_mat, v_mat))
results <- results + gammas
if (log) {
} else {
#' @title Distribution functions for matrix variate inverted t distributions
#' @description Generate random samples from the inverted matrix
#' variate t distribution or compute densities.
#' @name rmatrixinvt
#' @rdname rmatrixinvt
#' @inheritParams rmatrixt
#' @return `rmatrixinvt` returns either a list of \eqn{n}
#' \eqn{p \times q}{p * q} matrices or
#' a \eqn{p \times q \times n}{p * q * n} array.
#' `dmatrixinvt` returns the density at `x`.
#' @seealso [rmatrixnorm()], [rmatrixt()],
#' and [stats::Distributions()].
#' @references Gupta, Arjun K, and Daya K Nagar. 1999.
#' Matrix Variate Distributions.
#' Vol. 104. CRC Press. ISBN:978-1584880462
#' Dickey, James M. 1967. “Matricvariate Generalizations of the Multivariate t
#' Distribution and the Inverted Multivariate t
#' Distribution.” Ann. Math. Statist. 38 (2): 511–18.
#' \doi{10.1214/aoms/1177698967}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # an example of drawing from the distribution and computing the density.
#' A <- rmatrixinvt(n = 2, df = 10, diag(4))
#' dmatrixinvt(A[, , 1], df = 10, mean = diag(4))
rmatrixinvt <- function(n, df, mean,
L = diag(dim(as.matrix(mean))[1]),
R = diag(dim(as.matrix(mean))[2]),
U = L %*% t(L), V = t(R) %*% R,
list = FALSE, array = NULL) {
if (!(allnumeric_stop(n, df, (mean), (L), (R), (U), (V)))) {
stop("Non-numeric input. ")
if (length(df) != 1) stop("Length of df must be 1. length = ", length(df))
if (((is.null(df)) || || (df < 0))) {
stop("df must be >= 0. df =", df)
if (!(n > 0)) {
stop("n must be > 0.", n)
mean <- as.matrix(mean)
u_mat <- as.matrix(U)
v_mat <- as.matrix(V)
dims <- dim(mean)
# checks for conformable matrix dimensions
dim_result <- dimcheck_stop(u_mat, v_mat, dims)
if (!(dim_result == "ok")) stop(dim_result)
nobs <- prod(dims) * n
mat <- array(stats::rnorm(nobs), dim = c(dims, n))
s_mat <- stats::rWishart(n, df + dims[1] - 1, diag(dims[1]))
result <- rmat_inv_t_calc(s_mat, mat, u_mat, v_mat, mean)
if (n == 1 && list == FALSE && is.null(array)) {
return(array(result[, , 1], dim = dims[1:2]))
# if n = 1 and you don't specify arguments, it just returns a matrix
if (list) {
return(lapply(seq(dim(result)[3]), function(x) result[, , x]))
if (!(list) && !(is.null(array))) {
if (!(array)) {
warning("list FALSE and array FALSE, returning array")
#' @rdname rmatrixinvt
#' @export
dmatrixinvt <- function(x, df, mean = matrix(0, p, n), L = diag(p),
R = diag(n), U = L %*% t(L), V = t(R) %*% R,
log = FALSE) {
dims <- dim(x)
if (is.null(dims) || length(dims) == 1) x <- matrix(x)
dims <- dim(x)
if (length(dims) == 2) x <- array(x, dim = (dims <- c(dims, 1)))
p <- dims[1]
n <- dims[2]
if (!(allnumeric_stop((x), df, (mean), (L), (R), (U), (V)))) {
stop("Non-numeric input. ")
if (length(df) != 1) stop("Length of df must be 1. length = ", length(df))
if (((is.null(df)) || || (df < 0))) {
stop("df must be >= 0. df =", df)
mean <- as.matrix(mean)
u_mat <- as.matrix(U)
v_mat <- as.matrix(V)
dim_result <- dimcheck_stop(u_mat, v_mat, dims)
if (!(dim_result == "ok")) stop(dim_result)
gammas <- as.numeric(
CholWishart::lmvgamma((0.5) * (df + dims[1] + dims[2] - 1), dims[1]) -
0.5 * prod(dims[1:2]) * log(pi) -
CholWishart::lmvgamma(0.5 * (df + dims[1] - 1), dims[1])
results <- as.numeric(dmat_inv_t_calc(x, df, mean, u_mat, v_mat))
if (any(is.nan(results))) {
warning("warning: probability distribution undefined when det < 0.")
results <- gammas + results
if (log) {
} else {
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