
# Brian Stock
# March 8, 2016
# Script file to run wolves example without GUI

# Load MixSIAR package

# Load mixture data, i.e. your:
#    Consumer isotope values (trophic ecology / diet)
#    Mixed sediment/water tracer values (sediment/hydrology fingerprinting)

# 'filename' - name of the CSV file with mix/consumer data
# 'iso_names' - column headings of the tracers/isotopes you'd like to use
# 'random_effects' - column headings of any random effects
# 'cont_effects' - column headings of any continuous effects

# 'iso_names', 'random_effects', and 'cont_effects' can be a subset of your columns
#   i.e. have 3 isotopes in file but only want MixSIAR to use 2,
#   or have data by Region and Pack but only want MixSIAR to use Region

# To run on your data, replace the system.file call with the path to your file
mix.filename <- system.file("extdata", "wolves_consumer.csv", package = "MixSIAR")

# Load mixture data
mix <- load_mix_data(filename=mix.filename, 

# Load source data, i.e. your:
#    Source isotope values (trophic ecology / diet)
#    Sediment/water source tracer values (sediment/hydrology fingerprinting)

# 'filename': name of the CSV file with source data
# 'source_factors': column headings of random/fixed effects you have source data by
# 'conc_dep': TRUE or FALSE, do you have concentration dependence data in the file?
# 'data_type': "means" or "raw", is your source data as means+SD, or do you have raw data

# To run on your data, replace the system.file call with the path to your file
source.filename <- system.file("extdata", "wolves_sources.csv", package = "MixSIAR")

# Load source data
source <- load_source_data(filename=source.filename, source_factors="Region", 
                            conc_dep=FALSE, data_type="means", mix)

# Load discrimination data, i.e. your:
#    Trophic Enrichment Factor (TEF) / fractionation values (trophic ecology/diet)
#    xxxxxxxx (sediment/hydrology fingerprinting)

# 'filename' - name of the CSV file with discrimination data

# To run on your data, replace the system.file call with the path to your file
discr.filename <- system.file("extdata", "wolves_discrimination.csv", package = "MixSIAR")

# Load discrimination data
discr <- load_discr_data(filename=discr.filename, mix)

# Make isospace plot
# Are the data loaded correctly?
# Is your mixture data in the source polygon?
# Are one or more of your sources confounded/hidden?

# 'filename' - name you'd like MixSIAR to save the isospace plot as 
#              (extension will be added automatically)
# 'plot_save_pdf' - TRUE or FALSE, should MixSIAR save the plot as a .pdf?
# 'plot_save_png' - TRUE or FALSE, should MixSIAR save the plot as a .png?


# If 2 isotopes/tracers, calculate normalized surface area of the convex hull polygon(s)
#   *Note 1: discrimination SD is added to the source SD (see calc_area.R for details)
#   *Note 2: If source data are by factor (as in wolf ex), computes area for each polygon
#             (one for each of 3 regions in wolf ex)
if(mix$n.iso==2) calc_area(source=source,mix=mix,discr=discr)

# Define your prior, and then plot using "plot_prior"
#   RED = your prior
#   DARK GREY = "uninformative"/generalist (alpha = 1)
#   LIGHT GREY = "uninformative" Jeffrey's prior (alpha = 1/n.sources)

# default "UNINFORMATIVE" / GENERALIST prior (alpha = 1)

# Write JAGS model file (define model structure)
# Model will be saved as 'model_filename' ("MixSIAR_model.txt" is default,
#    but may want to change if in a loop)

# There are 3 error term options available:
#   1. Residual * Process (resid_err = TRUE, process_err = TRUE)
#   2. Residual only (resid_err = TRUE, process_err = FALSE)
#   3. Process only (resid_err = FALSE, process_err = TRUE)

# 'model_filename': don't need to change, unless you create many different models
# 'resid_err': include residual error in the model?
# 'process_err': include process error in the model?

#  *Note: If you have only 1 mix datapoint, you have no information about the 
#         mixture/consumer variability. In this case, we ues the original MixSIR
#         error model (which does not fit a residual error term).
#         This is the same behavior as 'siarsolo' in SIAR.

model_filename <- "MixSIAR_model.txt"
resid_err <- TRUE
process_err <- TRUE
write_JAGS_model(model_filename, resid_err, process_err, mix, source)

# Run model
# JAGS output will be saved as 'jags.1'

# MCMC run options:
# run <- "test"       # chainLength=1000, burn=500, thin=1, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE
# run <- "very short" # chainLength=10000, burn=5000, thin=5, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE
# run <- "short"      # chainLength=50000, burn=25000, thin=25, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE
# run <- "normal"     # chainLength=100000, burn=50000, thin=50, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE
# run <- "long"       # chainLength=300000, burn=200000, thin=100, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE
# run <- "very long"  # chainLength=1000000, burn=500000, thin=500, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE
# run <- "extreme"    # chainLength=3000000, burn=1500000, thin=500, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE

# Can also set custom MCMC parameters
# run <- list(chainLength=200000, burn=150000, thin=50, chains=3, calcDIC=TRUE)

# Good idea to use 'test' first to check if
#   1) the data are loaded correctly, and 
#   2) the model is specified correctly
jags.1 <- run_model(run="test", mix, source, discr, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1)

# After a test run works, increase the MCMC run to a value that may converge
# jags.1 <- run_model(run="normal", mix, source, discr, model_filename, alpha.prior = 1)

# Process JAGS output

# Choose output options (see ?output_options for details)
output_options <- list(summary_save = TRUE,                 
                       summary_name = "summary_statistics", 
                       sup_post = FALSE,                    
                       plot_post_save_pdf = TRUE,           
                       plot_post_name = "posterior_density",
                       sup_pairs = FALSE,             
                       plot_pairs_save_pdf = TRUE,    
                       plot_pairs_name = "pairs_plot",
                       sup_xy = TRUE,           
                       plot_xy_save_pdf = FALSE,
                       plot_xy_name = "xy_plot",
                       gelman = TRUE,
                       heidel = FALSE,  
                       geweke = TRUE,   
                       diag_save = TRUE,
                       diag_name = "diagnostics",
                       indiv_effect = FALSE,       
                       plot_post_save_png = FALSE, 
                       plot_pairs_save_png = FALSE,
                       plot_xy_save_png = FALSE,
                       diag_save_ggmcmc = FALSE)

# Create diagnostics, summary statistics, and posterior plots
output_JAGS(jags.1, mix, source, output_options)

Try the MixSIAR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

MixSIAR documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 6:45 p.m.