### ###
### Summarize MixtureMissing ###
### ###
#' Summary for MixtureMissing
#' Summarizes main information regarding a \code{MixtureMissing} object.
#' @param object A \code{MixtureMissing} object or an output of \link[MixtureMissing]{select_mixture}.
#' In the latter, only the best model will be considered.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters.
#' @return No return value, called to summarize the fitted model's results
#' @details Information includes the model used to fit the data set, initialization
#' method, clustering table, total outliers, outliers per cluster, mixing proportions,
#' component means and variances, final log-likelihood value, information criteria.
#' @examples
#' #++++ With no missing values ++++#
#' X <- auto[, c('horsepower', 'highway_mpg', 'price')]
#' mod <- MCNM(X, G = 2, init_method = 'kmedoids', max_iter = 10)
#' summary(mod)
#' #++++ With missing values ++++#
#' X <- auto[, c('normalized_losses', 'horsepower', 'highway_mpg', 'price')]
#' mod <- MCNM(X, G = 2, init_method = 'kmedoids', max_iter = 10)
#' summary(mod)
#' @export
summary.MixtureMissing <- function(object, ...) {
if (!inherits(object, "MixtureMissing")) {
object <- try(object$best_mod, silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(object, "MixtureMissing")) {
stop("object not of class 'MixtureMissing'")
m_codes <- c('CN', 'GH',
'NIG', 'SNIG',
'SC', 'C',
'St', 't', 'N',
'SGH', 'HUM',
'H', 'SH')
m_names <- c('Contaminated Normal', 'Generalized Hyperbolic',
'Normal-Inverse Gaussian', 'Symmetric Normal-Inverse Gaussian',
'Skew-Cauchy', 'Cauchy',
'Skew-t', 't', 'Normal',
'Symmetric Generalized Hyperbolic', 'Hyperbolic Univariate Marginals',
'Hyperbolic', 'Symmetric Hyperbolic')
incomplete_data <- grepl('incomplete', object$model)
G <- length(object$pi)
G_comps <- paste(G, '-Component', sep = '')
if (incomplete_data) {
model_code <- gsub('_incomplete_data', '', object$model)
cat('\nModel:', G_comps, m_names[match(model_code, m_codes)], 'Mixture with Incomplete Data\n')
} else {
model_code <- gsub('_complete_data', '', object$model)
cat('\nModel:', G_comps, m_names[match(model_code, m_codes)], 'Mixture with Complete Data\n')
if (incomplete_data) {
mis_cases <- apply( object$complete, 1, function(ro) any(!ro) )
cat('\nObservations with missing values:', sum(mis_cases), '/', nrow(object$data), '\n')
cat('\nMissing values per variable:\n')
complete_matr <- object$complete
if (is.null(colnames(complete_matr))) {
colnames(complete_matr) <- paste0('V', 1:ncol(complete_matr))
cat('\nIterations:', object$iter_stop, '/', object$max_iter)
if (G == 1) {
cat('\n\nInitialization: None')
} else {
cat('\n\nInitialization:', object$init_method)
cat("\n\nComponent frequency table:\n")
tab <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 1, ncol = G)
rownames(tab) <- ''
colnames(tab) <- paste('comp', 1:G, sep = '')
for (g in 1:G) {
tab[, g] <- sum(object$clusters == g)
if (model_code %in% c('CN', 't')) {
cat('\nTotal outliers:', sum(object$outliers), '\n')
cat('\nOutliers per component:\n')
outliers <- object$outliers
if (is.null(outliers)) {
outliers <- rep(FALSE, length(object$clusters))
for (g in 1:G) {
tab[, g] <- sum(object$clusters == g & outliers)
cat('\nMixing proportions:\n')
cat('\nComponent location vectors:\n')
cat('\nComponent dispersion matrices:\n')
cat('\nFinal log-likelihood:', object$final_loglik, '\n')
cat('\nTotal parameters:', object$npar$total, '\n')
cat('\nInformation Criteria:\n')
AIC = object$AIC,
BIC = object$BIC,
KIC = object$KIC,
KICc = object$KICc,
AIC3 = object$AIC3,
CAIC = object$CAIC,
AICc = object$AICc,
ICL = object$ICL,
AWE = object$AWE,
CLC = object$CLC,
row.names = ''
### ###
### Print MixtureMissing ###
### ###
#' Print for MixtureMissing
#' Print \code{MixtureMissing} object.
#' @param x A \code{MixtureMissing} object or an output of \link[MixtureMissing]{select_mixture}.
#' In the latter, only the best model will be considered.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return No return value, called to print the fitted model's description.
#' @details The description includes information on the complete or incomplete data,
#' number of clusters, and component distribution.
#' @examples
#' #++++ With no missing values ++++#
#' X <- iris[, 1:4]
#' mod <- MGHM(X, G = 2, model = 'GH', max_iter = 10)
#' print(mod)
#' #++++ With missing values ++++#
#' set.seed(123)
#' X <- hide_values(iris[, 1:4], n_cases = 20)
#' mod <- MGHM(X, G = 2, model = 'GH', max_iter = 10)
#' print(mod)
#' @export
print.MixtureMissing <- function(x, ...) {
object <- x
if(!inherits(object, "MixtureMissing")) {
object <- try(x$best_mod, silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(object, "MixtureMissing")) {
stop("object not of class 'MixtureMissing'")
G <- length(object$pi)
m_codes <- c('CN', 'GH',
'NIG', 'SNIG',
'SC', 'C',
'St', 't', 'N',
'SGH', 'HUM',
'H', 'SH')
m_names <- c('Contaminated Normal', 'Generalized Hyperbolic',
'Normal-Inverse Gaussian', 'Symmetric Normal-Inverse Gaussian',
'Skew-Cauchy', 'Cauchy',
'Skew-t', 't', 'Normal',
'Symmetric Generalized Hyperbolic', 'Hyperbolic Univariate Marginals',
'Hyperbolic', 'Symmetric Hyperbolic')
incomplete_data <- grepl('incomplete', object$model)
if (incomplete_data) {
model_code <- gsub('_incomplete_data', '', object$model)
} else {
model_code <- gsub('_complete_data', '', object$model)
cat('\nThe fitted mixture model is based on ', ifelse(incomplete_data, 'incomplete', 'complete'), ' data, G = ', G,
', and the ', m_names[match(model_code, m_codes)], ' distribution.\n\n', sep = '')
### ###
### Plot MixtureMissing ###
### ###
#' MixtureMissing Plotting
#' Provide four model-based clustering plots for a \code{MixtureMissing} object. The options
#' include (1) pairwise scatter plots showing cluster memberships and highlighting outliers denoted by triangles;
#' (2) pairwise scatter plots highlighting in red observations whose values are missing but are replaced by
#' expectations obtained in the EM algorithm; (3) parallel plot of up to the first 10 variables of a multivariate
#' data set; and (4) plots of estimated density in the form of contours. A single or multiple options
#' can be specified. In the latter case, interactive mode will be triggered for the user to choose.
#' @param x A \code{MixtureMissing} object or an output of \link[MixtureMissing]{select_mixture}.
#' In the latter, only the best model will be considered.
#' @param what A string or a character vector specifying the desired plots. See the details section for
#' a list of available plots.
#' @param nlevels Number of contour levels desired; 15 by default.
#' @param drawlabels Contour levels are labelled if \code{TRUE}.
#' @param addpoints Colored points showing cluster memberships are added if \code{TRUE}.
#' @param cex.point A numerical value giving the amount by which data points should be magnified relative to the default.
#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation.
#' @param cex.labels A numerical value to control the character size of variable labels.
#' @param lwd The contour line width, a positive number, defaulting to 1.
#' @param col_line The color of contour; "gray" by default.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters.
#' @return No return value, called to visualize the fitted model's results
#' @details The plots that can be retrieved include
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{what = "classification"} - Pairwise scatter plots showing cluster memberships
#' and highlighting outliers denoted by triangles.
#' \item If \code{what = "missing"} - Pairwise scatter plots highlighting in red observations
#' whose values are missing but are replaced by expectations obtained in the EM algorithm.
#' \item If \code{what = "parallel"} - Parallel plot of up to the first 10 variables of a multivariate
#' data set.
#' \item If \code{what = "density"} - Plots of estimated density in the form of contours.
#' }
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' X <- hide_values(iris[, 1:4], n_cases = 20)
#' mod <- MCNM(X, G = 2, max_iter = 10)
#' plot(mod, what = 'classification')
#' @importFrom graphics axis barplot legend matplot plot layout points text contour
#' @importFrom graphics pairs par
#' @importFrom MASS parcoord
#' @importFrom utils menu
#' @export
plot.MixtureMissing <- function(
what = c("classification", "missing", "parallel", "density"),
nlevels = 15,
drawlabels = TRUE,
addpoints = TRUE,
cex.point = 1,
cex.axis = 1,
cex.labels = 2,
lwd = 1,
col_line = "gray",
) {
#++++ Save current graphical parameters to reset ++++#
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#++++ Extract object information ++++#
object <- x
if (!inherits(object, "MixtureMissing")) {
object <- try(x$best_mod, silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(object, "MixtureMissing")) {
stop("object not of class 'MixtureMissing'")
pch_good <- 16
pch_bad <- 17
col_complete <- 'black'
col_incomplete <- '#e41a1c'
X_imp <- object$data
d <- ncol(X_imp)
d <- ifelse(is.null(d), 1, d)
if (d == 1) {
stop('The data set must be at least bivariate')
G <- length(object$pi)
clusters <- object$clusters
model <- object$model
complete_obs <- apply(object$complete, 1, all)
outliers <- object$outliers
if (is.null(outliers)) {
outliers <- rep(FALSE, length(clusters))
#++++ Prepare color palette ++++#
if (G <= 8) {
cols <- c('#377eb8', '#e41a1c', '#4daf4a', '#984ea3',
'#ff7f00', '#a65628', '#f781bf', '#ffff33')
col_clusters <- rep(NA_real_, G)
for (g in 1:G) {
col_clusters[clusters == g] <- cols[g]
} else {
col_clusters <- clusters
#++++ Plot according to user choice ++++#
what <- unique(what)
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
if (interactive()) {
if (length(what) == 1) {
choice <- 1
} else {
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = "\nModel-based clustering plots:")
while (choice != 0) {
### Classification
if (what[choice] == 'classification') {
if (d > 2) {
pairs(X_imp, col = col_clusters, pch = ifelse(outliers, pch_bad, pch_good),
main = '', cex = cex.point, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.labels = cex.labels)
} else {
plot(X_imp, col = col_clusters, pch = ifelse(outliers, pch_bad, pch_good),
main = '', cex = cex.point, cex.axis = cex.axis)
### Missing values imputed
if (what[choice] == 'missing') {
if ( grepl('incomplete', model) ) {
if (d > 2) {
pairs(X_imp, col = ifelse(complete_obs, col_complete, col_incomplete),
pch = ifelse(outliers, pch_bad, pch_good),
main = '', cex = cex.point, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.labels = cex.labels)
} else {
plot(X_imp, col = ifelse(complete_obs, col_complete, col_incomplete),
pch = ifelse(outliers, pch_bad, pch_good),
main = '', cex = cex.point, cex.axis = cex.axis)
} else {
if (d > 2) {
pairs(X_imp, col = col_complete, pch = pch_good,
main = '', cex = cex.point, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex.labels = cex.labels)
} else {
plot(X_imp, col = col_complete, pch = pch_good,
main = '', cex = cex.point, cex.axis = cex.axis)
### Parallel plot
if (what[choice] == 'parallel') {
if (d < 10) {
parcoord(X_imp, col= col_clusters, main = '', cex.axis = cex.axis, lwd = lwd)
} else{
parcoord(X_imp[, 1:10], col = col_clusters, main = '', cex.axis = cex.axis, lwd = lwd)
### Density contour plot
if (what[choice] == 'density') {
# if (d > 10) {
# X_imp <- X_imp[, 1:10]
# d <- 10
# }
### Obtain model code
# m_codes <- c('CN', 'GH',
# 'NIG', 'SNIG',
# 'SC', 'C',
# 'St', 't', 'N',
# 'SGH', 'HUM',
# 'H', 'SH')
incomplete_data <- grepl('incomplete', object$model)
if (incomplete_data) {
model_code <- gsub('_incomplete_data', '', object$model)
} else {
model_code <- gsub('_complete_data', '', object$model)
#++++ Fill the upper triangle with numbers starting from 1 ++++#
matr <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = d)
m_upp <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = d)
m_low <- matrix(0, nrow = d, ncol = d)
len <- length(matr[upper.tri(matr, diag = FALSE)])
# m_upp[upper.tri(m_upp)] <- seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = len)
# m_low[lower.tri(m_low)] <- seq(from = 2, by = 2, length.out = len)
m_upp[lower.tri(m_upp)] <- seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = len)
m_upp <- t(m_upp)
m_low[lower.tri(m_low)] <- seq(from = 2, by = 2, length.out = len)
matr <- m_upp + m_low
diag(matr) <- (max(matr) + 1):(max(matr) + d)
below <- matr[d, seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = d %/% 2)]
left <- matr[seq(from = 2, by = 2, length.out = d %/% 2), 1]
above <- matr[1, seq(from = 2, by = 2, length.out = d %/% 2)]
right <- matr[seq(from = 1, by = 2, length.out = d %/% 2), d]
oma = c(4, 4, 4, 4),
mar = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
#++++ Plot according to the model ++++#
zero_matr <- matrix(0, nrow = 60, ncol = 60)
iter <- 0
### Contaminated Normal
if (model_code == 'CN') {
prior <- object$pi
mu <- object$mu
Sigma <- object$Sigma
alpha <- object$alpha
eta <- object$eta
for (ii in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (jj in (ii + 1):d) {
in1 <- jj
in2 <- ii
x.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in1]), max(X_imp[, in1]), length.out = 60)
y.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in2]), max(X_imp[, in2]), length.out = 60)
XY <- cbind(x.v, y.v)
xyS <- zero_matr
for (g in 1:G) {
dens_g <- outer(
X = x.v,
Y = y.v,
FUN = bivariate_dCN,
mu = mu[g, c(in1, in2)], Sigma = Sigma[c(in1, in2), c(in1, in2), g],
alpha = alpha[g], eta = eta[g]
xyS <- xyS + prior[g] * dens_g
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = x.v, y = y.v, z = xyS, col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in1, in2)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = y.v, y = x.v, z = t(xyS), col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in2, in1)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
} # end for loop
} # end if (model_code == 'CN')
### Generalized Hyperbolic
### Normal-Inverse Gaussian
### Skew Normal-Inverse Gaussian
### Symmetric Generalized Hyperbolic
### Hyperbolic Univarate Marginals
### Hyperbolic
### Symmetric Hyperbolic
if (model_code %in% c('GH', 'NIG', 'SNIG', 'SGH', 'HUM', 'H', 'SH')) {
prior <- object$pi
mu <- object$mu
Sigma <- object$Sigma
beta <- object$beta
lambda <- object$lambda
omega <- object$omega
for (ii in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (jj in (ii + 1):d) {
in1 <- jj
in2 <- ii
x.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in1]), max(X_imp[, in1]), length.out = 60)
y.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in2]), max(X_imp[, in2]), length.out = 60)
XY <- cbind(x.v, y.v)
xyS <- zero_matr
for (g in 1:G) {
dens_g <- outer(
X = x.v,
Y = y.v,
FUN = bivariate_dGH,
mu = mu[g, c(in1, in2)], Sigma = Sigma[c(in1, in2), c(in1, in2), g],
beta = beta[g, c(in1, in2)], lambda = lambda[g], omega = omega[g]
xyS <- xyS + prior[g] * dens_g
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = x.v, y = y.v, z = xyS, col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in1, in2)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = y.v, y = x.v, z = t(xyS), col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in2, in1)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
} # end for loop
} # end if (model_code %in% c('GH', 'NIG', 'SNIG', 'SGH', 'HUM', 'H', 'SH'))
### Skew-t
### Skew-Cauchy
if (model_code %in% c('St', 'SC')) {
prior <- object$pi
mu <- object$mu
Sigma <- object$Sigma
beta <- object$beta
if (model_code == 'St') {
df <- object$df
} else {
df <- rep(1, G)
for (ii in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (jj in (ii + 1):d) {
in1 <- jj
in2 <- ii
x.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in1]), max(X_imp[, in1]), length.out = 60)
y.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in2]), max(X_imp[, in2]), length.out = 60)
XY <- cbind(x.v, y.v)
xyS <- zero_matr
for (g in 1:G) {
dens_g <- outer(
X = x.v,
Y = y.v,
FUN = bivariate_dSt,
mu = mu[g, c(in1, in2)], Sigma = Sigma[c(in1, in2), c(in1, in2), g],
beta = beta[g, c(in1, in2)], df = df[g]
xyS <- xyS + prior[g] * dens_g
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = x.v, y = y.v, z = xyS, col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in1, in2)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = y.v, y = x.v, z = t(xyS), col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in2, in1)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
} # end for loop
} # end if (model_code %in% c('St', 'SC'))
### t
### Cauchy
if (model_code %in% c('t', 'C')) {
prior <- object$pi
mu <- object$mu
Sigma <- object$Sigma
if (model_code == 't') {
df <- object$df
} else {
df <- rep(1, G)
for (ii in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (jj in (ii + 1):d) {
in1 <- jj
in2 <- ii
x.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in1]), max(X_imp[, in1]), length.out = 60)
y.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in2]), max(X_imp[, in2]), length.out = 60)
XY <- cbind(x.v, y.v)
xyS <- zero_matr
for (g in 1:G) {
dens_g <- outer(
X = x.v,
Y = y.v,
FUN = bivariate_dmvt,
delta = mu[g, c(in1, in2)], sigma = Sigma[c(in1, in2), c(in1, in2), g], df = df[g]
xyS <- xyS + prior[g] * dens_g
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = x.v, y = y.v, z = xyS, col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in1, in2)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = y.v, y = x.v, z = t(xyS), col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in2, in1)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
} # end for loop
} # end if (model_code %in% c('t', 'C'))
### Normal
if (model_code == 'N') {
prior <- object$pi
mu <- object$mu
Sigma <- object$Sigma
for (ii in 1:(d - 1)) {
for (jj in (ii + 1):d) {
in1 <- jj
in2 <- ii
x.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in1]), max(X_imp[, in1]), length.out = 60)
y.v <- seq(min(X_imp[, in2]), max(X_imp[, in2]), length.out = 60)
XY <- cbind(x.v, y.v)
xyS <- zero_matr
for (g in 1:G) {
dens_g <- outer(
X = x.v,
Y = y.v,
FUN = bivariate_dmvnorm,
mean = mu[g, c(in1, in2)], sigma = Sigma[c(in1, in2), c(in1, in2), g]
xyS <- xyS + prior[g] * dens_g
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = x.v, y = y.v, z = xyS, col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in1, in2)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
iter <- iter + 1
contour(x = y.v, y = x.v, z = t(xyS), col = col_line, lwd = lwd,
nlevels = nlevels, drawlabels = drawlabels,
xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE)
if (iter %in% below) axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% left) axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% above) axis(3, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (iter %in% right) axis(4, cex.axis = cex.axis)
if (addpoints) {
points(X_imp[, c(in2, in1)], pch = 16, col = col_clusters, cex = cex.point)
} # end for loop
} # end if (model_code == 'N')
for(j in 1:d){
plot(1, xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n', ann = FALSE,
xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), col = 'white')
text(0.5, 0.5, colnames(X_imp)[j], cex = cex.labels)
if (length(what) == 1) {
choice <- 0
} else {
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = "\nModel-based clustering plots:")
} # while (choice != 0)
### ###
### Bivariate Contaminated Normal Density ###
### ###
bivariate_dCN <- function(
mu = rep(0, 2), # location
Sigma = diag(2), # dispersion
alpha = 0.99, # proportion of good observations
eta = 1.01, # degree of contamination
log = FALSE
) {
# Input Checking #
if (length(mu) != 2) {
stop('mu must be a vector of length 2')
if (nrow(Sigma) != 2 | ncol(Sigma) != 2) {
stop('Sigma must be a 2 x 2 matrix')
if (alpha < 0 | alpha > 1) {
stop('alpha must be between 0 and 1')
if (eta <= 0) {
stop('eta must be greater than 0')
xy <- cbind(x, y)
good_norm <- exp( mvtnorm::dmvnorm(xy, mu, Sigma, log = TRUE) )
bad_norm <- exp( mvtnorm::dmvnorm(xy, mu, eta * Sigma, log = TRUE) )
den <- alpha * good_norm + (1 - alpha) * bad_norm
den[den <= 10^(-323)] <- 10^(-323)
### ###
### Bivariate Generalized Hyperbolic Density ###
### ###
bivariate_dGH <- function(
mu = rep(0, 2), # location
Sigma = diag(2), # dispersion
beta = rep(0, 2), # skewness
lambda = 0.5, # index
omega = 1, # concentration
log = FALSE
) {
# Input Checking #
if (length(mu) != 2) {
stop('mu must be a vector of length 2')
if (nrow(Sigma) != 2 | ncol(Sigma) != 2) {
stop('Sigma must be a 2 x 2 matrix')
if (length(beta) != 2) {
stop('beta must be a vector of length 2')
if (omega <= 0) {
stop('omega must be positive')
if (is.nan(log(det(Sigma)))) {
Sigma <- diag(2)
X <- cbind(x, y)
d <- 2
X_centrd <- sweep(X, 2, mu, '-')
Sigma_inv <- solve(Sigma)
psi <- c(omega + t(beta) %*% Sigma_inv %*% beta)
chi <- omega + mahalanobis(X, center = mu, cov = Sigma_inv, inverted = TRUE)
s1 <- sqrt(psi * chi)
res <- (lambda - d/2) * log(s1) + (d/2 - lambda) * log(psi)
res <- res + log(besselK(s1, nu = lambda - d/2, expon.scaled = TRUE)) - s1
res <- res - d/2 * (log(2) + log(pi)) - 1/2 * log(det(Sigma))
res <- res + omega - log(besselK(omega, nu = lambda, expon.scaled = TRUE))
res <- res + X_centrd %*% Sigma_inv %*% beta
if (!log) {
res <- c(exp(res))
res[res <= 10^(-323)] <- 10^(-323)
### ###
### Bivariate Skew t Density ###
### ###
bivariate_dSt <- function(
mu = rep(0, 2), # location
Sigma = diag(2), # dispersion
beta = rep(0, 2), # skewness
df = 10, # degree of freedom
log = FALSE
) {
# Input Checking #
if (length(mu) != 2) {
stop('mu must be a vector of length 2')
if (nrow(Sigma) != 2 | ncol(Sigma) != 2) {
stop('Sigma must be a 2 x 2 matrix')
if (length(beta) != 2) {
stop('beta must be a vector of length 2')
X <- cbind(x, y)
d <- 2
X_centrd <- sweep(X, 2, mu, '-')
Sigma_inv <- solve(Sigma)
psi <- c( t(beta) %*% Sigma_inv %*% beta )
chi <- df + mahalanobis(X, center = mu, cov = Sigma_inv, inverted = TRUE)
s1 <- sqrt(psi * chi)
res <- (-df/2 - d/2) * log(s1) + (df/2 + d/2) * log(psi)
res <- res + (df / 2) * log(df) + log(besselK(s1, nu = -df/2 - d/2, expon.scaled = TRUE)) - s1
if (is.nan(log(det(Sigma)))) {
Sigma <- diag(d)
res <- res - d/2 * (log(2) + log(pi)) - 1/2 * log(det(Sigma))
res <- res - lgamma(df / 2) - (df/2 - 1) * log(2)
res <- res + X_centrd %*% Sigma_inv %*% beta
if (!log) {
res <- c(exp(res))
res[res <= 10^(-323)] <- 10^(-323)
### ###
### Bivariate Normal Density ###
### ###
bivariate_dmvnorm <- function(
mean = rep(0, 2),
sigma = diag(2),
log = FALSE,
checkSymmetry = TRUE
) {
res <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(cbind(x, y), mean = mean, sigma = sigma, log = log, checkSymmetry = checkSymmetry)
### ###
### Bivariate t Density ###
### ###
bivariate_dmvt <- function(
delta = rep(0, 2),
sigma = diag(2),
df = 1,
log = FALSE,
type = "shifted",
checkSymmetry = TRUE
) {
res <- mvtnorm::dmvt(cbind(x, y), delta = delta, sigma = sigma, df = df, log = log, type = type, checkSymmetry = checkSymmetry)
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