Defines functions ATS

Documented in ATS

#' Akritas-Theil-Sen line for censored data
#' @description
#' Computes Kendall's tau and the Akritas-Theil-Sen (ATS) line for censored data, along with the test that the slope (and Kendall's tau) equal zero.  For one x variable regression.
#' @param y.var The column of y (response variable) values plus detection limits
#' @param y.cen The y-variable indicators, where 1 (or `TRUE`) indicates a detection limit in the `y.var` column, and `0` (or `FALSE`) indicates a detected value in `y.var`.
#' @param x.var The column of x (explanatory variable) values plus detection limits
#' @param x.cen The x-variable indicators, where 1 (or `TRUE`) indicates a detection limit in the `x.var` column, and `0` (or `FALSE`) indicates a detected value in `x.var`.
#' @param LOG Indicator of whether to compute the ATS line in the original y units, or for their logarithms.  The default is to use the logarithms (`LOG = TRUE`).  To compute in original units, specify the option `LOG = FALSE` (or `LOG = 0`).
#' @param retrans Indicator of whether to retransform the plot and line back to original Y-variable units.  Not needed when `LOG = FALSE`. When `retrans = FALSE` & `LOG = TRUE` the plot is drawn with logY units (default). When `retrans =  TRUE` & `LOG = TRUE` the plot is drawn with original Y units.
#' @param xlabel Custom label for the x axis of plots.  Default is x variable column name.
#' @param ylabel Custom label for the y axis of plots.  Default is y variable column name.
#' @param printstat Logical `TRUE`/`FALSE` option of whether to print the resulting statistics in the console window, or not.  Default is `TRUE.`
#' @param drawplot Logical `TRUE`/`FALSE` option of whether to draw plots or not. Default is `TRUE`
#' @keywords trend censored
#' @export
#' @return  Coefficients (intercept and slope) for the ATS line are printed, along with Kendall's tau correlation coefficient, test statistic S, and the (single) p-value for the test that tau and slope both equal zero. A scatterplot with the fitted trend-line superimposed is also drawn.
#' @importFrom graphics abline layout legend lines mtext par plot text
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @importFrom NADA cenken
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @references
#' Akritas, M.G., Murphy, S.A., LaValley, M.P., 1995. The Theil-Sen Estimator With Doubly Censored Data and Applications to Astronomy. Journal of the American Statistical Association 90, 170–177. https://doi.org/10.2307/2291140
#' Helsel, D.R., 2011. Statistics for Censored Environmental Data using Minitab and R, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, USA, N.J.
#' @examples
#' # Both y and x are censored
#' data(PbHeron)
#' with(PbHeron, ATS(Blood, BloodCen, Kidney, KidneyCen))
#' # x is not censored
#' data(Brumbaugh)
#' with(Brumbaugh,ATS(Hg, HgCen, PctWetland))

ATS <- function(y.var, y.cen, x.var, x.cen = rep(0, times=length(x.var)),
                LOG = TRUE, retrans = FALSE, xlabel = NULL, ylabel = NULL,
                printstat = TRUE,drawplot = TRUE){
  yname <- deparse(substitute(y.var))
  xname <- deparse(substitute(x.var))
  y.cen <- as.logical(y.cen)
  x.cen <- as.logical(x.cen)
  alldat <-  data.frame(y.var, y.cen, x.var, x.cen)
  alldat <- na.omit(alldat)
  if (!is.null(xlabel)) {xname = xlabel}
  if (!is.null(ylabel)) {yname = ylabel}
  nobs <- length(alldat[,1])

  if (LOG == TRUE)  {
    if (min(alldat[,1]) < 0) stop('Cannot take logs of negative values.  Use LOG=FALSE')
    y.log <- log(alldat[,1])
    NoShift <- cenken(y.log, alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4] )
    slope <- NoShift$slope
    intercept <- NoShift$intercept
    pval <- NoShift$p
    tau <- NoShift$tau
    S <- tau*nobs*(nobs-1)*0.5

    # if y.log goes negative, intercept = NA
    if (min(y.log) < 0) {
      shift.amt <- abs(min(y.log)) + 0.0001
      y.shift <- y.log + shift.amt
      Shifted<-cenken(y.shift, alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4])
      intercept <- Shifted$intercept - shift.amt
    ylogname <- paste("ln(", yname, ")", sep = "")

      subtitle <- paste (ylogname, "=", round(intercept,4), "+", round(slope,4), "*", xname)
      subtitle <- paste(ylogname, "=", round(intercept,4), round(slope,4), "*", xname)

    cat ("Akritas-Theil-Sen line for censored data", "\n", "\n")
    if (slope >= 0) {cat (ylogname, "=", round(intercept,4), "+", round(slope,4), "*", xname, "\n")
      short.t <- paste(round(intercept,4), "+", round(slope,4), "*", xname)
    else {cat (ylogname, "=", round(intercept,4), round(slope,4), "*", xname, "\n")  # neg slope
      short.t <- paste(round(intercept,4), round(slope,4), "*", xname)
    cat("Kendall's tau =", round(tau,4), "  p-value =", round(pval, 5), "\n", "\n")
    if(drawplot == TRUE){
    # draw a scatterplot
    x <- c(min(alldat[,3]), max(alldat[,3]))
    y <- x*slope+intercept
    z <- data.frame(x,y)
#    print(z)
    kenplot(log(alldat[,1]), alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4], atsline = TRUE, xnam=xname, ynam=ylogname)
 #   lines(z, col = "purple")
    if (retrans == TRUE)
    { # draw a 2nd scatterplot in original units
      subtitle <- paste (yname, " = e^(", round(intercept,4), ")",  " * ", "e^(", round(slope,4), " * ", xname,")", sep="" )
      delta <- seq(1:100)
      diff<-max(alldat[,3]) - min(alldat[,3])
      xo = delta *diff/100 + min(alldat[,3])
      yo = exp(xo*slope)*exp(intercept)
      z <- data.frame(xo,yo)
      if(drawplot == TRUE){
      kenplot(alldat[,1], alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4], atsline = FALSE, xnam=xname, ynam=yname)
      lines(xo, yo, col = "purple")
    out <- data.frame(intercept, slope, S, tau, pval)
  else  # no logarithms used for y
    Noshift<-cenken(alldat[,1], alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4])
    slope <- Noshift$slope
    intercept <- Noshift$intercept
    pval <- Noshift$p
    tau <- Noshift$tau
    S <- tau*nobs*(nobs-1)*0.5

    if (min(alldat[,1]) < 0) {  # y goes negative. Intercept is NA.
      shift.amt <- abs(min(alldat[,1])) + 0.0001
      y.shift <- alldat[,1] + shift.amt
      Shifted<-cenken(y.shift, alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4])
      intercept <- Shifted$intercept - shift.amt

      subtitle <- paste (yname, "=", round(intercept,4), "+", round(slope,4), "*", xname)
      subtitle <- paste(yname, "=", round(intercept,4), round(slope,4), "*", xname)

    cat ("Akritas-Theil-Sen line for censored data", "\n", "\n")
    if (slope >= 0) {cat (yname, "=", round(intercept,4), "+", round(slope,4), "*", xname, "\n")
    else {cat (yname, "=", round(intercept,4), round(slope,4), "*", xname, "\n")
    cat("Kendall's tau =", round(tau,4), "  p-value =", round(pval, 5), "\n", "\n")

    # draw a scatterplot with kenplot
    x <- c(min(alldat[,3]),max(alldat[,3]))
    y <- x*slope+intercept
    if(drawplot == TRUE){
    kenplot(alldat[,1], alldat[,2], alldat[,3], alldat[,4], xnam=xname, ynam=yname)
    lines(z, col = "purple")
    out <- data.frame(intercept, slope, S, tau, pval)

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