
Defines functions NMwriteSection

Documented in NMwriteSection

##' Replace ($)sections of a Nonmem control stream
##' Just give the section name, the new lines and the file path, and the
##' "$section", and the input to Nonmem will be updated.
##' @param files File paths to the models (control stream) to
##'     edit. See file.pattern too.
##' @param file.pattern Alternatively to files, you can supply a
##'     regular expression which will be passed to list.files as the
##'     pattern argument. If this is used, use `dir` argument as
##'     well. Also see data.file to only process models that use a
##'     specific data file.
##' @param dir If file.pattern is used, `dir` is the directory to search
##'     in.
##' @param section The name of the section to update with or without
##'     "$". Example: `section="EST"` or `section="$EST"` to edit the
##'     sections starting by `$EST`. Section specification is not
##'     case-sensitive. See `?NMreadSection` too.
##' @param newlines The new text (including "$SECTION"). Better be
##'     broken into lines in a character vector since this is simply
##'     past to \code{writeLines()}.
##' @param list.sections Named list of new sections, each element
##'     containing a section. Names must be section names, contents of
##'     each element are the new section lines for each section.
##' @param location In combination with `section`, this determines
##'     where the new section is inserted. Possible values are
##'     "replace" (default), "before", "after", "first", "last".
##' @param newfile path and filename to new run. If missing, the
##'     original file (from \code{files} or \code{file.pattern}) is
##'     overwritten (see the \code{backup} option below). If NULL,
##'     output is returned as a character vector rather than written.
##' @param backup In case you are overwriting the old file, do you
##'     want to backup the file (to say, backup_run001.mod)?
##' @param blank.append Append a blank line to output?
##' @param data.file Use this to limit the scope of models to those
##'     that use a specific input data data file. The string has to
##'     exactly match the one in `$DATA` or `$INFILE` in Nonmem.
##' @param write Default is to write to file. If write=FALSE,
##'     `NMwriteSection()` returns the resulting input.txt without writing
##'     it to disk?  Default is `FALSE`.
##' @param quiet The default is to give some information along the way
##'     on what data is found. But consider setting this to TRUE for
##'     non-interactive use. Default can be configured using
##'     `NMdataConf()`.
##' @param simplify If TRUE (default) and only one file is edited, the
##'     resulting rows are returned directly. If more than one file is
##'     edited, the result will always be a list with one element per
##'     file.
##' @details The new file will be written with unix-style line
##'     endings.
##' @return The new section text is returned. If write=TRUE, this is
##'     done invisibly.
##' @family Nonmem
##' @examples
##' NMwriteSection(files=system.file("examples/nonmem/xgxr001.mod", package = "NMdata"),
##' section="EST", newlines=newlines,newfile=NULL)
##' \dontrun{
##' text.nm <- NMwriteData(data)
##' NMwriteSection(dir="nonmem",
##'               file.pattern="^run.*\\.mod",
##'               list.sections=text.nm["INPUT"])
##' }
##' @export

NMwriteSection <- function(files,file.pattern,dir,section,newlines,

#### Section start: handle arguments ####
    if(missing(quiet)) quiet <- NULL
    quiet <- NMdataDecideOption("quiet",quiet)

    if(missing(files)) files <- NULL
    if(missing(dir)) dir <- NULL
    if(missing(file.pattern)) file.pattern <- NULL

    all.files <- getFilePaths(files=files,file.pattern=file.pattern,dir=dir,quiet=quiet)

        message("No existing files matched. Nothing to do.")
        all.files <- all.files[sapply(all.files,function(file)NMextractDataFile(file,dir.data=NULL,file.mod=identity)$string==data.file)]
    if(length(all.files)==0) stop("No files to process.")
    ## supply either section and newlines or a list
    if(!( (!missing(section)&&!missing(newlines)) ||
        stop("Either both section and newlines or list.sections must be supplied.")

    ## this is done in NMwriteSectionOne. Probably redundant here.
        ## this must be list, not as.list. as.list would translate multiple lines into multiple sections.
        names(list.sections) <- section
    } else {
            messageWrap("Only location=replace is supported in combination with list.sections.",fun.msg=stop)

    ## newfile
    if(!missing(newfile)&&!is.null(newfile) && length(all.files)>1) {
        stop("if multiple files are edited, newfile must be missing or NULL.")
###  Section end: handle arguments
    res <- lapply(all.files,NMwriteSectionOne,section=section,location=location,newlines=newlines,

    if(simplify&&length(res)==1) res <- res[[1]]

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NMdata documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:16 p.m.