
Defines functions NNS.distance

Documented in NNS.distance

#' NNS Distance
#' Internal kernel function for NNS multivariate regression \link{NNS.reg} parallel instances.
#' @param rpm REGRESSION.POINT.MATRIX from \link{NNS.reg}
#' @param dist.estimate Vector to generate distances from.
#' @param type "L1", "L2" or "FACTOR"
#' @param k \code{n.best} from \link{NNS.reg}
#' @param class if classification problem.
#' @return Returns sum of weighted distances.
#' @export

NNS.distance <- function(rpm, dist.estimate, type, k, class){
  type <- toupper(type)
  l <- nrow(rpm)
  if(k=="all") k <- l
  y.hat <- rpm$y.hat
  raw.dist.estimate <- unlist(dist.estimate)
  raw.rpm <- rpm[ , -"y.hat"]
  n <- length(raw.dist.estimate)
  parallel <- FALSE

    rpm <- rbind(as.list(t(dist.estimate)), rpm[, .SD, .SDcols = 1:n])
    rpm <- rpm[, names(rpm) := lapply(.SD, function(b) NNS.rescale(b, 0, 1)), .SDcols = 1:n]
    dist.estimate <- unlist(rpm[1, ])
    rpm <- rpm[-1,]
  M <- matrix(rep(dist.estimate, l), byrow = T, ncol = n)
  M2 <- matrix(rep(raw.dist.estimate, l), byrow = T, ncol = n)
    rpm$Sum <- Rfast::rowsums( ((t(t(rpm[, 1:n])) - M)^2) * ((1 - (raw.rpm == M2))), parallel = parallel)

    rpm$Sum <- Rfast::rowsums(abs(t(t(rpm[, 1:n])) - M) * ((1 - (raw.rpm == M2))), parallel = parallel)

    rpm$Sum <- (1/l + ( Rfast::rowsums((raw.rpm == M2), parallel = parallel)))^-1

  rpm$Sum[rpm$Sum == 0] <- 1e-10
  rpm$y.hat <- y.hat
  data.table::setkey(rpm, Sum)
  ll <- min(k, l)

  rpm <- rpm[1:ll,]

    index <- which(rpm$Sum==min(rpm$Sum))
    }  else {

  uni_weights <- rep(1/ll, ll)
  t_weights <- dt(rpm$Sum, df = ll)
  t_weights <- t_weights/sum(t_weights)
  if(any(is.na(t_weights))) t_weights <- rep(0, ll)

  emp <- rpm$Sum^(-1)
  emp_weights <- emp / sum(emp)
  if(any(is.na(emp_weights))) emp_weights <- rep(0, ll)

  exp <- dexp(1:ll, rate = 1/ll)
  exp_weights <- exp / sum(exp)
  if(any(is.na(exp_weights))) exp_weights <- rep(0, ll)

  lnorm <- abs(rev(dlnorm(1:ll, meanlog = 0, sdlog = sd(1:ll), log = TRUE)))
  lnorm_weights <- lnorm / sum(lnorm)
  if(any(is.na(lnorm_weights))) lnorm_weights <- rep(0, ll)

  pl_weights <- (1:ll) ^ (-2)
  pl_weights <- pl_weights / sum(pl_weights)
  if(any(is.na(pl_weights))) pl_weights <- rep(0, ll)

  norm_weights <- dnorm(rpm$Sum, mean = 0, sd = sd(rpm$Sum))
  norm_weights <- norm_weights / sum(norm_weights)
  if(any(is.na(norm_weights))) norm_weights <- rep(0, ll)
  rbf_weights <- exp(- rpm$Sum / (2*var(rpm$Sum)))
  rbf_weights <- rbf_weights / sum(rbf_weights)
  if(any(is.na(rbf_weights))) rbf_weights <- rep(0, ll)

  weights <- (emp_weights + exp_weights + lnorm_weights + norm_weights + pl_weights + t_weights + uni_weights + rbf_weights)/
    sum(emp_weights + exp_weights + lnorm_weights + norm_weights + pl_weights + t_weights + uni_weights + rbf_weights)
  if(is.null(class)) single.estimate <- rpm$y.hat%*%weights else single.estimate <- mode_class(rep(rpm$y.hat, ceiling(100*weights)))


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NNS documentation built on Nov. 28, 2023, 1:10 a.m.