Defines functions JMLE

Documented in JMLE

# JMLE:                                                                       #
#                                                                             #
# Joint maximum likelihood estimation of item parameters and attribute        #
# profiles in cognitive diagnostic models.                                    #
#                                                                             # 
# Inputs:                                                                     #
# (1) Y: a matrix of binary responses (1=correct, 0=incorrect). Rows          #
#        represent persons, and columns represent items.                      #
# (2) Q: the Q-matrix of the test. Rows represent items, and colums represent #
#        attributes.                                                          #
# (3) model: currently has three options, "DINA", "DINO", "NIDA", "GNIDA", and#
#            "RRUM".                                                          #
# (4) NP.method: "Hamming", the plain hamming distance method;                #
#             "Weighted", the hamming distance weighted by inversed variance  #
#             "Penalized", the hamming distance weighted by inversed variance #
#                          and specified penalizing weights for guess and slip#
# Additional input for the "penalized" NP.method:                             #
# (5) wg = weight assigned to guess                                           #
# (6) ws = weight assigned to slip                                            #

# (7) conv.crit.par: the critical value for the change in item parameter      #
#                    values to determine convergence                          #      
# (8) conv.crit.att: the critical value for the percentage of attributes that #
#                    are changed to determine convergence                     #
#                                                                             #
# Outputs:                                                                    #
# (1) item parameters estimates and standard errors for each item             #
# (2) attribute profiles for each examinee                                    #
#                                                                             #

JMLE <- function(Y, Q, model=c("DINA", "DINO", "NIDA", "GNIDA", "RRUM"), 
		NP.method=c("Weighted", "Hamming", "Penalized"), 
		wg=1, ws=1, conv.crit.par=0.001, conv.crit.att=0.01, max.ite=100) 

  # 1 #
  ##### Check dimension consistency and convert data to the right formats 
  Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  Q <- as.matrix(Q)
  nitem <- nrow(Q)
  natt <- ncol(Q)
  nperson <- nrow(Y)

  check <- NULL
  check <- CheckInput(Y, Q)  
  if (!is.null(check)) return(warning(check))
  model <- match.arg(model)
  NP.method <- match.arg(NP.method)
  # 2 #
  ##### Step 1: Initial model-free estimation of the ability pattern 
  if (model %in% c("DINA", "NIDA", "GNIDA", "RRUM"))
  } else if (model == "DINO")
  } else
    return(warning("Model specification is not valid."))
  alpha.est.NP <- AlphaNP(Y, Q, gate=gate, method=NP.method, wg=1, ws=1)
  alpha.est <- alpha.est.NP$alpha.est
  loss.matrix <- alpha.est.NP$loss.matrix
  # 3 #
  ##### Step 2: Iterative MLE estimation for item parameters and ability pattern
  d.par <- d.att <- d.undefined <- 1
  ite <- 0
  conv <- "Convergence criteria met."
  while (((max(d.par) > conv.crit.par & d.att > 0) || d.undefined > 0 || (d.att > conv.crit.att & max(d.par) > 0)) & ite < max.ite)
    ite <- ite + 1
    # MLE of item parameters
    if (model == "DINA" || model == "DINO") 
      temp <- ParMLE(Y, Q, alpha.est, model)
      par.est <- list(slip=temp$slip, guess=temp$guess, se.slip=temp$se.slip, se.guess=temp$se.guess)
      undefined.flag <- 1 - ((1 - is.infinite(par.est$slip)) * (1 - is.infinite(par.est$guess)) 
                             * (1 - is.nan(par.est$slip)) * (1 - is.nan(par.est$guess)))
    } else if (model == "NIDA" || model == "GNIDA") 
      temp <- ParMLE(Y, Q, alpha.est, model)
      par.est <- list(slip=temp$slip, guess=temp$guess, se.slip=temp$se.slip, se.guess=temp$se.guess)
      undefined.flag <- rep(0, nitem)

    } else if (model == "RRUM") 
      temp <- ParMLE(Y, Q, alpha.est, model)
      par.est <- list(pi=temp$pi, r=temp$r, se.pi=temp$se.pi, se.r=temp$se.r)
      undefined.flag <- rep(0, nitem)
    } else 
      return(warning("Model specification is not valid."))
    # MLE of alpha
    alpha.out.MLE <- AlphaMLE(Y, Q, par.est, model, undefined.flag)
    alpha.est <- alpha.out.MLE$alpha.est
    loglike.matrix <- alpha.out.MLE$loglike.matrix
    # Compute loglikelihood
    loglike <- 0
    for (i in 1:ncol(loglike.matrix)){
      loglike <- loglike + loglike.matrix[alpha.out.MLE$est.class[i],i]
    # Compute changes  
    if (ite > 1) 
      d.par <- abs(unlist(par.est) - unlist(par.est.old))
      d.par <- d.par[(1 - is.infinite(d.par)) * (1 - is.na(d.par))]
      d.undefined <- sum(abs(undefined.flag - undefined.flag.old))
      if (all(alpha.out.MLE.old$class.tie == alpha.out.MLE$class.tie))
      	d.att <- 0
      } else {
      	d.att <- sum(apply((alpha.out.MLE.old$class.tie != alpha.out.MLE$class.tie), 1, any) & 
      			apply((alpha.est != alpha.est.old), 1, any)) / nrow(Y)
    par.est.old <- par.est
    alpha.out.MLE.old <- alpha.out.MLE
    alpha.est.old <- alpha.est
    undefined.flag.old <- undefined.flag
    cat(sprintf("Iteration: %d, loglike = %.5f, diff.par = %.5f, diff.att = %.5f, diff.undefined = %.5f", ite, loglike, max(d.par), d.att, d.undefined))
  if (ite == max.ite) conv <- "Maximum iteration reached."
  if (max(d.par) > conv.crit.par & d.att == 0) conv <- "Examinee profile has stabilized except for randomness from ties."
  # AIC and BIC model fit statistics
  if (model %in% c("DINA", "DINO")) npar <- 2 * nitem + 2 ^ natt - 1
  if (model == "NIDA") npar <- 2 * natt + 2 ^ natt - 1
  if (model == "GNIDA") npar <- 2 * natt * nitem + 2 ^ natt - 1
  if (model == "RRUM") npar <- nitem * (natt + 1) + 2 ^ natt - 1
  AIC <- -2 * loglike + 2 * npar
  BIC <- -2 * loglike + npar * log(nperson)
  output <- list(alpha.est=alpha.est, par.est=par.est, n.tie=alpha.out.MLE$n.tie, undefined.flag=undefined.flag, 
                 loglike=loglike, convergence=conv, n.ite=ite, AIC=AIC, BIC=BIC, loglike.matrix=loglike.matrix, 
                 est.class=alpha.out.MLE$est.class, NP.loss.matrix=loss.matrix, 
                 NP.alpha.est=alpha.est.NP$alpha.est, NP.method=NP.method, 
                 NP.est.class=alpha.est.NP$est.class, pattern=alpha.est.NP$pattern, model=model, Q=Q, Y=Y)
  class(output) <- "JMLE"

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