
Defines functions imput_cov

Documented in imput_cov

#' imput_cov()
#' This function performs imputations on incomplete covariates, whatever their types, using functions from the package \pkg{MICE} (Van Buuren's Multiple Imputation) or functions from the package \pkg{missMDA} (Simple Imputation with Multivariate data analysis).
#' By default, the function \code{impute_cov} handles missing information using multivariate imputation by chained equations (MICE, see (1) for more details about the method) by integrating in its syntax the function \code{\link[mice]{mice}}.
#' All values of this last function are taken by default, excepted the required number of multiple imputations, which can be fixed by using the argument \code{R_mice}, and the chosen imputation method for each variable (\code{meth} argument),
#' that corresponds to the argument \code{defaultMethod} of the function \code{\link[mice]{mice}}.
#' When multiple imputations are required (for MICE only), each missing information is imputed by a consensus value:
#' the average of the candidate values will be retained for numerical variables, while the most frequent class will be remained for categorical variables (ordinal or not).
#' The output \code{MICE_IMPS} stores the imputed databases to allow users to build their own consensus values by themselves and(or) to eventually assess the variabilities related to the proposed imputed values if necessary.
#' For this method, a random number generator must be fixed or sampled using the argument \code{seed_choice}.
#' When the argument \code{missMDA} is equalled to \code{TRUE}, incomplete values are replaced (single imputation) using a method based on dimensionality reduction called factor analysis for mixed data (FAMD) using the the \code{\link[missMDA]{imputeFAMD}} function of the \pkg{missMDA} package (2).
#' Using this approach, the function \code{imput_cov} keeps all the default values integrated in the function \code{imputeFAMD} excepted the number of dimensions used for FAMD which can be fixed by users (3 by default).
#' @param dat1 a data.frame containing the variables to be imputed and those involved in the imputations
#' @param indcol a vector of integers. The corresponding column indexes (or numbers) corresponding to the variables to be imputed and those involved in the imputations.
#' @param R_mice an integer. The number of imputed database generated with MICE method (5 by default).
#' @param meth a vector of characters which specifies the imputation method to be used for each column in \code{dat1}.
#' "pmm" for continuous covariates or by default option, "logreg" for binary covariates, "polr" for ordinal covariates, "polyreg" for categorical covariates (no order), (cf \code{\link[mice]{mice}} for more details).
#' @param missMDA a boolean. If \code{TRUE}, missing values are imputed using the factoral analysis for mixed data (\code{\link[missMDA]{imputeFAMD}}) from the \pkg{missMDA} package (2).
#' @param NB_COMP an integer corresponding to the number of components used in FAMD to predict the missing entries (3 by default) when the \code{missMDA} option is TRUE.
#' @param seed_choice an integer used as argument by the set.seed() for offsetting the random number generator (Random integer by default)
#' @return A list of 3 or 4 objects (depending on the missMDA argument). The first three following objects if \code{missMDA} = TRUE, otherwise 4 objects are returned:
#' \item{RAW}{a data.frame corresponding to the raw database}
#' \item{IMPUTE}{a character indicating the type of selected imputation}
#' \item{DATA_IMPUTE}{a data.frame corresponding to the completed (consensus if multiple imputations) database}
#' \item{MICE_IMPS}{only if missMDA = FALSE. A list object containing the R imputed databases generated by MICE}
#' @import mice missMDA
#' @importFrom plyr mapvalues
#' @export
#' @author Gregory Guernec
#' \email{otrecod.pkg@@gmail.com}
#' @aliases imput_cov
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item van Buuren, S., Groothuis-Oudshoorn, K. (2011). mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 45(3), 1–67. url{https://www.jstatsoft.org/v45/i03/}
#' \item Josse J, Husson F (2016). missMDA: A Package for Handling Missing Values in Multivariate Data Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software, 70(1), 1–31. \doi{10.18637/jss.v070.i01}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Imputation of all incomplete covariates in the table simu_data:
#' data(simu_data)
#' # Here we keep the complete variable "Gender" in the imputation model.
#' # Using MICE (REP = 3):
#' imput_mice <- imput_cov(simu_data,
#'   indcol = 4:8, R_mice = 3,
#'   meth = c("logreg", "polyreg", "polr", "logreg", "pmm")
#' )
#' summary(imput_mice)
#' # Using FAMD (NB_COMP = 3):
#' imput_famd <- imput_cov(simu_data,
#'   indcol = 4:8,
#'   meth = c("logreg", "polyreg", "polr", "logreg", "pmm"),
#'   missMDA = TRUE
#' )
#' summary(imput_famd)
imput_cov <- function(dat1,
                      indcol = 1:ncol(dat1),
                      R_mice = 5,
                      meth = rep("pmm", ncol(dat1)),
                      missMDA = FALSE,
                      NB_COMP = 3,
                      seed_choice = sample(1:1000000, 1)) {
  if (is.data.frame(dat1) == FALSE) {
    stop("Your objet must be a data.frame")
  } else {

  if (length(indcol) > ncol(dat1)) {
      "The length of indcol can not be greater than the number of columns of the declared data.frame"
  } else {

  if (length(meth) > length(indcol)) {
    stop("The length of meth must be equal to the length of indcol")
  } else {

  datcov <- dat1[, indcol]

  typ_fact <- c("polr", "polyreg", "logreg")

  # Numbers of columns corresponding to missing covariates:

  indic_NA <- (1:ncol(datcov))[apply(datcov, 2, function(x) {
    sum(is.na(x)) != 0
  }) == TRUE]
  datcov_IMP <- datcov

  # Converting categorical variables to factor before imputation

  if (TRUE %in% is.element(typ_fact, meth)) {
    indic_typ <- (1:(length(meth)))[meth %in% typ_fact]

    for (j in 1:length(indic_typ)) {
      datcov[, indic_typ[j]] <- as.factor(datcov[, indic_typ[j]])

  if (missMDA == FALSE) {

    # MICE imputation

    stoc_mice <- mice::mice(
      method = meth,
      m = R_mice,
      print = FALSE,
      remove.collinear = FALSE,
      # printFlag = FALSE,
      seed = seed_choice
    list_mice <- mice::complete(stoc_mice, "all")

    # Storage of the multiple imputations of the covariate in a data.frame

    for (k in 1:length(indic_NA)) {
      base_mice_IMP <- as.data.frame(datcov[, indic_NA[k]])

      for (u in 1:R_mice) {
        base_mice_IMP <- data.frame(base_mice_IMP, mice::complete(stoc_mice, u)[, indic_NA[k]])

      # Imputation by the most frequent class (for categorical variables)

      if (meth[indic_NA[k]] != "pmm") {
        col_imp <- as.factor(apply(
          base_mice_IMP[, 2:ncol(base_mice_IMP)], 1,
          function(x) {

        # NEW

        if (meth[indic_NA[k]] == "polr") {
          datcov_IMP[, indic_NA[k]] <- ordered(col_imp, levels = levels(datcov[, indic_NA[k]]))
        } else {
          datcov_IMP[, indic_NA[k]] <- col_imp

        # Imputation by the mean (for continuous vaiables)
      } else {
        datcov_IMP[, indic_NA[k]] <- apply(base_mice_IMP[, 2:ncol(base_mice_IMP)], 1, mean)
  } else if (missMDA == TRUE) {
    FAMD_imp <- missMDA::imputeFAMD(datcov, ncp = NB_COMP, seed = seed_choice)$completeObs

    fact_var <- sapply(datcov, is.factor)
    typ_var <- sapply(datcov, is.integer)

    for (k in 1:length(typ_var)) {
      if (fact_var[k] == TRUE) {
        datcov_IMP[, k] <- plyr::mapvalues(FAMD_imp[, k],
          from = levels(FAMD_imp[, k]),
          to = sort(levels(datcov[, k]))

        if (meth[k] == "polr") {
          datcov_IMP[, k] <- ordered(datcov_IMP[, k], levels = levels(datcov[, k]))
        } else {}
      } else {
        datcov_IMP[, k] <- FAMD_imp[, k]

      if (typ_var[k] == TRUE) {
        datcov_IMP[, k] <- as.integer(FAMD_imp[, k])
      } else {
        datcov_IMP[, k] <- datcov_IMP[, k]

  # Return the imputed database

  if (missMDA == FALSE) {
    return(list(RAW = dat1, IMPUTE = "MICE", DATA_IMPUTE = datcov_IMP, MICE_IMPS = list_mice))
  } else {
    return(list(RAW = dat1, IMPUTE = "FAMD", DATA_IMPUTE = datcov_IMP))

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OTrecod documentation built on Oct. 5, 2022, 5:06 p.m.