
Defines functions plot.optimal.cutpoints

Documented in plot.optimal.cutpoints

plot.optimal.cutpoints <-
function(x, legend = TRUE, which = c(1L,2L), ...) {
	if (!is.numeric(which) || any(which < 1) || any(which > 3)) 
		stop("'which' must be in 1:3")
	show <- rep(FALSE, 3)
	show[which] <- TRUE
	op <- par(pty = "s")		
  	opt.criterion.methods <- c("MCT","CB", "MaxSpSe", "MaxProdSpSe", "ROC01", "SpEqualSe", "Youden", "MaxEfficiency", "Minimax", "MaxDOR", "MaxKappa", "PROC01", "NPVEqualPPV", "MaxNPVPPV", "MaxSumNPVPPV", "MaxProdNPVPPV", "MinPvalue", "PrevalenceMatching")
	methods <- x[x$methods]
	if(show[3L] & !any(names(methods) %in% opt.criterion.methods)) {
		warning ("The plot of the criterion values vis-a-vis all the different test values has beeen selected. None of the selected methods allows this plot. \n", call. = FALSE)
		show[3L] = FALSE
	n.levels.cat <- if(is.null(x$levels.cat)) {1} else {length(x$levels.cat)}
	levels.cat <- if(is.null(x$levels.cat)) {NULL} else {x$levels.cat}
	n.plots = 0
	for (i in 1:n.levels.cat) {
		for(j in 1:length(methods)) {
			if(length(methods[[j]][[i]][["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])== 0) {
				if(is.null(x$levels.cat)) {
					cat(paste(names(methods)[j], ": There are no cutoff values that fulfill the criterion \n", sep = ""))
				} else {
					cat(paste(names(methods)[j], ": There are no cutoff values that fulfill the criterion for ", levels.cat[i], "\n", sep = ""))
			aux.criterion <- names(methods)[j] %in% opt.criterion.methods
			main <- paste("Criterion: ",names(methods)[j], "\n", ifelse(is.null(levels.cat), "", levels.cat[i]), sep = "")
			m <- methods[[j]][[i]]
			# ROC curve
			if(show[1L]) {
				if(n.plots > 0) {
					readline("Press return for next page....")					
				plot(1-m[["measures.acc"]][["Sp"]][,1], m[["measures.acc"]][["Se"]][,1], xlab = "1-Specificity", ylab = "Sensitivity", main = paste("ROC Curve. ", main, sep = ""), type = "l", cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3,...)
				abline(0,1, col = "grey")
				legend.text <- paste("AUC: ",paste(round(m[["measures.acc"]][["AUC"]][1], 3), " (", round(m[["measures.acc"]][["AUC"]][2], 3),"",", ", round(m[["measures.acc"]][["AUC"]][3], 3),")", sep = ""), sep = "")
				legend(0.4, 0.2, legend.text, bty = "n")
				if(length(m[["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])!= 0) {
					for(k in 1:length(m[["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])) {
						x <- 1-m[["optimal.cutoff"]][["Sp"]][[k]]
						y <- m[["optimal.cutoff"]][["Se"]][[k]]
						lines(rep(x,2), c(0,y), lty = 2)
						lines(c(0,x), rep(y,2), lty = 2)
						points(x,y, pch = 16, cex = 0.7)
						if(legend) {
							legend.text <- paste("(",round(x,3), ", ", round(y,3),")", sep = "")
							legend(x, y, legend.text, bty = "n", xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0)
				n.plots = n.plots + 1
			# PROC curve
			if(show[2L]) {
				if(n.plots > 0) {
					readline("Press return for next page....")					
				plot(1-m[["measures.acc"]][["NPV"]][,1], m[["measures.acc"]][["PPV"]][,1], xlab = "1 - Negative predictive value", ylab = "Positive predictive value", main = paste("PROC Curve. ", main, sep = ""), type = "l", cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1), ...)
				if(length(m[["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])!= 0) {
					for(k in 1:length(m[["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])) {
						x <- 1 - m[["optimal.cutoff"]][["NPV"]][[k]]
						y <- m[["optimal.cutoff"]][["PPV"]][[k]]
						lines(rep(x,2), c(0,y), lty = 2)
						lines(c(0,x), rep(y,2), lty = 2)
						points(x,y, pch = 16, cex = 0.7)
						if(legend) {
							legend.text <- paste("(",round(x,3), ", ", round(y,3),")", sep = "")
							legend(x, y, legend.text, bty = "n", xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0)
				n.plots = n.plots + 1
			# Auxiliar plot
			if(aux.criterion & show[3L]) {
				if(n.plots > 0) {
					readline("Press return for next page....")					
				plot(m[["measures.acc"]][["cutoffs"]], m[["criterion"]], xlab = "Cutoffs values", ylab = "Optimal criterion", main = main, type = "l", cex.lab = 1.3, cex.axis = 1.3, ...)
				if(length(m[["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])!= 0) {
					for(k in 1:length(m[["optimal.cutoff"]][[1]])) {
						x <- m[["optimal.cutoff"]][["cutoff"]][[k]]
						y <- m[["optimal.criterion"]][[1]]
						lines(rep(x,2), c(0,y), lty = 2)
						lines(c(0,x), rep(y,2), lty = 2)
						points(x,y, pch = 16, cex = 0.7)
						if(legend) {
							legend.text <- paste("(",round(x,3), ", ", round(y,3),")", sep = "")
							legend(x, y, legend.text, bty = "n", xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0)
				n.plots = n.plots + 1

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OptimalCutpoints documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 5:09 p.m.