
Defines functions OrdinalLogBiplotEM

Documented in OrdinalLogBiplotEM

# file OrdinalLogisticBiplot/R/OrdinalLogBiplotEM.R
# copyright (C) 2012-2013 J.C. Hernandez and J.L. Vicente-Villardon
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or 3 of the License
#  (at your option).
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

OrdinalLogBiplotEM <- function(x,dim = 2, nnodos = 15, tol = 0.001, maxiter = 100, penalization = 0.2,
                                show=FALSE,initial=1,alfa=1) {

  initials = c("MCA","MIRT")
    initial = initials[initial]                                                                                         
	Q = multiquad(nnodos, dim)
	X = Q$X
	A = Q$A
	q = dim(X)[1]
	p = dim(x)[2]                                       
	Ncats = ColMax(x)
	Maxcat = max(Ncats)
	G = NominalMatrix2Binary(x)
	s = dim(G)[1]
	n = dim(G)[2]
	par = list()
	par$coefficients = array(0, c(p, dim))
	par$thresholds = array(0, c(p, Maxcat - 1))	
  par$fit = array(0,c(p,8))                 
  dimnames(par$fit)[[1]]= dimnames(x)[[2]][1:dim(x)[2]]       
  dimnames(par$fit)[[2]]= c("logLik","Deviance","df","p-value","PCC","CoxSnell","Macfaden","Nagelkerke")   
  if(show){print("Calculating initial coordinates")}
  if(initial == "MCA"){
     	corr = afc(G, dim = dim,alpha=alfa)
    	ability = corr$RowCoordinates[, 1:dim]
  if(initial == "MIRT"){
      technical = list()
      technical$NCYCLES = maxiter
      mod = mirt(x ,dim,technical=technical)      
      ability = fscores(mod,full.scores=TRUE)[,1:dim] 

	logLikold = 0
	for (j in 1:p) {
	  if(show){print(paste("Adjusting variable ",j,sep=""))} 
		model = pordlogist(x[, j], ability, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter, penalization = penalization,show=show)
		par$coefficients[j, ] = model$coefficients
		    par$thresholds[j,1:nrow(model$thresholds)] = model$thresholds  
    		par$fit[j,1] = model$logLik            
    		par$fit[j,2] = model$Deviance            		
    		par$fit[j,3] = model$df                
    		par$fit[j,4] = model$pval            	 			    
    		par$fit[j,5] = model$PercentClasif     
    		par$fit[j,6] = model$CoxSnell         
    		par$fit[j,7] = model$MacFaden         
    		par$fit[j,8] = model$Nagelkerke        
		logLikold = logLikold + model$logLik      
	error = 1
	iter = 0
	while ((error > tol) & (iter < maxiter)) {
		# E-step - ability estimation
		iter = iter + 1		
		PT = EvalOrdlogist(X, par, Ncats)          
		L = matrix(1, s, q)
		for (l in 1:s) for (k in 1:q) L[l, k] = prod(PT[k, ]^G[l, ])
		Pl = L %*% A
        print("Calculating f-scores")
		ability = matrix(0, s, dim)
		for (l in 1:s) for (j in 1:dim) {
			for (k in 1:q) ability[l, j] = ability[l, j] + X[k, j] * L[l, k] * A[k]
			ability[l, j] = ability[l, j]/Pl[l]
		# M-step  -  Parameter estimation
		logLik = 0
		for (j in 1:p) {
        print(paste("Adjusting variable ",j,sep=""))
			model = pordlogist(x[, j], ability, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter, penalization = penalization,show=show)
			par$coefficients[j, ] = model$coefficients
		        par$thresholds[j,1:nrow(model$thresholds)] = model$thresholds  
        		par$fit[j,1] = model$logLik            
        		par$fit[j,2] = model$Deviance            		
        		par$fit[j,3] = model$df                
        		par$fit[j,4] = model$pval            				    
        		par$fit[j,5] = model$PercentClasif    
        		par$fit[j,6] = model$CoxSnell         
        		par$fit[j,7] = model$MacFaden        
        		par$fit[j,8] = model$Nagelkerke      
			logLik = logLik + model$logLik
		error = abs((logLik - logLikold)/logLik)
		logLikold = logLik
       print(paste("Iteration ",iter,"- Log-Lik:",logLik," - Change:",error,sep=""))		
	d = sqrt(rowSums(par$coefficients^2) + 1)
	loadings = solve(diag(d)) %*% par$coefficients
	thresholds = solve(diag(d)) %*% par$thresholds
	r2 = rowSums(loadings^2)                                              
	model = list()
	model$RowCoordinates = ability
	model$ColumnParameters = par
	model$loadings = loadings
	model$LogLikelihood = logLik
	model$r2 = r2
	class(model) = "ordinal.logistic.biplotEM"

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OrdinalLogisticBiplot documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:35 p.m.