
Defines functions variancefeaturePlot

Documented in variancefeaturePlot

#' variancefeaturePlot Function
#' This function allows user to plot variance observed in the data by provided
#' featureList
#' @param data_object Input \emph{PALMO} S4 object. It contains annotation
#' information
#' and expression data from Bulk or single cell data.
#' @param vardata Variance result obtained from lmeVariance function
#' @param featureSet Column of interest to focus on, Default is 'PTID'
#' @param Residual Add residual in plot, Default FALSE
#' @param top_n Number of top features to show. Default is 10.
#' @param cols The colors associated with features. Default is NULL.
#' @param ncol Plot_grid number of plot columns.
#' @return variance plot list
#' @keywords variancefeaturePlot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' variancefeaturePlot(data_object=palmo_obj, top_n=15)
#' }

variancefeaturePlot <- function(data_object = NULL, vardata = NULL,
                                featureSet = "PTID", Residual = FALSE,
                                top_n = 15, cols = NULL, ncol=NULL) {

    ## Check for input data
    if (!is.null(data_object)) {
        data <- data_object@result$variance_decomposition
    } else if (!is.null(vardata)) {
        data <- vardata
    } else {
        stop(date(), ": Please enter decomposition data frame or PALMO object.")

    # If column of interest do not match with parameters
    check <- intersect(colnames(data), featureSet)
    if (length(check) != length(featureSet)) {
        stop(date(), ": Input featureSet do not match with data provided.")

    if (Residual == TRUE) {
        featureList <- unique(c(featureSet, "Residual"))
    } else {
        featureList <- featureSet

    # Result dataframe
    data <- data[, featureList]
    splots <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(featureList)) {
        column_oi <- featureList[i]
        data_sub <- data[order(data[, column_oi], decreasing = TRUE), ]

        # Top variables
        if (top_n > nrow(data_sub)) {
            data_sub <- melt(data.matrix(data_sub))
        } else {
            data_sub <- melt(data.matrix(data_sub[1:top_n, ]))

        # Assign column names
        colnames(data_sub) <- c("feature", "variable", "value")

        # Orderby
        data_sub$variable <- factor(data_sub$variable,
                        levels = rev(unique(c(column_oi,
        data_sub$feature <- factor(data_sub$feature,
                        levels = rev(unique(as.character(data_sub$feature))))

        # color
        if (!is.null(cols)) {
            cols_list <- cols
        } else {
            cols_list <- rainbow(length(featureSet))
        if (Residual == TRUE) {
            cols_list <- c(cols_list, "grey")  #Add grey color for Residual
        names(cols_list) <- featureList

        # Column of interest specific plot
        plot <- ggplot(data_sub, aes(x = feature, y = value, fill=variable)) +
            geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack") +
            labs(x = "Features", y = "% Variance explained", title=column_oi) +
            scale_fill_manual(values = cols_list) +
            theme_bw() +
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust=0.5, vjust=1),
                  legend.position = "right") +
        splots[[i]] <- plot
    names(splots) <- featureSet
    if(is.null(ncol) & length(splots) == 1) {
       ncol <- 1 
    } else if(is.null(ncol)) {
       ncol <- 2 
    } else {
       ncol <- as.numeric(ncol)
    print(plot_grid(plotlist = splots, ncol=ncol))

    # Return plots

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PALMO documentation built on Aug. 18, 2022, 1:06 a.m.