
Defines functions removeCalibration

Documented in removeCalibration

#' @title Remove a Calibration Function from a PAMpalSettings Object
#' @description Remove a calibration function from the "calibration"
#'   slot of a PAMpalSettings object
#' @param pps a \linkS4class{PAMpalSettings} object to remove a calibration from
#' @param index index of the calibration function to remove. If \code{NULL}, user
#'   will be prompted to select from a list. This can also be a vector to remove
#'   multiple calibration functions at once.
#' @param module the module of the calibration function to remove, currently
#'   not needed
#' @param verbose logical flag to show messages
#' @return the same \linkS4class{PAMpalSettings} object as pps, with the calibration
#'   function removed from the "calibration" slot
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{taiki.sakai@@noaa.gov}
#' @examples
#' pps <- new('PAMpalSettings')
#' calFile <- system.file('extdata', 'calibration.csv', package='PAMpal')
#' pps <- addCalibration(pps, calFile, all = TRUE, units=3)
#' calClick <- function(data, calibration=NULL) {
#'     standardClickCalcs(data, calibration=calibration, filterfrom_khz = 0)
#' }
#' pps <- addFunction(pps, calClick, module = 'ClickDetector')
#' pps <- applyCalibration(pps, all=TRUE)
#' pps
#' removeCalibration(pps, index=1)
#' @importFrom utils menu
#' @export
removeCalibration <- function(pps, index=NULL, module='ClickDetector', verbose=TRUE) {
    # if(is.null(module)) {
    #     modList <- names(pps@calibration)
    #     modix <- menu(choices = modList, title = 'Choose a module:')
    #     module <- modList[modix]
    # }
    calList <- names(pps@calibration[[module]])
    if(length(calList) == 0) {
        if(verbose) {
            cat('No calibration functions to remove.')
    if(is.null(index)) {
        index <- menu(title = 'Which calibration function should we remove?',
                      choices = calList)
        if(index==0) return(pps)
    index <- sort(index) # needed for recursion with vector to work
    dropName <- calList[index[1]]
    pps@calibration[[module]] <- pps@calibration[[module]][-index[1]]
    # Removing calibration from functions, set back to NULL
    argList <- lapply(pps@functions[[module]], formals)
    hasCal <- sapply(argList, function(x) {
        'calibration' %in% names(x) &&
            x[['calibration']] == dropName
    if(length(hasCal) == 0) {
    hasCal <- which(hasCal)
    for(i in hasCal) {
        thisArgs <- argList[[i]]
        # this looks odd, but only way to set NULL without removing from list
        whichCal <- which(names(thisArgs) == 'calibration')
        thisArgs[whichCal] <- list(NULL)
        formals(pps@functions[[module]][[i]]) <- thisArgs
        if(verbose) {
            cat('removed calibration from function', names(argList[i]), '\n')
    # recursively remove if vector
    if(length(index) > 1) {
        return(removeCalibration(pps, index[-1]-1, module, verbose))

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PAMpal documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 1:06 a.m.