createAdaptiveRandomWalkProposal: Adaptive Random Walk proposal distribution for MCMC...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) See Also

View source: R/proposalclass.R


Create the adaptive gaussian random walk proposal that is used as a default in adaptiveMH and pawl, whenever the target distribution is continuous.


    createAdaptiveRandomWalkProposal(nchains, targetdimension, adaptiveproposal, adaptationrate, sigma_init)



Object of class "numeric": it should be an integer representing the desired number of parallel chains.


Object of class "numeric": it should be an integer representing the dimension of the target distribution.


Object of class "logical": specifies whether an adaptive proposal (Robbins-Monroe type of adaptation) should be used. Default is FALSE.


Object of class "function": specifies the rate at which the adaptation of the proposal is performed. It should be a function defined on [0, + infty[ such that it is not integrable but its square is integrable, e.g. t -> 1/t for instance. The default is t -> t^-0.6.


Object of class "numeric": it should be a positive real number specifying the standard deviation of the proposal distribution at the first iteration. If the proposal is adaptive, it acts as a starting point for the adaptation. If it is not adaptive, then this value is used throughout all the iterations. Default is 1.


The function returns an object of class proposal-class, to be used in calls to adaptiveMH and pawl.


Luke Bornn <>, Pierre E. Jacob <>

See Also

proposal-class, adaptiveMH, pawl

PAWL documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:58 a.m.