Man pages for PBSmodelling
GUI Tools Made Easy: Interact with Models and Explore Data

addArrowsAdd Arrows to a Plot Using Relative (0:1) Coordinates
addLabelAdd a Label to a Plot Using Relative (0:1) Coordinates
addLegendAdd a Legend to a Plot Using Relative (0:1) Coordinates
calcFibCalculate Fibonacci Numbers by Several Methods
calcGMCalculate the Geometric Mean, Allowing for Zeroes
calcMinCalculate the Minimum of a User-Defined Function
CCA.qbrData: Sampled Counts of Quillback Rockfish (Sebastes maliger)
chooseWinValChoose and Set a String Item in a GUI
cleanProjLaunch a GUI for Project File Deletion
cleanWDLaunch a GUI for File Deletion
clearAllRemove all R Objects From a Specified Environment
clearPBSextClear File Extension Associations
clearRconClear the R Console / Focus on the RGui Window
clearWinValRemove all Current Widget Variables
clipVectorClip a Vector at One or Both Ends
closeWinClose GUI Window(s)
compileCCompile a C File into a Shared Library Object
compileDescriptionConvert and Save a Window Description as a List
convSlashesConvert Slashes from UNIX to DOS
createVectorCreate a GUI with a Vector Widget
createWinCreate a GUI Window
declareGUIoptionsDeclare Option Names that Correspond with Widget Names
doActionExecute Action Created by a Widget
dot-PBSmodEnvPBSmodelling Environment
dot-win.funsGUI Windows Wrappers
drawBarsDraw a Linear Barplot on the Current Plot
evalCallEvaluate a Function Call
expandGraphExpand the Plot Area by Adjusting Margins
exportHistoryExport a Saved History
findPatSearch a Character Vector to Find Multiple Patterns
findPrefixFind a Prefix Based on Names of Existing Files
findProgramLocates a program in the PATH environment variable
focusWinSet the Focus on a Particular Window
genMatrixGenerate Test Matrices for plotBubbles
getChoiceChoose One String Item from a List of Choices
getGUIoptionsGet PBS Options for Widgets
getOptionsGet and Set User Options
getOptionsFileNameGet and Set File Name for Saving and Loading of Options
getOptionsPrefixGet and Set GUI Prefix of Options Class
getPBSextGet Command Associated With File Name Extension
getPBSoptionsRetrieve A User Option
getWinActRetrieve the Last Window Action
getWinFunRetrieve Names of Functions Referenced in a Window
getWinValRetrieve Widget Values for Use in R Code
getYesPrompt the User to Choose Yes or No
GT0Restrict a Numeric Variable to a Positive Value
importHistoryImport a History List from a File
initHistoryCreate Structures for a New History Widget
isWhatIdentify an Object and Print Information
lispList Objects in .PBSmodEnv Workspace
loadCLaunch a GUI for Compiling and Loading C Code
loadOptionsSave and Load Options to and from Disk
loadOptionsGUILoad and Save Options Values to and from a GUI
lucentConvert Solid Colours to Translucence
openExamplesOpen Example Files from a Package
openFileOpen File with Associated Program
openUGOpen Package User Guide
packListPack a List with Objects
pad0Pad Values with Leading Zeroes
parseWinFileConvert a Window Description File into a List Object
pausePause Between Graphics Displays or Other Calculations
PBSmodellingPBS Modelling
PBSoptions-classS4: Project Options Class
PBStalk-classS4: Present Talk Classes
pickColPick a Colour From a Palette and get the Hexadecimal Code
plotACFPlot Autocorrelation Bars From a Data Frame, Matrix, or...
plotAspConstruct a Plot with a Specified Aspect Ratio
plotBubblesConstruct a Bubble Plot from a Matrix
plotCsumPlot Cumulative Sum of Data
plotDensPlot Density Curves from a Data Frame, Matrix, or Vector
plotFriedEggsRender a Pairs Plot as Fried Eggs and Beer
plotSidebarsPlot Table as Horizontal Sidebars
plotTracePlot Trace Lines from a Data Frame, Matrix, or Vector
presentTalkRun a Presentation in R
promptWriteOptionsPrompt the User to Write Changed Options
readListRead a List from an ASCII File
readPBSoptionsRead PBS Options from an External File
resetGraphReset par Values for a Plot
restoreParGet Actual Parameters from Scaled Values
runDemosInteractive GUI for R Demos
runExampleRun a Single GUI Example Included with PBS Modelling
runExamplesRun GUI Examples Included with PBS Modelling
scaleParScale Parameters to [0,1]
selectDirDisplay Dialogue: Select directory
selectFileDisplay Dialogue: Open or Save File
setFileOptionSet a PBS File Path Option Interactively
setGUIoptionsSet PBS Options from Widget Values
setPathOptionSet a PBS Path Option Interactively
setPBSextSet Command to Associate with File Name Extension
setPBSoptionsSet A User Option
setwdGUIBrowse for Working Directory and Optionally Find Prefix
setWidgetColorUpdate Widget Color
setWidgetStateUpdate Widget State
setWinActAdd a Window Action to the Saved Action Vector
setWinValUpdate Widget Values
show0Convert Numbers into Text with Specified Decimal Places
showAlertDisplay a Message in an Alert Window
showArgsDisplay Expected Widget Arguments
showHelpDisplay HTML Help Pages for Packages in Browser
showPacksShow Packages Required But Not Installed
showResShow Results of Expression Represented by Text
showVignettesDisplay Vignettes for Packages
sortHistorySort an Active or Saved History
testAlphaTest Various Alpha Transparency Values
testColDisplay Colours Available Using a Set of Strings
testLtyDisplay Line Types Available
testLwdDisplay Line Widths
testWidgetsDisplay Sample GUIs and their Source Code
tgetGet/Put Objects From/To Temporary Work Environment
unpackListUnpack List Elements into Variables
updateGUIUpdate Active GUI With Local Values
vbdataData: Lengths-at-Age for von Bertalanffy Curve
vbparsData: Initial Parameters for a von Bertalanffy Curve
viewView First/Last/Random n Elements/Rows of an Object
viewCodeView Package R Code
writeListWrite a List to a File in PBS Modelling Format
writePBSoptionsWrite PBS Options to an External File
PBSmodelling documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.