
Defines functions .onUnload .onAttach .onLoad

.PBSmodEnv <- new.env(FALSE, parent=globalenv())  # Taking cue from Roger Bivand's maptools

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
	library.dynam("PBSmodelling", pkgname, libname)

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname)
	## obtain values necessary for the start-up message
	pkg_info <- utils::sessionInfo( package="PBSmodelling" )$otherPkgs$PBSmodelling
	if( is.character( pkg_info$Packaged ) )
		pkg_date <- strsplit( pkg_info$Packaged, " " )[[1]][1]
		pkg_date  <- date()
	userguide_path <- system.file( "doc/PBSmodelling-UG.pdf", package = "PBSmodelling" )
	year <- substring(date(),nchar(date())-3,nchar(date()))

PBS Modelling ", pkg_info$Version, " -- Copyright (C) 2005-",year," Fisheries and Oceans Canada

A complete user guide 'PBSmodelling-UG.pdf' is located at 
", userguide_path, "

Packaged on ", pkg_date, "
Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo

All available PBS packages can be found at
	## Load custom PBSmodelling tcl scripts
	tcl("lappend", "auto_path", system.file( "tcl_scripts", package = "PBSmodelling" ) )
	tclRequire( "PBSmodelling" )

	## Ensure that Tk is available, first
	tk <- tclRequire("Tk", warn = FALSE)
	if ( is.logical (tk) ) {

ERROR: Your system failed to load Tk, the widget toolkit required for
PBSmodelling.  See the R FAQ for your operating system at
for suggestions on resolving issues with Tcl/Tk.


	## Try to load the required packages; set warn = FALSE so that
	## the user won't see warnings during the install; warnings
	## during the install don't include the the details (below), and
	## thus, are very confusing.
	bwidget <- tclRequire("BWidget", warn = FALSE)
	if ( is.logical (bwidget) ) {
		## try the included distribution
		tcl("lappend", "auto_path", system.file( "thirdparty/BWidget-1.9.0/", package = "PBSmodelling" ) )
		bwidget <- tclRequire("BWidget", warn = FALSE)
	tktable <- tclRequire("Tktable", warn = FALSE)

	## If Tk succeeded and either package failed to load, display an appropriate error message
	if( !is.logical (tk) && ( is.logical( bwidget ) || is.logical( tktable ) ) ) {
ERROR: Your system is missing at least one Tcl/Tk package that
PBSmodelling requires to function correctly (details below).  Missing
packages must be installed outside of R.")

		if( is.logical( bwidget ) ) {
MISSING PACKAGE: \"BWidget\" (Tcl/Tk package)

Ubuntu/Debian users may try installing BWidget with the command
   sudo apt-get install bwidget

If this command doesn't work, the source code for the BWidget
toolkit can be downloaded from their SourceForge site
		if( is.logical( tktable ) ) {
MISSING PACKAGE: \"Tktable\" (Tcl/Tk package)

Ubuntu/Debian users may try installing Tktable with the command
   sudo apt-get install libtktable2.10
   sudo apt-get install tk-table
If these commands fail, it may be possible to obtain a version of the
package \"tk-table\" from
and then install it with a command like
   sudo dpkg -i tk-table_2.10-1_i386.deb
If the above (dpkg) command fails because the package \"tk\" cannot be
found, first try installing the package \"tk\" with the command
   sudo apt-get install tk

Mac users may try installing the Tcl/Tk package available from
This package includes Tktable 2.9.  Those Mac users who are using
MacPorts (http://www.macports.org/) may try installing Tktable with
the command
   sudo port install tktable

If these commands don't work, the source code for tktable can be
downloaded from their SourceForge site



.onUnload <- function(libpath)

## No Visible Bindings
## ===================
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(names=c(
	), package="PBSmodelling" )


Try the PBSmodelling package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PBSmodelling documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.