
Defines functions .tclArrayToVector .mapArrayToVec .initPBSoptions .getArrayPts .forceMode .findSquare .convertVecToArray .addslashes writePBSoptions viewCode .win.restoreCWD .win.chTest .win.chFile .win.makeChoice .win.closeChoice .win.closeSDE .win.closeALL .win.runExHelperQuit .win.tprint .win.tcall .win.tget .viewPkgVignette showVignettes showRes showPacks showHelp showArgs setPBSoptions setPBSext selectFile selectDir .dUpdateDesc .dClose .viewPkgDemo readPBSoptions openUG openFile isWhat getPBSoptions getPBSext findProgram evalCall convSlashes compileDescription clearRcon clearPBSext clearAll .fibClosedForm .fibR .fibC .fibCall calcFib

Documented in calcFib clearAll clearPBSext clearRcon compileDescription convSlashes evalCall findProgram getPBSext getPBSoptions isWhat openFile openUG readPBSoptions selectDir selectFile setPBSext setPBSoptions showArgs showHelp showPacks showRes showVignettes viewCode .win.chFile .win.chTest .win.closeALL .win.closeChoice .win.closeSDE .win.makeChoice .win.restoreCWD .win.runExHelperQuit .win.tcall .win.tget .win.tprint writePBSoptions

##                PBS Modelling                   |
## Authors:                                       |
##  Jon T. Schnute <schnuej@shaw.ca>              |
##  Alex Couture-Beil <alex@mofo.ca>              |
##  Rowan Haigh <rowan.haighR@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>      |
##  Anisa Egeli <>                                |

## calcFib               Calculate a vector containing fibonacci numbers
## calcGM                Calculate the geometric mean of a vector of numbers
## clearAll              Remove all data in the global environment
## clearPBSext           Disassociate any number of file extensions from commands previously saved with setPBSext
## clearRcon             Clear the R console display
## clipVector            Clip a vector at one or both ends of a specified value or string
## compileDescription    Convert a GUI description file into a complete GUI desc List which can be passed directly to createWin
## convSlashes           Convert unix "/" to R's "\\" if OS is windows
## createVector          Create a GUI with a vector widget and button
## evalCall              Evaluate a function call, resolving conflicting arguments
## findPat               Search all patterns in pat from vec, and returns the matched elements in vec
## findProgram           Given string name of a program - return the complete path to program
## focusRgui             Set focus to the RGui window
## genMatrix             Generate a test matrix for use in plotBubbles
## getPBSext             Retrieve previously saved command
## getPBSoptions         Retrieve a user option
## isWhat                Prints class, mode, type, and attributes of the given object x
## openFile              Open file for viewing based on System file extension association
## openUG                Open package User Guide 'pkg-UG.pdf' if it exists
## pad0                  Convert numbers to integers then text, and pad them with leading zeroes
## pause                 Pause, typically between graphics displays
## readPBSoptions        Load PBS options from a text file
## runDemos              Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's demo()
## runExample            Display a single GUI example
## runExamples           Display a master GUI to display examples
## selectDir             Prompt user to select a directory and returns it
## selectFile            Prompt user to open/save a file(s)
## setPBSext             Associate a new command with file types
## setPBSoptions         Change user options
## show0                 Show decimal places including zeroes
## showArgs              Show arguments of a widget definition
## showHelp              Show HTML help files for package contents
## showPacks             Show packages that need to be installed
## showRes               Show results of the calculation in string x
## showVignettes         Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's vignette()
## testWidgets           Display a "master" GUI that displays other sample GUIs
## tget/tcall/trpint/tput Functions to get, put, and print objects into the .PBSmodEnv
## view                  View first/last/random n element/rows of an object.
## viewCode              View package R code on the fly
## writePBSoptions       Save PBS options to a text file

## .addslashes           Escape special characters from a string
## .convertVecToArray    Convert a vector to an Array
## .dClose               Function to execute on closing runDemos()
## .dUpdateDesc          Update demo window with demo descriptions
## .findSquare           Find rows and columns that form a square grid for plotting
## .forceMode            Force a variable into a mode without showing any warnings
## .getArrayPts          Return all possible indices of an array
## .initPBSoptions       Called from zzz.R's .First.lib() intialization function
## .mapArrayToVec        Determine which index to use for a vector, when given an N-dim index of an array
## .removeFromList       Remove items from a list
## .tclArrayToVector     wtf? something array to vector for tcltk objects?
## .viewPkgDemo          Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's demo()
## .viewPkgVignettes     Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's vignette()

## calcFib------------------------------2006-08-28
##  Calculate a vector containing fibonacci numbers
##  Arguments:
##   len    - return the last "len" calculated numbers 
##   n      - calculate the nth number
##   method - use .C, .Call, R code, or closed form
## --------------------------------------------JTS
calcFib <- function(n, len=1, method="C")
	if (n<0)
	if (len>(n+1))
		len <- (n+1)


.fibCall <- function(n, len=1)
	retArr <- numeric(len)
	out <- .Call("fibonacci2", as.integer(n), as.integer(len), PACKAGE="PBSmodelling")

.fibC <- function(n, len=1)
	retArr <- numeric(len)
	out <- .C("fibonacci", as.integer(n), as.integer(len), as.numeric(retArr), PACKAGE="PBSmodelling")
	x <- out[[3]]

.fibR <- function(n, len=1)
	retArr <- numeric(len)
	xa <- 0; xb <- 1;
	for(i in 0:n) {
		#init conds: fib(0)=0, fib(1)=1
		if (i <= 1) { xn <- i }
		else {
			xn <- xa+xb; xa <- xb; xb <- xn }
		## save results if iteration i is within the 
		## range from n-len to n
		j <- i - n + len;
		if (j>0) retArr[j] <- xn

.fibClosedForm <- function(n, len=1)
	n <- (n-(len-1)):n
	phi <- (1+sqrt(5))/2
	return(round((phi^n - (1-phi)^n)/sqrt(5)))

## calcGM-------------------------------2006-08-28
## Calculate the geometric mean of a vector of numbers
## Arguments:
##  x      - Vector of numbers
##  offset - Added value to validate zeroes
##  exzero - If TRUE, exclude zeroes
calcGM <- function (x, offset = 0, exzero = TRUE)
	x <- x[!is.na(x)]
	if (exzero) 
		x <- x[x > 0 & !is.na(x)]
	n <- length(x)
	if (n == 0) 
	x <- x + offset
	g <- exp(mean(log(x)))

## clearAll-----------------------------2012-12-06
##  Remove all data in the global environment
##  Arguments:
##   hidden  - if T remove all variables including dot variables
##   verbose - list all removed variables
##   PBSsave - if TRUE, do not remove .PBSmod
## --------------------------------------ACB/AE/RH
clearAll <- function(hidden=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, PBSsave=TRUE, pos=.PBSmodEnv)
	objs <- ls(all.names = TRUE, pos = pos) #.GlobalEnv")
	if (verbose && length(objs))
	rmlist <- ls(all.names = hidden, pos = pos) #.GlobalEnv")
	rm(list = rmlist, pos = pos) #.GlobalEnv")
	if (verbose) {
		if (length(rmlist))

		if (length(ls(all.names = TRUE, pos = pos))) #.GlobalEnv")))
			print(ls(all.names = TRUE, pos = pos))    #.GlobalEnv"))

## clearPBSext--------------------------2013-07-16
##  Disassociate any number of file extensions from commands
##   previously save with setPBSext.
##  Argument:
##   ext - optional character vector of file extensions to
##         clear; if unspecified, all associations are removed
## ------------------------------------------AE/RH
    .PBSmod$.options$openfile <- list() #packList("openfile",".PBSmod$.options",list()) #.PBSmod$.options$openfile<<-list()
    #eval(parse(text=".PBSmod$.options$openfile <<- .removeFromList(.PBSmod$.options$openfile, ext)"))
    .PBSmod$.options$openfile <- .removeFromList(.PBSmod$.options$openfile, ext)
      #packList(".optionsChanged",".PBSmod$.options",TRUE) #.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged<<-TRUE
      .PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged <- TRUE

## clearRcon----------------------------2009-05-14
##  Clear the R console display.
## ---------------------------------------------NO
clearRcon <- function(os=.Platform$OS.type)
	if (os!="windows") {
		err="'clearRcon' needs Windows OS to use Windows Scripting"
		cat(err,"\n"); return(invisible(err)) }
	tdir <- tempdir()
	fname <- paste(tdir, "\\clearRcon.vbs", sep="")
	cat('Dim pShell\n', file=fname)
	cat('Set pShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")\n', file=fname, append=TRUE)
	cat('pShell.AppActivate "R Console"\n', file=fname, append=TRUE)
	cat('pShell.SendKeys "^L"\n', file=fname, append=TRUE)
	cat('Set pShell = Nothing\n', file=fname, append=TRUE)
	system(paste("cscript //NoLogo", fname), minimized=TRUE)

## clipVector---------------------------2007-06-09
##  Clip a vector at one or both ends of a 
##  specified value or string
## ---------------------------------------------RH
clipVector <- function (vec,clip,end=0)
	if (is.null(names(vec))) names(vec) <- 1:length(vec)
	if (any(end==c(0,1))) { # clip vector from the front
		znot = !vec%in%clip
		zzz  = cumsum(znot)
		z1   = match(1,zzz)
		vec  = vec[z1:length(vec)] }
	if (any(end==c(0,2))) { # clip vector from the end
		vrev = rev(vec)
		znot = !vrev%in%clip
		zzz  = cumsum(znot)
		z1   = match(1,zzz)
		vrev = vrev[z1:length(vrev)]
		vec  = rev(vrev) }

## compileDescription-------------------2006-08-28
##  Convert a GUI description file into a complete GUI desc List
##  which can be passed directly to createWin
##  Arguments:
##   descFile - filename of GUI description file
##   outFile  - filename to save list to. 
##  WARNING: this will overwrite the file, if it currently exists
## --------------------------------------------ACB
compileDescription <- function(descFile, outFile="")
	if (outFile!="")
	"#This file was automaticaly generated from window description file \"",
	descFile, "\"\n#with the compileDescription function.\n\n", sep=""))
	cat("#This list can then be passed directly to createWin()\n\n")
	cat(paste("#To assign this list to a variable: GUIdesc<-eval(parse(\"", outFile, "\"))\n", sep=""))
	if (outFile!="")

## convSlashes--------------------------2009-02-16
##  Convert unix "/" to R's "\\" if OS is windows.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
convSlashes=function(expr, os=.Platform$OS.type, addQuotes=FALSE)
	if (os=="windows") 
	if (addQuotes) expr=paste("\"",expr,"\"",sep="")

## createVector-------------------------2012-12-11
##  Create a GUI with a vector widget and button
##  Arguments:
##   vec:          a vector of widget variable names
##                 if vec is named, then the names are used as widget variable 
##                 names and the values are used as the default value
##   vectorLabels: if supplied, this vector of labels are printed above each entry box
##                 There should be one label for every variable defined in vec
##                 i.e. length(vectorLabels)==length(vec)
##   func:         function name as a string
##                 If given, this function will be called whenever data is entered
##                 i.e. Enter pressed, or submit button clicked. This user function
##                 would then most likely use getWinVal()
##   windowname:   windowname to use for this GUI
##  Output: If no user defined function is given (see func paramater), then global variables 
##          matching the variable name is set with the value of the widget
##          whenever text focus is in a widget and enter is pressed, or when submit is pushed.
##          Otherwise, func will be called and it is the user's responsibility to  make use of getWinVal
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
createVector <- function (vec, vectorLabels=NULL, func="", windowname="vectorwindow", env=NULL)
	if(is.null(env)) env = parent.frame()
	if (is.null(names(vec))) {
		namesVal <- vec
		valuesVal <- ""
	else {
		namesVal <- names(vec)
		valuesVal <- vec
	if (!is.character(func))
		stop("func must be a character string")
	namesVal <- as.character(namesVal)
	if (is.null(vectorLabels)) 
		vecLabels <- names(vec)
	else {
		if (length(vectorLabels) != length(vec)) 
			stop("length of parameters vec and vectorLabels should be the same length")
		vectorLabels <- as.character(vectorLabels)
		vecLabels <- vectorLabels
	winList <- list(list(title = "Vector", windowname = windowname, vertical = TRUE, 
		onclose = "", .widgets = list(list(type = "vector", names = namesVal, 
		length = length(vec), labels = vecLabels, values = valuesVal, 
		font = "", vertical = FALSE, "function" = func, enter = TRUE, 
		action = "", mode = "numeric", width = 6, sticky = "", 
		padx = 0, pady = 0), list(type = "button", "function" = func, 
		text = "Go", padx = 0, pady = 0)), .menus = list()))

## evalCall-----------------------------2014-03-04
##  Evaluate a function call, resolving conflicting arguments.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
evalCall=function(fn, argu=list(), ..., envir=parent.frame(), checkdef=FALSE, checkpar=FALSE)

	if (checkdef && exists(fnam.def)) {
		base=c(base,udefs) }
	if (checkpar) {
		pars=par(); pars=pars[setdiff(names(pars),names(base))] # use only pars not in base
		forms=c(base,pars) } # all possible formal arguments
	else forms=base

	# check to see if user has manipulated dots before passing to `evalCall`
	if (length(dots)==1 && !is.null(names(dots)) && names(dots)=="dots")
		dots = dots[["dots"]]

	strargs=sapply(strargs,paste,collapse="",simplify=FALSE) # collapse multiple strings

	for (i in names(strargs)) argspec=c(argspec,paste(i,"=",strargs[[i]]))

## findPat------------------------------2006-08-28
##  Searches all patterns in pat from vec, and returns the
##  matched elements in vec.
##  Arguments:
##   pat - character vector of patterns to match in vec.
##   vec - character vector where matches are sought.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
findPat <- function (pat, vec)
	n <- length(vec)
	z <- NULL
	for (xstr in pat) {
		a <- regexpr(xstr, vec)
		b <- (1:n)[a > 0]
		z <- union(z, b) }
	found <- vec[z]

## findProgram--------------------------2006-08-28
##  Given string name of a program - return the 
##  complete path to program.  This was made without
##  knowing Sys.which() existed - we may want to 
##  deprecate this at some point.
## --------------------------------------------ACB
findProgram <- function( name, includename = FALSE )
	tmp <- Sys.which( name )
	if( includename == FALSE )
		tmp <- dirname( tmp )
	return( tmp )

## focusRgui----------------------------2011-09-09
##  Set focus to the RGui window.
## ------------------------------------------NO/RH
focusRgui = function (os = .Platform$OS.type)
	if (os != "windows") {
		err = "'focusRgui' needs Windows OS to use Windows Scripting"
		cat(err, "\n")
	tdir <- tempdir()
	fname <- paste(tdir, "\\focusRgui.vbs", sep = "")
	cmd <- "Set w = CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\"): w.AppActivate(\"RGui\") : w.SendKeys(\"% x\") "
	cat(cmd, file = fname)
	system(paste("cscript //NoLogo", fname), minimized = TRUE)

## genMatrix----------------------------2006-08-28
##  Generate a test matrix for use in plotBubbles
##  Arguments:
##   m     - number of rows
##   n     - number of columns
##   mu    - mean value of distribution
##   sigma - std deviation of distribution
## --------------------------------------------JTS
genMatrix <- function (m,n,mu=0,sigma=1)
	matrix(rnorm(m*n,mean=mu,sd=sigma), m, n)

## getPBSext----------------------------2012-12-04
##  Retrieve previously saved command.  Argument:
##   ext - file extension
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
getPBSext <- function(ext)
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv))
		stop(".PBSmod was not found")
	if (missing(ext))
	if ( is.null( .PBSmod$.options$openfile[[ ext ]] ) )

## getPBSoptions------------------------2012-12-04
##  Retrieve a user option.  Argument:
##   option - name of option to retrieve
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
getPBSoptions <- function(option)
	if (missing(option))

## isWhat-------------------------------2008-09-08
##  Prints the class, mode, type, and attributes of the given object x.
## --------------------------------------------JTS
isWhat <- function(x)
  cat("class: "); print(class(x));
  cat("mode:  "); print(mode(x));
  cat("type:  "); print(typeof(x));
  cat(paste("attributes:",ifelse(is.null(att)," NULL\n","\n"),sep=""))
  if (!is.null(att)) print(att)

## openFile-----------------------------2023-01-04
##  Open a file for viewing based on System file
##  extension association or .PBSmod$.options$openfile
## --------------------------------------ACB|NB|RH
openFile <- function(fname="", package=NULL, select=FALSE)
	## Create the PBSmodelling control file '.PBSmod' into PBSmodelling working environment
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) .initPBSoptions()

	.openFile=function(fname, package)
		if ( fname=="" && any(grepl("^[^\\.]",names(tcall(.PBSmod)))) ) { ## window names do not start with '.'
			fname = getWinAct()[1] 
			if (!file.exists(fname))
				fname = ""
		## Could be troublesome if a valid 'fname' is sitting in GUI actions but user just wants to open a 'selectFile' prompt.
		if (fname=="" || select) {
			fname = selectFile(mode="open", multiple=TRUE)
			openFile(fname) ; return()
		## Check package space
		if(!is.null(package)) {
			## relative within package
			pkg_file <- system.file(fname, package=package)
			if( pkg_file == "" )
				stop(paste("File \"", fname,"\" does not exist in package \"", package, "\"", sep=""))
			fname <- pkg_file
		} else {
			## relative/absolute within file system
			fname <- normalizePath(fname, mustWork=FALSE);
			if (!file.exists(fname)) {
				message(paste0("'",fname,"' does not exist"))
		## system.file and normalizePath both fail if the file doesn't exist;
		## if we've gotten this far, we should be okay to open it

		## remove everything that precedes extension
		#ext <- sub("^.*\\.", "", fname)
		if (!any(grepl("\\.", basename(fname))))
			ext = ""
			ext <- sub("^.*\\.", "", basename(fname)) ## (RH 230103)
		if ( is.null( .PBSmod$.options$openfile[[ext]] ) ) {
			## nothing previously set with setPBSext
			#if ( exists("shell.exec", mode="function" ) )  {
			if ( exists("shell", mode="function" ) )  {
				## Windows
				if (ext=="")  ## Windows likely has no association if there is no extension
					shell(paste0("C:/Windows/notepad.exe ", fname), wait=FALSE)  ## (RH 230104)
					shell(fname, wait=FALSE) #shell.exec(fname)
			} else if( file.exists( "/usr/bin/open" ) ) {
				## Mac OS X
				system( paste( "open", fname ) )
			} else if( file.exists( "/usr/bin/xdg-open" ) ) {
				## Linux (xdg-open is a desktop-independent tool)
				system( paste( "xdg-open", fname ) )
			} else if( file.exists( "/usr/bin/gnome-open" ) ) {
				## Linux (Gnome desktop)
				system( paste( "gnome-open", fname ) )
			stop(paste("There is no program associated with the extension '", ext, "'\n",
				"Set an association with the 'setPBSext' command\n"))
		} else {
			## matches extension previously set with setPBSext
			cmd <- getPBSext(ext)
			## RH: gsub needs to expand WinOS "\\" delimiters introduced by `normalizePath` above.
			cmd <- gsub("%f", gsub("\\\\","\\\\\\\\",fname), cmd)
			if (.Platform$OS.type=="windows")
	ops = sapply(fname, .openFile, package=package)

## openUG-------------------------------2009-12-04
##  Open package User Guide 'pkg-UG.pdf' if it exists.
##  Essentially a wrapper for 'openFile'.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
openUG = function(pkg="PBSmodelling")
	pkgnam = as.character(substitute(pkg))

## pad0---------------------------------2011-12-12
##  Convert numbers (or text coerced to numeric), 
##   to integers then text, and pad them with leading zeroes.
##  Arguments:
##    x - Vector of numbers
##    n - Length of padded integer
##    f - Factor of 10 to expand x by
##  Note: For meaningful results, n should be at least as
##        large as the order of factored x (x * 10^f).
## ---------------------------------------------RH
pad0 <- function (x, n, f = 0)
	xin <- x
	fin <- f
	flist <- as.list(f); names(flist) = f
	xnum <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(xin))
	zstr <- is.na(xnum); znum = !zstr
	for (f in fin) {
		xout <- xin
		if (any(znum)) {
			x <- xnum[znum]
			xord <- max(ceiling(log10(abs(x * 10^f))), na.rm = TRUE);
			if (any(max(abs(x * 10^f)) == 10^(-10:10))) xord <- xord + 1;
			if (n < xord) n <- xord  ## No padding occurs if n<=xord
			x <- round(x, f) * 10^f
			xneg <- x < 0;
			x <- abs(x);  x <- format(x, scientific=FALSE)
			xout[znum] = x }
		if (any(zstr)) 
			xout[zstr] <- paste(xout[zstr],paste(rep(0,f),collapse=""),sep="")
		xout <- gsub(" ", "", xout); nx <- length(xout);
		base0 <- rep(paste(rep(0, n), collapse = ""), nx);
		nchr <- nchar(xout); ndiff <- n - nchr;
		add0 <- substring(base0, 1, ndiff);
		xout <- paste(add0, xout, sep = "");
		if (any(znum))
			xout[znum][xneg] <- paste("-", xout[znum][xneg], sep = "");
		attr(xout, "input") <- xin
		flist[[as.character(f)]] <- xout
	if (length(fin)==1)
		padout = flist[[as.character(fin)]]
	else if (length(xin)==1) {
		padout = sapply(flist,function(x){x[1]})
		attr(padout, "input") <- xin }
	else padout <- flist

## pause--------------------------------2006-08-28
##  Pause, typically between graphics displays
##  Arguments:
##   s  - string to display to user
## --------------------------------------------JTS
pause <- function (s = "Press <Enter> to continue")

## readPBSoptions-----------------------2023-01-06
##  Load PBS options from a text file. The loaded options will
##  overwrite existing ones in memory; however, an existing
##  option in memory will not be cleared if this option does
##  not exist in the options file.
##  Input:
##   fname - name of options file (or path to this file)
##  Output:
##   returns FALSE if file did not exist or if read failed
##   otherwise returns TRUE
## -----------------------------------------ACB|RH
	optList=try(readList(fname), silent=TRUE)
	if (inherits(optList, "try-error"))
	##eval(parse(text=".PBSmod$.options <<- .mergeLists(.PBSmod$.options, optList)"))
	.PBSmod$.options <- .mergeLists(.PBSmod$.options, optList)
		##packList(".optionsFile",".PBSmod$.options",fname) ##.PBSmod$.options$.optionsFile<<-fname
		.PBSmod$.options$.optionsFile <- fname
	##packList(".optionsChanged",".PBSmod$.options",NULL) ##.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged<<-NULL
	.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged <- NULL

## runDemos-----------------------------2013-06-27
##  Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's demo()
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
runDemos <- function (package)
	##if (!exists(".dwd",where=1)) assign(".dwd",getwd(),envir=.GlobalEnv)
	##if (!exists(".dls",where=1)) assign(".dls",c(".dls",ls(pos = 1, all.names=TRUE)),envir=.GlobalEnv)
	if (!exists(".dwd",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) assign(".dwd",getwd(),envir=.PBSmodEnv) ##.GlobalEnv)
	if (!exists(".dls",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) assign(".dls",c(".dls",ls(pos = .PBSmodEnv, all.names=TRUE)),envir=.PBSmodEnv) ##.GlobalEnv)
	x <- demo(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))
	if (missing(package)) {
		##display a list of packages to choose from
		pkgDemo <- unique(x$results[,"Package"])
		wintext <- c( "window title=\"R Demos\" name=pbsdemo onclose=.dClose",
			"label text=\"R Demos                                                  \" font=\"bold underline\" fg=blue padx=10 sticky=w",
			"label text=\"Select a package to view available demos:\" sticky=W padx=12 font=\"bold 10\"" )

		##create droplist labels with counts
		pkg_labels <- c()
		for(pkg in pkgDemo) {
			len <- length(x$results[,"Package"][x$results[,"Package"]==pkg])
			if (len==1)
				items <- "(1 demo)"
				items <- paste("(",len," demos)", sep="")
			pkg_labels <- c( pkg_labels, paste( pkg, items ) )

		wintext[ length(wintext) + 1 ] <- paste( "droplist name=pkg values=", .addslashes( pkgDemo, asvector=TRUE ), " labels=", .addslashes( pkg_labels, asvector = TRUE ), " add=FALSE mode=character", sep="" )

		wintext[ length(wintext) + 1 ] <- "button function=.viewPkgDemo action=pkg text=\"View Demos\" sticky=w padx=12 bg=aliceblue"

		createWin(wintext, astext=TRUE, env = parent.env( environment() ) )
	##display demos from a certain package
	if (!OK) {
		mess=paste(package,"package is not available")
		showAlert(mess); stop(mess) }
	x <- x$results[x$results[,"Package"]==package,]

	## It is critical that the label widget named package *only* contain the package name + whitespace -> it is used by getWinVal() later
	wintext <- c( paste( "window title=\"R Demos:", package, "\" name=pbsdemo onclose=.dClose", sep="" ),
		paste( "label name=package text=", .addslashes( package ), " font=\"bold underline\" fg=red3 padx=10 sticky=w", sep="" ),
		"label text=\"Select a demo to view:\" sticky=W padx=12 font=\"bold 10\"" )

	if (is.null(dim(x))) {

	droplist_data <- c()
	for(j in 1:length(x[,1])) {
		demoDir <- file.path(x[j,"LibPath"], package, "demo")
		##====== DEPRECATED functions in `tools` =======
		##path <- tools::list_files_with_type(demoDir, "demo")
		##path <- path[x[j,"Item"]==tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(path))]
		dext = paste(c("R", "r"),"$",sep="")
		dfile = findPat(dext,list.files(path=demoDir)) ##list.files(path=demoDir,pattern=dext)
		dpref = sub("([^.]+)\\.[[:alnum:]]+$", "\\1", dfile)
		disin = is.element(x[,"Item"],dpref)
		path  = paste(demoDir,dfile[disin],sep="/")
		droplist_data[ j ] <- path [j]
	titles <- x[,"Title"]
	title_cut_off <- 50 ##cut off titles longer than this
	labels <- paste( x[,"Item"], " ::: ", substring( titles, 1, title_cut_off ), ifelse( nchar(titles) > title_cut_off, "...", "" ), sep="" )

	wintext[ length( wintext ) + 1 ] <- paste( "droplist name=demo values=", .addslashes( droplist_data, asvector=TRUE ), " labels=", .addslashes( labels, asvector=TRUE ), " add=FALSE mode=character sticky=W padx=20 width=55 function=.dUpdateDesc", sep="" )
	wintext[ length( wintext ) + 1 ] <- paste( "label name=demo_desc text=", .addslashes( x[1,"Title"] ), " sticky=W wraplength=500 padx=20 pady=\"20 0\"", sep="" )

	wintext[ length( wintext ) + 1 ] <- "grid 1 3 sticky=w pady=3"
	wintext[ length( wintext ) + 1 ] <- "button function=.viewPkgDemo action=demo text=\"Run Demo\" sticky=w padx=12 bg=greenyellow"
	wintext[ length( wintext ) + 1 ] <- "button function=.viewPkgDemo action=source text=\"View Source\" sticky=w padx=12"
	wintext[ length( wintext ) + 1 ] <- "button function=runDemos action=\"\" text=\"All Packages\" sticky=w padx=12"

	createWin( wintext, astext=TRUE, env=parent.env( environment() ) )

## .viewPkgDemo-------------------------2009-03-04
##  Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's demo()
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
.viewPkgDemo <- function()
	act <- getWinAct()[1]
	if (act=="pkg") {
		if (!OK) {
			mess=paste(package,"package is not available")
			showAlert(mess); stop(mess) }
		return(runDemos(package)) }
	if (act=="demo") {
		demo <- getWinVal("demo")$demo
		source(demo, echo=TRUE, max.deparse.length=100)
	if (act=="source") {
		demo <- getWinVal("demo")$demo
## .dClose------------------------------2013-07-02
##  Function to execute on closing runDemos().
## --------------------------------------------ACB
.dClose <- function()
	act <- getWinAct()[1];
	##if (is.null(act) || act=="demo") {
		remove(list = setdiff(ls(pos=.PBSmodEnv, all.names=TRUE), tcall(.dls)), pos=.PBSmodEnv)
		##remove(list = c(".dwd", ".dls"), pos=.PBSmodEnv)  ## final good-bye
## .dUpdateDesc-------------------------2009-03-04
##  Update demo window with demo descriptions.
## --------------------------------------------ACB
.dUpdateDesc <- function()
	vals <- getWinVal()
	demo.id <- vals$demo.id
	package <- .trimWhiteSpace( vals$package )
	x <- demo(package = .packages(all.available = TRUE))
	x <- x$results[x$results[,"Package"]==package,]
	if (is.null(dim(x))) {
	setWinVal( list( demo_desc=x[demo.id,"Title"] ) )
##====================================END runDemos

## runExample---------------------------2017-07-12
##  Display a single GUI example.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
runExample <- function (ex, pkg="PBSmodelling")
	.runExHelperQuit <- function() {
		remove(list = setdiff(ls(pos = .PBSmodEnv), tget(.cls)), pos = .PBSmodEnv)
		junk=file.remove(tget(.cfl)) ## assign only to suppress printing T/F
	assign(".cls",ls(pos=.PBSmodEnv, all.names=TRUE),envir=.PBSmodEnv)    ## current list in .PBSmodEnv
	assign(".cwd",getwd(),envir=.PBSmodEnv)                               ## current working system directory
	## (RH 170712: There's a bug in R's list.files: it includes dirs like 'trash'
	##assign(".cfl",list.files(tempdir(),full.names=TRUE),envir=.PBSmodEnv) ## current file list in temporary system directory
	assign(".cfl", setdiff(list.files(tempdir(),full.names=TRUE),list.dirs(tempdir(),full.names=TRUE)),envir=.PBSmodEnv) ## current file list in temporary system directory
	assign(".runExHelperQuit",.runExHelperQuit,envir=.PBSmodEnv) ##.GlobalEnv)

	pdir <- system.file(package = pkg)                ## package directory
	edir <- paste(pdir, "/", "examples", sep = "")    ## examples directory
	fnam <- paste(edir, list.files(edir), sep = "/")  ## file names in examples directory
	bnam <- basename(fnam)                            ## basenames

	if (missing(ex) || !any(is.element(paste(ex,"Win.txt",sep=""),setdiff(bnam,"runExamplesWin.txt")))) {
		mess = paste("Your example does not exist.\nChoose from:\n     ",
			paste(setdiff(findPrefix("Win.txt",edir),"runExamples"),collapse="\n     "),sep="")
		stop ("Choose another example") }
	rtmp <- tempdir()                                 ## R's temporary directory
	file.copy(fnam, rtmp, overwrite = TRUE)
	wnam <- paste(ex,"Win.txt",sep="")  ## window description file or XML talk file
	wtxt <- readLines(wnam)
	wtxt[1] = paste(wtxt[1], "onClose=.win.runExHelperQuit")
	rnam <- paste(ex,".r",sep="")                     ## R code file
	if (is.element(rnam,bnam)) source(rnam,local=.PBSmodEnv) ## seems to see the function in .PBSmodEnv
	invisible() }

## runExamples--------------------------2017-07-12
##  Display a master GUI to display examples
## -----------------------------------------RH/ACB
runExamples <- function ()
	allWin=c("runE","window","widWin","testW","choisir","presentwin") ## all potential windows open
	.runExHelper <- function() {
		getWinVal(scope = "L")
		act <- getWinAct()[1]
		if (!exists("act") || !exists("eN")) return()
		if (act == "quit") { 
		} else if (act=="clear") {
			wtxt <- "No examples chosen"
		} else if (act == "__USE_EDIT__") {
			if (wtxt == "\n" || wtxt == "No examples chosen\n") return()
			winDesc <- strsplit(wtxt, "\n")[[1]]
			createWin(winDesc, astext = TRUE)
		} else if (act=="swisstalk") {
			##TODO refactor this - should be more generic
			presentTalk( "swisstalk.xml" )
		} else {
			if (act!="TestFuns")
			f <- paste(act, ".r", sep = "" )
			##assert that files match case
			stopifnot( any( dir() == f ) == TRUE )
			source( f ,local=.PBSmodEnv )
			wnam <- paste(act, "Win.txt", sep = "") ## window description file
			wtxt <- paste(readLines(wnam), collapse = "\n")
		setWinVal(list(wtxt=wtxt), winName="runE")
	.runExHelperQuit <- function() {
		remove(list = setdiff(ls(pos = .PBSmodEnv), tget(.cls)), pos = .PBSmodEnv)
		junk=file.remove(tget(.cfl)) ## assign only to suppress printing T/F
	assign(".runExHelper",.runExHelper,envir=.PBSmodEnv) ##.GlobalEnv)
	assign(".runExHelperQuit",.runExHelperQuit,envir=.PBSmodEnv) ##.GlobalEnv)
	assign(".cls",ls(pos=.PBSmodEnv, all.names=TRUE),envir=.PBSmodEnv)    ## current list in .PBSmodEnv
	assign(".cwd",getwd(),envir=.PBSmodEnv)                               ## current working system directory
	## (RH 170712: There's a bug in R's list.files: it includes dirs like 'trash'
	##assign(".cfl",list.files(tempdir(),full.names=TRUE),envir=.PBSmodEnv) ## current file list in temporary system directory
	assign(".cfl", setdiff(list.files(tempdir(),full.names=TRUE),list.dirs(tempdir(),full.names=TRUE)),envir=.PBSmodEnv) ## current file list in temporary system directory
	pckg <- "PBSmodelling"
	pdir <- system.file(package = pckg)               ## package directory
	edir <- paste(pdir, "/", "examples", sep = "")    ## examples directory
	fnam <- paste(edir, list.files(edir), sep = "/")  ## file names in examples directory
	rtmp <- tempdir()                                 ## R's temporary directory
	file.copy(fnam, rtmp, overwrite = TRUE)
	msg <- paste("Examples are running in ", rtmp, sep = "")
	setWinVal(list(wtxt = msg), winName = "runE") 

## selectDir----------------------------2006-06-06
##  Prompt user to select a directory - and returns it.
## --------------------------------------------ACB
selectDir <- function( initialdir = getwd(), mustexist = TRUE, title = "", usewidget = NULL )
	##get val from widget
	if( is.null( usewidget ) == FALSE )
		initialdir <- getWinVal()[[ usewidget ]]

	d <- tclvalue( tkchooseDirectory( initialdir = initialdir, mustexist = mustexist, title = title ) )

	##set val to widget
	if( is.null( usewidget ) == FALSE && d != "" ) {
		val <- list()
		val[[ usewidget ]] <- d
		setWinVal( val )
	return( d )

## selectFile---------------------------2006-06-06
##  Prompt user to open/save a file(s).
## --------------------------------------------ACB
selectFile <- function(initialfile="", initialdir=getwd(), filetype=list(c("*", "All Files")), 
   mode="open", multiple = FALSE, title="", defaultextension="", usewidget = NULL)
	mode <- tolower( mode )
	stopifnot( mode == "open" || mode == "save" )

	if( is.null( usewidget ) == FALSE ) {
		##value in widget should be used as file
		initialfile <- getWinVal()[[ usewidget ]]
		if( multiple == TRUE )
			stop( "multiple and usewidget can not be used together" )
	##prepare filetypes to correct format for tk
	filetypes <- ""
	for(i in 1:length(filetype)) {
		if (is.na(filetype[[i]][2]))
			filetype[[i]][2] <- filetype[[i]][1]
		if (filetype[[i]][1] != "*" && substr(filetype[[i]][1],1,1)!=".")
			filetype[[i]][1] <- paste(".", filetype[[i]][1], sep="")
		filetypes <- paste(filetypes, " {{", filetype[[i]][2], "} {", filetype[[i]][1], "}}", sep="")
	filetypes <- .trimWhiteSpace(filetypes)
	##prepare common args
	args <- list(
	if( mode == "open" ) {
		args[[ "multiple" ]] <- multiple
		files <- tclvalue(do.call( tkgetOpenFile, args ))
	} else if( mode == "save" ) {
		if( multiple == TRUE ) stop( "multiple=TRUE is not supported by \"save\" mode" )
		files <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile( initialdir=initialdir, initialfile=initialfile, filetypes=filetypes ))
	} else {
		stop("mode not supported")
	##split up string
	if( files == "" )
		return( c() )

	if( is.null( usewidget ) == FALSE ) {
		##store value in widget
		stopifnot( multiple == FALSE )
		val <- list()
		val[[ usewidget ]] <- files
		setWinVal( val )
		return( files )
	if( multiple == FALSE )
		return( files )
	return( .tclArrayToVector( files ) )

## setPBSext----------------------------2012-12-04
##  Associate a new command with file types;
##   use "%f" in cmd to designate where the filename will be placed.
##  AE: Added the setting of 'optionsChanged'
##  Arguments:
##   ext - file extension
##   cmd - cmd to open these types of files
## --------------------------------------ACB/AE/RH
setPBSext <- function(ext, cmd)
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) 
		stop(".PBSmod was not found")
	if (!any(grep("%f", cmd)))
		stop(paste("No %f was found in supplied command \"", cmd, 
		           "\".\n%f must be used to indicate where the filename will ",
		           "be inserted by openfile().\n",
		           "Did you mean \"", cmd, " %f\"?", sep=""))
	if(is.null(.PBSmod$.options$openfile[[ext]]) || .PBSmod$.options$openfile[[ext]]!=cmd)
		##packList(".optionsChanged",".PBSmod$.options",TRUE) ##.PBSmod$.options.optionsChanged<<-TRUE
		.PBSmod$.options.optionsChanged <- TRUE
	##eval(parse(text=".PBSmod$.options$openfile[[ext]] <<- cmd"))
	.PBSmod$.options$openfile[[ext]] <- cmd

## setPBSoptions------------------------2012-12-04
##  Change user options. Arguments:
##   option - name of option to change
##   value  - new value of option
##  AE: Now a value '.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged' is set to TRUE when an option is changed,
##   so that the user doesn't always have to be prompted to save the options file.
##   By default, '.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged' is not set or NULL.
##   Also, if an option is set to "" or NULL then it is removed.
##   '.initPBSoptions()' is now called first (options starting with a dot "." do not set '.optionsChanged').
##  RH: if the value is a sublist of an option, it can be changed individually using 'sublist=TRUE'.
## --------------------------------------ACB/AE/RH
setPBSoptions <- function(option, value, sublist=FALSE)
	if(!is.null(value) && length(value)==1 && value=="") value=NULL
	if(substr(option, 1, 1)!="." && !identical(.PBSmod$.options[[option]], value))
		##packList(".optionsChanged",".PBSmod$.options",TRUE) ##.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged<<-TRUE
		.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged <- TRUE
	if(is.null(value) && !sublist)
		##eval(parse(text=".PBSmod$.options <<- .removeFromList(.PBSmod$.options, option)"))
		.PBSmod$.options <- .removeFromList(.PBSmod$.options, option)
		if(is.list(value) && sublist){
			for (i in 1:length(value)){
				ii=names(value[i]); if (ii=="") next
				##txt=paste(".PBSmod$.options$",option,ifelse(ii=="","","$"),ii," <<- ival",sep="")
				txt=paste(".PBSmod$.options$",option,ifelse(ii=="","","$"),ii," <- ival",sep="")
			##eval(parse(text=".PBSmod$.options[[option]] <<- value"))
			.PBSmod$.options[[option]] <- value

## show0--------------------------------2019-07-03
##  Show decimal places including zeroes (string)
##  Return character representation of number with
##  specified decimal places.
##  Arguments:
##   x       -- numeric|character as scalar|vector
##   n       -- number of decimal places to show, include zeroes
##   add2int -- If TRUE, add zeroes on the end of integers
##   round2n -- if TRUE, round x first to n decimal places
## ---------------------------------------------RH
show0 <- function (x, n, add2int=FALSE, round2n=FALSE)
	if (round2n && all(is.numeric(x)))
		x   = round(x,n)
	x      = as.character(x)
	xold   = x
	##pnt <- regexpr("\\.", x) ## doesn't work if environment is french
	dec    = options()$OutDec
	decs   = regexpr(paste0("\\",dec), x)  ## find decimal places
	dels   = regexpr("[^0-9]",x)           ## find any delimters (non-digits)
	znum   = decs>0 | dels<0               ## numbers given the OutDec
	zbad   = !znum                         ## strings containing delimiters other than the OutDec
	zint   = dels<0 & znum                 ## integers

	x[zint] = paste(x[zint], dec, sep = "")
	decs[zint] = nchar(x)[zint]
	int    = substring(x[znum], 1, decs[znum])
	end    = substring(x[znum], decs[znum] + 1)
	nx     = length(end)
	base0  = rep(paste(rep(0, n), collapse = ""), nx)
	nchr   = nchar(end)
	ndiff  = n - nchr
	add0   = substring(base0, 1, ndiff)
	xnew   = x
	xnew[znum] = paste(int, end, add0, sep = "")
	if (!add2int) 
		xnew[zint] <- xold[zint]

## showArgs-----------------------------2009-02-23
##  Show arguments of a widget definition
##  Arguments:
##   widget - only show information about supplied widget
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
showArgs <- function(widget, width=70, showargs=FALSE)
	x <- .widgetDefs
	if (missing(widget)) widget=sort(names(x))
	x=x[widget]; xnam=names(x)
	out=character(0) ## output file

	for(i in 1:length(x)) {
		##print widget name, and underline it
		for(j in 2:length(x[[i]])) { 
			if (x[[i]][[j]]$required==TRUE) { }
			else if ( any( names( x[[i]][[j]] ) == "default" ) ) {
				if (x[[i]][[j]]$class=="character" || x[[i]][[j]]$class=="characterVector")
				default <- ifelse( is.null( x[[i]][[j]]$default ), "NULL", paste(delim,x[[i]][[j]]$default,delim,sep="") )
			else {
				stop(paste(xnam[i],"::",x[[i]][[j]]$param, "is not required, but has no default."))
			expr=paste(expr,paste(argu,collapse=""),sep=" ")
		cat(paste(wexp,collapse="\n")); cat("\n\n")
		out=c(out,expr) ## save for output

		if (showargs) {
			for(j in 1:length(x[[i]])) { 
				if (x[[i]][[j]]$required==TRUE) {
					cat("\t"); cat("(required)") }
				cat("\n") }
			cat("\n\n") }

## showHelp-----------------------------2015-04-16
##  Show HTML help files for package contents.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
showHelp <- function(pattern="methods", ...)
	oldopts = options(); on.exit(options(oldopts))
	options(warn = -1)
	Apacks = .packages(all.available = TRUE) ## all packages
	Spacks = findPat(pattern,Apacks)         ## show packages that match the pattern
	npacks = length(Spacks)
	if (npacks==0) { print("No such package"); return() }
	## `home' code from `help.start'
	home <- 
	if (!is.element("remote",ls(envir=sys.frame(sys.nframe()))) || is.null(remote)) {
		if (paste0(R.version[c("major","minor")],collapse=".")>="3.3.0")
			httpdPort = tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)
		else {
			showAlert("This function only available for R (>= 3.3.0)")
			stop("This function only available for R (>= 3.3.0)", call. = FALSE)
		if (httpdPort > 0L) {
			if ("update" %in% ls(envir=sys.frame(sys.nframe())) && update)
				make.packages.html(temp = TRUE)
			paste0("", httpdPort) 
		else stop("showHelp() requires the HTTP server to be running", call. = FALSE)
	else remote
	getURL = function(x) {
		return(url) }

## showPacks----------------------------2009-02-17
##  Show packages that need to be installed.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
showPacks = function(packs=c("PBSmodelling","PBSmapping","PBSddesolve",
	warn <- options()$warn
	options(warn = -1)
	Apacks = .packages(all.available = TRUE)   ## all packages
	Ipacks = sort(findPat(packs,Apacks))       ## installed packages that match those required
	Mpacks = sort(setdiff(packs,Ipacks))       ## missing packages
	if (length(Mpacks)==0)
		showAlert("Congratulations! All specified pakages installed.","Package Check","info")
	else {
		mess=paste("You need to install these packages:\n     ",paste(Mpacks,collapse="\n     "),sep="")
		showAlert(mess,"Package Check","warning")
	options(warn = warn)

## showRes------------------------------2008-04-29
##  Show results of the calculation in string x
## --------------------------------------------JTS
showRes <- function(x, cr=TRUE, pau=TRUE)
  cat(">",x," "); if(cr==TRUE) cat("\n");
  if(pau) pause("...") else cat("...\n");
  xres <- eval(parse(text=x));
  cat("************** Results shown above **************\n\n");
  if(pau) pause();

## showVignettes------------------------2013-06-27
##  Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's vignette()
##  Arguments: package = string specifying a package name.
## ------------------------------------------AE/RH
showVignettes = function(package)
	if (!exists(".dwd",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) assign(".dwd",getwd(),envir=.PBSmodEnv)
	if (!exists(".dls",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) assign(".dls",c(".dls",ls(pos = .PBSmodEnv, all.names=TRUE)),envir=.PBSmodEnv)
	x <- vignette()
	xres = as.data.frame(x[["results"]])
	if (missing(package)) {
		nvig = sapply(split(xres$Item,xres$Package),length)
		tvig = paste(names(nvig)," (",nvig," vignette",ifelse(nvig>1,"s",""),")",sep="") ## radio button labels
		rvig = paste("radio name=pkg value=",names(nvig),
			" text=\"",tvig,"\" mode=character sticky=W padx=12",sep="")
		win = c("window title=\"R Vignettes\" name=pbsvignette onclose=\".dClose\"",
			"grid 3 1",
			"label text=\"Select a package to view\\navailable vignettes:\" sticky=W padx=12 font=\"bold 11\"",
			paste("grid ",length(rvig)," 1",sep=""),
			"button function=.viewPkgVignette action=pkg text=\"View Vignettes\" sticky=E padx=12 bg=greenyellow")
	##display vignettes from a certain package
	xpac <- xres[is.element(xres$Package,package),]
	if (nrow(xpac)==0) stop("No such package on your system")
	if (is.null(dim(xpac))) {
		tmp <- names(xres); dim(xpac) <- c(1,dim(xres)[2]); colnames(xpac) <- tmp }
	vdir <- file.path(xpac[1,"LibPath"], package, "doc") ## always the same for a single package
	##====== DEPRECATED functions in `tools` =======
	##path <- tools::list_files_with_type(vdir, "vignette")
	##path <- path[xpac[,"Item"]==tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(path))]
	vext = paste(c(outer(c("R", "r", "S", "s"), c("nw", "tex"), paste, sep = ""), "Rmd"),"$",sep="")
	vfile = findPat(vext,list.files(path=vdir)) ##list.files(path=vdir,pattern=vext)
	vpref = sub("([^.]+)\\.[[:alnum:]]+$", "\\1", vfile)
	visin = is.element(xpac[,"Item"],vpref)
	path  = paste(vdir,vfile[visin],sep="/")
	nvig = sapply(split(xpac$Item,xpac$Package),length)
	rvig = paste("radio name=vignette value=\"",path,"\" text=\"",xpac[,"Item"],"\" mode=character font=\"underline 10\" sticky=W padx=12",sep="")
	lvig = paste("label text=\"",xpac[,"Title"],"\" sticky=W  wraplength=500 padx=20",sep="")
	win = c("window title=\"R Vignettes\" name=pbsvignette onclose=\".dClose\"",
		"grid 3 1",
		"label text=\"Select a vignette:\" sticky=W padx=12 font=\"bold 11\"",
		paste("grid ",length(rvig)," 2 byrow=FALSE",sep=""),
		"grid 1 3",
		"button function=.viewPkgVignette action=vignette text=\"View Vignette\" sticky=W padx=12 bg=lightsteelblue1",
		"button function=.viewPkgVignette action=source text=\"View Source\" sticky=W padx=12 bg=lightsteelblue1",
		"button function=showVignettes action=\"\" text=\"All Packages\" sticky=W padx=12 bg=greenyellow")

## .viewPkgVignettes--------------------2013-07-02
##  Display a GUI to display something equivalent to R's vignette()
## ------------------------------------------AE/RH
.viewPkgVignette <- function()
	act <- getWinAct()[1]
	if (act=="pkg")
	vignette <- getWinVal("vignette")$vignette
	if (act=="vignette")
		vignette <- paste(sub("([^.]+)\\.[[:alnum:]]+$", "\\1", vignette), ".pdf", sep="")
		##vignette <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(vignette), ".pdf", sep="")  ## DEPRECATED
##===============================END showVignettes

## testWidgets--------------------------2006-08-28
##  Display a "master" GUI that displays other sample GUIs
## ---------------------------------------------RH
testWidgets <- function ()
	.testWidHelper <- function() {
		if (getWinAct()[1]=="__USE_EDIT__") {
			if (wtxt=="\n" || wtxt=="No widgets displayed\n")
			winDesc <- strsplit(wtxt, "\n")[[1]]
			createWin(winDesc, astext=TRUE)
		if (wN==0) {
			wtxt <- "No widgets displayed";
		else {
			pckg <- "PBSmodelling"; dnam <- "testWidgets";
			act  <- getWinAct()[1];

			##get window descript
			wtmp <- paste(dnam,"/",act,".txt",sep="");
			wnam <- system.file(wtmp,package=pckg)
			wtxt <- paste(readLines(wnam),collapse="\n");

			##source r file if appropriate (can I source it under a different environment to protect myself?)
			rtmp <- paste(dnam,"/",act,".r",sep="");
			rnam <- system.file(rtmp,package=pckg)

			if( file.exists( rnam ) )
				source( rnam )


		setWinVal(list(wtxt=wtxt), winName="testW");
	assign(".testWidHelper",.testWidHelper,envir=.PBSmodEnv) ##.GlobalEnv)
	pckg <- "PBSmodelling"; dnam <- "testWidgets";
	wtmp <- paste(dnam,"/","testWidgetWin.txt",sep="");
	wnam <- system.file(wtmp,package=pckg)

## tget/tcall/trpint/tput---------------2012-12-06
##  Functions to get, put, and print objects into the .PBSmodEnv.
##  CRAN packages can no longer modify user's working environment.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
tget = function (x, penv=NULL, tenv=.PBSmodEnv)
	if (is.null(penv)) penv = parent.frame() ## need to call this inside the function NOT as an argument
	xnam = as.character(substitute(x))
	if (exists(xnam,envir=tenv)) {
		return(invisible(tgot)) ## useful for calling remote functions
tcall = function (x, penv=NULL, tenv=.PBSmodEnv)
	if (is.null(penv)) penv = parent.frame() ## need to call this inside the function NOT as an argument
	xnam = as.character(substitute(x))
	if (exists(xnam,envir=tenv)) {
		##if (class(tgot)=="function")
		return(invisible(tgot)) ## useful for calling remote functions
tprint = function (x, penv=NULL, tenv=.PBSmodEnv)
	if (is.null(penv)) penv = parent.frame() ## need to call this inside the function NOT as an argument
	xnam = as.character(substitute(x))
	if (exists(xnam,envir=tenv)) {
		print(tgot) ## useful for jsust seeing objects in .PBSmodEnv
tput = function (x, penv=NULL, tenv=.PBSmodEnv)
	if (is.null(penv)) penv = parent.frame() ## need to call this inside the function NOT as an argument
	xnam = as.character(substitute(x))
	if (exists(xnam,envir=penv))
## versions of tget/tprint for window calls
.win.tget = function()
	act = getWinAct()[1]
.win.tcall = function()
	act = getWinAct()[1]
.win.tprint = function()
	act = getWinAct()[1]
## functions called from window description files
.win.runExHelperQuit = function(){ tcall(.runExHelperQuit)() }
.win.closeALL        = function(){ tcall(closeALL)() }
.win.closeSDE        = function(){ tcall(closeSDE)() }
.win.closeChoice     = function(){ tcall(.closeChoice)() }
.win.makeChoice      = function(){ tcall(.makeChoice)() }
.win.chFile          = function(){ tcall(chFile)() }
.win.chTest          = function(){ tcall(chTest)() }
.win.restoreCWD      = function()
	if(exists("cwd",envir=.PBSmodEnv) && tcall(cwd)!=getwd())

## view---------------------------------2015-06-10
##  View first/last/random n element/rows of an object.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
view <- function (obj, n=5, last=FALSE, random=FALSE, print.console=TRUE, ...)
	getn=function(n,N,last,random,...) {
		if (random) return(sample(1:N,n,...)) 
		n1=ifelse(last,N-n+1,1); n2=ifelse(last,N,n)
		return(n1:n2) }
		N=length(obj); if (N==0) return("empty vector")
		return(v.vec) }
		N=nrow(obj); if (N==0) return("empty table")
		mess = paste(c("v.tab=obj[getn(n,N,last,random,...)",rep(",",length(dim(obj))-1),"]"),collapse="")
		return(v.tab) }
		nL=length(obj); if (nL==0) return("empty list")
		if (is.null(names(obj))) ii=1:nL else ii=names(obj)
		for (i in 1:nL) {
			v.lis = c(v.lis,list(view(iobj,n,last,random,print.console=FALSE,...)))
		names(v.lis)=ii; return(v.lis) }
		return(obj) }
	## End Subfunction------------------------------
	if (n==0) return("nada")
	n=abs(n) ## coerce to positive
	if (is.list(obj) && !is.data.frame(obj)) {
		## iterate through list objects
		viewed = showLis(obj,n,last,random,print.console,...)
	} else {
		if (is.data.frame(obj) || is.matrix(obj) || is.array(obj)) 
			viewed = showTab(obj,n,last,random,...)
		else if (is.vector(obj) || is.integer(obj) || is.numeric(obj) || is.character(obj)) 
			viewed = showVec(obj,n,last,random,...)
		else viewed = showAll(obj)
	if (print.console) print(viewed)

## viewCode-----------------------------2023-10-25
##  View package R code on the fly.
## ---------------------------------------------RH
viewCode=function(pkg="PBSmodelling", funs, output=4, ...)
	eval(parse(text=paste("if(!require(",pkg,",quietly=TRUE)) stop(\"",pkg," package is required\")",sep="")))
	tdir <- tempdir(); tdir <- gsub("\\\\","/",tdir)                    ## temporary directory for R
	if (is.element(pkg,loadedNamespaces())) {
		penv=asNamespace(pkg); pkgOb=ls(penv,all.names=TRUE)             ## objects in package including those in namespace
		bad=regexpr(".__",pkgOb); pkgOb=pkgOb[bad<0]                     ## get rid of names starting with ".__"
	} else {
		pkgOb=ls(paste("package:",pkg,sep=""),all.names=TRUE)            ## package objects
	bad=regexpr("[>=~@:/&%!\\|()[{^$*+?<-]",pkgOb); pkgOb=pkgOb[bad<0]  ## get rid of weird names
	z=sapply(pkgOb,function(x) {
		if (is.element(x,c("break","for","function","if","next","repeat","while"))) return(FALSE) ## special words in pkg 'base'
	} )
	pkgF=names(z)[z]                                                    ## package functions
	if (length(pkgF)==0) {showAlert(paste(pkg,"has no recognizable functions")); return()}
	dots=regexpr("^\\.",pkgF); pkgF0=pkgF[dots==1]; pkgF1=pkgF[dots!=1]
	if (missing(funs)) {
	} else {
		if (!is.null(list(...)$pat) && is.logical(list(...)$pat) && list(...)$pat)
			funs = findPat(funs,pkgFuns) 
	if (is.null(funs) || all(is.na(funs)) || !is.character(funs) || all(funs=="")) {
		showAlert("Your choice for 'funs' is badly specified")
		return(invisible("Error: 'funs' badly specified"))
	if (length(seeFuns)==0) {
		showAlert("Your choices yield no functions")
		return(invisible("Error: choices for 'funs' yield no functions"))
	if (output==2) {
		## `home' code from `help.start'
		home <- 
		if (!is.element("remote",ls(envir=sys.frame(sys.nframe()))) || is.null(remote)) {
			##if (paste0(R.version[c("major","minor")],collapse=".")>="3.3.0")
			##	httpdPort = tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)
			##else {
			##	showAlert("Output 2 only available for R (>= 3.3.0)")
			##	stop("Output 2 only available for R (>= 3.3.0)", call. = FALSE)
			##httpdPort = tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)
			##if (httpdPort > 0L) {
			##	if ("update" %in% ls(envir=sys.frame(sys.nframe())) && update)
			##		make.packages.html(temp = TRUE)
			##	paste0("", httpdPort) 
			##else stop("`viewCode' requires the HTTP server to be running", call. = FALSE)
		}  else {
		##expr=paste("iloc=paste(\"",home,"/library/",pkg,"/html/00Index.html\"); ",sep="")
		iloc  = home
		index = readLines(iloc)
	for (i in c(seeFuns)) {
		if (output %in% c(1,2)) {
			expr=paste("fun=\"",i,"\"; ",sep="")
			if (output==2) {
				expr=c(expr,paste("helptit=index[grep(\">",i,"<\",index)+1][1]; ",sep=""))
				expr=c(expr,"if (!is.na(helptit)) {")
				expr=c(expr,"fun=paste(fun,substring(helptit,5,nchar(helptit)-10),sep=\"\\t\") }; ")
		} else if (output %in% c(3)) {
			expr=paste("fun=deparse(args(",pkg,delim,i,")); fun=fun[!fun%in%\"NULL\"]; ",sep="")
			expr=c(expr,"fun=paste(fun,collapse=\"\"); ")
			expr=c(expr,"fun=gsub(\" \",\"\",x=fun); ")
			expr=c(expr,paste("fun=gsub(\"function\",\"",i," \",x=fun); ",sep="")) 
		} else if (output %in% c(4)) {
			expr=paste("fun=deparse(",pkg,delim,i,"); ",sep="")
			expr=c(expr,paste("fun[1]=paste(\"",i,"\",fun[1],sep=\" = \",collapse=\"\"); ",sep=""))
		} else {
			expr="fun=\"\"; "
		expr=paste(c(expr,"code=c(code,fun)") ,collapse="")
	fname=paste(tdir,"/",pkg,ifelse(output %in% 1:2,".txt",".r"),sep="")
	writeLines(code, fname)

## writePBSoptions----------------------2012-12-04
##  Save PBS options to a text file
##  fname - name of options file (or path to this file)
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
		##packList(".optionsFile",".PBSmod$.options",fname) ##.PBSmod$.options$.optionsFile<<-fname
		.PBSmod$.options$.optionsFile <- fname
	##packList(".optionsChanged",".PBSmod$.options",NULL) ##.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged<<-NULL
	.PBSmod$.options$.optionsChanged <- NULL
	saveOpt=.PBSmod$.options[-grep("^[.]", names(.PBSmod$.options))]
	writeList(saveOpt, fname)

##============HIDDEN FUNCTIONS====================

## .addslashes--------------------------2006-08-28
##  Escape special characters from a string, which can then be used in the "P" format
##  if x has more than one element, then it will returned a nested characterVector
##  eg: c("it's", "O K") becomes => "'it\'s' 'O K'"
##  Arguments:
##   x - string to escape
##   asvector - if true, always force strings to be printed as charactervector - e.g. "h w" => "'h w'"
## --------------------------------------------ACB
.addslashes <- function(x, asvector = FALSE )
	## escape backslashes
	x <- gsub("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\", x)
	## escase doublequotes
	x <- gsub("\"", "\\\\\"", x)
	## escase singlequotes
	x <- gsub("'", "\\\\'", x)
	## convert into substrings if applicable
	if (length(x)>1 || asvector == TRUE ) {
		i<-append(grep("[ \t\\\\]+", x), grep("^$", x)) ##indicies needing quotes
		x[i]<-paste("'", x[i], "'", sep="")
		x<-paste(x, collapse=" ")
	else {
		## special case where it is a single word with no special chars
		if (!any(grep("[ \t\\\\]+", x)) && x!="")
	return(paste("\"", x, "\"", sep=""))

## .convertVecToArray-------------------2006-09-16
##  Convert a vector to an Array
##  Arguments:
##   x       - a vector of data to use to create array
##   d       - dimensions of the array
##   byright - if TRUE, vary indices by the most right number first
##             e.g. 1,1 - 1,2 - 1,3 - 2,1 - 2,2 - 2,3
##             if FALSE, varry by most left (R default)
##             e.g. 1,1 - 2,1 - 1,2 - 2,2 - 1,3 - 2,3
## --------------------------------------------ACB
.convertVecToArray <- function(x,d, byright=FALSE, byrow=TRUE)
	if (length(x)!=prod(d))
		stop("given vector x length does not match product of dimensions")
	## create an empty array with correct dimensionality
	y=vector(mode(x),prod(d));  dim(y)=d
	## iterate over every possible index
	for(i in 1:length(pts)) {
		arrIndex <- paste(pts[[i]],collapse=",")
		if (byrow) vecIndex=i
		else       vecIndex=.mapArrayToVec(pts[[i]], d, byright)
		## map it to the appropriate place in the given X vector
		code = paste("y[", arrIndex, "] <- ", x[vecIndex], sep="")

## .findSquare--------------------------2009-02-11
	sqn=sqrt(nc); m=ceiling(sqn); n=ceiling(nc/m)

## .forceMode---------------------------2009-02-11
##  Force a variable into a mode without showing any warnings
##  Arguments:
##   x    - variable to convert
##   mode - mode to convert to
## ---------------------------------------------RH
.forceMode <- function(x, mode)
	ex1=paste("xcon=as.",mode,"(x)",sep="")          ## explicit conversion
	ex2=paste("xcon=",paste(x,collapse=""),sep="")   ## character representation of object
	warn=options()$warn; options(warn=-1)
	if (!exists("xcon",envir=environment()) || all(is.na(xcon)))
	if (!exists("xcon",envir=environment()) || all(is.na(xcon))) xcon=x

## .getArrayPts-------------------------2009-02-10
##  Return all possible indices of an array
##  Arguments:
##   d is a vector of integers specifing the dimensions
##  output: a list of vectors of all possible indices
## -----------------------------------------ACB/RH
.getArrayPts <- function(d, byright=FALSE, byrow=TRUE)
	x<-list(); m=length(d);
	if (m>2) mbyrow=c(2,1,3:m) else mbyrow=c(2,1)
	for(i in 1:length(d)) {
		if (byright) x[[i]] = d[i]:1
		else x[[i]] = 1:d[i] }
	if (byrow) {
		xx=expand.grid(c(x[2],x[-2])); xx=xx[,mbyrow] }
	else xx=expand.grid(x)
	for(i in 1:length(xx[[1]])) {
		y[[i]]<-z }

## .initPBSoptions----------------------2012-12-04
##  Called from zzz.R's .First.lib() intialization function
##  Attach will place only a copy of the environment on the search path;
##  so not useful for manipulating .PBSmod
## ------------------------------------------AE/RH
.initPBSoptions <- function()
	if (exists(".PBSmod",envir=.GlobalEnv)){
		rm(.PBSmod,envir=.GlobalEnv) }                 ## Can no longer modify user's global environment
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv))
		assign(".PBSmod",list(),envir=.PBSmodEnv)      ##.GlobalEnv) ##.PBSmod <<- list()
	if (is.null(.PBSmod$.options))
		##packList(".options",".PBSmod",list())          ##.PBSmod$.options <<- list()
		.PBSmod$.options <- list()
	if (is.null(.PBSmod$.options$openfile))
		##packList("openfile",".PBSmod$.options",list()) ##.PBSmod$.options$openfile <<- list()
		.PBSmod$.options$openfile <- list()

## .mapArrayToVec-----------------------2006-09-16
##  Determine which index to use for a vector, when given an 
##  N-dim index of an array.
##  Arguments:
##   x       - array index (numeric vector)
##   d       - dimensions of the array
##   byright - if true, vary most right indices first, 
##             if false, vary by left (R default)
## --------------------------------------------ACB
.mapArrayToVec <- function(x,d, byright=FALSE)
	x <- x - 1 ##start counting at 0 instead of 1
	m <- length(x)
	if (m!=length(d))
		stop("given points (x), does not match lenght of given dimensions (d)")
	if (byright) {
		ind <- x[m]
		for(i in (m-1):1) {
			ind <- ind+x[i]*prod(d[(i+1):m]) }
	else {
		ind <- x[1]
		for(i in 2:length(d)) {
			ind <- ind+x[i]*prod(d[(i-1):1]) 
	##return(x[1] + d[1]*x[2])

## .removeFromList----------------------2008-10-06
##  Remove items from a list.
## ------------------------------------------AE/RH
.removeFromList = function (l, items)
	if (!length(l) || !length(items))  return(l)
	keep = l[!is.element(names(l),items)]

## .tclArrayToVector--------------------2008-10-06
.tclArrayToVector <- function( str )
	## strings (when multiple) are encoded as "{c:/program files/somefile.txt} c:/nospaces/isok.txt"
	file_vector <- c()
	quoted <- FALSE
	start <- -1 ## negative means no current start
	chars <- strsplit( str, "" )[[ 1 ]]
	for( i in 1:nchar( str ) ) {
		if( quoted == TRUE ) {
			if( chars[ i ] == "}" ) {
				end <- i - 1
				s <- substr( str, start, end )
				file_vector <- c( file_vector, s )
				quoted <- FALSE
				start <- -1
			#do nothing otherwise - just accecpt the input
		} else {
			#not quoted
			if( chars[ i ] == " " && start != -1 ) {
				end <- i - 1
				s <- substr( str, start, end )
				file_vector <- c( file_vector, s )
				start <- -1
			} else if( chars[ i ] == "{" ) {
				quoted <- TRUE
				start <- i + 1
			} else if( start < 0 ) {
				start <- i
	if( start > 0 ) {
		end <- nchar( str )
		s <- substr( str, start, end )
		file_vector <- c( file_vector, s )
	return( file_vector )

##===== THE END ==================================

Try the PBSmodelling package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PBSmodelling documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.