
Defines functions .validateWindowDescWidgets .validateWindowDescList .trimWhiteSpace .superobject.saveValues .superobject.redraw .stripSlashesVec .stripSlashes .stripComments .stopWidget .setWinValHelper .searchCollection .PBSdimnameHelper .parsemenu .parsegrid .packWidgetsIntoGrid .inCollection .check.object.exists .catError2 .catError .adjustAllColours .getValueForWidgetSetup .table.setvalue .table.getvalue .getParamFromStr .extractVar .extractFuns .extractData .convertMode .autoConvertMode .matrixHelp .getMatrixListSize .setMatrixElement .convertMatrixListToDataFrame .convertMatrixListToMatrix .convertParamStrToList .convertParamStrToVector .convertOldGridToNewGrid .map.set .map.init .map.getAll .map.get .map.add .buildgrid .createTkFont .createWidget.vector .createWidget.text .createWidget.table .createWidget.spinbox .createWidget.slideplus .createWidget.slide .createWidget.radio .createWidget.progressbar .createWidget.object.scrolling .createWidget.object .createWidget.null .createWidget.notebook .createWidget.matrix .createWidget.label .createWidget.include .createWidget.image .createWidget.grid .createWidget.entry .createWidget.droplist .createWidget.data .createWidget.check .createWidget.button .createWidget setWidgetState setWidgetColor doAction updateGUI parseWinFile getWinFun setWinAct getWinAct getChoice chooseWinVal clearWinVal setWinVal getWinVal focusWin closeWin createWin

Documented in chooseWinVal clearWinVal closeWin createWin doAction focusWin getChoice getWinAct getWinFun getWinVal parseWinFile setWidgetColor setWidgetState setWinAct setWinVal updateGUI

#                 PBS Modelling                  #
# -----------------------------------------------#
# This file aims to include functions specific   #
# to createWin and other GUI functions           #
#                                                #
# Authors:                                       #
#  Jon T. Schnute <schnutej-dfo@shaw.ca>,        #
#  Alex Couture-Beil <alex@mofo.ca>, and         #
#  Rowan Haigh <rowan.haigh@dfo-mpo.gc.ca>       #
#                                                #
# Hidden object code line numbers:               #
#   1151 - .create functions                     #
#   3312 - .map functions                        #
#   3459 - .convert functions                    #
#   3775 - .extract functions                    #
#   4387 - helper functions                      #

# Create a GUI window from a given file,
# or GUI description list.
createWin <- function( fname, astext=FALSE, env=NULL )  #parent.frame() ) #globalenv() )
	#must be called here for examples in rd to pass check
	if(is.null(env)) env = parent.frame()

	#parse window description into a valid widget tree
	if (is.character(fname)) {
		guiDesc <- parseWinFile(fname, astext=astext)
	else if (is.list(fname)) {
		guiDesc <- .validateWindowDescList(fname)
		# Disabled the grid check in `.validateWindowDescWidgets` because the structure of a 
		# windows description list must have changed since this little-used function was written. (RH 12/17)
		# Note that the list result of `parseWinFile` in line 27 never goes through this validation algorithm.
		# This call only occurs if a list from `parseWinFile` (or hand-made) is passed directly into `createWin`.
		# Note: A list from `parseWinFile` never appears to create `.widgets` under `.widgets`. ***** SHOULD BE CHECKED *****
	else {
		cat("ERROR, supplied argument is wrong type\n")

        #uncomment the following code to test colours
        ## if (!exists ("counter")) {
        ##         counter <<- 0
        ## }
        ## counter <<- counter + 1
        ## colourset <- c("#D4D0C8", "#FF0000", "#00FF00")
        ## guiDesc[[1]]$windowname <- paste(guiDesc[[1]]$windowname, counter, sep="")
        ## guiDesc[[1]]$winBackground <- colourset[counter %% 3 + 1]
        #end of colour test code
	if (is.null(guiDesc)) {

	#iterate over all possible windows
	for(i in 1:length(guiDesc)) {
		winName <- guiDesc[[i]]$windowname
		if (is.null(winName))
			stop("No window name given.")

		#destroy any existing windows with the same name
		#tt <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$tkwindow
		tt <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$tkwindow
		if (!is.null(tt))

		#clear the storage for this window
		.map.init(guiDesc[[i]]$windowname)  # alters .PBSmod

		#store windowname as most recent active window
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod$.activeWin <<- guiDesc[[i]]$windowname"))
		#eval(parse(text = ".PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin <<- guiDesc[[i]]$windowname")) 
		.PBSmod$.activeWin <- guiDesc[[i]]$windowname

		#Had to re-write tktoplevel to allow binding to the destroy
		#action without breaking the cleanup process
		mytktoplevel <- function(widget, parent = .TkRoot, ...)
			command <- widget$onclose
			w <- tkwidget(parent, "toplevel", ...)
			ID <- .Tk.ID(w)
			tkbind(w, "<Destroy>", function() {

				#call the user function (if supplied)
				if (is.null(command)) {}
				else if (command=="") {}
				else if (exists(command,mode="function")) {
					.do.gui.call(command, list())
				else {
					cat(paste("Warning: cannot find function '", command, "'.\n", sep=""))

				#finish up with tcltk clean up (from real tktoplevel func)
				if (exists(ID, envir = parent$env, inherits = FALSE)) 
					rm(list = ID, envir = parent$env)
				tkbind(w, "<Destroy>", "")
				if( !is.null( widget[["remove"]] ) && widget$remove == TRUE ){
					#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ widget$windowname ]] <<- NULL"))
					#eval(parse(text=".PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[ widget$windowname ]] <<- NULL"))
					.PBSmod[[ widget$windowname ]] <- NULL

		#set Tcl/Tk color palette with window bg and fg colour;
		#tk_setPalette will derive a number of other colours,
		#e.g., highlight, based on these colours
		#note that calls to tk_setPalette normally change
		#colours on ALL existing widgets (if they use the
		#default colours), so after creating a widget, we'll
		#change its colour very slightly to ensure that the
		#colour isn't the default
		#for the background, we'll change the colour when we
		#call setPalette so that we can use the proper value
		#when setting the actual background

		bgCol <- .getSimilarColour (guiDesc[[i]]$winBackground)
		fgCol <- .getSimilarColour (guiDesc[[i]]$winForeground)
		    "background", bgCol,
		    "activebackground", bgCol,
		    "foreground", fgCol,
		    "activeforeground", fgCol,
		    "selectColor", "white" #inner colour of checkboxes
		#create TK window (blank canvas)
		tt <- mytktoplevel( guiDesc[[i]] )
                # if the bg color is the same as setPalette, future calls to setPalette
                # will change the background color
                tkconfigure (tt, bg=guiDesc[[i]]$winBackground)

		#store the TK handle (so we can destroy it at a later time via closeWin)
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$tkwindow <<- tt"))
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[winName]]$tkwindow <<- tt"))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$tkwindow <- tt

		#store environment to look for functions under
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$env <<- env"))
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[winName]]$env <<- env"))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$env <- env

		#set window title

		#remove any old history data
		if (exists("PBS.history",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
			j<-grep(paste("^", winName, "\\.", sep=""), names(PBS.history))
			for(n in names(PBS.history)[j]) {
				#eval(parse(text="PBS.history[[n]] <<- NULL"))
				PBS.history[[n]] <- NULL

		#create menus
		if (length(guiDesc[[i]]$.menus) > 0) {
			#create the top space where drop down menus are attached
			topMenu <- tkmenu(tt)
                        .adjustAllColours (topMenu)

			#define function to create menu widgets
			.createMetaWidget.menu <- function(topMenu, widget)
				label <- widget$label
				if (widget$nitems < 1)
					stop("menu nitems must have atleast one menuitem.")

				subMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff=FALSE)
                                .adjustAllColours (subMenu)

				for(i in 1:widget$nitems) {
					if (widget$.widgets[[i]]$type=="menu") {
						.createMetaWidget.menu(subMenu, widget$.widgets[[i]])
						#stop("submenus need work.")
					else if (widget$.widgets[[i]]$type=="menuitem")
						#if eval isn't used, all callbacks call the same callback -> the last one which is defined
						#(probably since widget is redefined, but the value is only ever checked when clicked on, which is after all widgets are created)
						eval(parse(text=paste('command=function(...) .extractData("',widget$.widgets[[i]][["function"]],'", "',widget$.widgets[[i]][["action"]],'", "',winName,'")', sep="")))
							argList <- list( subMenu, "command", label=widget$.widgets[[i]]$label, command=command )
							if( any( widget$.widgets[[i]]$font != "" ) )
								argList$font <- .createTkFont( widget$.widgets[[i]]$font )
							if( widget$.widgets[[i]]$fg != "" )
								argList$foreground <- widget$.widgets[[i]]$fg
							if( widget$.widgets[[i]]$bg != "" )
								argList$background <- widget$.widgets[[i]]$bg
							.do.gui.call( "tkadd", argList )
					else {
						stop(paste("widget type", widget$.widgets[[i]]$type, "found when expecting a menu or menuitem widget"))

				argList <- list( topMenu, "cascade", label=label, menu=subMenu )
				if( any( widget$font != "" ) )
					argList$font <- .createTkFont( widget$font )
				if( widget$fg != "" )
					argList$foreground <- widget$fg
				if( widget$bg != "" )
					argList$background <- widget$bg				
				.do.gui.call( "tkadd", argList )
			#.createMetaWidget.menu function finished

			#create menus
			for(menu_i in 1:length(guiDesc[[i]]$.menus)) {
				.createMetaWidget.menu(topMenu, guiDesc[[i]]$.menus[[menu_i]])

		#create the widgets
		widgetList <- guiDesc[[i]]$.widgets
		grid_i <- 1 #used for placing widgets into the grid
		while( length(widgetList) > 0 ) {
			tmp <- .createWidget( tt, widgetList, guiDesc[[i]]$windowname )
			sticky = ""
			if( is.null( widgetList[[ 1 ]][[ "sticky" ]] ) == FALSE )
				sticky = widgetList[[ 1 ]][[ "sticky" ]]

			if( is.null( widgetList[[ 1 ]][[ "padx" ]] ) )
				padx = 0
				padx = widgetList[[ 1 ]][[ "padx" ]]

			if( is.null( widgetList[[ 1 ]][[ "pady" ]] ) )
				pady = 0
				pady = widgetList[[ 1 ]][[ "pady" ]]
			vert <- guiDesc[[i]]$vertical
					tmp[[ "widget" ]], 
					sticky = sticky, 
					row=ifelse(vert, grid_i, 0), 
					column=ifelse(vert, 0, grid_i ),
				 	pady = pady, 
				 	padx = padx )
			widgetList <- tmp[[ "widgetList" ]]
			grid_i <- grid_i + 1

		#finish setup to any history widgets which have default imports
		if (exists("PBS.history",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
			j<-grep(paste("^", winName, "\\.", sep=""), names(PBS.history))
			for(n in names(PBS.history)[j]) {
				if (length(PBS.history[[n]]) > 1)
					jumpHistory(n, 1)

# Closes a window.
# Arguments:
#   name - window name to close
closeWin <- function(name)
	if (missing(name))
		name <- names(.PBSmod)
	name <- grep("^[^\\.]", name, value=TRUE)
	for(n in name) {
		if(!is.null(.PBSmod[[ n ]])) {
			tt <- .PBSmod[[n]]$tkwindow

# brings focus to a window (doesn't work from R console)
# args:  winName   - window to focus
#        winVal - if T, make this the active window too
focusWin <- function(winName, winVal=TRUE)
	if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winName ]] ) )
		stop(paste("supplied winName \"", winName, "\" is not a valid window", sep=""))
	if (winVal) {
		#packList(".activeWin",".PBSmod",winName) #.PBSmod$.activeWin <<- winName
		.PBSmod$.activeWin <- winName

# All variables starting with "PBS." will not be returned by default
# since they should really be hidden by the user in most cases.
# Arguments:
#  v        - values to get
#  scope    - "L" for local, "P" for .PBSmodEnv, "G" for global, "" for return list only
#  asvector - if T return a vector, if F, return list
#  winName  - specify a specific window if more than one are in use
getWinVal <- function(v=NULL, scope="", asvector=FALSE, winName="")
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
		stop(".PBSmod was not found")
	if (winName=="") {
		winName <- .PBSmod$.activeWin
		if( is.null( winName ) )
			return( list() )

	if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winName ]] ) )
		stop(paste("supplied window \"",winName,"\" name not found", sep=""))

	#extract all variables regardless if asked for by user
	vars <- .extractVar(winName)

	#get list of all vars (if user didnt supply any)
	if (is.null(v)) {
		v <- names(vars)
		if (is.null(v))
			return(list()) #no widgets with values found
		v <- v[substr(v,1,4)!="PBS."]
		if (!length(v))
			return(list()) #no widgets with values found

	if (asvector)
		vals <- vector()
		vals <- list()

	#iterate over all var names
	for(key in v) {
		if (asvector)
			vals[key] <- vars[[key]]
			vals[[key]] <- vars[[key]]

		if (scope=="L")
		else if (scope=="P")
			assign(key, vars[[key]], envir = .PBSmodEnv)
		else if (scope=="G")
			eval(parse(text="assign(key, vars[[key]], envir = .GlobalEnv)"))

# Updates a widget with a new value
# Arguments:
#  vars       - named list or vector specifying new values
#  winName - which window to update if multiple are active
setWinVal <- function(vars, winName="")
	if (winName=="")
		winName <- .PBSmod$.activeWin
	if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winName ]] ) )
		stop(paste("unable to find .PBSmod$", winName))

	if (!length(vars))

	name <- names(vars)
	for(i in 1:length(vars)) {

		if (is.list(vars))
			.setWinValHelper(name[i], vars[[i]], winName)
		else if (is.vector(vars))
			.setWinValHelper(name[i], vars[i], winName)

#   removes any global variables that have a name
#   which corresponds to a name in the window desc file
clearWinVal <- function() 
	objs <- names(getWinVal())
	globs <- ls(all.names=TRUE,pos=".PBSmodEnv") #.GlobalEnv")
	rmlist <- intersect(objs,globs)
	rm(list=rmlist,pos=".PBSmodEnv") #.GlobalEnv")

# Allows user to choose a string value from choices and write 
# chosen string into specified variable of specified window.
# Arguments:
#    choice  - vector of strings to choose from
#    varname - variable name to which choice is assigned in the target GUI.
#    winname - window name for getChoice
chooseWinVal <- function(choice,varname,winname="window") {
	getChoice(choice=choice,question="Select from:",horizontal=FALSE,radio=TRUE,qcolor="red3",gui=TRUE,quiet=TRUE);
	setPBSoptions("setChoice",NULL); }

# Prompts user for an input from choices displayed in a GUI.
# The default getChoice() yields TRUE or FALSE.
# Answer is stored in .PBSmod$options$getChoice (or whatever winname is supplied).
# Arguments:
#   choice     - vector of strings to choose from
#   question   - question or prompting statement
#   winname    - window name for getChoice (default="getChoice")
#   horizontal - if T, display the choices horizontally, else vertically 
#   radio      - if T, display the choices as radio buttons, else buttons
#   qcolor     - colour for question
#   gui        - if T, functional when called from a GUI, else functional from command lines
#   quiet      - if T, don't print choice on command line.
# Examples:
#   getChoice("What do you want?",c("Everything","Nothing","Lunch","Money","Fame"),qcolor="red",gui=F)
#   getChoice("Who`s your daddy?",c("Stephen Harper","Homer Simpson","Jon Schnute"),horiz=F,radio=T,gui=F)
getChoice <- function(choice=c("Yes","No"),question="Make a choice: ",winname="getChoice",
                      horizontal=TRUE, radio=FALSE,qcolor="blue",gui=FALSE,quiet=FALSE) {

	#Construct the hidden choice function
	fn1 <- paste(".makeChoice <- function(){
		act <- getWinAct(winName=\"",winname,"\")[1];
		if (act==\"Yes\") answer <- TRUE
		else if (act==\"No\") answer <- FALSE
		else answer <- act;
		closeWin(\"",winname,"\") }",sep="",collapse="");

	#Construct an onClose function
	fn2 <- paste(
		".closeChoice <- function() {\n",
		"chosen <- getPBSoptions(\"",winname,"\");\n",
		"active <- getPBSoptions(\"activeWin\");\n",
		"if (is.null(chosen)) setPBSoptions(\"",winname,"\",\"abort\")\n",
		"if (gui && !is.null(active)) focusWin(winName=active);\n",
	setChoice <- getPBSoptions("setChoice");
	if (!is.null(setChoice))
		fn2 <- sub(";\\\ninvisible\\(chosen\\)}",setChoice,fn2) # only used by chooseWinVal

	#Construct the Window Description file
	n <- length(choice); ni <- 0;
	nrow <- ifelse(horizontal,1,n); ncol <- ifelse(horizontal,n,1);
	btype <- ifelse(radio,"radio","button");
	btext <- paste("blist <- c(\"window name=\\\"",winname,"\\\" title=Choice",sep="",collapse="");
	btext <- paste(btext," onClose=.win.closeChoice\",",sep="",collapse="")
	#if(!gui) btext <- paste(btext,"\", ",sep="",collapse="");
	qtext <- paste("\"label text=\\\"",question,"\\\" font=\\\"bold 10\\\" fg=\\\"",
		qcolor,"\\\" sticky=W\",",sep="",collapse="");
	btext <- paste(btext,qtext,"\"grid ",nrow," ",ncol," sticky=W\",",sep="",collapse="")

	for (i in choice) {
		if (radio) {
			ni <- ni + 1;
			btext <- paste(btext,
				paste("\"radio text=\\\"",i,"\\\" name=myC sticky=W value=",ni,
				" function=.win.makeChoice action=\\\"",i,"\\\"\",",sep=""),sep="",collapse="") }
		else {
			btext <- paste(btext,paste("\"button text=\\\"",i,"\\\" action=\\\"",i,
				"\\\" function=.win.makeChoice sticky=W\",",sep=""),sep="",collapse="") }
	btext <- paste(btext,"\"\")",sep="",collapse="");
	#if (exists(".PBSmod")) {
	#	setPBSoptions(winname,NULL); setPBSoptions("activeWin",.PBSmod$.activeWin) }
	if (exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
		setPBSoptions("activeWin",.PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin) } # changes .PBSMod

	#Create the Window Description file
	if (radio) setWinVal(list(myC=0),winName=winname)
	answer <- NULL
	if (!gui) {
		while(is.null(answer)) {answer <- getPBSoptions(winname) } } 

getWinAct <- function(winName)
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
		stop(".PBSmod was not found")
	if (missing(winName))
		winName <- .PBSmod$.activeWin

setWinAct <- function(winName, action)
	if (is.null(action))
	if (length(.PBSmod[[winName]]$actions) >= .maxActionSize)
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$actions <<- .PBSmod[[winName]]$actions[1:(.maxActionSize-1)]"))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$actions <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$actions[1:(.maxActionSize-1)]
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$actions <<- c(action, .PBSmod[[winName]]$actions)"))
	.PBSmod[[winName]]$actions <- c(action, .PBSmod[[winName]]$actions)

getWinFun <- function(winName)
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) {
		stop(".PBSmod was not found")
	if (missing(winName))
		winName <- .PBSmod$.activeWin

#   parse window description file into a list
# Arguments:
#   fname - filename or vector of strings
#   astext - if F, treat fname as a filename
#            if T, treat it as the contents of a file
parseWinFile <- function(fname, astext=FALSE)
	if (astext) {
		#treat "\n" in astext mode as normal whitespace
		srcfile <- orgfile <- sub("\n", " ", fname)
		fname <- "read as text"
	else {
		#read in file
		if (fname=="")
			stop("No filename given")
		srcfile <- orgfile <- scan(fname, what=character(), sep="\n", quiet=TRUE, blank.lines.skip=FALSE)
	data <- list()
	j <- 0
	halt <- FALSE
	extendLine <- FALSE #used for extending a single line into lines with \
	extendLineNumber <- 0 #where a new widget starts - used for error messages
	str <- ""

	if (!length(srcfile)) {
		stop("Input file is empty\n")

	#if comments were striped out earlier, we would lose the line count.
	for(i in 1:length(srcfile)) {
		if (!any(grep("^[[:space:]]*(#.*)?$", srcfile[i]))) {

			srcfile[i] <- .stripComments(srcfile[i])

			#append last string onto new string if applicable
			if (extendLine == TRUE)
				str <- paste(str, srcfile[i], sep=" ")
			else {
				str <- srcfile[i]
				extendLineNumber <- i

			#determine if this string is extended by a \ at the end.
			tmp <- sub('\\\\$', '', str)
			if (tmp==str) #no sub took place
				extendLine = FALSE
				extendLine = TRUE
			str <- tmp

			#parse the line once it is complete (no \)
			if (extendLine == FALSE) {
				tmp <- .getParamFromStr(str, fname, extendLineNumber, i, orgfile)
				if (is.null(tmp)) {
					halt <- TRUE
				else if(halt==FALSE) {
					j <- j + 1
	if (halt==TRUE) {
		stop("Errors were found in the GUI description file. Unable to continue\n")

	#by this point all widgets from the text file have been converted into
	#an appropriate list of widgets, we will need to setup the nested grids
	#this will result in a more recursive tree-like list.

	#create a blank window if data is empty
	if (!length(data)) {
		data[[1]] <- .getParamFromStr("window") 

	#we must make sure the first element is a window, if not we will insert one
	#as the head of the list
	if (data[[1]]$type != "window") {
		data <- c(1, data)
		data[[1]] <- .getParamFromStr("window") #pull in all defaults from defs.R

	#data[[1]] is now guarenteed to be a window type

	#start parsing the read data - this mostly setups grid data
	j <- 0; #widget index
	i <- 0; #window index
	k <- 0; #menu index
	while(length(data)) {
		#pull out any options
		if (data[[1]]$type=="window") {
			i <- i + 1 #increment new window index
			j <- 0 #reset widget index
			k <- 0 #reset menu index
			parsedData[[i]] <- list()
			parsedData[[i]]$title <- data[[1]]$title
			parsedData[[i]]$windowname <- data[[1]]$name
			parsedData[[i]]$vertical <- data[[1]]$vertical
			parsedData[[i]]$onclose <- data[[1]]$onclose
			parsedData[[i]]$remove <- data[[1]]$remove
			parsedData[[i]]$winBackground <- data[[1]]$bg
			parsedData[[i]]$winForeground <- data[[1]]$fg
			parsedData[[i]]$.widgets <- list() #holds all widgets
			parsedData[[i]]$.menus <- list() #holds all menu widgets

			data <- data[-1]
		else {
			#look for menu widgets
			if (data[[1]]$type=="menu") {
				k <- k + 1 #increment menu index

				#save menu widget
				parsedData[[i]]$.menus[[k]] <- data[[1]]

				#pull out n menuitem
				tmp <- .parsemenu(data[-1], data[[1]]$nitems)
				parsedData[[i]]$.menus[[k]]$.widgets <- tmp$menuData

				#parse remaining widgets
				data <- tmp$unparsedData

			#look for regular widgets
			else {
				j <- j + 1 #incrememnt widget index

				#save widget
				parsedData[[i]]$.widgets[[j]] <- data[[1]]
				data <- data[-1] #remove widget from to parse list

#				#associate child widgets if grid
#				if (data[[1]]$type=="grid") {
#					tmp <- .parsegrid(data[-1], data[[1]]$nrow, data[[1]]$ncol)
#					parsedData[[i]]$.widgets[[j]]$.widgets <- tmp$gridData
#					#.parsegrid returns all left over widgets
#					data <- tmp$unparsedData
#				}
#				else if (data[[1]]$type=="notebook") {
#					tmp <- .parsegrid(data[-1], data[[1]]$nrow, data[[1]]$ncol)
#					parsedData[[i]]$.widgets[[j]]$.widgets <- tmp$gridData
#					#.parsegrid returns all left over widgets
#					data <- tmp$unparsedData
#				}
#				else {
#					data <- data[-1] #remove widget from to parse list
#				}

# Update the active GUI with local values 
updateGUI <- function(scope="L") {
	# Translate the scope argument into a target environment
	if (!is.environment(scope) && scope=="L")      tenv=parent.frame(n=1)
	else if (!is.environment(scope) && scope=="P") tenv=.PBSmodEnv
	else if (!is.environment(scope) && scope=="G") tenv=.GlobalEnv
	else tenv=scope
	if (!is.environment(tenv)) stop("'scope' must be 'L', 'G', or a vaild R environment")
	parentList = ls( name=tenv )

	#if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.GlobalEnv)) return (invisible("'.PBSmod' does not exist"))
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv)) return (invisible("'.PBSmod' does not exist"))
	win = .PBSmod$.activeWin                 # Get the current active window name
	if (is.null(.PBSmod[[win]])) return (invisible("No active window"))
	guiList=.extractVar(win)  # GUI information from .PBSmod[[win]]

	# Check for parent environment variables that match the GUI list.
	isMatch = is.element( parentList,names(guiList) )
	if (any(isMatch)) {
		parentList = parentList[isMatch]
		# Now evaluate the variables into a list.
		nVals = length( parentList )
		vals  = as.list( 1:nVals )
		names( vals ) = parentList
		for (i in parentList) 
		setWinVal( vals ) }

# Executes the action created by a widget.
	if (missing(act)) {
		if(is.null(.PBSmod$.activeWin)) return()
		act=getWinAct()[1] }
	if(is.null(act) || act=="") return()
	#get win's environment
	winName <- .PBSmod$.activeWin
	if( !is.null( winName ) )
		envir <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env
		#envir <- globalenv() #maybe parent.frame() is better
		envir <- .PBSmodEnv #maybe parent.frame() is better

	# Translation symbols used in Window Description File to create R-code:
	expr=gsub("`","\"",act)                # convert back-tick to double-quote
	expr=gsub("(_\\.)","\\\\\\\\.",expr)   # convert underscore period to four backslahes and one period
	invisible(expr) }

# TODO might want to rename this (?)
# Colours can be set (fg, bg) for and droplist, 
# check widgets, (entryfg, entrybg) for entry widget
# these are passed as `...`
#setWidgetColor <- function( name, radioValue, winName = .PBSmod$.activeWin, ... )
setWidgetColor <- function( name, radioValue, winName = .PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod$.activeWin, ... )
	configure.entry <- function( ptr, entryfg, entrybg, noeditfg, noeditbg )
		if( !missing( entryfg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, fg = entryfg )
		if( !missing( entrybg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = entrybg )
		if( !missing( noeditfg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, disabledforeground=noeditfg )
		if( !missing( noeditbg ) ) {
			tkconfigure( ptr, disabledbackground=noeditbg )
			tkconfigure( ptr, readonlybackground=noeditbg )

	configure.droplist <- function( ptr, fg, bg )
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, foreground = fg, selectforeground = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, selectbackground = bg, insertbackground = bg, highlightbackground = bg, entrybg = bg )

	configure.check <- function( ptr, fg, bg, disablefg, entryfg, entrybg )
		if( !missing( entryfg ) )
			fg <- entryfg
		if( !missing( entrybg ) )
			bg <- entrybg
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, fg = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = bg )
		if( !missing( disablefg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, disabledforeground = disablefg )

	configure.slide <- function( ptr, fg, bg )
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, fg = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = bg )
	configure.label <- function( ptr, fg, bg )
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, fg = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = bg )
	configure.button <- function( ptr, fg, bg, disablefg )
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, fg = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = bg )
		if( !missing( disablefg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, disabledforeground = disablefg )

	configure.progressbar <- function( ptr, fg, bg )
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tcl( ptr, "configure", fg = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tcl( ptr, "configure", troughcolor = bg )

	configure.text <- function( ptr, fg, bg )
		if( !missing( fg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, fg = fg )
		if( !missing( bg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = bg )

	configure.spinbox <- function( ptr, entryfg, entrybg )
		if( !missing( entryfg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, foreground = entryfg, selectforeground = entryfg, entryfg = entryfg )
		if( !missing( entrybg ) )
			tkconfigure( ptr, bg = entrybg, insertbackground = entrybg, selectbackground = entrybg, entrybg = entrybg )

	configure.radio <- function( name, radioValue, winName, fg, bg )
		widget_list <- .map.get( winName, name )$tclwidgetlist
		if( missing( radioValue ) )
			radioValue <- names( widget_list ) #use all values (change state for every matching var name)
			radioValue <- as.character( radioValue )
		for( key in radioValue ) {
			ptr = widget_list[[ key ]]
			if( !missing( fg ) )
				tkconfigure( ptr, fg = fg )
			if( !missing( bg ) )
				tkconfigure( ptr, bg = bg )

	#### function starts here ####

	#get window
	winwidget <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]
	if( is.null( winwidget ) ) 
		stop( paste( "unable to find window:", winName ) )
	#get widget
	widget <- winwidget$widgets[[ name ]]
	if( is.null( widget ) )
		stop( paste( "unable to find widget: ", name ) )

	#HACK to change initial values (as set in window desc file)
	myargs = list( ... )
	if( !is.null( myargs[[ "noeditfg" ]] ) ) {
		widget$noeditfg = myargs[[ "noeditfg" ]]
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ name ]] <<- widget"))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ name ]] <- widget
	if( !is.null( myargs[[ "fg" ]] ) ) {
		widget$fg = myargs[[ "fg" ]]
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ name ]] <<- widget"))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ name ]] <- widget
	if( !is.null( myargs[[ "entryfg" ]] ) ) {
		widget$entryfg = myargs[[ "entryfg" ]]
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ name ]] <<- widget"))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ name ]] <- widget

	#get tcl ptr to tk widget
	widget_ptr <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgetPtrs[[ name ]]$tclwidget

	#special case for radio widgets
	if( widget$type == "radio" ) {
		configure.radio( name = name, radioValue = radioValue, winName = winName, ... )

	#special case for matrix
	if (widget$type=="matrix") {
		if (length(widget$names)==1) {
			for(i in 1:widget$nrow)
				for(j in 1:widget$ncol) {
					argList <- list(paste(name,"[",i,",",j,"]",sep=""), winName = winName, ... ) 
					if( widget$mode == "logical" ) {
						argList[[ "entrybg" ]] <- NULL
						argList[[ "noeditbg" ]] <- NULL
						if( is.null( argList[[ "entryfg" ]] ) == FALSE ) {
							argList[[ "fg" ]] <- argList[[ "entryfg" ]]
							argList[[ "entryfg" ]] <- NULL
						if( is.null( argList[[ "noeditfg" ]] ) == FALSE ) {
							argList[[ "disablefg" ]] <- argList[[ "noeditfg" ]]
							argList[[ "noeditfg" ]] <- NULL
					.do.gui.call( setWidgetColor, argList )

	#special case for data
	if (widget$type=="data") {
		if (length(widget$names)==1) {
			for(i in 1:widget$nrow)
				for(j in 1:widget$ncol) {
					argList <- list(paste(name,"[",i,",",j,"]d",sep=""), winName = winName, ... ) 
					if( widget$modes[ j ] == "logical" ) {
						argList[[ "entrybg" ]] <- NULL
						argList[[ "noeditbg" ]] <- NULL
						if( is.null( argList[[ "entryfg" ]] ) == FALSE ) {
							argList[[ "fg" ]] <- argList[[ "entryfg" ]]
							argList[[ "entryfg" ]] <- NULL
						if( is.null( argList[[ "noeditfg" ]] ) == FALSE ) {
							argList[[ "disablefg" ]] <- argList[[ "noeditfg" ]]
							argList[[ "noeditfg" ]] <- NULL
					.do.gui.call( setWidgetColor, argList )

	#special case for vector
	if (widget$type=="vector") {
		if (length(widget$names)==1) {
			for(i in 1:widget$length) {
				argList <- list(paste(name,"[",i,"]",sep=""), winName = winName, ... ) 
				if( widget$mode == "logical" ) {
					argList[[ "entrybg" ]] <- NULL
					argList[[ "noeditbg" ]] <- NULL
					if( is.null( argList[[ "entryfg" ]] ) == FALSE ) {
						argList[[ "fg" ]] <- argList[[ "entryfg" ]]
						argList[[ "entryfg" ]] <- NULL
					if( is.null( argList[[ "noeditfg" ]] ) == FALSE ) {
						argList[[ "disablefg" ]] <- argList[[ "noeditfg" ]]
						argList[[ "noeditfg" ]] <- NULL
				.do.gui.call( setWidgetColor, argList )

	#scrolling object
	if (widget$type=="object") {
		return( setWidgetColor(paste("[superobject]", name,sep=""), winName = winName, ... ) )

	#call specific config method based on widget type
	func <- paste( "configure.", widget$type, sep="" )
	if( exists( func ) == FALSE )
		stop( paste( "not supported for widget type:", widget$type ) )

	.do.gui.call( func, list( ptr=widget_ptr, ... ) )

setWidgetState <- function( varname, state, radiovalue, winname, warn = TRUE )
	if (!exists(".PBSmod",envir=.PBSmodEnv))
		stop(".PBSmod was not found")
	if( missing( winname ) )
		winname <- .PBSmod$.activeWin
	if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winname ]] ) )
		stop(paste("supplied window \"",winname,"\" name not found"))
	if( any( state == c( "disabled", "normal", "readonly", "active" ) ) == FALSE ) 
		stop( "state must be disabled, normal, readonly (for entry), or active( for radio)" )

	x  <- .map.get(winname, varname)
	wid <- .PBSmod[[winname]]$widgets[[varname]]
	if( is.null( wid ) ) stop(paste("supplied widget \"",varname,"\" name not found", sep=""))

	if( any( wid$type == c( "notebook" ) ) )
		stop( paste( wid$type, "widget is not supported" ) )

	#change readonly -> disabled for widgets which dont support readonly
	if( any( wid$type == c( "check", "radio", "droplist", "spinbox", "table", "text" ) ) && state == "readonly" ) {
		state <- "disabled"
		if( warn )
			warning( paste( "setting readonly to disabled (readonly not supported by ", wid$type, " widgets)", sep="" ) )
	#special case since radio has several widgets with the same name
	if( wid$type == "radio" ) {
		widget_list <- .map.get( winname, varname )$tclwidgetlist
		if( missing( radiovalue ) )
			radiovalue <- names( widget_list ) #use all values (change state for every matching var name)
			radiovalue <- as.character( radiovalue )
		for( key in radiovalue )
			tkconfigure( widget_list[[ key ]], state=state )

	#if tclwidget is known - set it directly here
	if( !is.null( x[["tclwidget"]] ) ) {
		tkconfigure( x$tclwidget, state=state )
		#get correct foreground
		if( !is.null( wid[[ "noeditfg" ]] ) && !is.null( wid[[ "noeditbg" ]] ) ) {
			fg <- ifelse( any( wid$type == c( "entry", "spinbox" ) ), wid$entryfg, wid$fg )
			fg <- ifelse( state == "normal", fg, wid$noeditfg )
			#reset widget colors
			tkconfigure( x$tclwidget, disabledforeground=fg )
			tkconfigure( x$tclwidget, foreground=fg ) #no readonlyforeground
	#deal with more complicated objects
	if (is.null(wid)) {
		stop(paste('unable to set "', varname, '": not found.', sep=""))

	#special case for matrix
	if (wid$type=="matrix") {
		if (length(wid$names)==1) {
			for(i in 1:wid$nrow)
				for(j in 1:wid$ncol)
					setWidgetState(paste(varname,"[",i,",",j,"]",sep=""), state, winname, warn=FALSE)

	#special case for data
	if (wid$type=="data") {
		if (length(wid$names)==1) {
			for(i in 1:wid$nrow)
				for(j in 1:wid$ncol)
					setWidgetState(paste(varname,"[",i,",",j,"]d",sep=""), state, winname, warn=FALSE)

	#special case for vector
	if (wid$type=="vector") {
		if (length(wid$names)==1) {
			for(i in 1:wid$length)
				setWidgetState(paste(varname,"[",i,"]",sep=""), state, winname, warn=FALSE)

	#scrolling object
	if (wid$type=="object") {
		return( setWidgetState(paste("[superobject]", varname,sep=""), state, winname, warn=FALSE) )

	stop(paste("unable to update \"", varname, "\" - unable to handle type:", wid$type, sep=""))

#               HIDDEN FUNCTIONS

#===== Create Functions ==========================
#----- (.createWidget, etc.) ---------------------

# Generic function to create most widgets, which
# calls appropriate .createWidget.xxxWidgetTypexxx() func
# Arguments:
#  tk      - frame to attach widget to
#  widget  - widget list
#  winName - active window name
.createWidget <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	#save functions
	if (!is.null(widget[["function"]])) {
		if (widget[["function"]]!="") {
			if (!any(.PBSmod[[winName]]$functions==widget[["function"]]))
				#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$functions <<- c(.PBSmod[[winName]]$functions, widget[[\"function\"]])"))
				.PBSmod[[winName]]$functions <- c(.PBSmod[[winName]]$functions, widget[["function"]])
	#save widget information by name parameter (and not widget$name)
	#widget name can sometimes be "foo[1,2,3]" or some such combo.
	#where as type="vector" name="foo" is never seen in the regular map
	if (!is.null(widget$name)) {
		if (length(widget$name)==1 && widget$name != "" ) {
			if (is.null(.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ widget$name ]])) {
				#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <<- widget"))
				.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <- widget
			} else {
				#duplicate widget name found -> likely a radio with many options but only one var name
				#save additional widget information under .duplicate
				if( is.null( .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]]$.duplicate ) )
					#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]]$.duplicate <<- list()"))
					.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]]$.duplicate <- list()
				i <- length( .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]]$.duplicate ) + 1
				#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]]$.duplicate[[ i ]] <<- widget"))
				.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]]$.duplicate[[ i ]] <- widget

	#look for a function called .createWidget.WIDGETTYPE
	#all of these functions have the same parameters: (tk, widget, winName)
	func <- paste(".createWidget.", widget$type, sep="")
	if (exists(func,mode="function")) {
		ret <- .do.gui.call(func, list(tk, widgetList, winName))
		if( is.list( ret ) == FALSE )
			stop( paste( func, "didn't return a list( widget = <tkpointer>, widgetList = <uncreated remaining widgets> )" ) )
		return( ret )
	stop(paste("Don't know how to create '", widget$type, "' widget\n", sep=""))

.createWidget.button <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	param <- list(parent=tk, text=widget$text)
	if ( any( widget$font != "" ) )
	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (is.numeric(widget$width) && widget$width > 0)
	if (widget[["function"]]!="")
		param$command=function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) }
	if (!is.null(widget[["disablefg"]]) && widget$disablefg!="")
		param$disabledforeground = widget$disablefg

	button <- .do.gui.call("tkbutton", param)

	if( !is.null( widget[[ "name" ]] ) ) 
		.map.add(winName, widget$name, tclwidget=button)
	return(list( widget = button, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.check <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	widget$mode = "logical"

	if (widget$checked==TRUE)
		val <- 1
		val <- 0

	argList <- list(parent=tk, text=widget$text)
	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any( widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)
	if (!is.null(widget[["disablefg"]]) && widget$disablefg!="")
		argList$disabledforeground = widget$disablefg

	argList$variable <- .map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(val))$tclvar
	argList$command=function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)}

	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tkcheckbutton", argList)
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=tkWidget )
	if( widget$edit == FALSE )
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, state="disabled" )

	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.data <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]

	nrow <- widget$nrow
	ncol <- widget$ncol

	names <- widget$names
	modes <- widget$modes

	rowlabels <- widget$rowlabels
	rownames <- widget$rownames
	collabels <- widget$collabels
	colnames <- widget$colnames

	if (all(widget$values==""))
		values <- ""
	else {
		values <- widget$values
		#dim(values) <- c(nrow, ncol)

	wid <- list(type="grid", bg=widget$bg, borderwidth=widget$borderwidth) #new grid widget to create
	wid$.widgets <- list() #elements in the grid
	wid$byrow <- TRUE

	nNames <- length(names)
	nModes <- length(modes)
	nRowlabels <- length(rowlabels)
	nRowNames <- length(rownames)
	nValues <- length(values)
	nCollabels <- length(collabels)
	nColNames <- length(colnames)

	#count names
	if (nNames!=1 && nNames!=(ncol*nrow))
		.stopWidget(paste('names argument must contain 1 or',ncol*nrow,'names seperated by whitespace.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count modes
	if (nModes!=1 && nModes!=ncol)
		.stopWidget(paste('modes argument must contain 1 or',ncol,'modes seperated by whitespace.'), widget$.debug, winName)
	#count rowlabels
	if (nRowlabels!=1 && nRowlabels!=0 && nRowlabels!=nrow)
		.stopWidget(paste('rowlabels should contain 1 or',nrow,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count rownames
	if (nRowNames!=1 && nRowNames!=nrow)
		.stopWidget(paste('rownames argument should contain 1 or',nrow,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count collabels
	if (nCollabels!=1 && nCollabels!=0 && nCollabels!=ncol)
		.stopWidget(paste('collabels argument should contain 1 or',ncol,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count colnames
	if (nColNames!=1 && nColNames!=ncol)
		.stopWidget(paste('colnames argument should contain 1 or',ncol,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	if( is.null( rowlabels ) )
			colLabelOffset <- 0
			colLabelOffset <- 1

	#single column labels should be displayed as the title
	if( is.null( collabels ) ) {
	} else if (nCollabels==1 && ncol>1) {
		wid$toptitle.offset<-1 #to help center the label
		#have counting labels above each column
		wid$.widgets[[1]] <- list()
		wid$.widgets[[1]][[1]] <- list(type='label', text="", bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
		for(j in 1:ncol) {
			wid$.widgets[[1]][[j+colLabelOffset]] <- list(type='label', text=j, font=widget$font, bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
	} else {
		wid$.widgets[[1]] <- list()
		wid$.widgets[[1]][[1]] <- list(type='label', text="", bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
		for(j in 1:ncol) {
			wid$.widgets[[1]][[j+colLabelOffset]] <- list(type='label', text=collabels[j], font=widget$font, bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)

	#row title
	if( is.null( rowlabels ) ) {
		wid$sidetitle.offset<-1 #to help center the label
	} else if (nRowlabels==1 && nrow>1) {
		wid$sidetitle.offset<-1 #to help center the label

	for(i in 1:nrow) {
		rowCount <- i #the first row of inputs should be 1 (even if there are labels ontop)
		i <- i + 1 #first row has labels
		wid$.widgets[[i]] <- list()

		for(j in 1:(ncol+1)) {
			#first col is for labels
			if (j==1) {
				if (!is.null(rowlabels)) {
					if (nRowlabels==1 && nrow>1) {
						text <- as.character(rowCount)
						text <- rowlabels[rowCount]

					tmp_i <- i
					#define a row label (per each row)
					row_number = tmp_i - 1 #for renaming row labels
					label_name <- paste( widget$name, "[rowlabel][", row_number, "]", sep="" )

					if (is.null( collabels ))
						tmp_i <- tmp_i - 1

					if( nNames != 1 ) label_name <- ""
					wid$.widgets[[tmp_i]][[j]] <- list(type='label', text=text, name=label_name, mode="character", font=widget$font, bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg )
					if( !is.null( widget[[ ".rowlabelwidth" ]] ) )
						wid$.widgets[[tmp_i]][[j]]$width <- widget$.rowlabelwidth
			else {
				if (nNames==1) #single name given
					name <- paste(names,'[',rowCount,',',j-1,']d',sep="")
				else #many names given
					if (widget$byrow)
						name <- names[j-1+(ncol*(i-2))]
						name <- names[i-1+(nrow*(j-2))]
				if (nValues==1) {
					value <- values
				else {
					if (widget$byrow)
						value <- values[j-1+(ncol*(i-2))]
						value <- values[i-1+(nrow*(j-2))]
				if (nModes==1)
					mode <- modes[1]
					mode <- modes[j-1] #columns are offset by one

				#get width
				width <- rep( widget$width, length=ncol+1)[ j - 1 ]

				#tweak offset if labels are disabled
				# ****must be un-tweaked after creating the entry or check widget
				if (is.null( rowlabels ))
					j <- j - 1
				if (is.null( collabels ))
					i <- i - 1

				if (mode=="logical") {
					#display a checkbox
					if (is.na(as.logical(value)))
					else if (as.logical(value)==TRUE)
					wid$.widgets[[i]][[j]] <- list(
				else {
					#display a entry box
					wid$.widgets[[i]][[j]] <- list(

				# ***untweak offset for special case of no labels
				if (is.null( rowlabels ))
					j <- j + 1
				if (is.null( collabels ))
					i <- i + 1

	#look out for a trailing list (only happens if rowlabels=NULL)
	i <- length(wid$.widgets)
	if (!length(wid$.widgets[[i]]))
		wid$.widgets[[i]] <- NULL

	#remove titles if applicable
	if (is.null(rowlabels)) {
		wid$sidetitle <- ""
		wid$toptitle.offset <- NULL
	if (is.null(collabels)) {
		wid$toptitle <- ""
		wid$sidetitle.offset <- NULL

	widgets <- .convertOldGridToNewGrid( wid )
	tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
	return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.droplist <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	#assert( choices != NULL xor values != NULL )
	if( is.null( widget[[ "choices" ]] ) && is.null( widget[[ "values" ]] ) )
		.stopWidget( paste( "either choices or values must be specified", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )

	if( !is.null( widget[[ "choices" ]] ) && !is.null( widget[[ "values" ]] ) )
		.stopWidget( paste( "only one of choices or values can be specified", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )

	if( !is.null( widget[[ "choices" ]] ) )
		values <- .getValueForWidgetSetup( widget$choices, widget, winName )
		values <- widget$values
	labels <- widget[[ "labels" ]]
	if( is.null( labels ) ) labels <- values
	if ( length( labels ) != length( values ) )
		.stopWidget( paste( "values and labels must be the same size (or NULL)", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )
	#create real tk widget below

	#tk splits on " " if only one string is given - but the \ escape isn't working great.
	if( length( labels ) == 1 ) 
		new_labels <- gsub( " ", "\\\\ ", labels ) #should replace with "\\\\ ", but it still doesn't work well
		new_labels <- labels

	argList <- list(parent=tk, type="ComboBox", editable=widget$add,values=new_labels)
	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="") {
		#see http://tcltk.free.fr/Bwidget/ComboBox.html for possible options
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="") {
		#argList$background=widget$bg #this affects the colour of the drop down arrow
		#argList$selectbackground=widget$bg #covers what's selected - but stays after the item is selected
		#argList$insertbackground=widget$bg #color of insert cursor - leave as default
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)
	argList$textvariable<-.map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(labels[ widget$selected ]))$tclvar

	argList$modifycmd = function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)}
	drop_widget <- .do.gui.call( "tkwidget", argList )
	if( length( labels ) == 1 )
		tclvalue( argList$textvariable ) <- labels

	#save widget - so we can use tcl( drop_widget, "getvalue" ) at a later time
	.map.set(winName, widget$name, tclwidget=drop_widget )
	.map.set(winName, widget$name, droplist_values=values )

	.map.set( winName, paste( widget$name, ".values", sep="" ), droplist_widget=drop_widget )
	.map.set( winName, paste( widget$name, ".id", sep="" ), droplist_widget=FALSE )
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ paste( widget$name, \".values\", sep=\"\" ) ]]$labels <<- values"))
	.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ paste( widget$name, ".values", sep="" ) ]]$labels <- values

	if( widget$edit == FALSE )
		tkconfigure( drop_widget, state="disabled" )

	enter <- !is.null(widget$enter)
	if (enter) enter <- widget$enter
	if (enter == FALSE) {
		#not sure what to bind to get a key by key update, validatecommand looks like an interesting hack, but return value isn't working
		.stopWidget( paste( "enter=F is not implemented", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )
	#command will return after user hits enter
	tkconfigure( drop_widget, command=function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) } )

	return(list( widget = drop_widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.entry <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	if (!is.null(widget[["label"]]) && widget$label!="") {
		#if label is set, then create a 2x1 grid
		label <- widget$label
		widget$label <- "" #blank it out, inf loop if not.
		widgets <- list( 
			list(type="grid", nrow=1, ncol=2, font="", byrow=TRUE, borderwidth=1, relief="flat", padx=0, pady=0, fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg ),
			list(type="label", text=label, padx=0, pady=0, font=widget$font, fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg),
		tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
		return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )
	#create real tk widget below
	argList <- list(parent=tk)
	if (!is.null(widget[["entryfg"]]) && widget$entryfg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["entrybg"]]) && widget$entrybg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["entryfont"]]) && any(widget$entryfont!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$entryfont)
	argList$textvariable <- .map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(widget$value))$tclvar
	argList$width <- widget$width

#if (widget$name=="something") browser()

	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tkentry", argList)
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=tkWidget )

	if( widget$edit == FALSE ) {
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, state="readonly" )
		if (!is.null(widget[["noeditfg"]]) && widget$noeditfg!="") {
			tkconfigure( tkWidget, disabledforeground=widget$noeditfg )
			tkconfigure( tkWidget, foreground=widget$noeditfg ) #no readonlyforeground
	if (!is.null(widget[["noeditbg"]]) && widget$noeditbg!="") {
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, disabledbackground=widget$noeditbg )
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, readonlybackground=widget$noeditbg )

	#if (!is.null(widget[["noeditfg"]]) && widget$noeditfg!="") {
	#	tkconfigure( tkWidget, disabledforeground="red" )
	#	tkconfigure( tkWidget, foreground="red" )
	if( !is.null( widget[["password"]] ) && widget$password == TRUE )
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, show="*")

	enter <- !is.null(widget[["enter"]])
	if (enter)
		enter <- widget$enter
	if (enter) {
		#dont update it (unless an return was pressed) as it can slow it down a lot
		tkbind(tkWidget,"<KeyPress-Return>",function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)})
		tkbind(tkWidget,"<KeyRelease>",function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)})
	if( !is.null( widget[[".up_func"]] ) ) {
		tkbind(tkWidget,"<Up>",function(...) { .do.gui.call( widget[[".up_func"]], list( selected_widget_name = widget$name, ... ) ) } )
		tkbind(tkWidget,"<Prior>",function(...) { .do.gui.call( widget[[".pageup_func"]], list( selected_widget_name = widget$name, ... ) ) } )
	if( !is.null( widget[[".down_func"]] ) ) {
		tkbind(tkWidget,"<Down>",function(...) { .do.gui.call( widget[[".down_func"]], list( selected_widget_name = widget$name, ... ) ) } )
		tkbind(tkWidget,"<Next>",function(...) { .do.gui.call( widget[[".pagedown_func"]], list( selected_widget_name = widget$name, ... ) ) } )
	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.grid <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	#these "defaults" only apply to the first layer grid
	#because it is added as padding, and not parsed.
	#all other defaults are set in paramOrder list

	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]

	if (is.null(widget[["borderwidth"]]))
		widget$borderwidth <- 5

	if (is.null(widget[["relief"]]))
		widget$relief <- "flat"

	argList <- list(parent=tk, borderwidth=widget$borderwidth,relief=widget$relief)
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)

	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tkframe", argList)
	#call buildgrid to attach all children widgets to grid
	tmp <- .buildgrid(tkWidget, widget, winName, widgetList[ - 1 ])

	return( tmp )

.createWidget.image <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	argList <- list(parent=tk)

	#one must be given, the other must be null
	if( is.null( widget[["file"]] ) == is.null( widget[["varname"]] ) )
    	.stopWidget("a value must be specified for one of either `file' or `varname'", widget$.debug, winName)
	if( is.null( widget[["varname"]] ) == FALSE ) {
		#get image from variable
		if( !exists( widget$varname, envir=.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env ) ) {
			msg <- paste( "unable to load image from variable \"", widget[["varname"]], "\" - variable not found", sep="" )
			#R is crashing here.... wtf? .stopWidget( msg, widget$.debug, winName ) #maybe its crashing when the window is closed by tkclose
			stop( msg )
		image <- get( widget$varname, envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )
	} else {
		image = widget$file

	#check file exists
	if( file.exists( image ) == FALSE ) {
		msg <- paste( "unable to open image \"", image, "\" - file does not exist", sep="" )
		stop( msg )

	image.id = paste( "PBSmodelling::", image, sep="" )

	x = try(tcl("image","create","photo", image.id, file=image ),silent=TRUE)
	if( inherits( x, "try-error" ) ) {
    	.stopWidget(paste("unable to open file", widget$file, " - only gif is supported"), widget$.debug, winName)
	if( !is.null( widget[["subsample"]] ) && widget$subsample > 1 ) {
		#subsample the image (not a true resize, but the closest we'll get without using any fancy img libs
		image.sized = paste( image.id, "::subsample", sep="" )
		sized_img <- tcl("image","create","photo", image.sized )
		tcl( sized_img, "copy", x, subsample=widget$subsample )
		argList$image = image.sized #use subsampled image
	} else {
		argList$image = image.id #use original image

	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tklabel", argList)
	return( list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.include <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	if( !is.null( widget[[ "file" ]] ) && !is.null( widget[[ "name" ]] ) )
    		.stopWidget( "both file and name can not be set at the same time", widget$.debug, winName)
	if( is.null( widget[[ "file" ]] ) && is.null( widget[[ "name" ]] ) )
    		.stopWidget( "either file or name must be supplied", widget$.debug, winName)

	file <- widget[[ "file" ]]
	if( is.null( file ) ) {
		if( exists( widget[[ "name" ]] ) == FALSE )
			.stopWidget( paste( "unable to load included filename from variable \"", widget[[ "name" ]], "\" - variable not found", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )
		file <- get( widget[[ "name" ]] )

	if( file.exists( file ) == FALSE )
		.stopWidget( paste( "unable to load included filename \"", file, "\" - file does not exist", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )

	gui_desc <- parseWinFile( file )
	if( length( gui_desc ) == 0 ) {
                frm <- tkframe( tk )
                .adjustAllColours( frm )
		return( frm )
	if( length( gui_desc ) > 1 ) warning( "Multiple windows found in the window description file - only the first will be included (and displayed)" )
	grid <- .packWidgetsIntoGrid( gui_desc[[ 1 ]]$.widgets, gui_desc[[ 1 ]]$vertical )
	return( list( widget = .createWidget( tk, grid, winName )$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] )  )

.createWidget.label <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	argList <- list(parent=tk)
	if( !is.null(widget[["name"]]) && widget$name != "" ) {
		argList$text<-tclvalue( .map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(widget$text))$tclvar )
	} else {
		argList$text = widget$text
	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)
	if (!is.null(widget[["anchor"]]) && widget$anchor!="")
		argList$anchor <- tolower( widget$anchor )
	if (!is.null(widget[["justify"]]) && widget$justify!="")
		argList$justify <- widget$justify
	if (!is.null(widget[["wraplength"]]) && widget$wraplength > 0)
		argList$wraplength <- widget$wraplength 
	if (!is.null(widget[["width"]]) && widget$width > 0)
		argList$width <- widget$width 

	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tklabel", argList)
	if( !is.null(widget[["name"]]) && widget$name != "" ) {
		tkconfigure( tkWidget,textvariable = .map.get(winName, widget$name )$tclvar )
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgetPtrs[[ widget$name ]]$tclwidget <<- tkWidget"))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgetPtrs[[ widget$name ]]$tclwidget <- tkWidget
	return( list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.matrix <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	nrow <- widget$nrow
	ncol <- widget$ncol

	names <- widget$names
	#TODO - check all names are valid

	rowlabels <- widget$rowlabels
	rownames <- widget$rownames
	collabels <- widget$collabels
	colnames <- widget$colnames

	if (is.null(rownames)) rownames <- ""
	if (is.null(colnames)) colnames <- ""

	if (all(widget$values==""))
		values <- ""
	else {
		values <- widget$values

	wid <- list(type="grid", bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg, borderwidth=widget$borderwidth) #new grid widget to create
	wid$.widgets <- list() #elements in the grid
	wid$byrow <- TRUE

	nNames <- length(names)
	nRowlabels <- length(rowlabels)

	nRowNames <- length(rownames)
	nValues <- length(values)
	nCollabels <- length(collabels)
	nColNames <- length(colnames)

	#count names
	if (nNames!=1 && nNames!=(ncol*nrow))
    	.stopWidget(paste('"names" argument must contain 1 or', ncol*nrow, 'names seperated by whitespace.'), widget$.debug, winName)
	#count rowlabels
	if (nRowlabels!=1 && nRowlabels!=0 && nRowlabels!=nrow)
		.stopWidget(paste('"rowlabels" argument should contain 1 or', nrow, 'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count collabels
	if (nCollabels!=1 && nCollabels!=0 && nCollabels!=ncol)
		.stopWidget(paste('"collabels" argument should contain 1 or',ncol,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count rownames
	if (nRowNames!=1 && nRowNames!=nrow)
		.stopWidget(paste('"rownames" argument should contain 1 or',nrow,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count colnames
	if (nColNames!=1 && nColNames!=ncol)
		.stopWidget(paste('"colnames" argument should contain 1 or',ncol,'labels.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	if (is.null(rowlabels))
			colLabelOffset <- 0
			colLabelOffset <- 1

	#single labels should be displayed as the title
	if( is.null( collabels ) ) {
	} else if (nCollabels==1 && ncol>1) {
		wid$toptitle.offset<-1 #to help center the label
		#have counting labels above each column
		wid$.widgets[[1]] <- list()
		wid$.widgets[[1]][[1]] <- list(type='label', text="", bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
		for(j in 1:ncol) {
			wid$.widgets[[1]][[j+colLabelOffset]] <- list(type='label', text=j, font=widget$font, bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
	else {
		wid$.widgets[[1]] <- list()
		wid$.widgets[[1]][[1]] <- list(type='label', text="", bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
		for(j in 1:ncol) {
			wid$.widgets[[1]][[j+colLabelOffset]] <- list(type='label', text=collabels[j], font=widget$font, bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)

	#row title
	if( is.null( rowlabels ) ) {
		wid$sidetitle.offset<-1 #to help center the label
	} else if (nRowlabels==1 && nrow>1) {
		wid$sidetitle.offset<-1 #to help center the label

	for(i in 1:nrow) {
		rowCount <- i #the first row of inputs should be 1 (even if there are labels ontop)
		i <- i + 1 #first row has labels
		wid$.widgets[[i]] <- list()
		for(j in 1:(ncol+1)) {
			#first row is for labels
			if (j==1) {
				if (!is.null(rowlabels)) {
					if (nRowlabels==1 && nrow>1) {
						text <- as.character(rowCount)
						text <- rowlabels[rowCount]

					tmp_i <- i
					if( is.null( collabels ) )
						tmp_i <- tmp_i - 1
					wid$.widgets[[tmp_i]][[j]] <- list(type='label', text=text, font=widget$font, bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg)
			else {
				if (nNames==1) #single name given
					name <- paste(names,'[',rowCount,',',j-1,']',sep="")
				else #many names given
					if (widget$byrow)
						name <- names[j-1+(ncol*(i-2))]
						name <- names[i-1+(nrow*(j-2))]
				if (nValues==1) {
					value <- values
				else {
					if (widget$byrow)
						value <- values[j-1+(ncol*(i-2))]
						value <- values[i-1+(nrow*(j-2))]

				#tweak offset if labels are disabled
				# ****must be un-tweaked after creating the entry or check widget
				if( is.null(rowlabels) )
					j <- j - 1
				if( is.null(collabels) )
					i <- i - 1

				if (widget$mode=="logical") {
					#display a checkbox
					if (is.na(as.logical(value)))
					else if (as.logical(value)==TRUE)
					wid$.widgets[[i]][[j]] <- list(
				else {
					#display a entry box
					wid$.widgets[[i]][[j]] <- list(

				# ***untweak offset for special case of no labels
				if( is.null(rowlabels) )
					j <- j + 1
				if( is.null(collabels) )
					i <- i + 1

	#look out for a trailing list (only happens if rowlabels=NULL)
	i <- length(wid$.widgets)
	if (!length(wid$.widgets[[i]]))
		wid$.widgets[[i]] <- NULL

	if (is.null(rowlabels)) {
		wid$sidetitle <- ""
		wid$toptitle.offset <- NULL
	if (is.null(collabels)) {
		wid$toptitle <- ""
		wid$sidetitle.offset <- NULL

	widgets <- .convertOldGridToNewGrid( wid )
	tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
	return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.notebook <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]

	#create the notebook
	argList <- list( tk, "NoteBook" )

	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["arcradius"]]) && widget$arcradius!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["tabbevelsize"]]) && widget$tabbevelsize!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["homogeneous"]]) && widget$homogeneous!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["tabpos"]]) && widget$tabpos!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)

	notebook <- .do.gui.call( "tkwidget", argList )
	if( !is.null( widget[["name"]] ) )
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=notebook ) # changes .PBSmod

	#create tabs
	childWidgets <- widgetList[ -1 ]
	tab_i <- 1
	for( tab in widget$tabs ) {

		.makeRaiseCmd <- function( tab )
			tab <- tab #If tab isn't assigned here, the value isn't correctly copied - WTF - stupid R environments?
			#save most recently raised tab
			function() { 
				if( !is.null( widget[["name"]] ) ) {
					#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ paste( widget$name, \".raised\", sep=\"\" ) ]] <<- tab"))
					.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ paste( widget$name, ".raised", sep="" ) ]] <- tab
				.extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)
			} )

		tab.button <- tclvalue(tkinsert(notebook, "end", tab_i, "-text", tab, "-raisecmd", .makeRaiseCmd( tab_i ) ))
		tab.win <- .Tk.newwin(tab.button)
		tab.frame <- tkframe(tab.win)

		#embed the next widget from the list as the *only* object in the frame (users should use a grid for multi items)
		embedded <- .createWidget( tab.frame, childWidgets, winName )
		tkpack( embedded[[ "widget" ]], padx = childWidgets[[1]]$padx, pady = childWidgets[[1]]$pady )
		tkpack( tab.frame )

		childWidgets <- embedded[[ "widgetList" ]]
		tab_i <- tab_i + 1

	if( widget$selected > length( widget$tabs ) )
		.stopWidget( "given selected index is greater than the number of tabs", widget$.debug, winName )

	#raise selected tab
	tcl( notebook, "raise", widget$selected )

	#set height
	if( any( c( widget$width, widget$height ) != 0 ) && any( c( widget$width, widget$height ) == 0 ) )
		.stopWidget( "both width and height must be non-zero (to manually set the size) or both zero to automatically set the size", widget$.debug, winName)
	tcl( notebook, "configure", width = widget$width, height = widget$height )
	return( list( widget = notebook, widgetList = childWidgets ) )

.createWidget.null <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	argList <- list( parent = tk, text="" )
	if( !is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg != "" )
		argList$bg <- widget$bg
	tkWidget <- .do.gui.call( "tklabel", argList )

	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.object <- function(tk, widgetList, winName, userObject = NULL )
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	if( is.null( userObject ) ) {
		tmp <- .check.object.exists( tk, widget, winName )
		if( !is.null( tmp ) )
			return( tmp )
	if( !is.null( widget[["rowshow"]] ) && widget$rowshow > 0 )
		return( .createWidget.object.scrolling( tk, widgetList, winName ) )

	if( is.null( userObject ) ) {
		userObject <- get( widget$name, envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )

	if (is.matrix(userObject)) {
		wid <- list(type="matrix",
		if( widget$rowlabels == FALSE ) wid$rowlabels <- NULL
		if( widget$collabels == FALSE ) wid$collabels <- NULL
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <<- wid"))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <- wid
		tmp <- .createWidget(tk, list(wid), winName)
		return( list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

	if (is.data.frame(userObject)) {
		dataModes <- c()
		dataValues <- c()
		for(i in 1:length(userObject)) {
			dataModes <- c(dataModes, mode(as.vector(userObject[[i]])))
			for(v in as.vector(userObject[[i]]))
				dataValues <- c(dataValues, v)
		wid <- list(type="data",
		if( widget$rowlabels == FALSE ) wid$rowlabels <- NULL
		if( widget$collabels == FALSE ) wid$collabels <- NULL
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <<- wid"))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <- wid
		tmp <- .createWidget(tk, list(wid), winName)
		return( list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

	if (is.vector(userObject)) {
		wid <- list(type="vector",
		if( widget$collabels == FALSE ) wid$labels <- NULL
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <<- wid"))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[widget$name]] <- wid
		tmp <- .createWidget(tk, list(wid), winName)
		return( list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

	stop(paste("Error: variable \"", widget$name, "\" is an incompatible mode.", sep=""))

.createWidget.object.scrolling <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	#check for existence
	tmp <- .check.object.exists( tk, widget, winName )
	if( !is.null( tmp ) )
		return( list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

	widget_name <- widget$name	
	userObject <- .getValueForWidgetSetup( widget$name, widget, winName )

	if( is.matrix( userObject ) ) {
		userObject <- as.data.frame( userObject )
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$class <<- \"matrix\""))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$class <- "matrix"
	} else {
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$class <<- \"\""))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$class <- ""
	if( !is.data.frame( userObject ) ) {
		stop( "superobjects only support data.frames" )

	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top <<- 1"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top <- 1
	rows_to_display <- widget$rowshow #num of rows visible
	enable_scrolling <- TRUE
	if( rows_to_display <= 0 || rows_to_display >= nrow( userObject ) ) {
		rows_to_display = nrow( userObject )
		enable_scrolling <- FALSE
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$rows_to_display <<- rows_to_display"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$rows_to_display <- rows_to_display
	ncols <- ncol( userObject )
	nrows <- nrow( userObject )

	widget$.rowlabelwidth <- max( nchar( rownames( userObject ) ) )

	new_widget_name <- paste( "[superobject]", widget$name, sep="" ) 
	cols <- 1:ncol( userObject )
	sub_object_value <- userObject[1:rows_to_display, cols, drop = FALSE ]
	widget$name <- new_widget_name
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data <<- userObject"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data <- userObject
	rm( userObject )

	scroll_callback <- function( ... )
		.superobject.saveValues( winName, widget_name )
		display_top <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top
		userObject <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data
		args = list( ... )
		if( args[[1]] == "scroll" ) {
			display_top <- display_top + as.integer( args[[2]] )
		} else {
			#warning( "scroll not handled" )
			display_top = ceiling( as.numeric( args[[2]] ) * ( nrows - rows_to_display ) ) + 1
		#enforce range
		if( display_top < 1 ) 
			display_top <- 1
		if( display_top + rows_to_display - 1 > nrows ) 
			display_top <- nrows - rows_to_display + 1
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top <<- display_top"))
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top <<- display_top"))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top <- display_top
		#update row labels
		for( i in 1:rows_to_display ) {
			var_name = paste( new_widget_name, "[rowlabel][", i ,"]", sep="" )
			tmp_ptr <- .map.get( winName, var_name )
			tclvalue( tmp_ptr$tclvar ) <- rownames( userObject )[ display_top + i - 1 ]

		#update row values
		for( i in 1:rows_to_display ) {
			for( j in 1:ncols ) {
				var_name = paste( new_widget_name, "[", i, ",", j ,"]d", sep="" )
				tmp_ptr <- .map.get( winName, var_name )
				tclvalue( tmp_ptr$tclvar ) <- userObject[ display_top + i - 1, j ]			
		#if using a scrollbar, use the following code to reposition scrollbar
		#update position of scroll bar
		#beg <- (display_top-1) / ( nrows - rows_to_display )
		#end <- beg
		#tkset( scroll, beg , end )
		tkconfigure( button_up, state=ifelse( display_top == 1, "disabled", "normal" ) )
		tkconfigure( button_pageup, state=ifelse( display_top == 1, "disabled", "normal" ) )

		tkconfigure( button_down, state=ifelse( display_top + rows_to_display - 1 >= nrows, "disabled", "normal" ) )
		tkconfigure( button_pagedown, state=ifelse( display_top + rows_to_display - 1 >= nrows, "disabled", "normal" ) )

	#selected_widget_name is of the form "[superobject]somewidgetname[i,j]d"
	#move the tk focus up/down by y_offset (negative values up, postive down)
	set_widget_row_focus <- function( selected_widget_name, y_offset )
		row <- as.integer( sub( "^\\[superobject\\].+\\[([0-9]+),[0-9]+\\]d$", "\\1", selected_widget_name ) )
		col <- as.integer( sub( "^\\[superobject\\].+\\[[0-9]+,([0-9]+)\\]d$", "\\1", selected_widget_name ) )

		#get new row to move to
		new_row <- row + y_offset
		if( new_row < 1 ) new_row <- 1
		if( new_row > rows_to_display ) new_row <- rows_to_display
		focus_to <- paste( "[superobject]", widget_name, "[", new_row, ",", col, "]d", sep="" )
		#tkfocus( .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgetPtrs[[ focus_to ]]$tclwidget )
		tkfocus( .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgetPtrs[[ focus_to ]]$tclwidget )

	frame <- tkframe( tk )
	rowshow <- ceiling( widget$rowshow / 2 )
	widget$rowshow <- 0 #now we are just creating a regular object, if this was > 0, then we would get inf recursion
	widget$.up_func <- function( selected_widget_name, ...) { 
		#if( .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top == 1 ) {
		if( .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top == 1 ) {
			#no more hidden rows to scroll, change focus
			set_widget_row_focus( selected_widget_name, -1 )
		scroll_callback( "scroll", "-1", "units" )
	widget$.down_func <- function( selected_widget_name,...) { 
		#display_top <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top
		display_top <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top
		if( display_top + rows_to_display - 1 >= nrows ) {
			#no more hidden rows to scroll, change focus
			set_widget_row_focus( selected_widget_name, 1 )
		scroll_callback( "scroll", "1", "units" )
	widget$.pageup_func <- function(...) { scroll_callback( "scroll", as.character( -rowshow ), "units" ) }
	widget$.pagedown_func <- function(...) { scroll_callback( "scroll", as.character( rowshow ), "units" ) }
	obj_tk <- .createWidget.object( frame, list(widget), winName, userObject = sub_object_value )$widget
	#TODO make scroll grow to size of object
	#scroll <- tkscrollbar( frame, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)scroll_callback(...))

	if( enable_scrolling == TRUE ) {
		#create left side button grid
		#scroll <- tkframe( frame )

		#two frames - one for the top two buttson, one for the bottom two
		f1 <- tkframe( frame )
		f2 <- tkframe( frame )
                # to deal with square artifacts above the buttons
		#keys for pageup, up, down, pagedown keys
		keys <- c( "<<", "<", ">", ">>" )
		font <- .createTkFont( "7" )

		button_pageup <- tkbutton( parent = f1, text = keys[1], font = font, width=1, command=function(...) { scroll_callback( "scroll", as.character( -rowshow ), "units" ) } )
		button_up <- tkbutton( parent = f1, text = keys[2], font = font, width=1, command=function(...) { scroll_callback( "scroll", "-1", "units" ) } )
		button_down <- tkbutton( parent = f2, text = keys[3], font = font, width=1, command=function(...) { scroll_callback( "scroll", "1", "units" ) } )
		button_pagedown <- tkbutton( parent = f2, text = keys[4], font = font, width=1, command=function(...) { scroll_callback( "scroll", as.character( rowshow ), "units" ) } )
		#attach buttons to correct frame
		if( widget[["collabels"]] != FALSE ) {
                        lab <- tklabel( parent = f1, text = "" )
			tkgrid( lab ) #align with rows
		tkgrid( button_pageup ); tkgrid( button_up );
		tkgrid( button_down ); tkgrid( button_pagedown );

		tkgrid( obj_tk, column = 0, row = 0, rowspan = 2 )
		tkgrid( f1, column = 1, row = 0, sticky = "N" )
		tkgrid( f2, column = 1, row = 1, sticky = "S" )

		#disable up arrows (since we start on row 1)
		tkconfigure( button_up, state="disabled" )
		tkconfigure( button_pageup, state="disabled" )
	} else {
		tkgrid( obj_tk )
	return(list( widget = frame, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.progressbar <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	#example using ttk instead of bwidget
	#widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	#variable <- .map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(widget$value))$tclvar
	#tkwidget <- tkwidget(tk, "ttk::progressbar", variable = variable )
	#return( list( widget = tkwidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	#usually, I would use tkwidget(.....), but we need to pass `type' to the widget creation (unfortunately, type is used by tkwidget too)
	win <- .Tk.subwin( tk )
	argList <- list( "ProgressBar", win )

	#used to change progress value
	if( widget$style == "incremental" )
		widget$value = widget$value / 2 #there's a but in the bwidgets/tk that doubles this value
	argList$variable <- .map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar( widget$value ))$tclvar

	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["maximum"]]) && widget$maximum > 0)
		argList$maximum <- widget$maximum
	if (!is.null(widget[["height"]]) && widget$height > 0)
		argList$height <- widget$height 
	if (!is.null(widget[["width"]]) && widget$width > 0)
		argList$width <- widget$width 
	if (!is.null(widget[["borderwidth"]]))
		argList$borderwidth <- widget$borderwidth 
	if (!is.null(widget[["relief"]]) && widget$relief != "")
		argList$relief <- widget$relief 
	if (!is.null(widget[["vertical"]]) && widget$vertical == TRUE)
		argList$orient <- "vertical"
	if (!is.null(widget[["style"]]) && widget$style!="")
		argList$type <- widget$style

	tmp <- .do.gui.call( "tcl", argList )
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=tmp )

	return( list( widget = win, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.radio <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	argList <- list(parent=tk, text=widget$text, value=widget$value)
	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)
	argList$variable<-.map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(widget$value))$tclvar
	if (!is.null(widget[["selected"]]) && widget$selected==TRUE)
		tclvalue(argList$variable) <- widget$value
	argList$command=function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)}

	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tkradiobutton", argList)
	#save widget pointer - radio can have many widgets for ONE varname, so store in a list
	widget_list <- .map.get( winName, widget$name )$tclwidgetlist
	if( is.null( widget_list ) )
		widget_list <- list()
	widget_list[[ as.character( widget$value ) ]] <- tkWidget
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidgetlist=widget_list )
	if( widget$edit == FALSE )
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, state="disabled" )

	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.slide <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	if (is.null(widget[["value"]]))
		widget$value <- widget$to
	argList <- list(parent=tk, from=widget$from, to=widget$to, orient=widget$orientation, showvalue=widget$showvalue)
	if (!is.null(widget[["fg"]]) && widget$fg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["bg"]]) && widget$bg!="")
	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)
	argList$variable<-.map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(widget$value))$tclvar
	argList$command<-function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)}
	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tkscale", argList)
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=tkWidget )
	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.slideplus <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
        floatRegExp <- "^-?(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|([0-9]*\\.[0-9]+))$"
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]

	#initial widget$value defaults to <from> argument
	if (is.na(widget$value))
		widget$value <- widget$from

	#to remember last valid number; used to reset values upon an
	#invalid value
	lastMinVal <- ""
	lastCurVal <- ""
	lastMaxVal <- ""

	#update the slider
	updateSlideBounds <- function(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName)
                #convert Tcl variables to values
		minVal <- tclvalue(minVar)
		curVal <- tclvalue(curVar)
		maxVal <- tclvalue(maxVar)

		#change min
		if (any(grep(floatRegExp,minVal))) {
                        # new value = valid: update
		} else {
                        # reset to last valid

		#change max
		if (any(grep(floatRegExp,maxVal))) {
		} else {

		#change current
		if (any(grep(floatRegExp,curVal))) {
		} else {

        # with the saving below, we'll save values on key down and possibly
        # restore them on key release (if key was invalid); with such a short
        # lifetime, saving the values in .PBSmodEnv should be safe
	saveSlideBounds <- function(slider, curVar, minVar, maxVar)
                # convert Tcl variables to values
		minVal <- tclvalue(minVar)
		curVal <- tclvalue(curVar)
		maxVal <- tclvalue(maxVar)

		if (any(grep(floatRegExp,minVal)))
		if (any(grep(floatRegExp,curVal)))
		if (any(grep(floatRegExp,maxVal)))

	convertCurVal <- function(widget, slideVar, curVar)
		tclvalue(curVar) <- as.numeric(tclvalue(slideVar)) * widget$by

        # create the widget using the specified font and fg/bg colours
	getColourfulWidget <- function( parent, type, widget, ... )
		argList <- list( parent = parent, ... )
		if( !is.null( widget[["fg"]] ) && widget$fg != "" )
			argList$fg <- widget$fg
		if( !is.null( widget[["bg"]] ) && widget$bg != "" )
			argList$bg <- widget$bg
		if ( !is.null( widget[["font"]] ) && any( widget$font != "" ) )
		return( .do.gui.call( type, argList ) )

	#calculate fractional values
	from <- widget$from / widget$by
	to <- widget$to / widget$by

	if (is.null(widget[["value"]])) {
		value <- to
		widget$value <- widget$to
	} else {
		value <- widget$value / widget$by

	slideVar<-.map.add(winName, paste(".", widget$name, ".slide", sep=""), tclvar=tclVar(value))$tclvar
	minVar<-.map.add(winName, paste(widget$name, ".min", sep=""), tclvar=tclVar(widget$from))$tclvar
	curVar<-.map.add(winName, widget$name,                        tclvar=tclVar(widget$value))$tclvar
	maxVar<-.map.add(winName, paste(widget$name, ".max", sep=""), tclvar=tclVar(widget$to))$tclvar

	#hold the widgets in this frame
	tkWidget <- getColourfulWidget( tk, "tkframe", list( bg = widget$bg ) )

        #create slider
	slider <- getColourfulWidget(tkWidget, "tkscale", widget,
                                     from=from, to=to, orient="horizontal", showvalue=FALSE, variable=slideVar,
                                     command=function(...) {
                                             # update the current value entry box
                                             convertCurVal(widget, slideVar, curVar)
                                             if (!widget$enter)
                                                     # call the user function automatically if enter = FALSE
                                                     .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)

	#insert slider
	tkgrid(slider, columnspan=5, row=1, column=1)

	#create entries
	minWid <- getColourfulWidget( tkWidget, "tkentry", list( fg=widget$entryfg, bg=widget$entrybg, font=widget$entryfont ), textvariable=minVar, width=5 )
	curWid <- getColourfulWidget( tkWidget, "tkentry", list( fg=widget$entryfg, bg=widget$entrybg, font=widget$entryfont ), textvariable=curVar, width=5 )
	maxWid <- getColourfulWidget( tkWidget, "tkentry", list( fg=widget$entryfg, bg=widget$entrybg, font=widget$entryfont ), textvariable=maxVar, width=5 )

	if (widget$enter) {
                #capture value after return/enter is released; evaluate expressions like...
                #  tkbind(minWid,"<KeyRelease-KP_Enter>",function() updateSlideBounds(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName))
                for (wid in c("minWid", "curWid", "maxWid")) {
                        for (key in c("<KeyRelease-Return>", "<KeyRelease-KP_Enter>")) {
                                expr <- paste('tkbind(', wid, ', "', key, '", ',
                                              'function() { updateSlideBounds(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName); .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) })',
	} else {
                #capture value before press (in case new value isn't
                #valid); then capture value after key is received
                for (wid in c("minWid", "curWid", "maxWid")) {
                        expr <- paste('tkbind(', wid, ', "<KeyPress>",function() { saveSlideBounds(slider, curVar, minVar, maxVar) }); ',
                                      'tkbind(', wid, ', "<KeyRelease>",function() { updateSlideBounds(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName); .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) })',
                                      sep ="")

	#bind functions for setWinVal() changes
	.map.set(winName, paste(widget$name, ".min", sep=""), onChange=function() {
                updateSlideBounds(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName)
                if (!widget$enter) .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) })
	.map.set(winName, widget$name, onChange=function() {
                updateSlideBounds(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName)
                if (!widget$enter) .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) })
	.map.set(winName, paste(widget$name, ".max", sep=""), onChange=function() {
                updateSlideBounds(slider, slideVar, curVar, minVar, maxVar, widget, winName)
                if (!widget$enter) .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName) })

	#place widgets in grid
	tkgrid(getColourfulWidget( tkWidget, "tklabel", widget, text="Min->"), row=2, column=1)
	tkgrid(minWid, row=2, column=2)
	tkgrid(curWid, row=2, column=3)
	tkgrid(maxWid, row=2, column=4)
	tkgrid(getColourfulWidget( tkWidget, "tklabel", widget, text="<-Max"), row=2, column=5)

	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.spinbox <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	if (!is.null(widget[["label"]]))
	if (widget$label!="") {
		#if label is set, then create a 2x1 grid
		label <- widget$label
		widget$label <- "" #blank it out, inf loop if not.
		widgets <- list(
			list(type="grid", nrow=1, ncol=2, font="", byrow=TRUE, borderwidth=1, relief="flat", padx=0, pady=0, fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg ),
			list(type="label", text=label, padx=0, pady=0, font=widget$font, fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg),
		tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
		return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )
	#create real tk widget spinbox below
	argList <- list(parent=tk, type="SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range=c( widget$from, widget$to, widget$by ) )
	if (!is.null(widget[["entryfg"]]) && widget$entryfg!="") {
	if (!is.null(widget[["entrybg"]]) && widget$entrybg!="") {
	if (!is.null(widget$entryfont) && any(widget$entryfont!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$entryfont)
	if( is.na( widget$value ) )
		widget$value = widget$from

	argList$textvariable<-.map.add(winName, widget$name, tclvar=tclVar(widget$value))$tclvar
	argList$validate = "all"
	tkWidget<-.do.gui.call("tkwidget", argList)
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=tkWidget )

	#bug in spinbox -> up/down arrows still modify value in disabled mode
	if( widget$edit == FALSE )
		tkconfigure( tkWidget, state="disabled" )

	enter <- !is.null(widget[["enter"]])
	if (enter)
		enter <- widget$enter
	if (enter) {
		# don't update it unless Return/Enter was pressed (updating can slow it down a lot)
                keylist <- c("<KeyRelease-Return>", "<KeyRelease-KP_Enter>")
	else {
                # update on every key release
                keylist <- c("<KeyRelease>")
                # update when otherwise modified (clicking the up/down arrows)
                tkconfigure( tkWidget, modifycmd=function(...) {
                        .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)
        # NOTE: tkbind does not work with SpinBox (from BWidget); instead, we need to use
        # Tcl directly with 'pathName bind ?arg...?' to set bindings for this widget
        for (key in keylist) {
                cmd <- paste(tkWidget$ID, 'bind ', key,
                             .Tcl.args(function(...) {
                                                  widget$action, winName)}),
                             sep=" ")
	return(list( widget = tkWidget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.table <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]

	tmp <- .check.object.exists( tk, widget, winName )
	if( !is.null( tmp ) )
		return( list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )
	userObject <- .getValueForWidgetSetup( widget$name, widget, winName )
	if( !is.matrix( userObject ) && !is.data.frame( userObject ) )
		stop( "table only supports matrix" )
	#convert any factors to characters
	for( i in 1:ncol(userObject) ) {
		userObject[[ i ]] <- as.vector( userObject[[ i ]] ) #will convert factors into characters

	widget_name <- widget$name

	#to help us getWinVal the correct size/mode/names
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.dim <<- dim( userObject )"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.dim <- dim( userObject )
	modes <- c()
	for( i in 1:ncol( userObject ) ) modes <- c( modes, mode( userObject[[ i ]] ) )
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.modes <<- modes"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.modes <- modes
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.dimnames <<- dimnames( userObject )"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.dimnames <- dimnames( userObject )
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.class <<- ifelse( is.matrix( userObject ), \"matrix\", \"data.frame\" )"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.class <- ifelse( is.matrix( userObject ), "matrix", "data.frame" )
	nrows <- nrow( userObject )
	ncols <- ncol( userObject )
	table_nrows <- nrows
	table_ncols <- ncols

	frame <- tkframe( tk )
	#create tcl storage for matrix
	tcl_array <- .map.add( winName, widget$name, tclarray=tclArray() )$tclarray
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, widgetname = widget$name )
	#array also holds labels - if they are wanted, then put labels in [[0,*]] and [[*,0]]
	#and start elements at [[1,*]] and [[*,1]]. If labels aren't required, start data at [[0,*]] and [[*,0]]
	row_label_offset <- ifelse( is.null( widget[[ "collabels" ]] ), 1, 0 )[1]
	col_label_offset <- ifelse( is.null( widget[[ "rowlabels" ]] ), 1, 0 )[1]
	show_rowtitle <- ifelse( is.null( widget[[ "rowlabels" ]] ), 0, 1 )[1]
	show_coltitle <- ifelse( is.null( widget[[ "collabels" ]] ), 0, 1 )[1]
	#fill in titles
	if( !is.null( widget$rowlabels ) ) {
		for (i in (1:nrows)) {
			if( all( widget$rowlabels == "" ) )
				tcl_array[[i-row_label_offset,0]] <- rownames( userObject )[i]
				tcl_array[[i-row_label_offset,0]] <- widget$rowlabels[i]
		#reserve left col for row titles
		table_ncols <- table_ncols + 1
	if( widget$collabels[1]!="NULL" ) {
		for (i in (1:ncols)) {
			if( all( widget$collabels == "" ) )
				tcl_array[[0,i-col_label_offset]] <- colnames( userObject )[i]
				tcl_array[[0,i-col_label_offset]] <- widget$collabels[i]
		#reserve top row for column titles
		table_nrows <- table_nrows + 1
	#fill in data
	for (i in (1:nrows))
		for (j in (1:ncols)) {
			tcl_array[[i-row_label_offset,j-col_label_offset]] <- userObject[i,j] #tcl arrays start at 0
	#example from: http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au/~wettenhall/RTclTkExamples/tktable.html
	argList <- list( parent = frame, type = "table", rows=table_nrows,cols=table_ncols,titlerows=show_coltitle,titlecols=show_rowtitle,
	             xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(xscr,...),yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

	#if( length( widget$width ) > 1 )
	#	argList$width <- 

	if (!is.null(widget[["font"]]) && any(widget$font!=""))
		argList$font <- .createTkFont(widget$font)


	table1 <- .do.gui.call( "tkwidget", argList )
	.map.set( winName, widget$name, tclwidget=table1 )
	#bug with tktable for "moveto" scrollbar scrolling - doesn't hit last element - must push down on keyboard, or click down arrow
	xscr <- tkscrollbar( frame,orient="horizontal", command=function(...)tkxview(table1,...))
	yscr <- tkscrollbar( frame,command=function(...)tkyview(table1,...))

	tmp_width <- rep( widget$width, times = table_ncols )
	for( i in 1:table_ncols )
		tcl( table1, "width", i-1, tmp_width[ i ] )
	#callback func
	tkconfigure(table1, browsecmd=function(...) { .extractData(widget[["function"]], widget$action, winName)} )
	if( widget$edit == FALSE )
		tkconfigure( table1, state="disabled" )
	return(list( widget = frame, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.text <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	tk <- tkframe(tk)

	param <- list(
	if ( any( widget$font != "" ) )

	scrollBar <- tkscrollbar(tk, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(txtBox,...))
	txtBox <- .do.gui.call("tktext", param)

	.map.add(winName, widget$name, tclwidget=txtBox)

	if (widget$edit==FALSE)
		tkconfigure(txtBox, state="disabled")

	if (widget$scrollbar == TRUE) {
	} else {
		tkgrid(txtBox) }

	return(list( widget = tk, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

.createWidget.vector <- function(tk, widgetList, winName)
	widget <- widgetList[[ 1 ]]
	names <- widget$names
	labels <- widget$labels

	if (all(widget$values==""))
		values <- ""
		values <- widget$values

	if( is.null( widget[["vecnames"]] ) ) widget$vecnames <- ""

	n <- widget$length
	nNames <- length(names)
	nLabels <- length(labels)
	nVecnames <- length(widget$vecnames)

	if (n==0) {
		if (nNames == 1 && nLabels == 1) {
		else if (nNames != 1)
			.stopWidget('missing "length" argument', widget$.debug, winName)

	#count names
	if (nNames!=1 && nNames!=n)
		.stopWidget(paste("names argument must contain 1 or",n,"names seperated by spaces.\nreceived:", widget$names), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count vecnames
	if (nVecnames!=n && widget$vecnames!="")
		.stopWidget(paste('vecnames argument should contain',n,'vector names.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#count labels
	if( !is.null( labels ) ) {
		if( labels[1] != "" || nLabels > 1 )
			labels <- rep( labels, length = n )
		else if( nNames > 1 || n == 1 )
			labels <- rep( names, length = n )
			labels <- 1:n

	#build grid
	wid <- list(type="grid", bg=widget$bg, fg=widget$fg, borderwidth=widget$borderwidth ) #new grid widget to create
	if (widget$vertical) {
		wid$nrow <- n
		wid$ncol <- ifelse( is.null( labels ), 1, 2 )
		wid$byrow = TRUE
	else {
		wid$nrow <- ifelse( is.null( labels ), 1, 2 )
		wid$ncol <- n
		wid$byrow = FALSE

	nValues <- length(values)
	if (nValues!=1 && nValues!=n)
		.stopWidget(paste('values argument should contain 1 or',n,'values seperated by whitespace.'), widget$.debug, winName)

	#create list for grid, and children
	widgets <- list( wid )
	for(i in 1:n) {
		#create label
		if( is.null( labels ) ) {
			entryIndex <- 1
		} else {
			entryIndex <- 2
			text <- labels[i]
			widgets[[ length(widgets)+1]] <- list(type='label', text=text, font=widget$font, fg=widget$fg, bg=widget$bg)

		#create entry
		if (nNames==1)
			name <- paste(names, '[', i, ']',sep="")
			name <- names[i]

		if (nValues==1)
			value <- values[1]
			value <- values[i]

		if (all(widget$vecnames==""))
			vname <- NULL
			vname <- widget$vecnames[i]

		if (widget$mode=="logical") {
			#display a checkbox
			if (is.na(as.logical(value)))
			else if (as.logical(value)==TRUE)
			widgets[[ length(widgets)+1 ]] <- list(
		else {
			#display a entry box
			widgets[[ length(widgets)+1 ]] <- list(


	tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
	return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

#	wid$ncol <- NULL
#	wid$nrow <- NULL
#	widgets <- .convertOldGridToNewGrid( wid )
#	tmp <- .createWidget.grid(tk, widgets, winName)
#	return(list( widget = tmp$widget, widgetList = widgetList[ -1 ] ) )

#   creates a usable TK font from a given string
# Arguments:
#   fontStr - string describing a font and colour
.createTkFont <- function( fontstr )
	#print( fontStr )
	#fontstr <- .convertParamStrToVector(casefold(fontStr))
	#print( fontstr )

	#default options

	for(i in 1:length(fontstr)) {
		if (fontstr[i]=="bold")
		else if (fontstr[i]=="italic")
		else if (fontstr[i]=="underline")
		else if (fontstr[i]=="overstrike")
		else if (fontstr[i]=="times")
		else if (fontstr[i]=="courier")
		else if (fontstr[i]=="helvetica")
		else if (any(grep("^[0-9]+$", fontstr[i])))
		else if (fontstr[i] != "") {
			fontparam$family = fontstr[i]
			#cat(paste("warning: font familly \"", fontstr[i], "\" is not guarenteed to work with TK on all platforms\n", sep=""))
	return(.do.gui.call(tkfont.create, fontparam))

#   used to create a grid on a window
# Arguments:
#   tk      - parent tk frame to attach widget to
#   grid    - widget list describing the grid
#   winName - active window name
.buildgrid <- function(tk, grid, winName, childWidgets)
	toptitle <- grid$toptitle
	sidetitle <- grid$sidetitle

	if (is.null(toptitle))
		toptitle <- ""

	if (is.null(sidetitle))
		sidetitle <- ""

	if (is.null(grid[["ncol"]])) {
		stop( "ncol not given to grid" )

	if (is.null(grid[["nrow"]])) {
		stop( "nrow not given to grid" )

	#offset the title (useful for centering titles over a certain part)
	#like over the 3 columns of a matrix, but not row labels
	if (is.null(grid[["toptitle.offset"]]))
	if (is.null(grid[["sidetitle.offset"]]))

	#set byrow
	if (is.null(grid[["byrow"]])) {

	#set font options
	if( is.null(grid[["topfont"]]) )
		topfont = ""
		topfont = grid$topfont
	if( is.null(grid[["sidefont"]]) )
		sidefont = ""
		sidefont = grid$sidefont
	#set fg
	if( is.null(grid[["topfg"]]) ) grid$topfg <- grid$fg
	if( is.null(grid[["sidefg"]]) ) grid$sidefg <- grid$fg
	#set bg
	if( is.null(grid[["topbg"]]) ) grid$topbg <- grid$bg
	if( is.null(grid[["sidebg"]]) ) grid$sidebg <- grid$bg

	#display title (if set)
	if (toptitle!="") {
		argList <- list(parent=tk, text=toptitle)
		if (!is.null(grid[["topfg"]]) && grid$topfg!="") {
			argList$foreground <- grid$topfg
		if (!is.null(grid[["topbg"]]) && grid$topbg!="")
			argList$background <- grid$topbg
		if (any( topfont!="" ) )
			argList$font <- .createTkFont(topfont)
		mytklabel<-.do.gui.call("tklabel", argList)
		tkgrid(mytklabel, columnspan=colspan, row=0, column=1+grid$toptitle.offset)
	#display column title (if set)
	if (sidetitle!="") {
		argList <- list(parent=tk, text=sidetitle)
		if (!is.null(grid[["sidefg"]]) && grid$sidefg!="")
		if (!is.null(grid[["sidebg"]]) && grid$sidebg!="")
		if (any(topfont!=""))
			argList$font <- .createTkFont(sidefont)
		mytklabel<-.do.gui.call("tklabel", argList)
		tkgrid(mytklabel, rowspan=rowspan, row=1+grid$sidetitle.offset, column=0)

	#loop over all children widget of the grid.
	#these are stored as grid$.widgets[[row_id]][[col_id]]
#	for(i in 1:grid$nrow) {
#		for(j in 1:grid$ncol) {
	for( i in 0:(grid$nrow * grid$ncol - 1) ) {
		#create Widget (here's the recursive widget creation call)
		if( length( childWidgets ) == 0 )
			.stopWidget( "not enough children widgets to build grid", grid$.debug, winName )
		widget_def <- childWidgets[[ 1 ]]
		tmp <- .createWidget(tk, childWidgets, winName)
		widget <- tmp[[ "widget" ]]
		childWidgets <- tmp[[ "widgetList" ]]

		#set row and column position
		if (grid$byrow==TRUE) {
			row = floor( i / grid$ncol ) + 1
			column = i %% grid$ncol + 1
		} else {
			column = floor( i / grid$nrow ) + 1
			row = i %% grid$nrow + 1

		#y padding
		if (is.null(widget_def$pady))
			pady <- 0
			pady <- widget_def$pady

		#x padding
		if (is.null(widget_def$padx))
			padx <- 0
			padx <- widget_def$padx

		#build begining of argument list for tkgrid() function
		argList <- list(widget, row=row, column=column, padx=padx, pady=pady)

		#append sticky flag argument if set
		if (is.character(widget_def$sticky)) {
			argList$sticky <- widget_def$sticky
		.do.gui.call("tkgrid", argList)
	return( list( widget = tk, widgetList = childWidgets ) )

#===== Map Functions ============================
#----- (.map, etc.) ------------------------------

#   save a new value for a given key.
#   if a previous exists ignore the new value, and return previous value
# Arguments:
#   winName - map to extract values from
#   key     - name of item to extract (i.e. widget name)
#   ...     - named items to save (in a list)
.map.add <- function(winName, key, ...)
	#if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winName ]] ) )
	if( is.null(.PBSmod[[ winName ]]) )
	if (!is.character(key)) {
		stop("map error - key must be a string")
	if (key=="") {
		stop("map error - key must be at least 1 character long")
	if (!is.null(.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[ key ]]))
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]] <<- list(...)"))

	### The following caused days of confusion as to why values were not being displayed in the GUI:
	#.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]] <- list(...)   # This was the orginal final line in the function.
	#tput(.PBSmod)                                       # This additional line disrupted the return of the final line.
	#return(list(...))                                   # Therefore need an explicit return.

	#Alex's suggestion (2012-12-07)
	newlist <- list(...)
	.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]] <- newlist

	#.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]] <- list(...)   # This was the orginal final line in the function.
	#tput(.PBSmod)                                       # This additional line disrupted the return of the final line.
	#return(list(...))                                   # Therefore need an explicit return.

#   Returns a value associated with a key
# Arguments:
#   winName - map to extract values from
#   key     - name of item to extract (i.e. widget name)
.map.get <- function(winName, key)

#   Returns all visible items of a map of a certain window
# Arguments:
#   winName - map to extract values from
.map.getAll <- function(winName)

#   initialize the datastructure that holds the map(s)
# Arguments:
#   winName - name of map to initialize
.map.init <- function(winName) {
	.PBSmod[[winName]] <- list()
	#to hold tclvar pointers
	.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs <- list()
	#to hold widget definition lists (i.e. from win desc file)
	.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets <- list()
	#packList(winName,".PBSmod",list()) #.PBSmod[[winName]] <<- list()
	#to hold tclvar pointers
	#eval(parse(text=paste("packList(\"widgetPtrs\",",target,",list())",sep=""))) #.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs <<- list()
	#to hold widget definition lists (i.e. from win desc file)
	#eval(parse(text=paste("packList(\"widgets\",",target,",list())",sep=""))) #.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets <<- list()

#   save a new value for a given key, even if it involves
#   overwriting a previously stored value
# Arguments:
#   winName - map to extract values from
#   key     - name of item to extract (i.e. widget name)
#   ...     - named items to save (in a list)
.map.set <- function(winName, key, ...)
	#if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winName ]] ) )
	if( is.null( .PBSmod[[ winName ]] ) )

	if (!is.character(key))
		stop("map error - key must be a string")
	if (key=="")
		stop("map error - key must be at least 1 character long")

	if (!is.list(.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]]))
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]] <- list()
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]] <<- list()"))

	#set additional keys
	tmp <- list(...)
	tmpNames <- names(tmp)
	if (length(tmp)>0) {
		for (i in 1:length(tmp)) {
			if (is.null(tmpNames[i]))
				#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]][[i]] <<- tmp[[i]]"))
				.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]][[i]] <- tmp[[i]]
			else if (tmpNames[i]=="")
				#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]][[i]] <<- tmp[[i]]"))
				.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]][[i]] <- tmp[[i]]
				#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]][[tmpNames[i]]] <<- tmp[[i]]"))
				.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgetPtrs[[key]][[tmpNames[i]]] <- tmp[[i]]

#===== Convert Functions =============================
#----- (.convert, etc.) ------------------------------

#This is use to convert old style (where grid has a grid$.widgets[[i]][[j]] data structure)
#to the new format which is list( grid, child, child, ..., child )
#this should *never* be used by new code -- hopefuly it will be removed one day
.convertOldGridToNewGrid <- function( grid )
	widgets <- list( grid )
	widgets[[ 1 ]]$.widgets <- NULL #remove old widgets

	if( is.null( widgets[[1]][[ "nrow" ]] ) )
		widgets[[1]][[ "nrow" ]] = length( grid$.widgets )
	if( is.null( widgets[[1]][[ "ncol" ]] ) )
		widgets[[1]][[ "ncol" ]] = length( grid$.widgets[[ 1 ]] )

	for( row in grid$.widgets ) {
		if( length( row ) != widgets[[1]][["ncol"]] ) stop( "missmatching ncol vs data in .widgets during old to new conversion" )
		for( item in row ) {
			if( item$type == "grid" ) {
				tmp <- .convertOldGridToNewGrid( item )
				widgets <- c( widgets, tmp )
			} else {
				widgets[[ length( widgets ) + 1 ]] <- item
	return( widgets )

#  Function to convert a string, x, into a vector of 
#  elements seperated by whitespace.
#  Whitespace can be interupted as values if it is enclosed by quotes.
#  special characters (newline, tab, \, ', ") must be escaped with \
# Arguments:
#   x     - string
#   fname - filename string for warning messages
#   line  - line number for warning messages
# Output:  
#   vector of values
.convertParamStrToVector <- function(x, fname="", line=0)
	#TODO - this function needs optimization for readlist preformance
	#profilling shows a slow spot to be paste() calls
	quoted<-0	#0=none, 1=", 2='
	j <- 0 #counter for words array
	equal <- 0 #counter for equal char
	quotefound <- 0 #used to capture ""
	words <- NULL
	#todo: triple check it's not needed - 
	# I dont think so since stripcomments is used prior

	myNewEnv <- new.env()
	environment(myNewEnv) <- asNamespace("PBSmodelling")
	words <- .Call("strToVector", 
	if (is.null(words))
		stop("Errors were found in the P-formated list. Unable to continue\n", call.=FALSE)

#  Converts a given string of values seperated by spaces into a list
#  while preserving space and escaped quotes within quotes 
#  (kindof - the value must still be stripped depending if its a single string, or vector of strings)
.convertParamStrToList <- function(x, fname="", line.start=0, line.end=0, sourcefile=list())
	quoted<-0	#0=none, 1=", 2='
	j <- 0 #counter for words array
	equal <- 0 #counter for equal char
	quotefound <- 0 #used to capture ""
	words <- list()
	#don't think its needed since stripcomments should do this too

	myNewEnv <- new.env()
	environment(myNewEnv) <- asNamespace("PBSmodelling")
	words <- .Call("strToList", 
	if (is.null(words))
		stop("Errors were found in the GUI description file. Unable to continue\n", call.=FALSE)

#  Converts a list into an N-dim array
# Arguments:
#   mList = z[[1]][[1]]...[[1]]=x
#           z[[1]][[1]]...[[2]]=x
#           ...
#           z[[1]][[1]]...[[1]]=x
#           ...
#           z[[i]][[j]]...[[k]]=x
# output an N-dim array
.convertMatrixListToMatrix <- function(mList)
	size <- .getMatrixListSize(mList)
	arr <- array(dim=size)
	arr <- .setMatrixElement(mList, arr)

#  Similar to toArray but to data.frame
# Arguments:
#   mList - see .convertMatrixListToMatrix:
.convertMatrixListToDataFrame <- function(mList, colName="Y", rowNames="X")
	size <- .getMatrixListSize(mList)
	arr <- array(dim=size)
	arr <- .setMatrixElement(mList, arr)

	for(i in 1:size[2]) {

	for(i in 1:length(mList)) {
		for(j in 1:length(mList[[i]])) {
			x[[j]][[i]] <- mList[[i]][[j]]

	if (length(rowNames)==0) {
	else {
		if (length(rowNames)==1) {
			if (rowNames=="") {
			rowNames <- paste(rowNames, 1:size[1], sep="")
		else if (length(rowNames)!=size[1])
			stop(paste("rowNames should be NULL, or a vector of size 1 or", size[1], ".\nGot rowNames=", rowNames, sep=""))

	#create a data.frame
	argList <- list(row.names=rowNames)
	for(i in 1:size[2]) { #foreach column
		name <- paste("X", i, sep="")
		argList[[name]] <- unlist(x[[i]])
	return(do.call("data.frame", argList))

#  Helper function used by .convertMatrixListToMatrix
#  to assign values from the matrix list into the array
.setMatrixElement <- function(m, a, ind=NULL)
	if (is.null(m))
	if (!is.list(m)) {
		eval(parse(text=paste("a[", paste(ind, collapse=','), "] <- m", sep="")))

	for(i in 1:length(m)) {
		a<-.setMatrixElement(m[[i]], a, c(ind,i))

#  Helper function used by .convertMatrixListToMatrix
#  to determine the minumum required size of the array
#  needed to create to convert the list into an array
.getMatrixListSize <- function(m, d=NULL, big=0)
	if (!is.list(m)) {
		return(pmax(d, big))

	for(i in 1:length(m)) {
		big <- .getMatrixListSize(m[[i]], c(d,i), big)

#  Used to help .extractVar deal with N-dim maticies
#  firstly it is converted into a "matrix list"
#  once the matrix list is completed (and size known)
#  it should be converted into a true array
.matrixHelp <- function(matrixList, ind, value)
	if (length(ind)>1) {
		if (length(matrixList)<ind[1])
		else if(!is.list(matrixList[[ind[1]]]))

		matrixList[[ind[1]]] <- .matrixHelp(matrixList[[ind[1]]], ind[-1], value)
	else if(length(ind)==1) {
	else {
		stop(".matrixHelp() was called with no indices.")

#  Cconverts x into a numeric mode, if it looks like a valid number
# Arguments:
#   x - string to convert
.autoConvertMode <- function(x)
	#nice regular expression to see if it could be logical
	if (length(grep(.regex.logical, x))==length(x)) {
		x <- as.logical(x)
	#ugly regular expression to see if it looks like a numeric
	else if (length(grep(.regex.numeric, x))==length(x) 
	         && all(x!="-")) {

		x <- as.numeric(x)
	#uglier regular expression to see if its complex
	else if (length(grep(.regex.complex, x))==length(x)
	         && all(x!="-")) {

		x <- as.complex(x)

# This funcion is deprecated (see code in supportFuns).
# Converts a variable into a mode without showing any warnings.
# Arguments:
#   x    - variable to convert
#   mode - mode to convert to
.convertMode <- function(x, mode)
	#cat( "converting: <<", x, ">> to", mode,"\n")
	#TODO - fix regexs
	#they dont slow down, but will mess up with NAs

	if (mode=="logical") {
		# "1" will be TRUE
		x[x=="1"] <- TRUE
		x[x=="0"] <- FALSE
		# anything else that fails the regex will be NA
		tmp <- grep(.regex.logical, x)
		x[-tmp] <- NA
		#anything else is now valid
		x <- as.logical(x)
	else if (mode=="numeric" || mode=="integer") {
		tmp <- grep(.regex.numeric, x)
		x[-tmp] <- NA
		x[x=="-"] <- NA
		x <- as.numeric(x)
	else if (mode=="complex") {
		tmp <- grep(.regex.complex, x)
		x[-tmp] <- NA
		x[x=="-"] <- NA
		x <- as.complex(x)
	#print("convert mode ended at"); print(date());
	#otherwise it is character and nothing needs converting

#===== Extract Functions =========================
#----- (.extract, etc.) --------------------------

#  Called by TK on button presses (or binds, onchanges, slides, ...)
# Arguments:
#   command - user command to call (ie function argument of widget)
#   action  - action value
#   winName - active window name
.extractData <- function(command, action, winName)
	.PBSmod$.activeWin <- winName
	#packList(".activeWin",".PBSmod",winName) # default tenv=.PBSmodEnv #.PBSmod$.activeWin <<- winName
	setWinAct(winName, action)
	if (is.null(command))
	if (command=="")
	#if (exists(command,mode="function", envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env))
	#	.do.gui.call(command, list(), envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )
	if (exists(command,mode="function", envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env))
		.do.gui.call(command, list(), envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )
		cat(paste("Warning: cannot find function '", command, "'.\n", sep=""))

#  Get a list of called functions.
# Arguments:
#   data - widget lists
.extractFuns <- function(data)
	retData <- c()
	for(i in 1:length(data)) {
		if (!is.null(data[[i]][["widget"]][["function"]]))
			retData <- c(retData, data[[i]][["widget"]][["function"]])

#  Extracts values from the tclvar ptrs
# Arguments:
#   winName - name of target window to extract data from
.extractVar <- function(winName)
	# list of regular expressions of keys which should NOT be returned to the user
	keys_to_skip <- c( "\\[rowlabel\\]\\[[0-9]+\\]$" )

	#data is a list containing sub-lists in the form:
	#list(type="tcl", tclvar="tcl_var_ptr", mode="numeric")
	data <- .map.getAll(winName)
	#tget(.PBSmod) perhaps best not to use static copy; call object directly with .PBSmodEnv$.PBSmod

	values <- list()
	keys <- names(data)
	#if (length(data)<1) return(NULL)

	superobjects_to_process <- list() #superobjects (which scroll) which are stored elsewhere
	tables_to_process <- list() #tktable matrix objects - stored in tclarray

	#extract values from tcl into an R list whose index corresponds to the data list
	if( length(data) > 0 )
	for(i in 1:length(data)) {
		skip <- FALSE
		for( ignore_pattern in keys_to_skip ) {
			if( any( grep( ignore_pattern, keys[i] ) ) ) {
				skip <- TRUE
		if( skip == TRUE ) next
		if( any( grep( "^\\[superobject\\]",  keys[i] ) ) ) {
			#skip superobjects
			#get superobject name
			tmp <- gsub( "]d$", "]", keys[i] )
			tmp <- gsub( "\\[[a-z0-9,]*\\]", "", tmp )
			superobjects_to_process[[ tmp ]] = TRUE
		#wid <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]
		wid <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]
		if( is.null( wid ) || is.null( wid[["type"]] ) )
		if( wid$type == "button" )
			next #no data to extract
		if (!is.null(data[[i]][[ "tclvar" ]])) {
			values[[i]] <- tclvalue(data[[i]]$tclvar)
		else if (!is.null(data[[i]][["tclarray"]])) {
			#special case for table matrix
			tables_to_process[[ data[[i]]$widgetname ]] = TRUE
		else if( !is.null( wid[["type"]] ) && wid$type == "text" ) {
			#special case for text widgets
			values[[i]] <- tclvalue(tkget(data[[i]]$tclwidget,"0.0","end"))
			wid$mode <- "character"
		else if( !is.null( data[[i]][[ "droplist_widget" ]] ) ) {
			#nothing to extract for this one - only here for setting vars
		} else if( !is.null( data[[i]][[ "tclwidget" ]] ) ) {
			#this isn't extracted, but rather set from a bind function whenever a tab is raised (see createwidget.notebook - and a few lines down in this func)
		} else {
			stop(paste("unknown type:", data[[i]]))

		#convert data to propper type
		if (is.null(wid[["mode"]]))
			mode <- "numeric"
			mode <- wid[["mode"]]

		values[[i]] <- .convertMode(values[[i]], mode)

	retData <- list()
	if( length( values ) )
	for(i in 1:length(values)) {
		#look for any vectors (arrays, matrices)
		#vector names end in [1,4,2...]
		if (any(grep("^[^\\[]+\\[([0-9,]+)\\]$", keys[i]))) {
			#extract the indicies (ind) and name of vector
			ind<-gsub("^[^\\[]+\\[([0-9,]+)\\]$", "\\1", keys[i])
			ind<-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(ind, ",")))
			name <- gsub("\\[[0-9,]+\\]", "", keys[i])
			if (length(ind)>1) {
				#process multiple idicies (matrix, or array)

				#values from matricies are stored into a list 
				#and then converted into a matrix at a later stage
				if (!exists("matrixTmp"))
					matrixTmp <- list()

				#create a list for the new matrix
				if( is.null( matrixTmp[[ name ]] ) ) {
					matrixTmp[[name]] <- list()

				#call matrixhelper to build a list, and then save the new changes
				matrixTmp[[name]] <- .matrixHelp(matrixTmp[[name]], ind, values[[i]])
			else {
				#single index found (vector)
				if ( is.null( retData[[ name ]] ) )
					retData[[name]] <- NA
				retData[[name]][ind] <- values[[i]]
		#any var ending with indicies and a "d" EX: var[3,5]d is an element of a data.frame
		else if (any(grep("^[^\\[]+\\[([0-9,]+)\\]d$", keys[i]))) {
			ind<-gsub("^[^\\[]+\\[([0-9,]+)\\]d$", "\\1", keys[i])
			ind<-as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(ind, ",")))
			name <- gsub("\\[[0-9,]+\\]d", "", keys[i])
			if (length(ind)>1) {
				#store into a list just like we do with a matrix
				if (!exists("dataframeTmp"))
					dataframeTmp <- list()

				#create a list for the new matrix
				if ( is.null( dataframeTmp[[ name ]] ) ) {
					dataframeTmp[[name]] <- list()

				#call matrixhelper to build a list, and then save the new changes
				dataframeTmp[[name]] <- .matrixHelp(dataframeTmp[[name]], ind, values[[i]])
			else {
				#single index
				retData[[name]][ind] <- values[[i]]
		else {
			#no index (ie var is of standard type: [a-z0-9_]+)
			retData[[keys[i]]] <- values[[i]]
			#if (!is.null(.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ keys[i] ]][[ ".name" ]]))
			#	names(retData[[keys[i]]]) <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$.name
			if (!is.null(.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ keys[i] ]][[ ".name" ]]))
				names(retData[[keys[i]]]) <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$.name

	#convert all collected matrix lists into real n-dim arrays.
	if (exists("matrixTmp")) {
		keys <- names(matrixTmp)
		for(i in 1:length(matrixTmp)) {
			#colnames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$colnames
			colnames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$colnames
			if (is.null(colnames)) 
				colnames <- ""

			#rownames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$rownames
			rownames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$rownames
			if (is.null(rownames)) 
				rownames <- ""

			retData[[keys[i]]] <- .convertMatrixListToMatrix(matrixTmp[[i]])
			#can't use dimnames incase of 3 dimension or higher arrays
			tmpNames <- .PBSdimnameHelper(rownames, colnames, dim(retData[[keys[i]]]))
			#base::rownames <- does not work, use the following work-around
			retData[[keys[i]]] <- base::"rownames<-"(retData[[keys[i]]], tmpNames[[1]])
			retData[[keys[i]]] <- base::"colnames<-"(retData[[keys[i]]], tmpNames[[2]])

	#convert dataframe lists into dataframes
	if (exists("dataframeTmp")) {
		keys <- names(dataframeTmp)
		for(i in 1:length(dataframeTmp)) {
			#colnames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$colnames
			#rownames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$rownames
			colnames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$colnames
			rownames <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[keys[i]]]$rownames

			retData[[keys[i]]] <- .convertMatrixListToDataFrame(dataframeTmp[[i]], colnames, rownames)
			#can't use dimnames incase of 3 dimension or higher arrays
			tmpNames <- .PBSdimnameHelper(rownames, colnames, dim(retData[[keys[i]]]))
			#base::rownames <- does not work, use the following work-around
			retData[[keys[i]]] <- base::"rownames<-"(retData[[keys[i]]], tmpNames[[1]])
			retData[[keys[i]]] <- base::"colnames<-"(retData[[keys[i]]], tmpNames[[2]])

	# look for special widgets (which don't use a tclvar)
	# assign vecnames to any vectors
	# droplist widget - get position of selected item (and possibly the complete set of possible choices)
	# for(wid in .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets) {
	for(wid in .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets) {
		if( !is.list( wid ) ) next
		if( is.null( wid[["type"]] ) ) next
		if (wid$type=="vector") {
			if (!is.null(retData[[ wid$names ]])) {
				if (any(wid$vecnames!=""))
					names(retData[[wid$names]]) <- wid$vecnames
		else if (wid$type=="droplist") {
			wid_name <- paste( wid$name, ".id", sep="" )
			#get widget ptr (not widget's variable ptr)
			tk_widget <- data[[ wid$name ]]$tclwidget
			#get selected index (not value)
			selected_i <- as.integer( tcl( tk_widget, "getvalue" ) ) + 1
			retData[[wid_name]] <- selected_i

			#extract values directly from widget (won't work if labels are used)
			#values <- tclvalue( tcl( tk_widget, "cget", "-values" ) )
			#values <- .tclArrayToVector( values )

			#get stored values (useful if labels were applied)
			wid_name <- paste( wid$name, ".values", sep="" )
			#values <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ wid_name ]]$labels
			values <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ wid_name ]]$labels
			retData[[wid_name]] <- values 

			#overwrite label values with real values (except when the user input their own choice)
			if( selected_i > 0 )
				retData[[ wid$name ]] <- values[ selected_i ]
		} else if( wid$type == "notebook" ) {
			if( !is.null( wid[["name"]] ) )
				#retData[[ wid$name ]] <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ paste( wid$name, ".raised", sep="" ) ]]
				retData[[ wid$name ]] <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[ paste( wid$name, ".raised", sep="" ) ]]
	#superobjects to process
	for( k in names( superobjects_to_process ) ) {
		.superobject.saveValues( winName, k ) #save currently visible data
		#retData[[ k ]] <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ k ]]$.data
		retData[[ k ]] <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ k ]]$.data
		#if( .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ k ]]$class == "matrix" )
		if( .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ k ]]$class == "matrix" )
			retData[[ k ]] <- as.matrix( retData[[ k ]] )
	#tables to process
	for( k in names( tables_to_process ) ) {
		retData[[ k ]] <- .table.getvalue( winName, k )

	#convert factors to characters
	if( length( retData ) > 0 )
	for( i in 1:length( retData ) ) {
		if( is.factor( retData[[ i ]] ) )
			retData[[ i ]] <- as.character( retData[[ i ]] )
		else if( is.data.frame( retData[[ i ]] ) ) {
			for( j in 1:length( retData[[ i ]] ) ) {
				if( is.factor( retData[[ i ]][,j] ) )
					retData[[ i ]][,j] <- as.character( retData[[ i ]][,j] )

#  Returns a list with all parameters extracted from a list.
# Arguments:
#   inputStr   - string from win desc file describing a widget
#   fname      - filename to display with error messages
#   line.start - line number where widget is first found
#   line.end   - line number of last line of widget (ie extended line)
#   sourcefile - 
#   paramOrder
.getParamFromStr <- function(inputStr, fname="", line.start=0, line.end=0, 
                             sourcefile=list(), paramOrder=.widgetDefs)
	#now passed in function - to enable overriding
	# a "constant" defines how the parameters should look.

	namedArguments <- 0 # determines if we can accept unnamed arguments
	paramData <- list() #extracted params from a line to return
	typeDefined <- 0    #this must be set before returning
	if (inputStr=="") {
		.catError(paste("input line is empty", sep=""), fname, line.start)
		return(NULL) }
	#split input string into seperate arguments
	s<-.convertParamStrToList(inputStr, fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
	for(j in 1:length(s)) {
		quoted <- s[[j]]$quoted == "Y"
		#argument is named, unnamed arguments are no longer valid
		if (!is.null(s[[j]][["key"]])) {
			namedArguments <- 1 
			if (typeDefined==0) {
				if (key=="type") {
					typeDefined <- 1;
					#case of type is ignored
					paramData[[key]] <- value <- casefold(value, upper=FALSE) 
					#fetch argument Ordering
					argOrder <- paramOrder[[value]]
			} else {
				#special case where unquoted NULL is converted to a real NULL, but can't work for ALL values because of NULL widget type.
				if( !quoted && value == "NULL" ) {
					paramData[ key ] <- list( NULL )
				} else {
					paramData[[ key ]] <- value
		#argument is not named (no key was given)
		else if(namedArguments==0) {
			if (j==1) {
				#first argument must be "type"
				widgetType <- paramData$type <- casefold(value)
				#fetch argument Ordering
				argOrder <- paramOrder[[widgetType]]
				if (is.null(argOrder)) {
					#given widget type is not valid
					.catError(paste("unknown widget type '", paramData$type,"'", sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
				typeDefined <- 1;
			else if(j > length(argOrder)) {
				.catError(paste("more arguments given than supported by widget '",paramData$type,"'", sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
			else {
				#determine the name of the second argument
				argName <- argOrder[[j]]$param
				#special case where unquoted NULL is converted to a real NULL, but can't work for ALL values because of NULL widget type.
				if( !quoted && value == "NULL" ) {
					paramData[ argName ] <- list( NULL )
				} else {
					paramData[[ argName ]] <- value
		#error - unnamed arg given after named arg
		else {
			.catError(paste("unnamed argument with value \"",value,"\" given after a named argument.", sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
	#test if a type has been defined
	if (typeDefined==0) {
		.catError(paste("no widget type given", sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
		return(NULL) }
	#check that widget type is valid
	if( is.null( paramOrder[[ paramData[["type"]] ]] ) ) {
		.catError(paste("unknown widget type '", paramData$type,"'", sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
		return(NULL) }
	#test if all given arguments are valid arguments of the given type
	#and then convert from character to another type if applicable
	errorFound <- 0
	givenNames <- names(paramData)
	for(i in 1:length(givenNames)) {
		pos <- .searchCollection(argOrder, givenNames[i])
		if (pos==-1) {
			#argument name not valid
			.catError(paste('argument \'', givenNames[i], '\' is not supported by widget \'', paramData$type, '\'', sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
			errorFound <- 1
		else if (pos == -2) {
			.catError(paste('argument \'', givenNames[i], '\' of widget \'', paramData$type, '\' matches multiple formal arguments.', sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
			errorFound <- 1
		else {
			#sometimes, only a bit of the paramater name is given
			#if so, we would like to know the full name
			fullParamName <- argOrder[[pos]]$param
			if (fullParamName != givenNames[i]) {
				names(paramData)[i] <- fullParamName
			#check supplied argument data matches grep pattern (if defined)
			if (!is.null(argOrder[[pos]]$grep) && !all( is.null( paramData[[i]] ) ) ) {
				if (!any(grep(argOrder[[pos]]$grep, paramData[[i]]))) {
					#supplied data is not formatted correctly
					.catError(paste('argument \'', givenNames[i], '\': value \'', paramData[[i]], '\' is not accepted. It should match', argOrder[[pos]]$grep , sep=""), 	fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
					errorFound <- 1
			#check argument for user-specified NULL options (represented by an NA)
			if( all( is.null( paramData[[i]] ) ) ) {
				if ( is.null( argOrder[[pos]][["allow_null"]] ) || argOrder[[pos]]$allow_null == FALSE ) {
					#NULL is not valid for this option
					.catError(paste('argument \'', givenNames[i], '\': NULL is not accepted. To specify the word use "NULL"', sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
					errorFound <- 1
			#some strings - if character need to be stripped of slashes, or sub-divided
			if (errorFound == 0 && !is.null(argOrder[[pos]][["class"]]) && !is.null(paramData[[i]]) ) {
				if (argOrder[[pos]]$class=="character") {
					#convert value to either a single string (.stripSlashes)
					tmp <- .stripSlashes(paramData[[i]], fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
					if (is.null(tmp)) {
						#most likely an unescaped quote was found - .catError called from .stripSlashes, not here
						errorFound <- 1
						paramData[[i]] <- tmp
				else if (argOrder[[pos]]$class=="characterVector") {
					#convert value to a vector of strings
					tmp <- .stripSlashesVec(paramData[[i]], fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
					if (is.null(tmp)) {
						errorFound <- 1
						paramData[[i]] <- tmp
				else if (argOrder[[pos]]$class=="integerVector") {
					#convert value to a vector of strings
					tmp <- .stripSlashesVec(paramData[[i]], fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
					if (is.null(tmp)) {
						errorFound <- 1
						paramData[[i]] <- as.integer( tmp )
				else if ((argOrder[[pos]]$class=="numeric" || argOrder[[pos]]$class=="integer") && any(grep("[a-z]", paramData[[i]], ignore.case=TRUE))) {
					paramData[[i]] <- 0
				else if (argOrder[[pos]]$class=="logical" && !any(grep("^(F|T|FALSE|TRUE|false|true)$", paramData[[i]]))) {
					paramData[[i]] <- FALSE
				else {
					paramData[[i]] <- as(paramData[[i]], argOrder[[pos]]$class)
	if (errorFound != 0)
	#check that all required arguments have been supplied, and fill in any missing values with defaults
	for(i in 1:length(argOrder)) {
		if (argOrder[[i]]$required) {
			if( is.null( paramData[[ argOrder[[i]][["param"]] ]] ) ) {
				.catError(paste('required argument \'', argOrder[[i]]$param, '\' is missing from widget \'', paramData$type, '\'', sep=""), fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
				errorFound <- 1
		else if (!is.null(argOrder[[i]][["default"]])) {
			#if argument name (from widgetdefs) != any names set in paramData, then no value was given by the user.
			#note: can't use is.null since a user can set a value to equal null (which will set a arg name)
			if( all( argOrder[[ i ]][[ "param" ]] != names( paramData ) ) ) {
				#set it to default value
				paramData[[argOrder[[i]]$param]] <- argOrder[[i]]$default
	if (errorFound != 0)

	#convert default values from character class to specified class ($mode in widgetDefs.r) - but why is this only specific to radio?
	if ( !is.null( paramData[[ "value" ]] ) && !is.null( paramData[[ "mode" ]] ) && paramData$type=="radio" ) {
		paramData$value <- as(paramData$value, paramData$mode)
	#store debug information to be used if there are any errors while building the GUI
	sourceCode <- c()
	if (line.start<=line.end && !missing(sourcefile)) {
		for(i in line.start:line.end) {
			sourceCode <- c(sourceCode, sourcefile[[i]])
	paramData$.debug <- list(sourceCode=sourceCode, fname=fname, line.start=line.start, line.end=line.end)

.table.getvalue <- function( winName, widgetName )
	widget <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widgetName ]]
	tcl_array <- .map.get( winName, widgetName)$tclarray
	nrows <- widget$.dim[1]
	ncols <- widget$.dim[2]
	mat <- list() #data.frame( nrow = nrows, ncol = ncols, dimnames = widget$.dimnames )
	row_label_offset <- ifelse( is.null( widget[["collabels"]] ), 1, 0 )
	col_label_offset <- ifelse( is.null( widget[["rowlabels"]] ), 1, 0 )
	#extract data
	for (j in (1:ncols)) {
		mat[[ j ]] <- vector( widget$.modes[j], length=nrows )
		for (i in (1:nrows)) {
			tmp <- tcl_array[[i-row_label_offset,j-col_label_offset]]
			mat[[ j ]][ i ] <- as( tclvalue( tmp ), widget$.modes[j] )
	tmp <- data.frame( mat )
	dimnames( tmp ) <- widget$.dimnames
	if( widget$.class == "matrix" )
		tmp <- as.matrix( tmp )
	return( tmp )

.table.setvalue <- function( winName, widgetName, value )
	widget <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widgetName ]]
	tcl_array <- .map.get( winName, widgetName)$tclarray
	nrows <- widget$.dim[1]
	ncols <- widget$.dim[2]
	if( any( dim( value ) != widget$.dim ) ) stop( "value for table is not the correct dimension" )
	row_label_offset <- ifelse( is.null( widget[["collabels"]] ), 1, 0 )
	col_label_offset <- ifelse( is.null( widget[["rowlabels"]] ), 1, 0 )
	#extract data
	for (i in (1:nrows))
		for (j in (1:ncols)) {
			tcl_array[[i-row_label_offset,j-col_label_offset]] <- value[ i, j ]
	return( value )

# Returns the value(s) to use for initializing a widget
# -> from widget$value (if set)
# -> or global var matching widget$name when value is NULL
# widget: widget list passed to .creatWidget.XXX
# winName: name of window being created
.getValueForWidgetSetup <- function( varname, widget, winName )
	if( !exists( varname, envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env ) )
		.stopWidget( paste( "unable to find variable \"", varname, "\" in global memory - this search happend since value=NULL", sep="" ), widget$.debug, winName )
	var <- get( varname, envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )
	if( is.factor( var ) )
		var <- as.character( var )
	else if( is.data.frame( var ) ) {
		for( i in 1:length( var ) ) {
			if( is.factor( var[,i] ) )
				var[,i] <- as.character( var[,i] )
	return( var )

#===== Helper Functions ==========================
#----- (.parse/.strip/.search/.validate,etc.) ----

# obtains a similar colour (slightly brighter/darker) than the argument
# args:  col - the colour to adjust
.getSimilarColour <- function (col) {
        # convert the current colour to an RGB vector
        col <- col2rgb(col)[, 1]

        # slightly lighten the colour unless it's already white, in which case
        # we'll slightly darken it
        col <- rgb(ifelse(col[1] == 255, col[1] - 1, col[1] + 1),
                   ifelse(col[2] == 255, col[2] - 1, col[2] + 1),
                   ifelse(col[3] == 255, col[3] - 1, col[3] + 1),
                   maxColorValue = 255)

        return (col)

# for the passed Tk widget, attempts to slightly modify all applicable colours
# args:  tObj - Tk object
.adjustAllColours <- function(tObj)
        # obtain the configuration for the Tk widget
        config <- as.character(tkconfigure(tObj))

        # property list obtained from http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl/TkCmd/palette.htm
        for (attr in c("activebackground", "activeforeground", "background",
                       "disabledforeground", "foreground", "highlightbackground",
                       "highlightcolor", "insertbackground", "selectbackground",
                       "selectcolor", "selectforeground", "troughcolor")) {
                # if the attribute exists in the configuration...
                if (length(grep(paste("^-", attr, " ", sep=""), config,
                                ignore.case = TRUE)) > 0) {
                        # ... let's set it to a similar colour
                        expr <- paste(
                                "tkconfigure(tObj, ", attr,
                                ' paste("-", attr, sep="")))[5]))', sep="")

# extends do.call, which is used to create most Tk widgets, to
# immediately adjust a new widget's colours (to get around how
# tk_setPalette changes the colour of existing widgets)
.do.gui.call <- function (what, args, quote = FALSE, envir = parent.frame()) 
        rval <- do.call (what, args, quote, envir)

        # if it's likely that we've just created a widget, try setting
        # the colours for it
        if (is.character(what)
            && is.element(what, c("tcl", "tkbutton", "tkcheckbutton", "tkentry",
                                  "tkframe", "tklabel", "tkradiobutton",
                                  "tkscale", "tktext", "tkwidget"))) {

        return (rval)

#  Used to display parsing errors.
# Arguments:
#   err        - error string to display
#   fname      - file name where error was found
#   line.start - starting line of widget with error
#   line.end   - end line of widget with error
#   sourcefile - source code of the file in question
#   errorType  - type of error to display
.catError <- function(err, fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile=list(), errorType="GUI parse error")
	err <- paste(errorType, " (", fname, ":", line.start, ") : ", err, "\n", sep="")
	if (length(sourcefile)>0) {
		for(i in line.start:line.end) {
			cat(paste(i, ": ", sourcefile[[i]], "\n", sep=""))

.catError2 <- function(err, fname, line.start)
	err <- paste("Parse error", " (", fname, ":", line.start, ") : ", err, "\n", sep="")

#  Call to test for existence of dynamically loaded 
#  object for "object", "table". Returns NULL on 
#  no errors; on errors, a tk display error is 
#  created which can be embeded in the window
.check.object.exists <- function( tk, widget, winName )
	.dispError <- function(errorTxt)
		wid <- list(type="label", 
		return(.createWidget(tk, list(wid), winName))

	#if (!exists(widget$name, envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )) {
	if (!exists(widget$name, envir = .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$env )) {
		return(.dispError(paste("Error: variable \"", widget$name, "\" could not be found.", sep="")))
	return( NULL )

#   returns true if needle occurs in haystack
# Input: 
#   haystack - a vector to search
#   needle   - a single element to search for
.inCollection <- function(haystack, needle)
	if (is.null(haystack)) {
	if (is.vector(haystack)) {
	stop("only vectors are supported")

#  Pack all widgets into a grid with ncol=1 nrow=<number of widgets>
.packWidgetsIntoGrid <- function( widgets, vertical = TRUE ) {
	gridWidget = list(
	             nrow = length( widgets ),
	             ncol = 1,
	             byrow = vertical
	return( c( list( gridWidget ), widgets ) )
#	#add all widgets to this grid, each in a new row [[j]] and 1st column [[1]]
#	for(j in 1:length(widgets)) {
#		gridWidget$.widgets[[j]] <- list()
#		gridWidget$.widgets[[j]][[1]] <- widgets[[j]]
#	}
#	return( gridWidget )

#  Returns two items in a list:
#   - $gridData which is a list of lists representing columns
#   - $unparsedData - which is left over from the grid and 
#     still needs parsing
# Arguments:
#   data - list of widget lists
#   nRow - num of grid rows
#   nCol - num of grid columns
.parsegrid <- function(data, nRow, nCol)
	row <- 0;
	col <- 0;
	while(length(data)) {
		#add item into column
		col <- col + 1
		cols[[col]] <- data[[1]]

		#add a nested grid type
		if (data[[1]]$type=="grid") {
			tmp <- .parsegrid(data[-1], data[[1]]$nrow, data[[1]]$ncol)
			cols[[col]]$.widgets <- tmp$gridData
			data <- tmp$unparsedData
		else {
			data <- data[-1]

		#check for a filled row
		if (col == nCol) {
			row <- row + 1
			col <- 0
			rows[[row]] <- cols

			#any more rows left?
			if (row == nRow) {
				#return two parts of the data
				tmp <- list()
				tmp$gridData <- rows
				tmp$unparsedData <- data #left over data
	stop("Grid did not have enough child objects.")

# func: - very similar to .parsegrid but for menus
#   set up a menu with children menus or menuitems
# Arguments:
#  data   - list of widgets to be used as child of menu
#  nItems - how many children to select for the menu
.parsemenu <- function(data, nItems)
	menuitems <- list()
	itemCount <- 0
	while(length(data)) {
		#increment count
		itemCount <- itemCount + 1

		if (data[[1]]$type!="menuitem" && data[[1]]$type!="menu")
			stop("non menu, or menuitem widget found, when expecting one. Check your menu nitems count.")

		#add/associate widget with menu
		menuitems[[itemCount]] <- data[[1]]

		#add a nested menu type
		if (data[[1]]$type=="menu") {
			tmp <- .parsemenu(data[-1], data[[1]]$nitems)
			menuitems[[itemCount]]$.widgets <- tmp$menuData
			data <- tmp$unparsedData
		else {
			data <- data[-1] #remove widget

		#return menu sub items
		if (itemCount == nItems) {
			tmp <- list()
			tmp$menuData <- menuitems
			tmp$unparsedData <- data #left over data
	stop("menu did not have enough child menuitems. Check your menu nitems count.")

#  Adds dimnames to stuff (matrix, data.frame)
# Arguments:
#   rownames - vector of size 1, or dim[1] nameing the rows.
#              if only one name is given, a number (1..dim[1]) will be appended to the name
#   colnames - vector of size 1 or dim[2] naming columns
#              if only one name is given, then (1..dim[2]) is appended
#   dim      - vector of size 2, dim[1] is nRows, dim[2] is nCols
.PBSdimnameHelper <- function(rownames, colnames, dim)
	if (is.null(rownames)) rownames <- ""
	if (is.null(colnames)) colnames <- ""

	nRows <- dim[1]
	if( length(rownames)>1 || nRows == 1 )
		rName <- rownames
	else if (length(rownames)==0)
		rName <- NULL
	else if (rownames=="")
		rName <- NULL
	else {
		rName <- paste(rownames, 1:nRows, sep="")

	nCols <- dim[2]
	if (length(colnames)>1 || nCols == 1)
		cName <- colnames
	else if (length(colnames)==0)
		cName <- NULL
	else if (colnames=="")
		cName <- NULL
	else {
		cName <- paste(colnames, 1:nCols, sep="")
	return(list(rName, cName))

#  Searches a haystack for a needle, or a similar longer needle.
# Arguments:
#   haystack - list to search
#   needle = scaler to search for
# Output: 
#   position of needle in list (non-negative)
#   -1 if none are found
#   -2 if two similar needles are found.
#      ex) -2 for "nee" is similar to "need", and "needle"
.searchCollection <- function(haystack, needle)
	similar <- -1
	for(i in 1:length(haystack)) {
		if (haystack[[i]]$param == needle) {
		else if (any(grep(paste("^", needle, sep=""), haystack[[i]]$param))) {
			#this is used to find any similar matches
			#if more than two are similar, then it is impossible
			#to determine which needle we are after
			if (similar == -1)
				similar <- i #this is the first similar needle
				similar <- -2 #two similar needles were found

.setWinValHelper <- function(varname, value, winName)
	x  <- .map.get(winName, varname)
	wid<- .PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[varname]]

	#if tclvar is known, we can set it directly.
	if (!is.null(x[["tclvar"]])) {

		#value should only be length 1
		if (length(value)!=1)
			stop(paste('unable to set "', varname, '": value given should be of length 1. given length: ',length(value), sep=""))

		if (is.na(value))
			value <- ""
		else if (!is.logical(value))
			value <- as.character(value)

		tclvalue(x$tclvar) <- value

		#some widgets must update other widgets(or functions) when they change
		if (!is.null(x[["onChange"]])) {
			if (is.function(x$onChange)) {
				.do.gui.call(x$onChange, list())
			if (is.character(x$onChange)) #function names are accepted as strings
				if (exists(x$onChange,mode="function"))
					.do.gui.call(x$onChange, list())

	#special case for table arrays
	else if( !is.null(x[["tclarray"]]) ) {
		return( .table.setvalue( winName, wid$name, value ) )

	#otherwise if tclwidget is known (only text widget)
	else if (!is.null(x[["tclwidget"]])) {
		#special case for text boxes
		if (wid$type=="text") {
			if (wid$edit==FALSE)
				tkconfigure(x$tclwidget, state="normal")

			if (length(value)>1)
				value = paste(value,collapse="\n")

			tkdelete(x$tclwidget, "0.0", "end") #clear text widget
			tkinsert(x$tclwidget,"0.0",value) #update

			if (wid$edit==FALSE)
				tkconfigure(x$tclwidget, state="disabled")
		} else if( wid$type == "notebook" ) {
			tcl( x$tclwidget, "raise", value )
		stop(paste("unhandled widget type", x$tclwidget))

	else if( !is.null( x[[ "droplist_widget" ]] ) ) {
		if( is.logical( x[[ "droplist_widget" ]] ) ) #hack to only set values, and not .id
			return( value )
		tkconfigure( x[[ "droplist_widget" ]], values = value )
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[varname]]$labels <<- value")) #there's no way to specify different labels via setWinVal, so assume the same
		.PBSmod[[winName]]$widgets[[varname]]$labels <- value #there's no way to specify different labels via setWinVal, so assume the same
		return( value )
	#catch any special "high level" widgets that do not have
	#tclvar or tclwidget. If however no wid is defined, we are doomed
	if (is.null(wid)) {
		stop(paste('unable to set "', varname, '": not found.', sep=""))

	#special case for matrix
	if (wid$type=="matrix") {
		if (length(wid$names)==1) {
			if (!is.matrix(value))
				stop(paste('unable to set "', varname, '": supplied value is not a matrix.', sep=""))
			for(i in 1:nrow(value))
				for(j in 1:ncol(value))
					.setWinValHelper(paste(varname,"[",i,",",j,"]",sep=""), value[i,j], winName)

	#special case for data
	if (wid$type=="data") {
		if (length(wid$names)==1) {
			#todo: if not a data.frame
			#	stop(paste('unable to set "', varname, '": supplied value is not a dataframe.', sep=""))
			for(i in 1:nrow(value))
				for(j in 1:ncol(value))
					.setWinValHelper(paste(varname,"[",i,",",j,"]d",sep=""), value[i,j], winName)

	#special case for vector
	if (wid$type=="vector") {
		if (length(wid$names)==1) {
			if (length(value)!=wid$length)
				stop(paste('unable to set "', varname, '": supplied vector should have length ', wid$length, sep=""))
			for(i in 1:length(value))
				.setWinValHelper(paste(varname,"[",i,"]",sep=""), value[i], winName)
	#special case for superobject
	if( wid$type == "superobject" || wid$type == "object" ) {
		#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ wid$name ]]$.data <<- value"))
		.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ wid$name ]]$.data <- value
		.superobject.redraw( winName, wid$name )
		return( value )

	print( wid )
	stop(paste("unable to update \"", varname, "\" - no widget found.", sep=""))

#  Fatal error during window creation (not parse)
# Arguments:
#   err       - error string to display
#   wid.debug - list of widget code (created in parsing process
#   winName   - active window name
.stopWidget <- function(err, wid.debug, winName)
	err <- paste("\nGUI parse error (", wid.debug$fname, ":", 
	             wid.debug$line.start, ") : ", err, "\n\n", sep="")

	if (length(wid.debug$sourceCode)>0) {
		j <- 0;
		for(i in wid.debug$line.start:wid.debug$line.end) {
			j <- j + 1
			err <- paste(err, i, ": ", wid.debug$sourceCode[j], "\n", sep="")
	tt <- .PBSmod[[winName]]$tkwindow
	stop(err, call.=FALSE)

#  removes any trailing comments from a line, 
#  but ignores #'s in quoted strings
# Arguments:
#  x - a string with or without comments
# Output:
#  string without comments
# Example: 
#   x='type="label" text="I am #1" #comment'
#   returns 'type="label" text="I am #1"'
.stripComments <- function(x)
	if (length(x)>1) {
		retVal <- c()
		for(i in 1:length(x)) {
			retVal[i] <- .stripComments(x[i])
	return(.Call("stripComments", as.character(x), PACKAGE="PBSmodelling"))

#  Removes slashes from a string.
# Arguments:
#   TODO
.stripSlashes <- function(x, fname="", line.start=0, line.end=0, sourcefile=list())
	for(i in 1:nchar(x)) {

		#escaped char is expected
		if (escape!=0) {
			if (ch=="n")
				ch <- "\n"
			else if (ch=="t")
				ch <- "\t"
			else if (ch=="r")
				ch <- "\r"
			word <- paste(word, ch, sep="")
			escape <- 0
		#next char will be escapped
		else if (ch=="\\") {
			escape <- 1
		#shouldnt find any singlequotes - if we did it should be a vector of strings
		else if (ch=="'" || ch=="\"") {
			.catError("unexpected singlequote found.", fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
		#any other character
		else {
			word <- paste(word, ch, sep="")

#  Given a string x, x is split into a vector of
#  words, which were seperated by spaces however,
#  if single quotes are used, space is perserved
#  x="a b 'c d'" converts into "a" "b" "c d"
.stripSlashesVec <- function(x, fname="", line.start=0, line.end=0, sourcefile=list())
	j <- 0
	for(i in 1:nchar(x)) {

		#escaped char is expected
		if (escape!=0) {
			if (ch=="n")
				ch <- "\n"
			else if (ch=="t")
				ch <- "\t"
			else if (ch=="r")
				ch <- "\r"

			word <- paste(word, ch, sep="")
			escape <- 0

		#next char will be escapped
		else if (ch=="\\") {
			escape <- 1
		#shouldnt find any doublequotes anywhere
		else if (ch=="\"") {
			.catError("unexpected doublequote found.", fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
		else if (ch=="'") {
			if (quoted==0) {
			else {
				quoted <- 0
		#space found
		else if (ch==" " || ch=="\t") {
			if (quoted==0) {
				if (word!="" || quoteFound==1) {
					##save key and value
					j <- j + 1
					words[j] <- word

					#reset variables for next loop
					word <- ""
					quoteFound <- 0
			else {
				word <- paste(word, ch, sep="")
		#any other character
		else {
			word <- paste(word, ch, sep="")
	#look for last word
	if (quoted==0) {
		if (word!="" || quoteFound==1) {
			##save key and value
			j <- j + 1
			words[j] <- word

			#reset variables for next loop
			word <- ""
			quoteFound <- 0
	else {
		.catError("unterminated quote found.", fname, line.start, line.end, sourcefile)
	if (is.null(words))

.superobject.redraw <- function( winName, widget_name )
	userObject <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data
	rows_to_display <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$rows_to_display
	display_top <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top
	ncols <- ncol( userObject )
	new_widget_name <- paste( "[superobject]", widget_name, sep="" ) 
	#reload screen data with userObject values
	for( i in 1:rows_to_display ) {
		for( j in 1:ncols ) {
			var_name = paste( new_widget_name, "[", i, ",", j ,"]d", sep="" )
			tmp_ptr <- .map.get( winName, var_name )
			tclvalue( tmp_ptr$tclvar ) <- userObject[ display_top + i - 1, j ]

#  Must be outside of .createwidget.superobject 
#  since getWinVal must be able to call this.
.superobject.saveValues <- function( winName, widget_name )
	modes <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ paste( "[superobject]", widget_name, sep="" ) ]]$modes
	userObject <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data
	rows_to_display <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$rows_to_display
	display_top <- .PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$display_top
	ncols <- ncol( userObject )
	new_widget_name <- paste( "[superobject]", widget_name, sep="" ) 
	#Save data viewable on screen (which user might have changed)
	for( i in 1:rows_to_display ) {
		for( j in 1:ncols ) {
			var_name = paste( new_widget_name, "[", i, ",", j ,"]d", sep="" )
			tmp_ptr <- .map.get( winName, var_name )
			userObject[ display_top + i - 1, j ] <- .convertMode( tclvalue( tmp_ptr$tclvar ), modes[ j ] )
	#save back to global memory (so getWinVal can access it)
	#eval(parse(text=".PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data <<- userObject"))
	.PBSmod[[ winName ]]$widgets[[ widget_name ]]$.data <- userObject

#  remove leading and trailing whitespace
# Arguments:
#  x - string to trim
# Example:
#  "   foo bar " becomes "foo bar"
.trimWhiteSpace <- function(x)
	return(sub("[[:space:]]+$", "", sub("^[[:space:]]+", "", x)))

#   determines if the list represents a valid PBS Modelling description list
#   if any required fields are missing, it will halt via stop()
#   if any fields are omitted which have default values defined in the
#   .widgetDefs list, then those fields and values will be set
# Arguments:
#   x - list to validate
.validateWindowDescList <- function(x)
	if (!is.list(x))
		stop("no list was given")
	if (length(x)==0)
		stop("No windows were given")

	paramOrder <- .widgetDefs

	for (i in 1:length(x)) {
		#validate each window

		#check for a window title
		if (is.null(x[[i]][["title"]]))
			x[[i]]$title <- paramOrder$window$title

		#check for widgets
		if (!is.list(x[[i]]$.widgets))
			stop("The widget list is missing")

		x[[i]]$.widgets <- .validateWindowDescWidgets(x[[i]]$.widgets)

		#TODO - check .menu too?

		if (is.null(x[[i]][["winBackground"]]))
			x[[i]]$winBackground = "#D4D0C8"

		if (is.null(x[[i]][["winForeground"]]))
			x[[i]]$winForeground = "#000000"


#  Used by .validateWindowDescList to validate each widget
# Arguments:
#   x - widget list to validate
# Note: this function is similar to .getParamFromStr but is
#       only designed for lists, and is not as robust.
#       ex: -no error messages for filename/line number
#           -no support for expanding shortened param names
#           -no type conversion
#  It tests for $.widgets under grids, which doesn't seem to
#  occur any more. (I could be wrong.)
.validateWindowDescWidgets <- function(x)
	paramOrder <- .widgetDefs
	for(i in 1:length(x)) {
		type <- x[[i]]$type
		if (is.null(paramOrder[[type]]))
			stop(paste("unknown widget type found:", type))
		# RH (2012-12-17)-----------------
		# I've disabled this grid check because the structure of a
		# windows description list must have changed since this 
		# little-used function was written.
		# --------------------------------
		#check children widgets of grid
		if (type=="oldgrid") {
			if (!is.list(x[[i]]$.widgets))
				stop("grid needs a .widgets list")
			for(j in 1:length(x[[i]]$.widgets))
				x[[i]]$.widgets[[j]] <- .validateWindowDescWidgets(x[[i]]$.widgets[[j]])
		#look for all options, if any are missing assign the default value
		#unless they are absolutely required
		args <- paramOrder[[type]]
		for(j in 1:length(args)) {
			if (is.null(x[[i]][[args[[j]][["param"]] ]] )) {
				#a paramater is missing from the list.

				#is the paramater required?
				if (args[[j]]$required)
					stop(paste("missing argument", args[[j]]$param, "from widget", type))

				#is there a default value?
				if (!is.null(args[[j]][["default"]]))
					x[[i]][[args[[j]]$param]] <- args[[j]]$default
			else {
				#the argument was found. let's check that its the right type
				#and matches the grep

				#check grep if applicable
				if (!is.null(args[[j]][["grep"]])) {
					#check grep from .widgetDefs with supplied value from list
					if (!any(grep(args[[j]]$grep, x[[i]][[args[[j]]$param]])))
						stop(paste("given value \"", x[[i]][[args[[j]]$param]], 
						"\" does not match grep:", args[[j]]$grep, sep=""))

#===== THE END ===================================

Try the PBSmodelling package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PBSmodelling documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 5:07 p.m.