#' @importFrom stats cor sd
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
#' @name PCAmix
#' @title Principal component analysis of mixed data
#' @description Performs principal component analysis of a set of
#' individuals (observations) described by a mixture of qualitative and
#' quantitative variables. PCAmix includes ordinary principal component
#' analysis (PCA) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) as special cases.
#' @param X.quanti a numeric matrix of data, or an object that can be
#' coerced to such a matrix (such as a numeric vector or a data frame with
#' all numeric columns).
#' @param X.quali a categorical matrix of data, or an object that can be
#' coerced to such a matrix (such as a character vector, a factor or a data
#' frame with all factor columns).
#' @param ndim number of dimensions kept in the results (by default 5).
#' @param rename.level boolean, if TRUE all the levels of the qualitative
#' variables are renamed as follows: "variable_name=level_name".
#' This prevents to have identical names of the levels.
#' @param graph boolean, if TRUE the following graphics are displayed
#' for the first two dimensions of PCAmix: component map of the individuals,
#' plot of the squared loadings of all the variables (quantitative and
#' qualitative), plot of the correlation circle (if quantitative variables
#' are available), component map of the levels (if qualitative variables
#' are available).
#' @param weight.col.quanti vector of weights for the quantitative variables.
#' @param weight.col.quali vector of the weights for the qualitative variables.
#' @details If X.quali is not specified (i.e. NULL), only quantitative
#' variables are available and standard PCA is performed. If X.quanti
#' is NULL, only qualitative variables are available and standard MCA
#' is performed.
#' Missing values are replaced by means for quantitative variables
#' and by zeros in the indicator matrix for qualitative variables.
#' PCAmix performs squared loadings in (\code{sqload}). Squared loadings
#' for a qualitative variable are correlation ratios between the variable
#' and the principal components. For a quantitative variable,
#' squared loadings are the squared correlations between the variable
#' and the principal components.
#' Note that when all the p variables are qualitative, the factor
#' coordinates (scores) of the n observations are equal to the factor
#' coordinates (scores) of standard MCA times square root of p and the
#' eigenvalues are then equal to the usual eigenvalues of MCA times p.
#' When all the variables are quantitative, PCAmix gives exactly the same
#' results as standard PCA.
#' @return \item{eig}{a matrix containing the eigenvalues, the percentages of variance and the cumulative percentages of variance.}
#' \item{ind}{a list containing the results for the individuals (observations):
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$coord}: factor coordinates (scores) of the individuals,
#' \item \code{$contrib}: absolute contributions of the individuals,
#' \item \code{$contrib.pct}: relative contributions of the individuals,
#' \item \code{$cos2}: squared cosinus of the individuals.
#' }}
#' \item{quanti}{a list containing the results for the quantitative variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$coord}: factor coordinates (scores) of the quantitative variables,
#' \item \code{$contrib}: absolute contributions of the quantitative variables,
#' \item \code{$contrib.pct}: relative contributions of the quantitative variables (in percentage),
#' \item \code{$cos2}: squared cosinus of the quantitative variables.
#' }}
#'\item{levels}{a list containing the results for the levels of the qualitative variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$coord}: factor coordinates (scores) of the levels,
#' \item \code{$contrib}: absolute contributions of the levels,
#' \item \code{$contrib.pct}: relative contributions of the levels (in percentage),
#' \item \code{$cos2}: squared cosinus of the levels.
#' }}
#'\item{quali}{a list containing the results for the qualitative variables:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$contrib}: absolute contributions of the qualitative variables (sum of absolute contributions of the levels of the qualitative variable),
#' \item \code{$contrib.pct}: relative contributions (in percentage) of the qualitative variables (sum of relative contributions of the levels of the qualitative variable).
#' }}
#'\item{sqload}{a matrix of dimension (\code{p}, \code{ndim}) containing
#' the squared loadings of the quantitative and qualitative variables.}
#'\item{coef}{the coefficients of the linear combinations used to
#' construct the principal components of PCAmix, and to predict coordinates (scores) of new observations in the function \code{\link{predict.PCAmix}}.}
#' \item{M}{the vector of the weights of the columns used in the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.PCAmix}}, \code{\link{summary.PCAmix}}, \code{\link{predict.PCAmix}}, \code{\link{plot.PCAmix}}
#' @author Marie Chavent \email{}, Amaury Labenne.
#' @references
#' Chavent M., Kuentz-Simonet V., Labenne A., Saracco J., Multivariate analysis of mixed data: The PCAmixdata R package, arXiv:1411.4911 [stat.CO].
#' @examples
#' data(wine)
#' str(wine)
#' X.quanti <- splitmix(wine)$X.quanti
#' X.quali <- splitmix(wine)$X.quali
#' pca<-PCAmix(X.quanti[,1:27],X.quali,ndim=4)
#' pca<-PCAmix(X.quanti[,1:27],X.quali,ndim=4,graph=FALSE)
#' pca$eig
#' pca$ind$coord
#' #PCA:
#' data(decathlon)
#' quali<-decathlon[,13]
#' pca<-PCAmix(decathlon[,1:10])
#' pca<-PCAmix(decathlon[,1:10], graph=FALSE)
#' plot(pca,choice="ind",coloring.ind=quali,cex=0.8,
#' posleg="topright",main="Scores")
#' plot(pca, choice="sqload",main="Squared correlations")
#' plot(pca, choice="cor",main="Correlation circle")
#' pca$quanti$coord
#' #MCA
#' data(flower)
#' mca <- PCAmix(X.quali=flower[,1:4],rename.level=TRUE)
#' mca <- PCAmix(X.quali=flower[,1:4],rename.level=TRUE,graph=FALSE)
#' plot(mca,choice="ind",main="Scores")
#' plot(mca,choice="sqload",main="Correlation ratios")
#' plot(mca,choice="levels",main="Levels")
#' mca$levels$coord
#' #Missing values
#' data(vnf)
#' PCAmix(X.quali=vnf,rename.level=TRUE)
#' vnf2<-na.omit(vnf)
#' PCAmix(X.quali=vnf2,rename.level=TRUE)
PCAmix<- function (X.quanti=NULL,X.quali=NULL,ndim=5,rename.level=FALSE,
cl <-
rec <- recod(X.quanti, X.quali,rename.level)
n <- rec$n
p <- rec$p
p1 <- rec$p1
p2 <- p - p1
X <- rec$X
W <- rec$W
m <- ncol(W) - p1
indexj <- rec$indexj
#construction of the metrics
N <- rep(1/n, n)
M1 <- M2 <- NULL #standard metric for PCAmix
P1 <- P2 <- NULL #supplementary metric for columns like the weights from MFAmix
if (p1!=0)
M1 <- rep(1,p1)
P1 <- rep(1,p1)
if (!(is.null(weight.col.quanti)))
if (length(weight.col.quanti) != ncol(X.quanti))
stop("the length of \"weight.col.quant\" is different from the number of columns in X.quanti",call. = FALSE)
P1 <- weight.col.quanti
if (p2!=0)
ns <- apply(rec$G, 2, sum)
M2 <- n/ns
P2 <- rep(1,m)
if (!(is.null(weight.col.quanti)))
if (length(weight.col.quali) != ncol(X.quali))
stop("the length of \"weight.col.quali\" is different from the number of columns in X.quanti",call. = FALSE)
P2 <- rep(weight.col.quali,rec$nbmoda)
M <- c(M1,M2)
P <- c(P1,P2)
M.col <- P*M
names(M.col) <- colnames(W)
e <- svd.triplet(W, N, M.col) <- e$V <- e$U <- e$vs
#explained inertia
q <- qr(W)$rank
eig <- matrix(0, q, 3)
colnames(eig) <- c("Eigenvalue", "Proportion", "Cumulative")
rownames(eig) <- paste("dim", 1:q, sep = " ")
eig[, 1] <- e$vs[1:q]^2
eig[, 2] <- 100 * eig[, 1]/sum(eig[, 1], na.rm = T)
eig[1, 3] <- eig[1, 2]
if (q > 1)
for (j in 2:q) eig[j, 3] <- eig[j, 2] + eig[j - 1, 3]
#number of retained dimensions
if (ndim <= 1)
stop("\"ndim\" must be an interger greater or equal to 2",call. = FALSE)
ndim <- min(ndim, q)
d <- e$vs[1:ndim]
U <- e$U[, 1:ndim,drop=FALSE]
rownames(U) <- rownames(W)
colnames(U) <- paste("dim", 1:ndim, sep = " ")
F <- sweep(U,2,STATS=d,FUN="*") <- sweep(,2,,FUN="*")
contrib.ind.pct <- sweep(contrib.ind, 2, STATS = d^2, FUN = "/")
cos2.ind <- sweep(F^2, 1, STATS = apply(, 1, function(v) {return(sum(v^2))
}), FUN = "/")
result.ind <- list(coord = F, contrib = contrib.ind,
contrib.pct = 100 * contrib.ind.pct,
cos2 = cos2.ind)
#loadings and contributions
A1 <- A2 <- NULL
C1 <- C2 <- NULL
contrib.quanti <- contrib.quali <- NULL
V <- e$V[, 1:ndim,drop=FALSE]
rownames(V) <- colnames(W)
colnames(V) <- paste("dim", 1:ndim, sep = " ")
if(p1 >0)
V1 <- V[1:p1, ,drop=FALSE] <-[1:p1, ,drop=FALSE]
A1 <- sweep(V1,2,STATS=d,FUN="*") <- sweep(,2,,FUN="*")
#contrib.quanti <- sweep(A1^2, 1, STATS = M1, FUN = "*")
contrib.quanti <- sweep(A1^2, 1, STATS = M1*P1, FUN = "*")
contrib.quanti.pct <- sweep(contrib.quanti, 2, STATS = d^2,
FUN = "/")
cos2.quanti <- sweep(A1^2, 1, STATS = apply(,
1, function(v) {
}), FUN = "/")
if(p2 >0)
V2 <- V[(p1 + 1):(p1 + m), ,drop=FALSE] <-[(p1 + 1):(p1+m), ,drop=FALSE]
A2 <- sweep(V2,2,STATS=d,FUN="*")
A2 <- sweep(A2,1,STATS=M2,FUN="*") <- sweep(,2,,FUN="*") <- sweep(,1,STATS=M2,FUN="*") <- sweep(A2^2, 1, STATS = ns/n, FUN = "*")
if (!is.null(weight.col.quali)) <- sweep(, 1, STATS = P2, FUN = "*") <- sweep(, 2, STATS = d^2, FUN = "/") <- sweep(A2^2, 1, STATS = apply(, 1, function(v) {return(sum(v^2))}), FUN = "/")
contrib.quali <-matrix(NA,p2,ndim)
rownames(contrib.quali) <- colnames(X.quali)
colnames(contrib.quali) <- paste("dim", 1:ndim, sep = " ")
for (j in 1:p2)
contrib.quali[j,] <- apply([which(indexj == (j+p1))-p1, ,drop=FALSE], 2, sum)
contrib.quali.pct<-sweep(contrib.quali, 2, STATS = d^2, FUN = "/")
sqload <- rbind(contrib.quanti, contrib.quali) #correlation ratio
weight.col <- c(weight.col.quanti,weight.col.quali)
if (!is.null(weight.col))
sqload <- sweep(sqload,1,weight.col,"/")
quali.eta2 <- NULL
if (p2 > 0) quali.eta2 <- sqload[(p1+1):(p1+p2),,drop=FALSE]
#organization of the results
result.quanti <- result.levels <- result.quali <- NULL
if (p1!=0)
result.quanti <- list(coord = A1, contrib= contrib.quanti, contrib.pct = 100 * contrib.quanti.pct,
cos2 = cos2.quanti)
if (p2!=0)
result.levels <- list(coord = A2,, contrib.pct = 100 *,
cos2 =
result.quali<-list(contrib = contrib.quali, contrib.pct=contrib.quali.pct*100)
#coefficient of linear combinaisons defining PC
coef <- list()
for (i in 1:ndim)
beta <- V[,i]*M.col
if (p1 > 0) beta[1:p1] <- beta[1:p1]/rec$s[1:p1]
beta0 <- -sum(beta*rec$g)
coef[[i]] <- as.matrix(c(beta0,beta))
names(coef) <- paste("dim",1:ndim, sep = "")
#matrix A for PCArot
A2rot <- NULL
if (p2 >0) A2rot <- sweep(A2,1,STATS=sqrt(ns/n) ,FUN="*")
A <- rbind(A1,A2rot)
Z <- rec$Z
res <- list(call = cl,
eig = eig,
ind = result.ind,
quanti = result.quanti,
levels = result.levels,
sqload = sqload,
coef = coef, Z = Z,
M = M.col,
scores.stand = U,
scores = F,
V = V,
A = A,
categ.coord = A2,
quanti.cor = A1,
quali.eta2 = quali.eta2,
rec = rec,
ndim = ndim,
W = W,
class(res) <- "PCAmix"
if (graph==TRUE) {
if (p1 != p)
plot.PCAmix(res, choice = "levels")
if (p1 != 0)
plot.PCAmix(res, choice = "cor")
plot.PCAmix(res, choice = "sqload")
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