#' @export
#' @title Graphical outputs of MFAmix
#' @description Displays the graphical outputs of MFAmix.
#' Individuals (observations), quantitative variables and
#' levels of the qualitative variables are plotted as points
#' using their factor coordinates (scores) in MFAmix.
#' All the variables (quantitative and qualitative) are plotted
#' on the same graph as points using their squared loadings.
#' The groups of variables are plotted using their contributions
#' to the component coordinates. Partial axes and partial
#' individuals of separated analyses can also be plotted.
#' @param x an object of class MFAmix obtained with the function \code{MFAmix}.
#' @param axes a length 2 vector specifying the components to plot.
#' @param choice the graph to plot:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "ind" for the individuals,
#' \item "cor" for the correlation circle of the quantitative variables,
#' \item "levels" for the levels of of the qualitative variables,
#' \item "sqload" for the plot of the squared loadings of all the variables,
#' \item "groups" for the plot of the contributions of the groups,
#' \item "axes" for the correlation circle of the partial axes.
#' }
#' @param label boolean, if FALSE the labels of the points are not plotted.
#' @param coloring.ind a qualitative variable such as a character vector
#' or a factor of size n (the number of individuals). The individuals
#' are colored according to the levels of this variable. If NULL, the
#' individuals are not colored.
#' @param nb.partial.axes f choice="axes", the maximum number of partial axes
#' related to each group to plot on the correlation circle. By default equal to 3.
#' @param col.ind a vector of colors, of size the number of levels of
#' \code{coloring.ind}. If NULL, colors are chosen automatically.
#' @param coloring.var a value to choose among:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "type": the variables in the plot of the squared loadings are colored
#' according to their type (quantitative or qualitative),
#' \item "groups": the variables are colored according to their group.
#' \item NULL: variables are not colored.
#' }
#' @param col.groups a vector of colors, of size the number of groups.
#' If NULL, colors are chosen automatically.
#' @param partial a vector of class character with the row names of the individuals,
#' for which the partial individuals should be drawn.
#' By default partial = NULL and no partial points are drawn.
#' Partial points are colored according to \code{col.groups}
#' @param lim.cos2.plot a value between 0 and 1. Points with squared
#' cosinus below this value are not plotted.
#' @param lim.contrib.plot a value between 0 and 100. Points with relative contributions
#' (in percentage) below this value are not plotted.
#' @param posleg position of the legend.
#' @param xlim a numeric vectors of length 2, giving the x coordinates range. If NULL (by default)
#' the range is defined automatically (recommended).
#' @param ylim a numeric vectors of length 2, giving the y coordinates range.
#' If NULL (by default) the range is defined automatically (recommended).
#' @param main a string corresponding to the title of the graph to draw.
#' @param cex cf. function \code{par} in the \bold{graphics} package
#' @param leg boolean, if TRUE, a legend is displayed..
#' @param cex.leg a numerical value giving the amount by which the legend should
#' be magnified. Default is 0.8.
#' @param posleg.sup position of the legend for the supplementary groups.
#' @param col.groups.sup a vector of colors, of size the number of supplementary groups.
#' If NULL, colors are chosen automatically.
#' @param nb.paxes.sup if choice="axes", the maximum number of partial axes
#' of supplementary groups ploted on the correlation circle. By default equal to 3.
#' @param \ldots arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters.
#' @seealso \code{\link{summary.PCAmix}},\code{\link{PCAmix}},\code{\link{PCArot}}
#' @author , \email{}, Amaury Labenne
#' @details The observations can be colored according to the levels of a qualitative
#' variable. The observations, the quantitative variables and the levels can be
#' selected according to their squared cosine (lim.cos2.plot) or their relative
#' contribution (lim.contrib.plot) to the component map. Only points with squared
#' cosine or relative contribution greater than a given threshold are plotted.
#' Note that the relative contribution of a point to the component map (a plan)
#' is the sum of the absolute contributions to each dimension, divided by the
#' sum of the corresponding eigenvalues.
#' @references
#' Chavent M., Kuentz-Simonet V., Labenne A., Saracco J., Multivariate analysis of mixed data: The PCAmixdata R package, arXiv:1411.4911 [stat.CO].
#' @examples
#' data(gironde)
#' class.var<-c(rep(1,9),rep(2,5),rep(3,9),rep(4,4))
#' names <- c("employment","housing","services","environment")
#' dat <- cbind(gironde$employment[1:20,],gironde$housing[1:20,],
#' gironde$services[1:20,],gironde$environment[1:20,])
#' res <- MFAmix(data=dat,groups=class.var,
#' name.groups=names, rename.level=TRUE, ndim=3,graph=FALSE)
#' #---- quantitative variables
#' plot(res,choice="cor",cex=0.6)
#' plot(res,choice="cor",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(res,choice="cor",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups",
#' col.groups=c("red","yellow","pink","brown"),leg=TRUE)
#' #----partial axes
#' plot(res,choice="axes",cex=0.6)
#' plot(res,choice="axes",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(res,choice="axes",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups",
#' col.groups=c("red","yellow","pink","brown"),leg=TRUE)
#' #----groups
#' plot(res,choice="groups",cex=0.6) #no colors for groups
#' plot(res,choice="groups",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(res,choice="groups",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups",
#' col.groups=c("red","yellow","pink","blue"))
#' #----squared loadings
#' plot(res,choice="sqload",cex=0.8) #no colors for groups
#' plot(res,choice="sqload",cex=0.8,coloring.var="groups",
#' posleg="topright")
#' plot(res,choice="sqload",cex=0.6,coloring.var="groups",
#' col.groups=c("red","yellow","pink","blue"),ylim=c(0,1))
#' plot(res,choice="sqload",cex=0.8,coloring.var="type",
#' cex.leg=0.9,posleg="topright")
#' #----individuals
#' plot(res,choice="ind",cex=0.6)
#' #----individuals with squared cosine greater than 0.5
#' plot(res,choice="ind",cex=0.6,lim.cos2.plot=0.5)
#' #----individuals colored with a qualitative variable
#' nbchem <- gironde$services$chemist[1:20]
#' plot(res,choice="ind",cex=0.6,coloring.ind=nbchem,
#' posleg="topright")
#' plot(res,choice="ind",coloring.ind=nbchem,
#' col.ind=c("pink","brown","darkblue"),label=FALSE,posleg="topright")
#' #----partial individuals colored by groups
#' plot(res,choice="ind",partial=c("AUBIAC","ARCACHON"),
#' cex=0.6,posleg="bottomright")
#' #----levels of qualitative variables
#' plot(res,choice="levels",cex=0.8)
#' plot(res,choice="levels",cex=0.8,coloring.var="groups")
#' #levels with squared cosine greater than 0.6
#' plot(res,choice="levels",cex=0.8, lim.cos2.plot=0.6)
#' #supplementary groups
#' data(wine)
#' X.quanti <- splitmix(wine)$X.quanti[,1:5]
#' X.quali <- splitmix(wine)$X.quali[,1,drop=FALSE]
#' X.quanti.sup <- splitmix(wine)$X.quanti[,28:29]
#' X.quali.sup <- splitmix(wine)$X.quali[,2,drop=FALSE]
#' data <- cbind(X.quanti,X.quali)
#' data.sup <- cbind(X.quanti.sup,X.quali.sup)
#' groups <-c(1,2,2,3,3,1)
#' name.groups <- c("G1","G2","G3")
#' groups.sup <- c(1,1,2)
#' name.groups.sup <- c("Gsup1","Gsup2")
#' mfa <- MFAmix(data,groups,name.groups,ndim=4,rename.level=TRUE,graph=FALSE)
#' mfa.sup <- supvar(mfa,data.sup,groups.sup,name.groups.sup,rename.level=TRUE)
#' plot(mfa.sup,choice="sqload",coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(mfa.sup,choice="axes",coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(mfa.sup,choice="groups",coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(mfa.sup,choice="levels",coloring.var="groups")
#' plot(mfa.sup,choice="levels")
#' plot(mfa.sup,choice="cor",coloring.var = "groups")
plot.MFAmix <- function(x, axes = c(1, 2), choice = "ind", label=TRUE, coloring.var = "not", coloring.ind=NULL, nb.partial.axes=3,
col.ind=NULL, col.groups=NULL, partial = NULL, lim.cos2.plot = 0, lim.contrib.plot=0, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
cex = 1, main = NULL, leg=TRUE,posleg="topleft",cex.leg=0.8,
if (!inherits(x, "MFAmix"))
stop("use only with \"MFAmix\" objects")
n <- nrow(x$ind$coord)
if (is.null(x$sqload.sup)) sup <- FALSE else sup <- TRUE
if (!(choice %in% c("ind", "sqload", "levels", "cor", "axes", "groups")))
stop("\"choice\" must be either \"ind\",\"sqload\",\"cor\", \"levels\",\"axes\" or \"groups\"",call.=FALSE)
if ((choice=="levels") & is.null(x$levels) & is.null(x$levels.sup))
stop("\"choice=levels\" is not possible with pure quantitative data",call. = FALSE)
if ((choice=="cor") & is.null(x$quanti) & is.null(x$quanti.sup))
stop("\"choice=cor\" is not possible with pure qualitative data",call. = FALSE)
if (!is.logical(leg))
stop("argument \"leg\" must be TRUE or FALSE",call. = FALSE)
if (lim.cos2.plot != 0 & lim.contrib.plot!=0)
stop("use either \"lim.cos2.plot\" OR \"lim.contrib.plot\"",call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(partial))
if (!is.character(partial) | length(which(rownames(x$ind$coord) %in% partial))==0)
stop("invalid values in \"partial\"",call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(coloring.ind))
if (choice!="ind")
warning("use \"coloring.ind\" only if choice=\"ind\"")
if (!is.null(partial))
warning("use \"coloring.ind\" only if partial=NULL")
if (!is.null(coloring.ind))
if (!is.factor(coloring.ind) | length(coloring.ind)!=n)
warning("\"coloring.ind\" must be either NULL or a qualitative variable of class factor. Its length must be equal to the number of individuals")
if (coloring.var!="groups" & coloring.var!="type" & coloring.var!="not")
stop("'coloring.var' must be one of the following: 'not', 'type', 'groups'",call. = FALSE)
if (coloring.var=="type")
if (choice=="ind" | choice=="cor" | choice=="levels"| choice=="axes")
warning("coloring.var=\"type\" is not used if choice=\"ind\", \"cor\",\"levels\" or \"axes\"",call. = FALSE)
coloring.var <- "not"
if (coloring.var=="groups")
if (choice=="ind") {
warning("\"coloring.var\" is not used if choice=\"ind\"")
coloring.var <- "not"
eig.axes <- x$eig[axes,1]
dim1 <- axes[1]
dim2 <- axes[2]
lab.x <- paste("Dim ", dim1, " (", signif(x$eig[axes[1],2], 4), " %)", sep = "")
lab.y <- paste("Dim ",dim2, " (", signif(x$eig[axes[2],2], 4), " %)", sep = "")
#group <- x$lst.groups
ngroup <- nrow(x$groups$contrib)
name.groups <- names(x$partial.axes)
name.groups.sup <- names(x$partial.axes.sup)
if (sup) ngroupsup <- nrow(x$group.sup)
if (is.null(col.groups))
col.groups <- 2:(ngroup+1) else
if (length(col.groups)!=ngroup)
warning("invalid length of \"col.groups\"")
col.groups <- 2:(ngroup+1)
if (sup)
if (is.null(col.groups.sup))
col.groups.sup <- (ngroup+2):(ngroup+ngroupsup+1) else
if (length(col.groups.sup)!=ngroupsup)
warning("invalid length of \"col.groups.sup\"")
col.groups.sup <- (ngroup+2):(ngroup+ngroupsup+1)
p1 <- x$global.pca$rec$p1
p <- x$global.pca$rec$p
m <- ncol(x$global.pca$rec$W)-p1
if (sup)
p.sup <- x$rec.sup$p
p1.sup <- x$rec.sup$p1
p2.sup <- x$rec.sup$p2
# plot of the partial axes on a correlation circle
if (choice == "axes")
if (is.null(main)) main <- "Partial axes"
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(-1.1, 1.1)
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(-1.1, 1.1)
graphics::plot(0, 0, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1,
cex = cex, main = main,...)
x.cercle <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01)
y.cercle <- sqrt(1 - x.cercle^2)
graphics::lines(x.cercle, y = y.cercle)
graphics::lines(x.cercle, y = -y.cercle)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
coord.paxes <- NULL
col.paxes <- NULL
for (i in 1:ngroup)
nmax <- min(nrow(x$partial.axes[[i]]),nb.partial.axes)
coord.paxes <- rbind(coord.paxes, x$partial.axes[[i]][1:nmax,c(dim1,dim2)])
col.paxes <- c(col.paxes,rep(col.groups[i],nmax))
if (coloring.var != "groups") col.paxes <- rep("black",nrow(coord.paxes))
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.paxes))
graphics::arrows(0, 0, coord.paxes[v, 1], coord.paxes[v, 2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, col = col.paxes[v], cex = cex)
if (abs(coord.paxes[v, 1]) > abs(coord.paxes[v, 2])) {
if (coord.paxes[v, 1] >= 0)
pos <- 4
else pos <- 2
else {
if (coord.paxes[v, 2] >= 0)
pos <- 3
else pos <- 1
graphics::text(coord.paxes[v, 1], y = coord.paxes[v, 2], labels = rownames(coord.paxes)[v],
pos = pos, col = col.paxes[v], cex = cex,...)
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend((posleg), legend = name.groups, text.col = col.groups, cex = cex.leg)
if (sup)
coord.paxes <- NULL
col.paxes <- NULL
for (i in 1:ngroupsup)
nmax <- min(nrow(x$partial.axes.sup[[i]]),nb.paxes.sup)
coord.paxes <- rbind(coord.paxes, x$partial.axes.sup[[i]][1:nmax,c(dim1,dim2)])
col.paxes <- c(col.paxes,rep(col.groups.sup[i],nmax))
if (coloring.var != "groups") col.paxes <- rep("black",nrow(coord.paxes))
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.paxes))
graphics::arrows(0, 0, coord.paxes[v, 1], coord.paxes[v, 2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, lty=5, code = 2, col = col.paxes[v], cex = cex)
if (abs(coord.paxes[v, 1]) > abs(coord.paxes[v, 2])) {
if (coord.paxes[v, 1] >= 0)
pos <- 4
else pos <- 2
else {
if (coord.paxes[v, 2] >= 0)
pos <- 3
else pos <- 1
graphics::text(coord.paxes[v, 1], y = coord.paxes[v, 2], labels = rownames(coord.paxes)[v],
pos = pos, col = col.paxes[v], cex = cex,...)
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend((posleg.sup), legend = name.groups.sup, text.col = col.groups.sup, cex = cex.leg)
#plot of the groups according to their contribution
if (choice == "groups")
if (is.null(main)) main <- "Groups contributions"
coord.groups <- x$groups$contrib[, axes, drop = FALSE]
xmax <- max(coord.groups[,1],x$groups.sup[,dim1], xlim)
xlim <- c(0, xmax * 1.2)
ymax <- max(coord.groups[,2],x$groups.sup[,dim1],ylim)
ylim <- c(0, ymax * 1.2)
if (coloring.var != "groups")
col.groups = rep("darkred", nrow(coord.groups))
if (sup) col.groups.sup <- rep("blue", ngroupsup)
graphics::plot(coord.groups, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, pch = 17, col = col.groups,
cex = cex, main = main, cex.main = cex * 1.2, asp = 1,...)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2,cex=cex)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2,cex=cex)
if (label)
graphics::text(coord.groups[, 1], y = coord.groups[, 2], labels = rownames(coord.groups),
pos = 3, col = col.groups, cex = cex)
if (sup)
graphics::points(x$group.sup[,axes,drop=FALSE], xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, pch = 2, col = col.groups.sup,
cex = cex, main= main, cex.main = cex * 1.2, asp = 1,...)
if (label)
graphics::text(x=x$group.sup[,dim1], y=x$group.sup[,dim2], labels = rownames(x$group.sup),
pos = 3, col = col.groups.sup, cex = cex,...)
# plot of the variables according to their squared loadings
if (choice=="sqload")
if (is.null(main)) main <- "Squared loadings"
xmax <- max(x$sqload[, dim1],x$sqload.sup[, dim1],xlim)
xlim <- c(-0.1, xmax * 1.2)
ymax <- max(x$sqload[, dim2],x$sqload.sup[, dim2],ylim)
ylim <- c(-0.1, ymax * 1.2)
graphics::plot(0, 0, type="n",xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,cex=cex,main=main,...)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2,cex=cex)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2,cex=cex)
col.var <- rep(1,p) #color of a point-variable
if (coloring.var == "groups")
for (i in 1:ngroup)
col.var[which(x$] <- col.groups[i]
if (coloring.var=="type")
if (p1 >0) col.var[1:p1] <- "blue"
if (p2 >0) col.var[(p1+1):p] <- "red"
for (j in 1:p)
length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2,cex=cex,col=col.var[j])
if (label)
if (x$sqload[j,dim1] > x$sqload[j,dim1])
pos <- 4
else pos <- 3
labels = rownames(x$sqload)[j], pos = pos,cex=cex,col=col.var[j],...)
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend((posleg), legend = name.groups, text.col = col.groups, cex = cex.leg)
if (coloring.var=="type" & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend(posleg, legend = c("numerical","categorical"), text.col = c("blue","red"), cex=cex.leg)
if (sup)
col.var.sup <- rep(4,)
#color of a supp point-variable
if (coloring.var == "groups")
for (i in 1:ngroupsup)
col.var.sup[which(x$index.groupsup==i)] <- col.groups.sup[i]
if (coloring.var=="type")
if (p1.sup >0) col.var.sup[1:p1.sup] <- "blue"
if (p2.sup >0) col.var.sup[(p1.sup+1):p.sup] <- "red"
for (j in 1:nrow(x$sqload.sup))
graphics::arrows(0, 0, x$sqload.sup[j, dim1], x$sqload.sup[j, dim2],
length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, lty=5, col=col.var.sup[j],cex = cex,...)
if (label)
if (x$sqload.sup[j, dim1] > x$sqload.sup[j, dim2])
pos <- 4
} else pos <- 3
graphics::text(x$sqload.sup[j, dim1], x$sqload.sup[j, dim2], labels = rownames(x$sqload.sup)[j],
pos = pos, cex = cex,col=col.var.sup[j],...)
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend((posleg.sup), legend = name.groups.sup, text.col = col.groups.sup, cex = cex.leg)
#plot of the quantitative variables on a correlation circle
if (choice == "cor")
if (is.null(main)) main <- "Correlation circle"
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim = c(-1.1, 1.1)
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(-1.1, 1.1)
graphics::plot(0, 0, main = main, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y,
xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white",
asp = 1, cex = cex,...)
x.cercle <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01)
y.cercle <- sqrt(1 - x.cercle^2)
graphics::lines(x.cercle, y = y.cercle)
graphics::lines(x.cercle, y = -y.cercle)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
#plot active quantitative variables
if (!is.null(x$quanti))
if (lim.cos2.plot == 0 & lim.contrib.plot==0)
if (lim.cos2.plot != 0)
coord.var <- x$quanti$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]
col.var <- rep(1,p) #color of a the point-variable (all quantitative)
if (coloring.var == "groups")
for (i in 1:ngroup)
col.var[which(x$] <- col.groups[i]
col.var <- col.var[1:p1]
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.var))
if (sum(base.lim[v, ] , na.rm = TRUE) >= lim.plot && ![v, ], na.rm = TRUE)))
graphics::arrows(0, 0, coord.var[v, 1], coord.var[v,2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2,cex = cex,col=col.var[v])
if (label)
if (abs(coord.var[v, 1]) > abs(coord.var[v, 2]))
if (coord.var[v, 1] >= 0)
pos <- 4
else pos <- 2
else {
if (coord.var[v, 2] >= 0)
pos <- 3
else pos <- 1
graphics::text(coord.var[v, 1], y = coord.var[v, 2],
labels = rownames(coord.var)[v], pos = pos, cex = cex,col=col.var[v])
warning("\"lim.cos.plot\" (or \"lim.contrib.plot\") is too large. No variable can be plotted")
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend(posleg, legend = name.groups[unique(x$[1:p1])], text.col = unique(col.var), cex = cex.leg)
if (!is.null(x$quanti.sup))
coord.var.sup <- x$quanti.sup$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]
col.var.sup <- rep(1,p1.sup) #color of a the point-variable (all quantitative)
if (coloring.var == "groups")
for (i in 1:ngroupsup)
col.var.sup[which(x$index.groupsup==i)] <- col.groups.sup[i]
col.var.sup <- col.var.sup[1:p1.sup]
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.var.sup))
graphics::arrows(0, 0, coord.var.sup[v, 1], coord.var.sup[v,2], length = 0.1,
angle = 15, code = 2,cex = cex,col= col.var.sup[v],lty=5)
if (label)
if (abs(coord.var.sup[v, 1]) > abs(coord.var.sup[v,2]))
if (coord.var.sup[v, 1] >= 0)
pos <- 4
else pos <- 2
else {
if (coord.var.sup[v, 2] >= 0)
pos <- 3
else pos <- 1
graphics::text(coord.var.sup[v, 1], y = coord.var.sup[v, 2],
labels = rownames(coord.var.sup)[v], pos = pos, cex = cex,col=col.var.sup[v])
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend(posleg.sup, legend = name.groups.sup[unique(x$index.groupsup[1:p1.sup])],
text.col = unique(col.var.sup), cex = cex.leg)
# plot of the individuals
if (choice == "ind")
if (is.null(main))
main <- "Individuals component map"
coord.ind <- x$ind$coord
if (lim.cos2.plot == 0 & lim.contrib.plot==0)
select.ind <- 1:nrow(coord.ind)
if (lim.cos2.plot != 0 & lim.contrib.plot==0)
lim.plot <- lim.cos2.plot
base.lim <- x$ind$cos2[,axes]
select.ind <- which(apply(base.lim[,],1,sum)>=lim.plot)
if (lim.cos2.plot == 0 & lim.contrib.plot!=0)
lim.plot <- lim.contrib.plot
base.lim <- x$ind$contrib[,axes]
base.lim <- 100*(base.lim/sum(eig.axes))
select.ind <- which(apply(base.lim[,],1,sum)>=lim.plot)
if (is.null(partial))
if (length(select.ind)==0)
stop("\"lim.cos.plot\" (or \"lim.contrib.plot\") is too large. No individuals can be plotted",call. = FALSE)
coord.ind <- coord.ind[select.ind, , drop=FALSE]
xmin <- min(xlim,coord.ind[, dim1])
xmax <- max(xlim,coord.ind[, dim1])
xlim <- c(xmin, xmax) * 1.2
ymin <- min(ylim,coord.ind[, dim2])
ymax <- max(ylim,coord.ind[, dim2])
ylim <- c(ymin, ymax) * 1.2
if (is.null(col.ind) | is.null(coloring.ind))
col.plot.ind <- rep("black",nrow(coord.ind))
if (is.factor(coloring.ind))
if (!is.null(col.ind))
levels(quali) <- col.ind
col.plot.ind <- quali
if (is.null(col.ind))
col.plot.ind <- as.numeric(quali)
col.plot.ind <- col.plot.ind[select.ind]
graphics::plot(coord.ind[, axes,drop=FALSE], xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = lab.x,
ylab = lab.y, pch = 20, col = as.character(col.plot.ind),
cex = cex, main=main,...)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
if (leg==TRUE & is.factor(coloring.ind))
graphics::legend(posleg, legend =paste(cl["coloring.ind"],levels(coloring.ind),sep="="), text.col = levels(as.factor(,
cex =cex.leg)
if (label)
graphics::text(coord.ind[, axes], labels = rownames(coord.ind),
pos = 3, col = as.character(col.plot.ind), cex = cex,...)
if (!is.null(partial))
select.partial <- which(rownames(coord.ind[select.ind,,drop=FALSE]) %in% partial)
if (length(select.partial)==0)
stop("\"lim.cos.plot\" (or \"lim.contrib.plot\") is too large. No partial individuals can be plotted",call. = FALSE)
coord.ind.part <- coord.ind[select.partial, , drop=FALSE]
xmin <- min(xlim,coord.ind[, dim1])
xmax <- max(xlim,coord.ind[, dim1])
ymin <- min(ylim,coord.ind[, dim2])
ymax <- max(ylim,coord.ind[, dim2])
for (i in 1:ngroup)
t <- x$ind.partial[[i]][select.partial,axes,drop=FALSE]
xmin <- min(xmin, t[,1])
xmax <- max(xmax, t[,1])
ymin <- min(ymin,t[,2])
ymax <- max(ymax, t[,2])
xlim <- c(xmin, xmax) * 1.2
ylim <- c(ymin, ymax) * 1.2
col.plot.ind <- rep("black",nrow(coord.ind))
graphics::plot(as.matrix(coord.ind[,axes]), xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = lab.x,
ylab = lab.y, pch = 20, cex = cex,main=main,...)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
if (label)
graphics::text(coord.ind.part[, axes,drop=FALSE], labels = rownames(coord.ind.part),
pos = 3, col = as.character(col.plot.ind), cex = cex)
for (i in 1:ngroup)
t <- x$ind.partial[[i]][select.partial,axes,drop=FALSE]
for (j in 1:length(select.partial))
m <- list(x=c(coord.ind.part[j,dim1],t[j,1]), y=c(coord.ind.part[j,dim2],t[j,2]))
graphics::legend(posleg, legend = name.groups, text.col = col.groups, cex = cex.leg)
#plot of the levels
if (choice == "levels")
if (is.null(main)) main <- "Levels component map"
xmin <- min(xlim,x$levels$coord[, dim1],x$levels.sup$coord[, dim1])
xmax <- max(xlim,x$levels$coord[, dim1],x$levels.sup$coord[, dim1])
xlim <- c(xmin, xmax) * 1.2
ymin <- min(ylim,x$levels$coord[, dim2],x$levels.sup$coord[, dim2])
ymax <- max(ylim,x$levels$coord[, dim2],x$levels.sup$coord[, dim2])
ylim <- c(ymin, ymax) * 1.2
graphics::plot(0,0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, type="n", cex = cex,main=main, ...)
graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
graphics::abline(v = 0, lty = 2, cex = cex)
#plot levels of active variables
if (!is.null(x$levels))
if (lim.cos2.plot == 0 & lim.contrib.plot==0)
if (lim.cos2.plot != 0)
if (lim.contrib.plot!=0)
coord.lev <- x$levels$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]
col.lev <- rep(1,p1+m) #color of a the point-level
if (coloring.var == "groups")
for (i in 1:ngroup)
col.lev[which(x$index.group2==i)] <- col.groups[i]
col.lev <- col.lev[(p1+1):(p1+m)]
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.lev))
if (sum(base.lim[v, ], na.rm = TRUE) >= lim.plot && ![v, ], na.rm = TRUE))) {
graphics::points(coord.lev[v, 1], coord.lev[v,2], col=col.lev[v], pch=20,cex = cex,...)
if (label)
if (abs(coord.lev[v, 1]) > abs(coord.lev[v,2]))
if (coord.lev[v, 1] >= 0)
pos <- 4
else pos <- 2
else {
if (coord.lev[v, 2] >= 0)
pos <- 3
else pos <- 1
graphics::text(coord.lev[v, 1], y = coord.lev[v, 2], col=col.lev[v],
labels = rownames(coord.lev)[v], pos = pos, cex = cex)
if (is.null(test.empty.plot))
warning("\"lim.cos.plot\" (or \"lim.contrib.plot\") is too large. No level can be plotted")
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend(posleg, legend = name.groups[unique(x$index.group2[(p1+1):(p1+m)])],
text.col = unique(col.lev), cex = cex.leg)
#plot levels of supplementary variables
if (!is.null(x$levels.sup))
coord.lev.sup <- x$levels.sup$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]
m.sup <- nrow(coord.lev.sup)
col.lev.sup <- rep(4,p1.sup+m.sup) #color of a the point-level
if (coloring.var == "groups")
for (i in 1:ngroupsup)
col.lev.sup[which(x$index.groupsup2==i)] <- col.groups.sup[i]
col.lev.sup <- col.lev.sup[(p1.sup+1):(p1.sup+m.sup)]
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.lev.sup))
graphics::points(coord.lev.sup[v, 1], coord.lev.sup[v,2], pch=1,cex = cex,
if (label)
if (abs(coord.lev.sup[v, 1]) > abs(coord.lev.sup[v,2]))
if (coord.lev.sup[v, 1] >= 0)
pos <- 4
else pos <- 2
else {
if (coord.lev.sup[v, 2] >= 0)
pos <- 3
else pos <- 1
graphics::text(coord.lev.sup[v, 1], y = coord.lev.sup[v, 2],
labels = rownames(coord.lev.sup)[v], pos = pos,
col=col.lev.sup[v], cex = cex)
if ((coloring.var == "groups") & (leg==TRUE))
graphics::legend(posleg.sup, legend = name.groups[unique(x$index.groupsup2[(p1+1):(p1+m)])],
text.col = unique(col.lev.sup), cex = cex.leg)
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