#' @export
#' @name supvar.MFAmix
#' @title Supplementary variables in MFAmix
#' @description Performs the coordinates of supplementary variables and groups on the component of an object of class \code{MFAmix}.
#' @param obj an object of class \code{MFAmix}.
#' @param data.sup a numeric matrix of data.
#' @param groups.sup a vector which gives the groups of the columns in \code{data.sup}.
#' @param name.groups.sup a vector which gives the names of the supplementary groups.
#' @param rename.level boolean, if TRUE all the levels of the qualitative variables
#' are renamed as follows: "variable_name=level_name". This prevents to have identical
#' names of the levels.
#' @param \dots further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @examples
#' data(wine)
#' X.quanti <- splitmix(wine)$X.quanti[,1:5]
#' X.quali <- splitmix(wine)$X.quali[,1,drop=FALSE]
#' X.quanti.sup <- splitmix(wine)$X.quanti[,28:29]
#' X.quali.sup <- splitmix(wine)$X.quali[,2,drop=FALSE]
#' data <- cbind(X.quanti,X.quali)
#' data.sup <- cbind(X.quanti.sup,X.quali.sup)
#' groups <-c(1,2,2,3,3,1)
#' name.groups <- c("G1","G2","G3")
#' groups.sup <- c(1,1,2)
#' name.groups.sup <- c("Gsup1","Gsup2")
#' mfa <- MFAmix(data,groups,name.groups,ndim=4,rename.level=TRUE,graph=FALSE)
#' mfa.sup <- supvar(mfa,data.sup,groups.sup,name.groups.sup,rename.level=TRUE)
supvar.MFAmix <- function(obj, data.sup, groups.sup, name.groups.sup,rename.level=FALSE,...)
if (!inherits(obj, "MFAmix"))
stop("use only with \"MFAmix\" objects",call. = FALSE)
mfa <- obj
n <-nrow(data.sup)
ngroup <-length(unique(groups.sup))
if (length(name.groups.sup)!=ngroup)
stop("Invalid length of \"name.groups.sup\"",call. = FALSE)
data.groups <- splitgroups(data=data.sup,groups=groups.sup,name.groups=name.groups.sup)$data.groups <- splitgroups(data=data.sup,groups=groups.sup,name.groups=name.groups.sup)$listvar.groups
size.groups<-unlist(lapply(data.groups,ncol)) #number of variables in each group
#reorder the data matrix by block
data.ord <- data.groups[[1]]
if (ngroup>1)
for(g in 2:ngroup)
data.ord <- cbind(data.ord, data.groups[[g]])
#from now we use these data
res.separate.pcamix <- list()
#PCAmix with each group
ndim <- ncol(mfa$global.pca$scores)
for(i in 1:ngroup){
res.separate.pcamix[[i]]<-PCAmix(X.quanti=base.qt, X.quali=base.ql, ndim=ndim, rename.level=rename.level, graph=FALSE)
names(res.separate.pcamix) <- names(data.groups.stand) <- name.groups.sup
#partial axes
B <- mfa$global.pca$scores
partial.axes.sup <- list()
for (i in 1:ngroup)
A <-res.separate.pcamix[[i]]$scores
partial.axes.sup[[i]] <- cor(A,B)
rownames( partial.axes.sup[[i]]) <- paste(colnames(A),name.groups.sup[i],sep=".")
names(partial.axes.sup) <- name.groups.sup
#projections of supplementary variables
split <- splitmix(data.sup)
X.quanti.sup <- split$X.quanti
X.quali.sup <- split$X.quali
rec.sup <- recod(X.quanti.sup, X.quali.sup,rename.level)
W.sup <- rec.sup$W # standardized quantitative+centered dummy variables
n <- rec.sup$n
if (n!=mfa$global.pca$rec$n)
stop("number of rows in data.sup is not correct",call. = FALSE)
p1 <- rec.sup$p1
p2 <- rec.sup$p - p1
m <- ncol(W.sup) - p1
U <- mfa$global.pca$scores.stand
N <- rep(1/n, n)
A <- t(W.sup)%*%diag(N)%*%U
rownames(A) <- colnames(W.sup)
colnames(A) <- paste("dim", 1:ncol(A), sep = "")
nor <- apply(W.sup,2,function(x){sqrt(sum(x^2)/n)})
B <- sweep(A,1,STATS = nor,FUN = "/")^2 #cos2 !!!
quanti.sup <- levels.sup <- NULL
sqload.sup <- matrix(NA,rec.sup$p,ncol(A))
rownames(sqload.sup) <- colnames(rec.sup$X)
colnames(sqload.sup) <- colnames(A)
if (p1!=0)
quanti.sup <- list(coord=NULL,cos2=NULL)
quanti.sup$coord <- A[1:p1,]
quanti.sup$cos2 <- B[1:p1,]
sqload.sup[1:p1,] <- A[1:p1,]^2
if (p2!=0)
levels.sup <- list(coord=NULL,cos2=NULL)
ns <- apply(rec.sup$G, 2, sum)
levels.sup$coord <- sweep(A[(p1 + 1):(p1 + m),],1,STATS=ns/n,FUN="/")
levels.sup$cos2 <- B[(p1 + 1):(p1 + m),]
C <- sweep(A[(p1 + 1):(p1 + m),]^2,1,STATS=n/ns,FUN="*")
for (j in 1:ncol(X.quali.sup))
#levelj <- levels(as.factor(X.quali.sup[,j]))
levelj <- which(rec.sup$index==(j+p1)) -p1
sqload.sup[(p1+j),] <- apply(C[levelj,,drop=FALSE],2,sum)
index.col <- c(split$col.quant,split$col.qual) #in data ordered by block$sqload[index.col,] <- groups.sup[index.col] #in data ordered by type
index1 <- index2 <- NULL
if (rec.sup$p1>0) index1 <-[1:rec.sup$p1]
if (rec.sup$p2>0) index2 <- rep([(rec.sup$p1+1):(rec.sup$p1+rec.sup$p2)],rec.sup$nbmoda)
indexg <- c(index1,index2)
# result for supplementary groups
# the coordinate of a supp group is the sum of the squared loadings if its variables
# divided by the first eigen value of its PCAmix. It is a weighted Lg coefficient <- matrix(NA,ngroup,ndim)
for (i in 1:ngroup)[i,] <- apply(sqload.sup[,,drop=FALSE],2,sum)[i,] <- apply(sqload.sup[,,drop=FALSE],2,sum)/res.separate.pcamix[[i]]$eig[1,1]
colnames( <- colnames(sqload.sup)
rownames( <- name.groups.sup
if (!is.null(levels.sup))
mfa$levels.sup <- levels.sup
if (!is.null(quanti.sup))
mfa$quanti.sup <- quanti.sup
mfa$sqload.sup <- sqload.sup
mfa$partial.axes.sup <- partial.axes.sup
mfa$ <-
mfa$group.sup <-
mfa$index.groupsup <-
mfa$index.groupsup2 <- indexg
mfa$rec.sup <- rec.sup
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