Man pages for PCBS
Principal Component BiSulfite

addRanksAdd ranks to eigenvector scores.
CheckOvercompressionCheck if DMR calling seed number is ovcompressed.
checkRankCheck rank cut-off values manually.
chromDictConvert a rank object into a chromDict.
chromDictMethCreate a chromDict of percent methylation difference at all...
DefineBestPCIdentify your best principle component.
eigenSimulated WGBS data for PCBS vignettes
get_all_DMRsNested DMR calling function within Get_Novel_DMRs()
Get_Novel_DMRsCall DMRs from WGBS data.
getPCRanksGet CpG eigenvector scores from a principle component.
getRegionScoresCalculated methylation significance in a set of regions.
linFind y value of linear regression given x.
lmIntxPC-Intersect nested function.
MethyDiff_SetAdd a mean methylation column to a data.frame of regions.
MethylDiffGet the mean methylation difference across a specified...
methylDiff_metageneMake a metagene from mean percent methylation differences.
multiple_metagenesPlot multiple metagene data objects on a single plot.
Ol_ReliablePCBS ggplot theme.
oneSeedNested DMR calling function within within get_all_DMRs(),...
plot_metageneGenerate a metagene plot from raw metagene data.
rankDistIdentify the best rank cut-off for significant CpGs.
score_metageneMake a metagene from PC Scores.
seStandard error of a vector.
tiltComponent of PCBS ggplot theme.
trimDMRNested DMR calling function within within Get_Novel_DMRs()
PCBS documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:11 p.m.