
Defines functions BootCanonicalBiplot

BootCanonicalBiplot <- function(X, group, SUP = NULL, InitialTransform = 5, B=100, LDA=FALSE) {
# B is the number of Bootstrap samples
  cl <- match.call()

  ContinuousDataTransform = c("Raw Data", "Substract the global mean", "Double centering",
                              "Column centering", "Standardize columns", "Row centering",
                              "Standardize rows", "Divide by the column means and center",
                              "Normalized residuals from independence", "Divide by the range",
                              "Within groups standardization", "Ranks")
  if (is.numeric(InitialTransform))
    InitialTransform = ContinuousDataTransform[InitialTransform]

  Bip = list() #Container for the solution
  # Setting the properties of data
  if (is.null(rownames(X)))
    rownames(X) <- rownames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "I")
  RowNames = rownames(X)
  if (is.null(colnames(X)))
    colnames(X) <- colnames(X, do.NULL = FALSE, prefix = "V")
  VarNames = colnames(X)

  Bip$Title = "Canonical/MANOVA Biplot"
  Bip$Type = "Canonical"
  Bip$Non_Scaled_Data = X
  Bip$Means = apply(X, 2, mean)
  Bip$Medians = apply(X, 2, median)
  Bip$Deviations = apply(X, 2, sd)
  Bip$Minima = apply(X, 2, min)
  Bip$Maxima = apply(X, 2, max)
  Bip$P25 = apply(X, 2, quantile)[2, ]
  Bip$P75 = apply(X, 2, quantile)[4, ]
  Bip$GMean = mean(as.matrix(X))
  X = IniTransform(as.matrix(X), transform = InitialTransform) # Initial transformation
  rownames(X) <- RowNames
  if (is.factor(group)) {
    GroupNames = levels(group)
  g = length(levels(group))
  n = dim(X)[1]
  m = dim(X)[2]
  r = min(c(g - 1, m))
  if (LDA) {Bip$LDA=lda(X,group)
  Bip$ClassificationTable = table(group, Bip$Predict)
  Bip$PercentCorrect=diag(prop.table(Bip$ClassificationTable, 1))
  names(Bip$TotalPercentCorrect)= "Total"}

  DimNames = "Dim 1"
  for (i in 2:r) DimNames = c(DimNames, paste("Dim", i))
  Z = FactorToBinary(group) # Matrix of indicators
  ng = colSums(Z)
  S11 = t(Z) %*% Z
  Xb = solve(S11) %*% t(Z) %*% X
  B = t(Xb) %*% S11 %*% Xb
  S = t(X) %*% X - B
  Y = (S11^0.5) %*% Xb %*% MatrixSqrtInv(S)
  SV = svd(Y)

  H = MatrixSqrt(S) %*% SV$v[, 1:r] # Variable coordinates
  B = MatrixSqrtInv(S) %*% SV$v[, 1:r] # Canonical Weigths
  J = Xb %*% B # Center Coordinates
  V = X %*% B # Individual Coordinates
  if (!is.null(SUP)) {
    VS = SUP %*% B
    # Bip$SupPredict=predict(Bip$LDA,SUP)$class
  else {

  # Inertia, ANOVAs for each Canonical Variate and MANOVA
  sct = diag(t(V) %*% V)
  sce = diag(t(J) %*% S11 %*% J)
  scr = sct - sce
  fs = (sce/(g - 1))/(scr/(n - g))
  signif2 = df(fs, (g - 1), (n - g))

  vprop = SV$d[1:r]
  iner = (vprop^2/sum(vprop^2)) * 100
  acum = cumsum(iner)

  Bip$EigenValues = vprop
  Bip$Inertia = iner
  Bip$CumInertia = acum
  # colnames(Bip$EigenValues) <- c("Eigenvalue", "Explained Variance", "Cummulative")
  # rownames(Bip$EigenValues) <- DimNames

  lambda = vprop^2
  pill = 1/(1 + lambda)
  pillai = det(diag(pill))
  glh = g - 1
  gle = n - g
  t = ((glh^2 * m^2 - 4)/(m^2 + glh^2 - 5))^0.5
  w = gle + glh - 0.5 * (m + glh + 1)
  df1 = m * glh
  df2 = w * t - 0.5 * (m * glh - 2)
  Bip$Wilksf = ((1 - pillai^(1/t))/(pillai^(1/t))) * (df2/df1)
  Bip$Wilksp = 1 - pf(Bip$Wilksf, df1, df2)

  Bip$GroupContributions = diag(1/rowSums(J^2)) %*% J^2
  Bip$ColContributions = diag(1/rowSums(H^2)) %*% H^2

  Bip$ExplTotal = matrix(0, r, 1)
  Bip$RowContributions = matrix(0, n, r)
  Bip$QLRVars = matrix(0, m, r)

  SCT = sum(X^2)
  SCRows = rowSums(X^2)
  SCCols = colSums(X^2)

  for (j in 1:r) {
    Fitted = V[, 1:j] %*% t(H[, 1:j])
    residuals = X - Fitted
    Bip$ExplTotal[j] = 1 - sum(residuals^2)/SCT
    Bip$RowContributions[, j] = 1 - rowSums(residuals^2)/SCRows
    Bip$QLRVars[, j] = 1 - colSums(residuals^2)/SCCols

  FitX = V %*% t(H)
  Resid = X - FitX

  SCR = sum(Resid^2)
  FIT = 1 - (SCR/SCT)

  sctotal = diag(t(X) %*% X)

  scdentro = diag(S)
  scentre = sctotal - scdentro
  fs = (scentre/glh)/(scdentro/gle)
  pval = 1 - pf(fs, glh, gle)

  Bip$ANOVAS = cbind(sctotal, scentre, scdentro, fs, pval)
  colnames(Bip$ANOVAS) <- c("Total", "Groups", "Error", "F", "p-val")

  falfau = qt(1 - (0.025), (n - g))
  falfab = qt(1 - (0.025/(g * m)), (n - g))
  falfam = sqrt(qf(1 - 0.05, m, (n - g - m + 1)) * (((n - g) * m)/(n - g - m + 1)))
  falfac = sqrt(qchisq(0.95, 2))

  Bip$UnivRad = falfau * diag(solve(sqrt(S11)))/sqrt(n - g)
  Bip$BonfRad = falfab * diag(solve(sqrt(S11)))/sqrt(n - g)
  Bip$MultRad = falfam * diag(solve(sqrt(S11)))/sqrt(n - g)
  Bip$ChisRad = falfac * diag(solve(sqrt(S11)))/sqrt(n - g)

  Bip$n = n
  Bip$p = m
  Bip$g = g
  Bip$X = X
  Bip$groups = group

  Bip$RowCoordinates = V
  rownames(Bip$RowCoordinates) = RowNames
  colnames(Bip$RowCoordinates) = DimNames
  Bip$Sup_Individual_Coord = VS
  Bip$ColCoordinates = H
  rownames(Bip$ColCoordinates) = VarNames
  colnames(Bip$ColCoordinates) = DimNames
  Bip$GroupCoordinates = J
  rownames(Bip$GroupCoordinates) = GroupNames
  colnames(Bip$GroupCoordinates) = DimNames
  Bip$Canonical_Weights = B
  rownames(Bip$Canonical_Weights) = VarNames
  colnames(Bip$Canonical_Weights) = DimNames
  Bip$Structure_Correlations = cor(X, V)
  rownames(Bip$Structure_Correlations) = VarNames
  colnames(Bip$Structure_Correlations) = DimNames
  rownames(Bip$GroupContributions) = GroupNames
  colnames(Bip$GroupContributions) = DimNames
  rownames(Bip$ColContributions) = VarNames
  colnames(Bip$ColContributions) = DimNames
  rownames(Bip$QLRVars) = VarNames
  colnames(Bip$QLRVars) = DimNames

    Bip$Clusters = group
    Bip$ClusterNames = levels(group)

  ClusterColors = palette()

  class(Bip) <- "Canonical.Biplot"

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PERMANOVA documentation built on Sept. 6, 2021, 5:07 p.m.