
Defines functions phenology

Documented in phenology

#' Calculate phenological events
#' @param x SpatRaster list/dataframe (tmean, tmax, tmin) - numeric - with time
#' attribute/date column
#' @param model name of model - character
#' @param parametrisation name of parametrisation - character
#' @param year year for prognosis - numeric
#' @param hatch SpatRaster - logical - with time attribute TRUE/FALSE
#' hatch/no_hatch
#' @param return_date TRUE/FALSE defines output -> see value
#' @param ... parameter to change default values. (i.e. ldt = 3.5)
#' @returns If return_date is TRUE returns single layered SpatRaster with time
#' serial number (first occurence of phenological event).
#' If return_date is FALSE returns a one layer per day SpatRaster type logical
#' with phenological event occurred/not TRUE/FALSE.
#' @family Main
#' @description Using daily mean or min and max temperature data, the function
#' calculates the temperature-dependent development stages of OPM or the bud
#' stages (bud swelling and leaf unfolding) of its host tree
#' \emph{Quercus robur}.
#' The default settings correspond to the model described by Halbig et al. 2024.
#' Additional parametrizations are provided but have not yet been tested.
#'  Halbig et al. 2024
#'   It follows 4 different steps:
#'   - a) Calculating and summing up cold days or frost days.
#'   (Cold days are defined as days with a mean temperature below ldt
#'   (lower development threshold), while frost days are all days with a min
#'   temperature below ldt).
#'      Hatch dependent development stages need a hatch raster (hatch happened
#'      1 or not 0) for each day
#'   - b) Calculating degree days with the
#'   single sine method of Baskerville & Emin, 1969 or simple summing up tmean
#'   temperatures over ldt.
#'   - c) Calculating the needed
#'   sum of effective temperatures for the development stage
#'   - d) Comparing degree days with the needed sum of effective temperatures
#' @references
#' Halbig et al. 2014: Halbig, P., Stelzer, A. S., Baier, P., Pennerstorfer,
#' J., Delb, H., & Schopf, A. (2024). PHENTHAUproc–An early warning and decision
#' support system for hazard assessment and control of oak processionary moth
#' (Thaumetopoea processionea). Forest Ecology and Management, 552, 121525 \cr
#' Baskerville & Emin 1969: Baskerville, G. L., & Emin, P. (1969). Rapid
#' estimation of heat accumulation from maximum and minimum temperatures.
#' Ecology, 50(3), 514-517. (<doi:10.2307/1933912>) \cr
#' Menzel 1997: Menzel, A. (1997). Phänologie von Waldbäumen unter sich
#' ändernden Klimabedingungen: Auswertung der Beobachtungen in den
#' internationalen phänologischen Gärten und Möglichkeiten der Modellierung von
#' Phänodaten. Frank. \cr
#' @author Bachfischer Lorenz, Department of Forest Protection FVA (2024)
#'   \email{lorenz.bachfischer@@posteo.de}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## SpatRaster
#' srl <- load_test()
#' # Calculating bud swelling for our raster example
#' budswelling <- phenology(srl,
#'                          model = "budswelling",
#'                          parametrisation = "quercus_robur_clone256_type1",
#'                          year = 2020)

phenology <- function(x,
                      parametrisation = NULL,
                      year = NULL,
                      hatch = NULL,
                      return_date = TRUE,
                      ) {

  ### 01 set parameter ---------------------------------------------------------

  year <- lubridate::year(max(get_time(x)))

  ### 02 check and transform input ---------------------------------------------

  if (methods::is(x, "data.frame")) {

    is_dataframe <- TRUE

    # for dailymean structure
    if (identical(names(x), c("date", "tmean"))) {

      if (is.null(params)) params <- parameter("dailymean", year = year)

      x <- convert_df_to_srl(x[,c("date", "tmean")])

      # for hourly structure
    } else if (identical(names(x), c("date", "hour", "tmean"))) {

      if (is.null(params)) params <- parameter("hour", year = year)

      x <- convert_df_to_srl(x[,c("date", "tmean")])

      # for dailymeanminmax structure
    } else if (all(names(x) %in% c("date", "tmean", "tmin", "tmax"))) {

      if (is.null(params)) params <- parameter("dailymeanminmax", year = year)

      x <- convert_df_to_srl(x[,c("date", "tmean", "tmin", "tmax")])


  } else if (methods::is(x, "list")) {

    is_dataframe <- FALSE

      function(sr) {
        if (!methods::is(sr, "SpatRaster")) stop("If calculating with list of SpatRaster all list objects have to be SpatRaster.")

    if (all(names(x) %in% c("tmean", "tmin", "tmax"))) {

      params <- parameter("dailymeanminmax", year = year)

    } else stop("Name convention not correct. SpatRaster list needs three objects. These objects must be tmean, tmin and tmax!")

  } else if (methods::is(x, "SpatRaster")) {

    is_dataframe <- FALSE

    params <- parameter("hour", year = year)

  } else {

    stop("x has to be a SpatRaster for hourly raster data, a list of SpatRaster with tmean, tmin and tmax for daily raster data or a data.frame for daily or hourly weather station data.")


  reftime <- params$reftime

  # Convert hourly to daily mean, min and max temperatures (needed for most of
  # the models)
  if (reftime == "hour") {

    x_hour <- list("tmean" = x)
    x <- convert_hour_to_meanminmax(x_hour$tmean)


  ### 03 set and check times ---------------------------------------------------

  # write the times with lubridate
  x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
    terra::time(y) <- lubridate::ymd(terra::time(y), tz = NULL)

  # check if days complete
  time <- get_time(x)
  year <- lubridate::year(max(time))
  from <- lubridate::as_date(paste0(year - 1, "-09-01"), tz = NULL)
  to <- lubridate::as_date(paste0(year, "-09-30"), tz = NULL)

  if (to > max(time)) to <- max(time)

  sequence <- seq(from, to, by = "days")

  missing <- sum(!sequence %in% time)

  if (missing > 0) warning(missing, " missing days in time sequence.")

  ### 03 create parameter list -------------------------------------------------

  params <- parameter(model = model,
                      parametrisation = parametrisation,
                      year = year)[[1]]

  if (!is.null(hatch)) params$hatch <- hatch

  my_params <- list(...)
  params <- replace(params, names(my_params), my_params)

  ### 04 calculate phenology ---------------------------------------------------

  out <- calc_phenology(x, params)

  names(out) <- timename(out, model)

  ### 05 create output ---------------------------------------------------------

  if (return_date) out <- convert_logical_to_time(out)

  if (is_dataframe) {

    out <- convert_sr_to_cvec(out)
    names(out) <- model



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PHENTHAUproc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:12 p.m.