
Defines functions phenthau

Documented in phenthau

#' Calculate PHENTHAUproc model
#' @param x SpatRaster list/SpatRaster/data.frame - numeric - with time
#' attribute/date column (see Details for Input requirements)
#' @param params list with parameter (see Details for Input requirements)
#' @param def_hatch "first" or "mean": PHENTHAUproc has three hatch models
#' integrated (for details see: Custers 2003, Wagenhoff et al. 2014, Meurisse et
#' al. 2012). With "first" (Default) the first hatch-model which predicts hatch,
#' with "mean", the mean day of all hatch-models will be used for further
#' calculations.
#' @param budswelling SpatRaster/numeric with DOY (Day of year) - If budswelling
#' is provided, internal calculation of budswelling will be replaced. For raster
#' input provide a raster with same extend and crs as x.
#' @returns data.frame or list of SpatRaster with all PHENTHAUproc model outputs
#' (see Details)
#' @family Main
#' @description
#' "phenthau" implements the early warning system PHENTHAUproc created by
#' Halbig et al. 2024 in R.
#' @details
#' \strong{Overview}
#' phenthau function combines multiple phenology models:
#' - bud swelling & leaf unfolding of \emph{Quercus robur} or
#' \emph{Quercus petraea}(still in development)
#' - hatch of oak processionary moth using 3 different hatch models
#' (Custers 2003, Wagenhoff et al. 2014 and Meurisse et al. 2012)
#' - development stages of OPM (0 egg - 8 adult)
#' \strong{Input requirements}
#' For different input type different parameter sets are needed. If params is
#' not provided it will be selected dependent on datatype and names(x) so follow
#' the name convention!
#' daily raster input with tmean, tmin and tmax:
#' - a list of 3 named objects: "tmean", "tmin" and "tmax"
#' - each object is a SpatRaster with one layer per day
#' - terra::time for each SpatRaster has to be set to Date
#' -> parameter("dailymeanminmax", year)
#' daily raster input with tmean:
#' - a SpatRaster
#' - one layer per day
#' - terra::time has to be set to Date
#' - params has to be set manually!
#' -> parameter("dailymean", year)
#' hourly raster input:
#' - a SpatRaster
#' - one layer per hour
#' - terra::time has to be set to Date
#' -> parameter("hour", year)
#' daily data.frame input with tmean, tmin and tmax:
#' - a data.frame with 4 columns: "date", "tmean", "tmin", "tmax"
#' - one row per day
#' -> parameter("dailymeanminmax", year)
#' daily data.frame input with tmean:
#' - a data.frame with 2 columns: "date", "tmean"
#' - one row per day
#' - "date" column is.Date
#' -> parameter("dailymean", year)
#' hourly data.frame input:
#' - a data.frame with 2 columns: "date", "hour", "tmean"
#' - 24 rows per day
#' - "date" column is.Date
#' -> parameter("hour", year)
#' \strong{Parametrisation}
#' Additional parametrization is provided but has not yet been tested.
#' Use parameter() to return a data.frame with all possible parametrization
#' options or choose a model.
#' The default is "dailymeanminmax" and not dependent on the data input anymore.
#' - "dailymean": Regional PHENTHAUproc how described in Halbig et al. 2024 for
#' daily mean temperature data
#' - "hour": Local PHENTHAUproc how described in Halbig et al. 2024 for hourly
#' temperature data
#' - "dailymeanminmax": PHENTHAUproc for daily mean, max and min temperature
#' data adapted to open access DWD raster data
#' \strong{Output}
#' Regional Output: \cr
#' A list with all model calculations as SpatRaster objects:
#' - stages: SpatRaster with one layer per day - numeric - values from 0-8
#' (0 egg stage - 8 adult stage).
#'  -> use get_legend("stages") to show id/cover/colors
#' - custers/wagenhoff/meurisse - one layer per day - logical - TRUE/FALSE for
#' hatch or no hatch
#' - budswelling: one layer per day - logical - TRUE/FALSE for budswelling or no
#' budswelling
#' - leafunfolding: one layer per day - logical - TRUE/FALSE for leafunfolding
#' or no leafunfolding
#'  -> plot the first day of a logical SpatRaster with plot_date()
#' - mortality: one layer - integer - mortality in %
#' - ppa_biocide: one layer per day - numeric - 0 application of plant
#' protection agents (PPA) and biocides not yet effective, 1 application
#' effective, 2 appliaction not effective anymore
#' Local Output: \cr
#' A data.frame with two columns:
#' - model: name of model
#' - date: date of first appearing of event
#' \strong{Presentation}
#' Regional Output:
#' - plot_stages is a wrapper around terra::plot to preset legend, names, colors
#' and day to plot.
#' - plot_date is a wrapper around terra::plot to plot the date of first TRUE in
#' multiple layered SpatRaster
#' Local Output:
#' - plot_station_step is for local weather station data and creates a stepwise
#' graph for the development stages
#' @references
#' Halbig et al. 2024: Halbig, P., Stelzer, A. S., Baier, P., Pennerstorfer, J.,
#' Delb, H., & Schopf, A. (2024). PHENTHAUproc–An early warning and decision
#' support system for hazard assessment and control of oak processionary moth
#' (Thaumetopoea processionea). Forest Ecology and Management, 552, 121525 \cr
#' Custers 2003: Custers, C. (2003). Climate change and trophic synchronisation.
#' English Wageningen UR, Chairgroup Environmental Systems Analysis.\cr
#' Wagenhoff et al. 2014: Wagenhoff, E., Wagenhoff, A., Blum, R., Veit, H.,
#' Zapf, D., & Delb, H. (2014). Does the prediction of the time of egg hatch of
#' Thaumetopoea processionea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) using a frost
#' day/temperature sum model provide evidence of an increasing temporal mismatch
#' between the time of egg hatch and that of budburst of Quercus robur due to
#' recent global warming?. European Journal of Entomology, 111(2).\cr
#' Meurisse et al. 2012: Meurisse, N., Hoch, G., Schopf, A., Battisti, A.,
#' & Grégoire, J. C. (2012). Low temperature tolerance and starvation ability
#' of the oak processionary moth: implications in a context of increasing
#' epidemics. Agricultural and forest entomology, 14(3), 239-250.\cr
#' @author Bachfischer Lorenz, Department of Forest Protection FVA (2024)
#'   \email{lorenz.bachfischer@@posteo.de}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' srl <- load_test()
#' phen <- phenthau(srl)

phenthau <- function(x,
                     params = NULL,
                     def_hatch = "first",
                     budswelling = NULL
) {

  ### 01 set parameter ---------------------------------------------------------

  year <- lubridate::year(max(get_time(x)))

  ### 02 check and transform input ---------------------------------------------

  if (methods::is(x, "data.frame")) {

    is_dataframe <- TRUE

    # for dailymean structure
    if (identical(names(x), c("date", "tmean"))) {

      if (is.null(params)) params <- parameter("dailymean", year = year)

      x <- convert_df_to_srl(x[,c("date", "tmean")])

    # for hourly structure
    } else if (identical(names(x), c("date", "hour", "tmean"))) {

      if (is.null(params)) params <- parameter("hour", year = year)

      x <- convert_df_to_srl(x[,c("date", "tmean")])

      # for dailymeanminmax structure
    } else if (all(names(x) %in% c("date", "tmean", "tmin", "tmax"))) {

      if (is.null(params)) params <- parameter("dailymeanminmax", year = year)

      x <- convert_df_to_srl(x[,c("date", "tmean", "tmin", "tmax")])


  } else if (methods::is(x, "list")) {

    is_dataframe <- FALSE

      function(sr) {
        if (!methods::is(sr, "SpatRaster")) stop("If calculating with list of SpatRaster all list objects have to be SpatRaster.")

    if (all(names(x) %in% c("tmean", "tmin", "tmax"))) {

      params <- parameter("dailymeanminmax", year = year)

    } else stop("Name convention not correct. SpatRaster list needs three objects. These objects must be tmean, tmin and tmax!")

  } else if (methods::is(x, "SpatRaster")) {

    is_dataframe <- FALSE

    params <- parameter("hour", year = year)

  } else {

    stop("x has to be a SpatRaster for hourly raster data, a list of SpatRaster with tmean, tmin and tmax for daily raster data or a data.frame for daily or hourly weather station data.")


  reftime <- params$reftime

  # Convert hourly to daily mean, min and max temperatures (needed for most of
  # the models)
  if (reftime == "hour") {

    x_hour <- list("tmean" = x)
    x <- convert_hour_to_meanminmax(x_hour$tmean)


  ### 03 set and check times ---------------------------------------------------

  # write the times with lubridate
  x <- lapply(x, function(y) {
    terra::time(y) <- lubridate::ymd(terra::time(y), tz = NULL)

  # check if days complete
  time <- get_time(x)
  year <- lubridate::year(max(time))
  from <- lubridate::as_date(paste0(year - 1, "-09-01"), tz = NULL)
  to <- lubridate::as_date(paste0(year, "-09-30"), tz = NULL)

  if (to > max(time)) to <- max(time)

  message("Calculating PHENTHAUproc:")
  message("Temperature data input: ", reftime)
  message("Output datatype: ", if (is_dataframe) "dataframe" else "list of SpatRaster")
  message("Year of Prognosis: ", year)
  message("First day of calculation: ", from)
  message("Last day of calculation: ", to)

  sequence <- seq(from, to, by = "days")

  missing <- sum(!sequence %in% time)

  if (missing > 0) warning(missing, " missing days in time sequence.")

  ### 04 Calculate Quercus phenology -------------------------------------------

  # use budswelling if provided

  if (!is.null(budswelling)) {

    message("Budswelling is provided. Internal calculation is not used!")

    if (methods::is(budswelling, "SpatRaster")) {

      if (terra::crs(budswelling) != terra::crs(x[[1]])) {

        stop("Budswelling needs to have the same crs and extend as input raster.")


      budswelling <- convert_doy_to_logical(budswelling,
                                            from = params$budswelling$ts_start,
                                            to = to)

    } else if (methods::is(budswelling, "numeric")) {

      budswelling <- array(budswelling, dim = c(1, 1, 1))
      budswelling <- terra::rast(budswelling)

      budswelling <- convert_doy_to_logical(budswelling,
                                            from = params$budswelling$ts_start,
                                            to = to)

    } else stop("budswelling needs to be a SpatRaster or a numeric value")

  } else budswelling <- calc_phenology(x, params$budswelling)

  # calculate leafunfolding
  leafunfolding <- calc_phenology(x, params$leafunfolding)

  ### 05 Calculate hatch -------------------------------------------------------

  par_hatch <- c("custers", "wagenhoff", "meurisse")[
    c("custers", "wagenhoff", "meurisse") %in% names(params)

  hatch <- list()
  hatch[par_hatch] <- lapply(params[par_hatch], function(y) calc_phenology(x, y))

  hatch <- subset_time(hatch, from = params$L2$ts_start, to = params$L2$ts_end)

  # If first, the model which calculates the earliest hatch is taken
  # If mean the mean day of the different models is taken

  # calculate hatch
  if (def_hatch == "first") L1 <- calc_first(hatch)
  if (def_hatch == "mean") L1 <- calc_mean(hatch)

  ### 06 L1 feeding start and ppa/biocide application --------------------------

  # feeding starts with budswelling if hatch is not later
  L1_feeding_start <- terra::ifel(budswelling & L1, 1, 0)

  larvae <- c("L2", "L3", "L4", "L5", "L6", "Pp", "Ad")

  # add data to parameter lists
  # The development of the larvae starts with L1_feeding_start.
  params[larvae] <- lapply(params[larvae], function(y) {
    y$hatch <- L1_feeding_start

  ### 07 calculate larval stages -----------------------------------------------

  # calculate hatch-dependent models
  stages <- list("L1" = L1)

  temp_larvae <- if (reftime == "hour") x_hour else x

  stages[larvae] <- lapply(params[larvae], function(y) calc_phenology(temp_larvae, y))

  ### 08 mortality & PPA/biocide application -----------------------------------

  mortality <- calc_mortality(x, budswelling, L1)
  names(mortality) <- timename(mortality, "mortality")

  ppa_biocide <- terra::ifel(leafunfolding, 1, 0)
  ppa_biocide <- terra::ifel(stages$L4, 2, ppa_biocide)
  names(ppa_biocide) <- timename(ppa_biocide, "ppa_biocide")

  ### 09 Output ----------------------------------------------------------------

  # for dataframes
  if (is_dataframe) {

    out <- c(
      "budswelling" = budswelling,
      "leafunfolding" = leafunfolding,
      "L1_feeding_start" = L1_feeding_start,
      "ppa_biocide_start" = NA,
      "ppa_biocide_end" = NA,

    last_day <- max(get_time(stages))

    out$ppa_biocide_start <- ppa_biocide == 1
    out$ppa_biocide_end <- ppa_biocide == 2

    out <- lapply(out, convert_logical_to_time)

    out <- c(out, "mortality" = mortality)

    out <- lapply(out, function(x) as.numeric(terra::values(x)))

    out <- data.frame("model" = names(out),
                      "day" = as.character(out),
                      row.names = NULL)

    out[out$model != "mortality", "day"] <-
        lubridate::as_date(as.numeric(out[out$model != "mortality", "day"]))

    out <- rbind(out, data.frame(model = "last_day", day = as.character(last_day)))

  } else {

    # for SpatRaster

    stages <- Reduce(f = "+", stages)

    names(stages) <- timename(stages, "phenthau")

    out <- c(hatch,
             "budswelling" = budswelling,
             "leafunfolding" = leafunfolding,
             "ppa_biocide" = ppa_biocide,
             "mortality" = mortality,
             "stages" = stages)



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PHENTHAUproc documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:12 p.m.