
Defines functions ggobiMap ggobi.data ggobi.map ggobi.diagose data.manage

## Project: PKgraph
## File: ggobi.R
## Author: Xiaoyong Sun
## Date: 11/17/2009
## Goal: PKgraph
##        - handle ggobi function
## Notes:

ggobiMap <- function()
    ## check data exist
    if (!checkDataExist())
        ErrorMessage("No data exist!")


ggobi.data <- function()
    labelMessage1 <- "Please move data for diagnostics from left TABLE to right TABLE."
    labelMessage2 <- "After choosing data, click to interactive diagnostics."
    winTitle <- "Configure datasets"
    statusMessage <- "Data is ready for interactive diagnostics."

    selectDataDialog(winTitle, labelMessage1, labelMessage2, statusMessage, menuOption=2)

ggobi.map <- function(Message)
   # check data exist
    choose.dataname <- getItDataName()
    if (is.null(choose.dataname))
        ErrorMessage("Please choose specific data first using submenu above.")
    ggobi.map = gwindow("Map data", horizontal=FALSE)

    gtgroup1 = ggroup(cont=ggobi.map, horizontal=FALSE)

    gf1 <- gframe(text = "", markup = FALSE, pos = 0, horizontal=TRUE, container = gtgroup1)
    tbl <- glayout(cont=gf1)
      cline <- 0
      tbl.list <- list()
      for (i in 1: length(choose.dataname))
          cline <- cline + 1
          tbl[cline, 1, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = "Data Name"
          tbl[cline, 2, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = choose.dataname[i]

          cline <- cline + 1
          tbl[cline, 1, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = "Mapping key"
          tbl.list[[i]] = gdroplist(items=colnames(getCurrentData(choose.dataname[i])))
          tbl[cline, 2, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = tbl.list[[i]]


    #tbl2 <- glayout(cont=gtgroup2)

    gb1 = gbutton(text="Map data", horizontal=FALSE )
    addhandlerclicked(gb1, function(h,...)
                        key <- rep("", length(choose.dataname))
                        sapply(1:length(tbl.list), function(i) key[i] <<- svalue(tbl.list[[i]]))
                        svalue(pmg.statusBar) <- "Data is mapped for interactive graphics."

    cline <- cline + 1
    tbl[cline, 2, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = gb1

ggobi.diagose <- function()
    #check data exist
    key <- getItMap()
    if (is.null(key))
        ErrorMessage("Please choose data and map data first!")
    gwin <- gwindow(parent=NULL, height=getSubHeight(), width=getSubWidth())

    ## container for body --e xpand = TRUE
    g1 = ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, expand=FALSE) # expand

    #size(g1) =   c(rightWidth*0.3,mainHeight*0.3)
    glabel("Step 1: Map data", cont=g1)
    gf = gframe(horizontal=FALSE, expand=FALSE, cont=g1) # expand
          size(gf) <- c(getSubWidth()*0.5, getSubHeight()*0.8)
      tbl <- glayout(cont=gf)

    data.name <- getItDataName()
    plot.list <- list()

      cline <- 0
      for (i in 1: length(data.name))
          cline <- cline + 1
          tbl[cline, 1, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = "Data Name:"
          plot.list[[data.name[i]]] <- glabel(text=data.name[i])
          tbl[cline, 2, anchor = c(-1,-1)] = plot.list[[data.name[i]]]

          cline <- cline + 1
          tbl[cline, 1, anchor = c(0,0)] = "x"
          xname <- paste(data.name[i], "_x", sep="")
          plot.list[[xname]] <- gdroplist(items=c("", colnames(getCurrentData(data.name[i]))))
          tbl[cline, 2, anchor = c(0,0)] = plot.list[[xname]]

          cline <- cline + 1
          tbl[cline, 1, anchor = c(0,0)] = "y"
          yname <- paste(data.name[i], "_y", sep="")
          plot.list[[yname]] <- gdroplist(items=c("", colnames(getCurrentData(data.name[i]))))
          tbl[cline, 2, anchor = c(0,0)] = plot.list[[yname]]

    bg1 = ggroup(cont=g1)

     addSpace(bg1, getSubWidth()/10, horizontal=TRUE)
     mapButton = gbutton("Map Data", cont=bg1,
        handler = NULL)

     addSpace(bg1, getSubWidth()/10, horizontal=TRUE)
     removeButton = gbutton("Remove selection", cont=bg1,
        handler = NULL)
    g2 = ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, expand=FALSE) # expand
    #size(g2) =   c(rightWidth*0.3,mainHeight*0.3)
    glabel("Step 2: Configure plots", cont=g2)
    g22 = ggroup(horizontal=FALSE, expand=FALSE, cont=g2) # expand
    gt <- gtable(items=c(letters[1:24]), cont=g22, expand=TRUE)
    size(gt) <- c(getSubWidth()*0.5, getSubHeight()*0.8)
    gt[] <- c()

    bg2 = ggroup(cont=g2)
     addSpace(bg2, getSubWidth()/15, horizontal=TRUE)
     plotButton = gbutton("Plot selection", cont=bg2,
        handler = NULL)

     addSpace(bg2, getSubWidth()/15, horizontal=TRUE)
     allButton = gbutton("Plot all", cont=bg2,
        handler = NULL)

     addSpace(bg2, getSubWidth()/15, horizontal=TRUE)
     closeButton = gbutton("Close plots", cont=bg2,
        handler = NULL)
    leftpane =gpanedgroup(g1)
    rightpane =gpanedgroup(g2)

    part.pg = gpanedgroup(leftpane, rightpane)

    add(gwin, part.pg)
    addhandlerclicked(mapButton, handler=function(h,...)
                                key <- rep("", length(data.name))
                                mycheck <- sapply(1:length(data.name), function(i)
                                              if (svalue(plot.list[[i*3-1]])=="")
                                                  ErrorMessage(paste(data.name[i], ": No x value is selected!", sep=" "))
                                                  if (svalue(plot.list[[i*3]])=="")
                                                      key[i] <<- paste(svalue(plot.list[[i*3-2]]), svalue(plot.list[[i*3-1]]), sep=" ")
                                                     key[i] <<- paste(svalue(plot.list[[i*3-2]]), svalue(plot.list[[i*3]]), "vs", svalue(plot.list[[i*3-1]]), sep=" ")
                                if (any(mycheck))

                            old <- gt[]
                            if (length(old)==1 && is.na(old))
                                gt[] <- key
                                #gt[] <- c(old, key)
                                if (any(key %in% old))
                                    delete.key <- which(key %in% old)
                                    gt[] <- c(old, key[-delete.key])
                                    gt[] <- c(old,key)


    addhandlerclicked(removeButton, handler=function(h,...)
                          select.value <- svalue(gt)
                          all.value <- gt[]
                          if (length(select.value)==0)
                              ErrorMessage("Please select value first in the right table!")

                          select.ind <- which(gt[]==select.value)
                          gt[] <<- all.value[-select.ind[1]]

    addhandlerclicked(plotButton, handler=function(h,...)
                          select.value <- svalue(gt)
                          #all.value <- gt[]

                          if (length(select.value)==0)
                              ErrorMessage("Please select value first in the right table!")


                          ## data manage
                          select.data <- data.manage()
                          select.names <- names(select.data)
                          ggobi.object <- ggobi(select.data[1])
                          for (i in 2: length(select.data))
                              ggobi.object[i] <- select.data[i]

                          split.value <- unlist(strsplit(select.value, " "))

                          ## split =2, hist
                          ## split =4, scatterplot
                          ## split.value: dataname, y, vs, x
                          if (length(split.value)==2)
                              data.index <- which(split.value[1]==select.names)
                              myx <- paste("X", split.value[1], ".",split.value[2], sep="")
			if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows")
				myx <- gsub("/", ".", myx)
                              display(ggobi.object[data.index], pmode="Barchart", vars=list(X= myx))

                              data.index <- which(split.value[1]==select.names)
                              myx <- paste("X", split.value[1], ".",split.value[4], sep="")
			if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows")
				myx <- gsub("/", ".", myx)
                              myy <- paste("X", split.value[1], ".",split.value[2], sep="")
			if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows")
				myy <- gsub("/", ".", myy)
                              display(ggobi.object[data.index], pmode="Scatterplot Display", vars=list(X= myx, Y= myy))

    addhandlerclicked(allButton, handler=function(h,...)
                          select.value <- gt[]
                          #all.value <- gt[]

                          if (length(select.value)==0)
                              ErrorMessage("Please select value first in the right table!")


                          ## data manage
                          select.data <- data.manage()
                          select.names <- names(select.data)
                          ggobi.object <- ggobi(select.data[[1]])
                          for (i in 2: length(select.data))
                              ggobi.object[i] <- select.data[[i]]

                          for ( i in 1: length(select.value))
                              split.value <- unlist(strsplit(select.value[i], " "))

                              ## split =2, hist
                              ## split =4, scatterplot
                              ## split.value: dataname, y, vs, x
                              if (length(split.value)==2)
                                  data.index <- which(split.value[1]==select.names)
                                  myx <-  split.value[4]
                        			    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows")
                        				myx <- gsub("/", ".", myx)
                                  display(ggobi.object[data.index], pmode="Barchart", vars=list(X= myx))

                                  data.index <- which(split.value[1]==select.names)
                                  myx <-  split.value[4]
                        			    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows")
                        				      myx <- gsub("/", ".", myx)
                                  myy <- split.value[2]
                        			    if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] != "Windows")
                              				myy <- gsub("/", ".", myy)
                                  display(ggobi.object[data.index], pmode="Scatterplot Display", vars=list(X= myx, Y= myy))

    addhandlerclicked(closeButton, handler=function(h,...)


## map data with key id
data.manage <- function()
    map.dataset.names <- getItDataName()
    map.ids <- getItMap()
    map.data <- list()
    sapply(1:length(map.dataset.names), function(i)
              tmp.data <- getCurrentData(map.dataset.names[i])
              map.col <- colnames(tmp.data)
              map.col <- gsub(map.ids[i], map.ids[1], map.col)
              colnames(tmp.data) <- map.col
              map.data[[map.dataset.names[i]]] <<- tmp.data


Try the PKgraph package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

PKgraph documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:35 a.m.