
Defines functions prior_prp

Documented in prior_prp

#' Prior Predictive Replication p-value Calculation
#' Assessing the prior predictive distribution and calculating the replication
#' p-value based on it.
#' @param beta A 2-D vector, containing the estimates in the original study and the
#' replication study.
#' @param se A 2-D vector, containing the standard errors of the estimates in the original
#' study and the replication study.
#' @param r_vec A vector, defining the prior reproducible model. Each r value
#' corresponds to a probability of sign consistency.
#' @param test A string, determining which test statistics to utilize. If not specified,
#' the default two-sided one will be used.
#' @param report_PI A boolean, denoting whether the 95% predictive interval for
#' the estimates be reported or not. This option is only valid for two-sided
#' test statistics. The default is FALSE.
#' @return
#' A list with the following components:
#' \item{grid}{ The detailed grid values for the hyperparameters.}
#' \item{test_statistics}{ The test statistics used in calculating the replication p-value.}
#' \item{pvalue}{ The resulting prior predictive replicaiton p-value.}
#' \item{predictive_interval}{The 95% predictive interval if required.}
#' @importFrom stats dnorm integrate pnorm qchisq rnorm uniroot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("RPP_filtered")
#' attach(RPP_filtered)
#' rpp_pval<-sapply(1:nrow(RPP_filtered),function(x)
#'   prior_prp(beta=c(beta_orig[x], beta_rep[x]),se=c(se_orig[x],  se_rep[x]))$pvalue)
prior_prp <- function(beta,se,r_vec = c(0, 8e-4, 6e-3, 0.024),test="two_sided",report_PI=FALSE){
  reslist <- list()
  beta_o <- beta[1]
  beta_r <- beta[2]

  se2_o <- se[1]^2
  se2_r <- se[2]^2

  ## grid set-up
  eta2_vec = (se2_o+beta_o^2)/qchisq(c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), df=1)

  #pv = c(1.0, 0.99, 0.975, 0.95)
  rv = r_vec

  make_grid <-function(eta2){
    grid = sapply(rv, function(x)  c(eta2*(1-x), eta2*x))

  grid = c()

  for (i in 1:length(eta2_vec)){
    grid = rbind(grid, make_grid(eta2_vec[i]))
  reslist[["grid"]] = grid

  omg2 = grid[,1]
  phi2 = grid[,2]

  # prior updates
  mean <- sapply(1:length(omg2),function(x)

  var <- sapply(1:length(omg2),function(x)

  pval <- sapply(1:length(mean),function(x)
    pnorm(beta_r, mean=mean[x],sd=sqrt(var[x])))

  #weights for each model
  wts = dnorm(beta_o, mean=0, sd=sqrt(omg2+se2_o+phi2))
  wts = wts/sum(wts)

  pval_wt <- wts%*%pval

  res = NA
  reslist["test_statistics"] = test

  if (test=="pub_bias"){
    mean_scale <- mean/beta_o
    sd_scale <- sqrt(var)/abs(beta_o)
    pval_new <- sapply(1:length(mean),function(x)
      pnorm(beta_r/beta_o, mean=mean_scale[x],sd=sd_scale[x]))

    res = wts%*%pval_new
    reslist[["pvalue"]] = res
  if (test == "two_sided"){
    res <- 2*min(pval_wt,1-pval_wt)
    if (report_PI){
      mixture_CDF_right <- Vectorize(function(t)

      root_right <- uniroot(mixture_CDF_right,c(mean(mean),10))$root

      mixture_CDF_left <- Vectorize(function(t)

      root_left <- uniroot(mixture_CDF_left,c(-10,mean(mean)))$root

      reslist[["predictive_interval"]] <- c(PI_left_95p=root_left,PI_right_95p=root_right)

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PRP documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 9:06 a.m.