#' Estimated potential outcome for principal stratification analysis
#' Create an object useful to present the potential outcomes under each treatment arm
#' for each principal stratum. Contrasts between treatment arms or principal strata
#' are easy to obtain from this object.
#' @param PStrataObj an object of class \code{PStrata} or \code{PStrata_survival}
#' @param type whether the causal estimand is survival probability or RACE, ignored for non-survival outcomes.
#' @return An S3 object of type \code{PSOutcome}, containing
#' \item{outcome_array}{A num_strata * num_treatment * num_iter array of mean outcome if the outcome type is non-survival
#' or a num_strata * num_treatment * num_time_points * num_iter array of mean outcome if the outcome type is survival.}
#' \item{is.survival}{A boolean value, whether the outcome type is survival.}
#' \item{time_points}{The time points at which the outcome is evaluated, if the outcome type is survival.}
#' The S3 method \code{summary} and \code{plot} can be applied to the returned object.
#' @export
PSOutcome <- function(PStrataObj, type = c("probability", "RACE")) {
if (inherits(PStrataObj, "PStrata")){
mean_effect <- rstan::extract(PStrataObj$post_samples)$'mean_effect'
S_count <- PStrataObj$PSobject$strata_info$num_strata
Z_count <- PStrataObj$PSobject$strata_info$num_treatment
iter_count <- nrow(mean_effect)
SZDG_table <- PStrataObj$PSobject$SZDG_table
outcome_array <- array(NA, dim = c(S_count, Z_count, iter_count))
for (S in 1:S_count) {
for (Z in 1:Z_count) {
G <- SZDG_table[SZDG_table[, 'S'] == S - 1 & SZDG_table[, 'Z'] == Z - 1, 'G']
outcome_array[S, Z, ] <- mean_effect[, G]
dimnames(outcome_array)[[1]] <- PStrataObj$PSobject$strata_info$strata_names
dimnames(outcome_array)[[2]] <- PStrataObj$PSobject$Z_names
return (structure(
outcome_array = outcome_array,
is.survival = FALSE
class = "PSOutcome"
else {
outcome_type <- match.arg(type, c("probability", "RACE"))
if (outcome_type == "probability"){
mean_outcome <- rstan::extract(PStrataObj$post_samples)$'mean_surv_prob'
else if (outcome_type == "RACE") {
mean_outcome <- rstan::extract(PStrataObj$post_samples)$'mean_RACE'
S_count <- PStrataObj$PSobject$strata_info$num_strata
Z_count <- PStrataObj$PSobject$strata_info$num_treatment
time_points <- make_standata(PStrataObj$PSobject)$time
T_count <- length(time_points)
iter_count <- dim(mean_outcome)[1]
SZDG_table <- PStrataObj$PSobject$SZDG_table
outcome_array <- array(NA, dim = c(S_count, Z_count, T_count, iter_count))
for (S in 1:S_count) {
for (Z in 1:Z_count) {
G <- SZDG_table[SZDG_table[, 'S'] == S - 1 & SZDG_table[, 'Z'] == Z - 1, 'G']
outcome_array[S, Z, , ] <- t(mean_outcome[, G, ])
dimnames(outcome_array)[[1]] <- PStrataObj$PSobject$strata_info$strata_names
dimnames(outcome_array)[[2]] <- PStrataObj$PSobject$Z_names
dimnames(outcome_array)[[3]] <- 1:T_count
return (structure(
outcome_array = outcome_array,
is.survival = TRUE,
time_points = time_points
class = "PSOutcome"
#' @exportS3Method
print.PSOutcome <- function(x, ...) {
if (!x$is.survival) {
cat("Non-survival PSOutcome Object (", dim(x$outcome_array)[1],
" strata, ", dim(x$outcome_array)[2],
" treatment arms, ", dim(x$outcome_array)[3], " iterations)\n", sep = '')
} else {
cat("Survival PSOutcome Object (", dim(x$outcome_array)[1],
" strata, ", dim(x$outcome_array)[2],
" treatment arms, ", dim(x$outcome_array)[4], " iterations)\n", sep = '')
cat("Evaluated at ", dim(x$outcome_array)[3], " time points.\n", sep = '')
#' @export
summary.PSOutcome <- function(object, type = c("array", "matrix", "data.frame"), ...){
if (!object$is.survival) {
summary_raw <- apply(object$outcome_array, c(2,1),
function(x) c(mean(x), stats::sd(x), stats::quantile(x, 0.025), stats::quantile(x,0.25),
stats::median(x), stats::quantile(x, 0.75), stats::quantile(x, 0.975)))
summary_res_array <- aperm(summary_raw, c(3,2,1))
summary_names <- c("mean", "sd", "2.5%", "25%", "median", "75%", "97.5%")
S_names <- dimnames(summary_res_array)[[1]]
Z_names <- dimnames(summary_res_array)[[2]]
dimnames(summary_res_array)[[3]] <- summary_names
summary_res_matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(S_names) * length(Z_names),
ncol = length(summary_names))
for (i in 1:dim(summary_res_array)[1])
for (j in 1:dim(summary_res_array)[2]) {
summary_res_matrix[(i - 1) * dim(summary_res_array)[2] + j, ] <- summary_res_array[i, j, ]
tmp_names <- expand.grid(Z_names, S_names)[, c(2,1)]
colnames(summary_res_matrix) <- summary_names
rownames(summary_res_matrix) <- apply(tmp_names, 1, paste, collapse = ":")
summary_res_df <-
SZ <- purrr::transpose(stringr::str_split(rownames(summary_res_df), ":"))
summary_res_df <- cbind(S = unlist(SZ[[1]]), Z = unlist(SZ[[2]]), summary_res_df)
if (match.arg(type, c("array", "matrix", "data.frame")) == "array")
return (summary_res_array)
else if (match.arg(type, c("array", "matrix", "data.frame")) == "matrix")
return (summary_res_matrix)
else if (match.arg(type, c("array", "matrix", "data.frame")) == "data.frame")
return (summary_res_df)
else {
summary_raw <- apply(object$outcome_array, c(3,2,1),
function(x) c(mean(x), stats::sd(x), stats::quantile(x, 0.025), stats::quantile(x,0.25),
stats::median(x), stats::quantile(x, 0.75), stats::quantile(x, 0.975)))
summary_res_array <- aperm(summary_raw, c(4,3,2,1))
summary_names <- c("mean", "sd", "2.5%", "25%", "median", "75%", "97.5%")
S_names <- dimnames(summary_res_array)[[1]]
Z_names <- dimnames(summary_res_array)[[2]]
T_names <- dimnames(summary_res_array)[[3]]
dimnames(summary_res_array)[[4]] <- summary_names
summary_res_matrix <- matrix(nrow = length(S_names) * length(Z_names) * length(T_names),
ncol = length(summary_names))
for (i in 1:dim(summary_res_array)[1])
for (j in 1:dim(summary_res_array)[2]) {
for (t in 1:dim(summary_res_array)[3]) {
summary_res_matrix[(i - 1) * dim(summary_res_array)[2] * dim(summary_res_array)[3] + (j - 1) * dim(summary_res_array)[3] + t, ] <- summary_res_array[i, j, t, ]
tmp_names <- expand.grid(T_names, Z_names, S_names)[, c(3,2,1)]
colnames(summary_res_matrix) <- summary_names
rownames(summary_res_matrix) <- apply(tmp_names, 1, paste, collapse = ":")
summary_res_df <-
SZT <- purrr::transpose(stringr::str_split(rownames(summary_res_df), ":"))
if (any([[3]]))))){
summary_res_df <- cbind(S = unlist(SZT[[1]]), Z = unlist(SZT[[2]]),
T = unlist(SZT[[3]]), summary_res_df)
summary_res_df <- cbind(S = unlist(SZT[[1]]), Z = unlist(SZT[[2]]),
T = object$time_points[as.integer(unlist(SZT[[3]]))], summary_res_df)
if (match.arg(type, c("array", "matrix", "data.frame")) == "array")
return (summary_res_array)
else if (match.arg(type, c("array", "matrix", "data.frame")) == "matrix")
return (summary_res_matrix)
else if (match.arg(type, c("array", "matrix", "data.frame")) == "data.frame")
return (summary_res_df)
#' @export
`[.PSOutcome` <- function(PSoutcome, S, Z, T, iter) {
if (missing(S)) S <- TRUE
if (missing(Z)) Z <- TRUE
if (missing(T)) T <- TRUE
if (missing(iter)) iter <- TRUE
if (!PSoutcome$is.survival){
if (!all(iter))
PSoutcome$outcome_array <- PSoutcome$outcome_array[S, Z, iter, drop = FALSE]
PSoutcome$outcome_array <- PSoutcome$outcome_array[S, Z, T, drop = FALSE]
} else {
PSoutcome$outcome_array <- PSoutcome$outcome_array[S, Z, T, iter, drop = FALSE]
return (PSoutcome)
#' @export
plot.PSOutcome <- function(x, se = T, ...) {
lwr <- upr <- NULL
plot_df <- summary(x, "data.frame")
plot_df$lwr <- plot_df$`2.5%`
plot_df$upr <- plot_df$`97.5%`
if (!x$is.survival) {
Gplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_df) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = mean, y = "")) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(Z~S, scale = "free")
if (se)
Gplot <- Gplot + ggplot2::geom_linerange(ggplot2::aes(xmin = lwr, xmax = upr , y = ""))
return (Gplot)
else {
if (any($T)))) {
Gplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_df) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = T, y = mean)) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(Z~S, scale = "free")
if (se)
Gplot <- Gplot + ggplot2::geom_linerange(ggplot2::aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, x = T))
Gplot <- Gplot + ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
Gplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_df) + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = T, y = mean)) +
ggplot2::facet_grid(Z~S, scale = "free")
if (se)
Gplot <- Gplot + ggplot2::geom_ribbon(ggplot2::aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, x = T),
alpha = 0.3)
return (Gplot)
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