
Defines functions airsis_loadAnnual

Documented in airsis_loadAnnual

#' @keywords AIRSIS
#' @export
#' @title Load annual AIRSIS monitoring data
#' @param year Desired year (integer or character representing YYYY).
#' @param parameter Parameter of interest.
#' @param baseUrl Base URL for 'annual' AIRSIS data files.
#' @param dataDir Local directory containing 'annual' data files.
#' @return A \emph{ws_monitor} object with AIRSIS data.
#' @description Loads pre-generated .RData files containing annual
#' AIRSIS data.
#' If \code{dataDir} is defined, data will be loaded from this local
#' dirctory. Otherwise, data will be loaded from the monitoring data repository
#' maintained by PWFSL.
#' The annual files loaded by this function are updated on the 15'th of each
#' month and cover the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the
#' last month.
#' For data during the last 45 days, use \code{airsis_loadDaily()}.
#' For the most recent data, use \code{airsis_loadLatest()}.
#' AIRSIS parameters include the following:
#' \enumerate{
# #' \item{BARPR}
# #' \item{BC}
# #' \item{CO}
# #' \item{NO}
# #' \item{NO2}
# #' \item{NO2Y}
# #' \item{NO2X}
# #' \item{NOX}
# #' \item{NOOY}
# #' \item{OC}
# #' \item{OZONE}
# #' \item{PM10}
#' \item{PM2.5}
# #' \item{PRECIP}
# #' \item{RHUM}
# #' \item{SO2}
# #' \item{SRAD}
# #' \item{TEMP}
# #' \item{UV-AETH}
# #' \item{WD}
# #' \item{WS}
#' }
#' Available AIRSIS RData and associated log files can be seen at:
#' \href{https://haze.airfire.org/monitoring/AIRSIS/RData/}{https://haze.airfire.org/monitoring/AIRSIS/RData/}
#' @seealso \code{\link{airsis_loadDaily}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{airsis_loadLatest}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' airsis_loadAnnual(2017) %>%
#'   monitor_subset(stateCodes='MT', tlim=c(20170701,20170930)) %>%
#'   monitor_dailyStatistic() %>%
#'   monitor_timeseriesPlot(style = 'gnats', ylim=c(0,300), xpd=NA)
#'   addAQIStackedBar()
#'   addAQILines()
#'   title("Montana 2017 -- AIRSIS Daily Average PM2.5")
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }

airsis_loadAnnual <- function(year = NULL,
                              parameter = 'PM2.5',
                              baseUrl = 'https://haze.airfire.org/monitoring',
                              dataDir = NULL) {

  # ----- Validate parameters --------------------------------------------------

  if ( is.null(year) ) {
    stop("Required parameter 'year' is missing.")
  year <- as.numeric(year)

  validParams <- c("PM2.5")
  if ( !parameter %in% validParams ) {
    paramsString <- paste(validParams, collapse=", ")
    stop(paste0("'", parameter,
                "' is not a supported parameter. Use 'parameter = ",
                paramsString, "'"), call.=FALSE)

  if ( year < 2004 ) {
    stop("PWFSL has no annual data files for AIRSIS prior to 2004.")

  # Load the data --------------------------------------------------------------

  # Create URL and filename according to the PWFSLSmoke naming scheme
  baseUrl <- paste0(baseUrl, '/AIRSIS/RData/', year)
  filename <- paste0("airsis_", parameter, "_", year, ".RData")

  ws_monitor <- MazamaCoreUtils::loadDataFile(filename, baseUrl, dataDir)



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PWFSLSmoke documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 5:06 p.m.