#' @title Color Palettes for Air Quality Monitoring Data
#' @description Creates a *leaflet* color palette function that can be used
#' to convert monitoring data into vectors of colors.
#' @param style Palette style, one of `aqi`.
#' @param reverse Logicial specifying whether the colors (or color function) in
#' palette should be used in reverse order.
#' @return A function that takes a single parameter x; when called with a vector
#' of numbers, #RRGGBB color strings are returned.
#' @seealso `leaflet::colorBin()`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pm25 <- PWFSLSmoke::Carmel_Valley$data[,2]
#' binned_colors <- aqiPalette("aqi")(pm25)
#' plot(pm25, col=binned_colors, pch=15, main='Binned Colors')
aqiPalette <- function(style = "aqi",
reverse = FALSE) {
# Validate style
validStyles <- c("aqi")#, "aqi_numeric")
if ( !(style %in% validStyles) ) {
"'", style, "' is not a valid 'style' \n",
"Please choose from: ", paste0(validStyles, collapse = ", ")
# Create palette
if ( style == "aqi" ) {
palette <- leaflet::colorBin(palette = AQI$colors,
bins = AQI$breaks_24,
na.color = "#bbbbbb",
alpha = FALSE,
reverse = reverse)
# } else if ( style == "aqi_numeric" ) {
# TODO: Generate a continuous color palette which touches AQI colors at
# TODO: the AQI break points.
# palette <- leaflet::colorNumeric(palette = AQI$colors,
# bins = AQI$breaks_24,
# na.color = "#bbbbbb")
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