
Defines functions mc_plot overlayCI

Documented in mc_plot overlayCI

overlayCI <- function(cis, xpos=NULL,ci.cols=NULL,  ci.ex=2, ci.ocol = "grey40", p.col="grey40",pch=1, sig.col = "red",sig.lwd = 1,yusr=NULL,ci.label="Differences",ci.cex=0.5,arrow.length=0.1,...)
	 # draw the confidence intervals
      npairs <- nrow(cis)
      if (is.null(xpos))
          xp <- (1:npairs)+.5
      else xp <- xpos
      if (is.null(yusr)) {
        yrange <- pretty(range(cis,na.rm=TRUE))
        yusr <- c(min(yrange), max(yrange))
      xusr <- par("usr")[1:2]
      usr <- c(xusr,yusr)
      m <- cis[,1]
      cis <- cis[,-1]
	  nlevels <- ncol(cis)/2
      if (is.null(ci.cols)) ci.cols <- gray.colors(nlevels, start=0.4, end=0.8)
      n <- ncol(cis) 
      cis <- cis[,n:1]
      for (lev in 1:nlevels) {
      	  j <- 2*(lev-1)
	      for (i in 1:length(xp)) 
	      if (!is.na(cis[i,1])) {
	                  cis[i,(1:2) + j],
	                  lwd= ci.ex * lev,lend=2)
        for (i in 1:length(xp)) 
         if (!is.na(cis[i,1]))
       	  lines(c(xp[i]-.2, xp[i]+.2), c(0,0),col=ci.ocol)
       	if (!is.null(ci.ocol)) arrows(usr[2],0, usr[2]-.5,0, col=ci.ocol,length=arrow.length)

       	points(xp, m, col=p.col,pch=pch,cex=ci.cex)       	      
       	 limits <- cis[,2:1]  
          for (i in 1:npairs)	{
          if (!is.na(limits[i,1]) && limits[i,1]>=0) {
		       arrows(xp[i],-limits[i,1], xp[i],0,
	           col=sig.col, length=arrow.length,lwd=sig.lwd,
		  if (!is.na(limits[i,1]) && limits[i,2]<=0) {
	       arrows(xp[i], -limits[i,2],xp[i], 0,
	          col=sig.col, length=arrow.length,lwd=sig.lwd,
	     # arrows(length(o)+1,0, length(o)+.5,0, col=ci.ocol,lwd=2)
          axis(4,labels=ci.label,at=0,line=par("mgp")[1]-1,tcl=0, cex.axis=par("cex.lab"),col=ci.ocol,col.axis=ci.ocol)
  function(data, fit,path =eulerian, col=rainbow(length(data),s=.4), 
           varwidth=TRUE,frame.plot=FALSE,boxwex=.3,cex=0.75,zoom=NULL, ci.yusr=NULL,ci.pos=FALSE,...)  {
    # fit is either an aov, or else  a matrix with columns estimate, followed by confidence intervals
    # if fit is not an aov, path should also be provided
    cifunction<- function(a,level) TukeyHSD(a,conf.level= level)[[1]]
    if (is.function(path) & inherits(fit, "aov")){
      tuk <- cifunction(fit, 0.95)
      # put p-values into distance matrix and order them
      d <- edge2dist(tuk[,4])
      o <- path(d)
    else o <- path
    if (is.null(o)) 
      stop("No path provided or calculted")
    if (!is.null(zoom)) {
      o <- o[zoom]
    bp <-boxplot(data[o],col=col[o],varwidth=varwidth,
    if (inherits(fit, "aov")){
      nlevels <- length(levels)
      cis <- NULL
      for (lev in levels) {
        tuk <- cifunction(fit,lev)
        cis <- cbind(cis,tuk[,2:3])
      cis <-cbind(tuk[,1],cis)
    else cis <- fit
    if (!is.null(cis)){
      cis <- path_cis(cis,o,ci.pos=ci.pos)

# mc_plot <- function(data, fit,path =eulerian, col=rainbow(length(data),s=.4), levels=c(0.90,0.95,0.99), 
# cifunction=function(a,level) TukeyHSD(a,conf.level= level)[[1]],
# varwidth=TRUE,frame.plot=FALSE,boxwex=.3,cex=0.75,zoom=NULL, ci.yusr=NULL,ci.pos=FALSE,...)  {
# 	if (is.function(path)){
# 		tuk <- cifunction(fit, 0.95)
#       # put p-values into distance matrix and order them
#       d <- edge2dist(tuk[,4])
#       o <- path(d)
#       }
#       else o <- path
#       if (is.null(o)) o <- 1:length(data)
#       if (!is.null(zoom)) {
#     	o <- o[zoom]
#     	}
#        bp <-boxplot(data[o],col=col[o],varwidth=varwidth,
#              frame.plot=frame.plot,boxwex=boxwex,cex=cex,...)
#       nlevels <- length(levels)
#       cis <- NULL
#       for (lev in levels) {
# 	      tuk <- cifunction(fit,lev)
# 	      cis <- cbind(cis,tuk[,2:3])
# 	  }
# 	  if (!is.null(cis)){
#       cis <-cbind(tuk[,1],cis)
#       cis <- path_cis(cis,o,ci.pos=ci.pos)
#       overlayCI(cis,yusr=ci.yusr,...) 
#      }
#       invisible()    		
# 	}	      

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PairViz documentation built on Aug. 12, 2022, 5:06 p.m.