
Defines functions hydrophobicity

Documented in hydrophobicity

#' @export hydrophobicity
#' @title Compute the hydrophobicity index of a protein sequence
#' @description This function calculates the GRAVY hydrophobicity index of an amino acids sequence using one of the 38 scales from different sources.
#' @param seq An amino-acids sequence
#' @param scale A character string specifying the hydophobicity scale to be used; must be one of \code{"Aboderin"}, \code{"AbrahamLeo"}, \code{"Argos"}, \code{"BlackMould"}, \code{"BullBreese"}, \code{"Casari"}, \code{"Chothia"}, \code{"Cid"}, \code{"Cowan3.4"}, \code{"Cowan7.5"}, \code{"Eisenberg"}, \code{"Engelman"}, \code{"Fasman"}, \code{"Fauchere"}, \code{"Goldsack"}, \code{"Guy"}, \code{"HoppWoods"}, \code{"Janin"}, \code{"Jones"}, \code{"Juretic"}, \code{"Kidera"}, \code{"Kuhn"}, \code{"KyteDoolittle"}, \code{"Levitt"}, \code{"Manavalan"}, \code{"Miyazawa"}, \code{"Parker"}, \code{"Ponnuswamy"}, \code{"Prabhakaran"}, \code{"Rao"}, \code{"Rose"}, \code{"Roseman"}, \code{"Sweet"}, \code{"Tanford"}, \code{"Welling"}, \code{"Wilson"}, \code{"Wolfenden"}, \code{"Zimmerman"}, \code{"interfaceScale_pH8"}, \code{"interfaceScale_pH2"}, \code{"octanolScale_pH8"}, \code{"octanolScale_pH2"}, \code{"oiScale_pH8"} or \code{"oiScale_pH2"}.
#' @return The computed GRAVY index for a given amino-acid sequence
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#' @details The hydrophobicity is an important stabilization force in protein folding; this force changes depending on the solvent in which the protein is found. The hydrophobicity index is calculated adding the hydrophobicity of individual amino acids and dividing this value by the length of the sequence.
#' @examples 
#' # COMPARED TO GRAVY Grand average of hydropathicity (GRAVY) ExPASy
#' # http://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/protparam/protparam
#' # GRAVY: -0.950
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Aboderin")
#' #[1] 3.84
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "AbrahamLeo")
#' #[1] 0.092
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Argos")
#' #[1] 1.033
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "BlackMould")
#' #[1] 0.50125
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "BullBreese")
#' #[1] 0.1575
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Casari")
#' #[1] 0.38
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Chothia")
#' #[1] 0.262
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Cid")
#' #[1] 0.198
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Cowan3.4")
#' #[1] 0.0845
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Cowan7.5")
#' #[1] 0.0605
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Eisenberg")
#' #[1] -0.3265
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Engelman")
#' #[1] 2.31
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Fasman")
#' #[1] -1.2905
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Fauchere")
#' #[1] 0.527
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Goldsack")
#' #[1] 1.2245
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Guy")
#' #[1] 0.193
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "HoppWoods")
#' #[1] -0.14
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Janin")
#' #[1] -0.105
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Jones")
#' #[1] 1.4675
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Juretic")
#' #[1] -1.106
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Kidera")
#' #[1] -0.0405
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Kuhn")
#' #[1] 0.9155
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "KyteDoolittle")
#' #[1] -0.95
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Levitt")
#' #[1] -0.21
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Manavalan")
#' #[1] 13.0445
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Miyazawa")
#' #[1] 5.739
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Parker")
#' #[1] 1.095
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Ponnuswamy")
#' #[1] 0.851
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Prabhakaran")
#' #[1] 9.67
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Rao")
#' #[1] 0.813
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Rose")
#' #[1] 0.7575
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Roseman")
#' #[1] -0.495
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Sweet")
#' #[1] -0.1135
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Tanford")
#' #[1] -0.2905
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Welling")
#' #[1] -0.666
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Wilson")
#' #[1] 3.16
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Wolfenden")
#' #[1] -6.307
#' hydrophobicity(seq = "QWGRRCCGWGPGRRYCVRWC",scale = "Zimmerman")
#' #[1] 0.943
hydrophobicity <- function(seq, scale = "KyteDoolittle") {
  # Loading hydrophobicity scales
  Hydrophobicity <- AAdata$Hydrophobicity
  # Setting the hydrophobicity scale
  scale <- match.arg(scale, names(Hydrophobicity))
  # Split sequence by aminoacids
  seq <- aaCheck(seq)
  # Sum the hydrophobicity of each amino acid and divide them between the sequence length
  # Return the GRAVY value
  h <-
    lapply(seq, function(seq) {
      (sum(Hydrophobicity[[scale]][seq], na.rm = TRUE) / length(seq))

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