Man pages for PivotalR
A Fast, Easy-to-Use Tool for Manipulating Tables in Databases and a Wrapper of MADlib

abaloneAbalone data set
aggregate-methodsFunctions to perform a calculation on multiple values and...
aicAIC methods for Madlib regression objects
arith-methodsArithmetic Operators for 'db.obj' objects strings extracted from database into arrays
array.lenGet the length of the array in an array column other objects into a '' object
as.environmentEvaluate expressions within the context of a database table...
as.factor-methodsConvert one column of a 'db.obj' object into a categorical...
by-methodsApply a Function to a '' Split by column(s)
cbind2Combine two 'db.obj' Objects by Columns
clean.madlib.tempDelete all the result tables created during calculations of...
coefExtract model coefficients for Madlib regression objects
compare-methodsComparison Operators for 'db.obj' objects
connection-infoUtilities for extracting related information about a database...
conn.eqlCheck whether two connections are the same
conn.idFind out the connection ID of a 'db.obj' object
contentPrint the content of a 'db.obj' object
crossprodCompute the matrix product of 'X^T' and 'Y'.
db.connectCreate a connection to a database a '' object pointing to a table/view in... '""'
db.disconnectDisconnect a connection to a database
db.existsObjectTest whether an object exists in the database
db.listList all the currently active connections with their...
db.obj-classAbstract Class '"db.obj"'
db.objectsList all the existing tables/views in a database with their...
db.qExecute a SQL query
db.Rcrossprod-classClass '"db.Rcrossprod"'
db.Rquery-classClass '"db.Rquery"' and its sub-class 'db.Rview-class' or set the search path (i.e. default schemas) for a...
db.table-classClass '"db.table"'
db.view-classClass '"db.view"'
delete-methodsSafely delete a 'db.obj' object or a table/view in the...
dim-methodsDimension of a table
eql-methodsTest if two objects point to the same table
extract-replace-methodsExtract or replace a part of 'db.obj' objects
func-methodsMathematical functions that take 'db.obj' objects as the...
generic.baggingThis function runs boostrap aggregating for a given training...
generic.cvGeneric cross-validation for supervised learning algorithms
getTree.rf.madlibMADlib wrapper function for Random Forest
groupsSummary information for Logistic Regression output
ifelseConditional Element Selection if an object is of type ''
is.factor-methodsDetect whether a 'db.obj' object is a categorical object if the entries in a table are NULL
keyGet or set the primary key for a table
logical-methodsLogical operations for 'db.obj' objects
madlib.arimaWrapper for MADlib's ARIMA model fitting function
madlib.elnetMADlib's elastic net regularization for generalized linear...
madlib.glmGeneralized Linear Regression by MADlib in databases
madlib.kmeansWrapper for MADlib's Kmeans clustering function
madlib.ldaWrapper for MADlib's Latent Dirichilet Allocation
madlib.lmLinear regression with grouping support, heteroskedasticity
madlib.randomForestMADlib wrapper function for Random Forest
madlib.rpartMADlib wrapper function for Decision Tree
madlib.summaryData summary function
madlib.svmSupport Vector Machine with regression and novelty detection
marginsCompute the marginal effects of regression models
merge-methodsComputing a join on two tables
na.actionFunctions for filtering 'NA' values in data
names-methodsThe Names of an object
null.dataA Data Set with lots of 'NA' values
perplexity.lda.madlibPerplexity of LDA predictions
pivotalrGraphical interface for PivotalR based upon shiny
pkg-packageAn R font-end to PostgreSQL and Greenplum database, and...
plot.dt.madlibPlot the result of madlib.rpart
predictGenerate the 'db.Rquery' object that can calculate the...
predict.arima.madlibForecast from MADlib's ARIMA fits
predict.bagging.modelMake predictions using the result of 'generic.bagging'
predict.dt.madlibCompute the predictions of the model produced by madlib.rpart
predict.elnet.madlibPredict using the regression result of elastic net...
predict.lda.madlibPrediction function for MADlib's LDA models
predict.rf.madlibCompute the predictions of the model produced by...
previewRead the actual data stored in a table of database.
print.arima.madlibDisplay results of ARIMA fitting of 'madlib.arima'
print.dt.madlibPrint the result of madlib.rpart
print.elnet.madlibDisplay the results from madlib.elnet function in a pretty...
print.lm.madlibDisplay results of linear regression
print.logregr.madlibDisplay results of logistic regression
print-methodsDisplay the connection information associated with a 'db'...
print.none.objFunction used in GUI to print absolutely nothing
print.rf.madlibPrint the result of madlib.randomForest
print.summary.madlibDisplay the results from summary function in a pretty format
residualsResiduals methods for Madlib regression objects
row_actionsCompute the sum or mean of all columns in one row of a table
sample-methodsMethods for sampling rows of data from a table/view randomly
scale-methodsScaling and centering of tables
sort-methodsSort a table or view by a set of columns
subset-methodsExtract a subset of a table or view
summary.arima.madlibSummary information for MADlib's ARIMA model
summary.elnet.madlibSummary information for Elastic net regularization output
summary.lm.madlibSummary information for Linear Regression output
summary.logregr.madlibSummary information for Logistic Regression output
text.dt.madlibAdd labels onto the figure generated by plot.dt.madlib
type-castCast columns of 'db.obj' objects to other types
unique-methodsThe Unique of an object
vcovvcov methods for Madlib regression objects
PivotalR documentation built on March 13, 2021, 1:06 a.m.