calcFx | Empirical distribution function of p-values. |
checklaw | Check proper behaviour of a random generator |
compquant | Computation of the quantile values only for one test... |
create.alter | Create a list giving the type of test statistics. |
densities | Density function |
Distributions | Distributions in the PoweR package |
gensample | Generate random samples from a law added in the package. |
getindex | Get indices of laws and statistics functions. |
getnbparlaws | Retrieve the default number of parameters of some laws. |
getnbparstats | Get numbers of parameters of test statistics. |
graph | p-value plot, p-value discrepancy plot and size-power curves. | | Help Law |
help.stat | Help Stat |
Laplace.tests | Goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution |
law0001.Laplace | The Laplace Distribution |
law0002.Normal | The Normal Distribution |
law0003.Cauchy | The Cauchy Distribution |
law0004.Logistic | The Logistic Distribution |
law0005.Gamma | The Gamma Distribution |
law0006.Beta | The Beta Distribution |
law0007.Uniform | The Uniform Distribution |
law0008.Student | The Student t Distribution |
law0009.Chisquared | The Chi-Squared Distribution |
law0010.LogNormal | The Log Normal Distribution |
law0011.Weibull | The Weibull Distribution |
law0012.ShiftedExp | The Shifted Exponential Distribution |
law0013.PowerUnif | The Power Uniform Distribution |
law0014.AverageUnif | The Average Uniform Distribution |
law0015.UUnif | The UUniform Distribution |
law0016.VUnif | The VUniform Distribution |
law0017.JohnsonSU | The Johnson SU Distribution |
law0018.Tukey | The Tukey Distribution |
law0019.LocationCont | The Location Contaminated Distribution |
law0020.JohnsonSB | The Johnson SB Distribution |
law0021.SkewNormal | The Skew Normal Distribution |
law0022.ScaleCont | The Scale Contaminated Distribution |
law0023.GeneralizedPareto | The Generalized Pareto Distribution |
law0024.GeneralizedError | The Generalized Error Distribution |
law0025.Stable | The Stable Distribution |
law0026.Gumbel | The Gumbel Distribution |
law0027.Frechet | The Frechet Distribution |
law0028.GeneralizedExtValue | The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
law0029.GeneralizedArcsine | The Generalized Arcsine Distribution |
law0030.FoldedNormal | The Folded Normal Distribution |
law0031.MixtureNormal | The Mixture Normal Distribution |
law0032.TruncatedNormal | The Truncated Normal Distribution |
law0033.Nout | The Normal with outliers Distribution |
law0034.GeneralizedExpPower | The Generalized Exponential Power Distribution |
law0035.Exponential | The Exponential Distribution |
law0036.AsymmetricLaplace | The Asymmetric Laplace Distribution |
law0037.NormalInvGaussian | The Normal-inverse Gaussian Distribution |
law0038.AsymmetricPowerDistribution | The Asymmetric Power Distribution |
law0039.modifiedAsymmetricPowerDistribution | The modified Asymmetric Power Distribution |
law0040.Log-Pareto-tail-normal | The Log-Pareto-tail-normal Distribution |
law.cstr | Gives information about a given law. |
many.crit | Computation of critical values for several test statistics |
many.pval | Computes several p-values for many test statistics. |
moments | Expectation and variance. |
Normality.tests | Goodness-of-fit tests for normality. |
plot.discrepancy | p-value discrepancy plot. |
plot.pvalue | p-value plot. |
plot.sizepower | size-power curves. |
powcomp-easy | Computation of power and level tables for hypothesis tests. |
powcomp-fast | Computation of power and level tables for hypothesis tests. |
power.gui | PoweR GUI |
print.critvalues | Latex table for critical values |
print.power | Latex table for power simulations |
pvalueMC | Monte-Carlo computation of a p-value for one single test... |
stat0001.Lilliefors | The Lilliefors test for normality |
stat0002.AndersonDarling | The Anderson-Darling test for normality |
stat0003.ZhangWu1 | The 1st Zhang-Wu test for normality |
stat0004.ZhangWu2 | The 2nd Zhang-Wu test for normality |
stat0005.GlenLeemisBarr | The Glen-Leemis-Barr test for normality |
stat0006.DAgostinoPearson | The D'Agostino-Pearson test for normality |
stat0007.JarqueBera | The Jarque-Bera test for normality |
stat0008.DoornikHansen | The Doornik-Hansen test for normality |
stat0009.GelGastwirth | The Gel-Gastwirth test for normality |
stat0010.Hosking1 | The 1st Hosking test for normality |
stat0011.Hosking2 | The 2nd Hosking test for normality |
stat0012.Hosking3 | The 3rd Hosking test for normality |
stat0013.Hosking4 | The 4th Hosking test for normality |
stat0014.BontempsMeddahi1 | The 1st Bontemps-Meddahi test for normality |
stat0015.BontempsMeddahi2 | The 2nd Bontemps-Meddahi test for normality |
stat0016.BrysHubertStruyf | The Brys-Hubert-Struyf test for normality |
stat0017.BonettSeier | The Bonett-Seier test for normality |
stat0018.BrysHubertStruyf-BonettSeier | The Brys-Hubert-Struyf & Bonett-Seier test for normality |
stat0019.CabanaCabana1 | The 1st Cabana-Cabana test for normality |
stat0020.CabanaCabana2 | The 2nd Cabana-Cabana test for normality |
stat0021.ShapiroWilk | The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality |
stat0022.ShapiroFrancia | The Shapiro-Francia test for normality |
stat0023.ShapiroWilk-RG | The Shapiro-Wilk test for normality modified by... |
stat0024.DAgostino | The D'Agostino test for normality |
stat0025.Filliben | The Filliben test for normality |
stat0026.ChenShapiro | The Chen-Shapiro test for normality |
stat0027.ZhangQ | The 1st Zhang test for normality |
stat0028.ZhangQQstar | The 3rd Zhang test for normality |
stat0029.BarrioCuestaMatranRodriguez | The Barrio-Cuesta-Matran-Rodriguez test for normality |
stat0030.Coin | The Coin test for normality |
stat0031.EppsPulley | The Epps-Pulley test for normality |
stat0032.MartinezIglewicz | The Martinez-Iglewicz test for normality |
stat0033.GelMiaoGastwirth | The Gel-Miao-Gastwirth test for normality |
stat0034.ZhangQstar | The 2nd Zhang test for normality |
stat0035.DesgagneLafayeDeMicheauxLeblanc-Rn | The R_n test for normality |
stat0036.DesgagneLafayeDeMicheaux-XAPD | The X_{APD} test for normality |
stat0037.DesgagneLafayeDeMicheaux-ZEPD | The Z_{EPD} test for normality |
stat0038.Glen | The Glen-Leemis-Barr test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0039.Rayner1 | The Rayner-Best statistic for the Laplace distribution |
stat0040.Rayner2 | The Rayner-Best statistic for the Laplace distribution |
stat0041.Spiegelhalter | The Spiegelhalter test for normality |
stat0042.AndersonDarling | The Anderson-Darling test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0043.CramervonMises | The Cramer-von Mises test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0044.Watson | The Watson test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0045.KolmogorovSmirnov | The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0046.Kuiper | The Kuiper test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0047.Meintanis1MO | The 1st Meintanis test with moment estimators for the Laplace... |
stat0048.Meintanis1ML | The 1st Meintanis test with maximum likelihood estimators for... |
stat0049.Meintanis2MO | The 2nd Meintanis test with moment estimators for the Laplace... |
stat0050.Meintanis2ML | The 2nd Meintanis test with maximum likelihood estimators for... |
stat0051.ChoiKim1 | The 1st Choi-Kim test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0052.ChoiKim2 | The 2nd Choi-Kim test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0053.ChoiKim3 | The 3rd Choi-Kim test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0054.DesgagneMicheauxLeblanc-Gn | The Desgagne-Micheaux-Leblanc test for the Laplace... |
stat0055.RaynerBest1 | The 1st Rayner-Best test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0056.RaynerBest2 | The 2nd Rayner-Best test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0057.LangholzKronmal | The Langholz-Kronmal test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0058.Kundu | The Kundu test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0059.Gulati | The Gulati test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0060.Gel | The Gel test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0061.DesgagneMicheauxLeblanc-Lap1 | The Desgagne-Micheaux-Leblanc test for the Laplace... |
stat0062.DesgagneMicheauxLeblanc-Lap2 | The Desgagne-Micheaux-Leblanc test for the Laplace... |
stat0063.Kolmogorov | The Kolmogorov test for uniformity |
stat0064.CramervonMises | The Cramer-von Mises test for uniformity |
stat0065.AndersonDarling | The Anderson-Darling test for uniformity |
stat0066.Durbin | The Durbin test for uniformity |
stat0067.Kuiper | The Kuiper test for uniformity |
stat0068.HegazyGreen1 | The 1st Hegazy-Green test for uniformity |
stat0069.HegazyGreen2 | The 2nd Hegazy-Green test for uniformity |
stat0070.Greenwood | The Greenwood test for uniformity |
stat0071.QuesenberryMiller | The Quesenberry-Miller test for uniformity |
stat0072.ReadCressie | The Read-Cressie test for uniformity |
stat0073.Moran | The Moran test for uniformity |
stat0074.Cressie1 | The 1st Cressie test for uniformity |
stat0075.Cressie2 | The 2nd Cressie test for uniformity |
stat0076.Vasicek | The Vasicek test for uniformity |
stat0077.Swartz | The Swartz test for uniformity |
stat0078.Morales | The Morales test for uniformity |
stat0079.Pardo | The Pardo test for uniformity |
stat0080.Marhuenda | The Marhuenda test for uniformity |
stat0081.Zhang1 | The 1st Zhang test for uniformity |
stat0082.Zhang2 | The 2nd Zhang test for uniformity |
stat0083.ttests | Robustness of Student's t test for non-normality (one sample) |
stat0085.DesgagneMicheauxLeblanc-Lap3 | The Desgagne-Micheaux-Leblanc test for the Laplace... |
stat0086.Lafaye | The volcano test of normality |
stat0087.Lafaye2 | The volcano test of normality with alpha integrated out |
stat0088.Lafaye3 | The volcano test of normality |
stat0089.Lafaye4 | The volcano test of normality |
stat0090.Lafaye5 | The volcano test of normality |
stat0091.Gonzales1 | A ratio goodness-of-fit test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0092.Gonzales2 | A ratio goodness-of-fit test for the Laplace distribution |
stat0093.Hogg1 | More Light on the Kurtosis and Related Statistics (for the... |
stat0094.Hogg2 | More Light on the Kurtosis and Related Statistics (for the... |
stat0095.Hogg3 | More Light on the Kurtosis and Related Statistics (for the... |
stat0096.Hogg4 | More Light on the Kurtosis and Related Statistics (for the... |
stat0097.Rizzo | Expected distances and goodness-of-fit for the asymmetric... |
statcompute | Performs a hypothesis test for the given value of statistic. |
stat.cstr | Gives information about a test statistic. |
statsPureR | Computation of test statistic values in pure R. |
Uniformity.tests | Goodness-of-fit tests for uniformity |
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