Man pages for ProFAST
Probabilistic Factor Analysis for Spatially-Aware Dimension Reduction

AddAdjCalculate the adjacency matrix given a spatial coordinate...
AddParSettingFASTAdd FAST model settings for a PRECASTObj object
coembedding_umapCalculate UMAP projections for coembedding of cells and...
coembed_plotCoembedding dimensional reduction plot
CosMx_subsetA Seurat object including spatial transcriptomics dataset...
diagnostic.cor.eigsDetermine the dimension of low dimensional embedding
FASTRun FAST model for a PRECASTObj object
FAST_run(Varitional) ICM-EM algorithm for implementing FAST model
FAST_singleFit FAST model for single-section SRT data
FAST_structure(Varitional) ICM-EM algorithm for implementing FAST model...
find.signature.genesFind the signature genes for each group of cell/spots
get_r2_mcfaddenCalcuate the the adjusted McFadden's pseudo R-square the top signature genes and related information
IntegrateSRTDataIntegrate multiple SRT data into a Seurat object
iscmeb_runFit an iSC-MEB model using specified multi-section embeddings
model_set_FASTSet parameters for FAST model
NCFMCell-feature coembedding for scRNA-seq data
NCFM_fastCell-feature coembedding for SRT data
pbmc3k_subsetA Seurat object including scRNA-seq PBMC dataset
pdistanceCalculate the cell-feature distance matrix
RunHarmonyLouvainEmbedding alignment and clustering based on the embeddings...
RuniSCMEBFit an iSC-MEB model using the embeddings from FAST
SelectHKgenesSelect housekeeping genes
top5_signaturesA data.frame object including top five signature genes in...
transferGeneNamesTransfer gene names from one fortmat to the other format
ProFAST documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:15 a.m.