Man pages for QTL.gCIMapping
QTL Genome-Wide Composite Interval Mapping

DHdataDH example data
DodataProcess raw data
F2dataF2 example data from 2 environments
markerinsertTo insert marker in genotype.
QTL.gCIMappingQTL Genome-Wide Composite Interval Mapping
ReaddataRead raw data
WangFTo perform QTL mapping with wang method
WangSThe second step of wang method
WenFTo perform QTL mapping with Wen method
WenSThe second step of Wen method
ZhouFTo perform QTL mapping with Wen method
ZhouMethodThe second step of Zhou method for multiple environments
ZhouMethod_single_envThe second step of Zhou method for single environment
QTL.gCIMapping documentation built on March 18, 2022, 5:54 p.m.