
Defines functions .onAttach .onLoad .onUnload

## covr: skip=all

# Detach the 'R.oo' attached in file 030.ObjectClassFunctions.R
if (is.element("R.oo", search())) detach("R.oo")

.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
##  message("R.oo::.onUnload()")
  # Force finalize() on Object:s
} # .onUnload()

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  ns <- getNamespace(pkgname)

  ## Doing assign(pkgname, Package(pkgname), envir=ns) seems to
  ## introduce potential cyclic loading of the R.oo namespace.
  ## My best guess is that it has to do with garbage collection.
  ## Because of this, we use a "delayed" assignment. /HB 2013-10-10
  delayedAssign(pkgname, Package("R.oo"), eval.env=ns, assign.env=ns)

  # Create getCall() generic function, iff missing (R < 2.14.0)
  if (!exists("getCall", mode="function")) {
    assign("getCall", function(...) UseMethod("getCall"), envir=ns)
} # .onLoad()

.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  pkg <- get(pkgname, envir=getNamespace(pkgname))
} # .onAttach()

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R.oo documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:41 a.m.