
"bugs.run" <-
    function(n.burnin, OpenBUGS.pgm, debug=FALSE,
             useWINE=FALSE, WINE=NULL,
             newWINE=TRUE, WINEPATH=NULL)

## Update the lengths of the adaptive phases in the Bugs updaters
#  try(bugs.update.settings(n.burnin, bugs.directory))
#  ## Return the lengths of the adaptive phases to their original settings
#    .fileCopy <- file.copy
#  on.exit(try(.fileCopy(file.path(bugs.directory, "System/Rsrc/Registry_Rsave.odc"),
#                        file.path(bugs.directory, "System/Rsrc/Registry.odc"),
#                        overwrite=TRUE)))

  ## Call Bugs and have it run with script.txt
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows" || useWINE){
      bugsCall <- paste("\"", OpenBUGS.pgm, "\" /PAR \"",
                        native2win(file.path(getwd(), "script.txt"),
                                   useWINE=useWINE, newWINE=newWINE, WINEPATH=WINEPATH),
                        "\" /", sep="")
      if(useWINE) bugsCall <- paste(WINE, bugsCall)
      bugsCall <- paste(OpenBUGS.pgm, "<", "script.txt", ">", file.path(getwd(), "log.txt"))
  if((.Platform$OS.type == "windows" || useWINE) && debug){
    temp <- system(bugsCall,invisible=FALSE)
  }else temp <- system(bugsCall)

  if(temp == -1)
    stop("Error in bugs.run().")

  ##   !!!! need to check these conditions
  ## Stop and print an error message if Bugs did not run correctly
    tmp <- scan("CODAchain1.txt", character(), quiet=TRUE, sep="\n")
  tmp <- tmp[1:min(100,length(tmp))]
  if(length(grep("OpenBUGS did not run correctly", tmp)) > 0) stop(paste("Look at the log file in ",getwd(),
      " and\ntry again with 'debug=TRUE' to figure out what went wrong within OpenBUGS."))

Try the R2OpenBUGS package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

R2OpenBUGS documentation built on April 3, 2020, 1:08 a.m.