
Defines functions chunkToLineReader

Documented in chunkToLineReader

collectChunks =
  # Not exported but can be used via RCurl:::collectChunks()
function(max = 10)
  chunks = character()
  ctr = 0

  list(chunks = function() chunks,
       read = function(txt) {

                ctr <<- ctr + 1

                chunks[ctr] <<- txt

                if(ctr >= max)
                   stop("Got enough")
chunkToLineReader =
function(f, verbose = FALSE)
  leftOvers = ""

  read = function(txt) {

    if(nzchar(leftOvers)) {
      txt = paste(leftOvers, txt, sep = "")
      leftOvers <<- ""

      # Now find the bit at the end if there is any that is not a complete line.
    leftOvers <<- gsub('^.*\n', '', txt)

    if(verbose && nchar(leftOvers))
       cat("Left over:", leftOvers, "\n")

    Lines = strsplit(txt, "\n")[[1]]
        Lines = Lines[-length(Lines)]



  list(read = read, pending = function() leftOvers)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RCurl documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:15 a.m.