
if(FALSE) {
#myCurl = getCurlHandle()
#getURL("", cookiejar = "-", curl = myCurl)
#.opts = list(cookie = '_ZopeId="19324353A25Uc.N15jM"', verbose = TRUE))

zopeId = '"39704374A25hoMfuqVU"'
#    "39704374A25hoMfuqVU"
mycookie <-  '_ZopeId="19324353A25Uc.N15jM"'

CISQuery <- function(author = "Ihaka", title = "", keyword = "",
                journal = "", yearbeg = "", yearend = "", format = "bib",
                url = "",
                zope = zopeId,
                cookie= mycookie){
        v <-  postForm(url, skip = "+", authed = "+", authed = "a",
          authorstring = author, titlestring = title,
          keywordstring = keyword, jnt = "jp", jnamestring = journal, pt= "+",
          pt = "b", pt = "j", pt = "p", pt = "+",
          yearbeg = yearbeg, yearend = yearend,
          startDisplay = "1", endDisplay = "50", fmt = format,
          .opts = list(cookie = paste('_ZopeId=', zope, sep = ""), verbose = TRUE))

        g <- htmlTreeParse(v, asText = TRUE, useInternal = TRUE)
        if(length(g["//*[. = 'You are not an authenticated user']"]))
            stop("Not an authenticated CIS user")

        x = g[["//body/pre"]]
        h <- h[["pre"]][["text"]]
        i <- unlist(strsplit(h$value,"@"))[-1]
        j <- gsub("\n+$","",i)
        k <- gsub("^","@",j)
        l <- sapply(k, function(x) strsplit(x,"\n"),USE.NAMES = FALSE)
        lapply(l,function(x) {x; class(x) <- "Bibtex"; x})
f <- CISQuery()

Try the RCurl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RCurl documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:36 p.m.