
Defines functions get.stationary.distribution transition.counts.to.Markov.mle count.transitions HT.estimate get.h.hat EL.est EL.se.new EL.se

Documented in count.transitions get.h.hat get.stationary.distribution transition.counts.to.Markov.mle

#TODO what is this function???
#Is it the empirical likelihood standard error? What assumptions?
#was EL_se
#  @export 
EL.se<-function(weights,outcome,N=NULL, use.second.order=TRUE, homophily=1){
  nas <- is.na(weights)|is.na(outcome)
  nas <- nas | is.infinite(weights)|is.infinite(outcome)
    wij <- outer(weights[!nas],weights[!nas],"*")
    wij <- wij * (1+(homophily-1)*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"!="))
    wij[wij > 10*stats::median(wij)] <- 10*stats::median(wij)
    #     Compute the EL standard error (if available)
    iLj <- row(wij)>col(wij)
    oij <- 0.5*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"+")
    estij <- sum(oij*wij*iLj)/sum(wij*iLj)
    Gi <- apply((wij*wij*(oij-estij))*iLj,1,sum)
    wvi <- apply((wij*wij)*iLj,1,sum)
    varest <- 4*sum(Gi^2)/(sum(wvi)^2)
    wi <- weights[!nas]
    oi <- outcome[!nas]
    wi[wi > 10*stats::median(wi)] <- 10*stats::median(wi)
    #     Compute the EL standard error (if available)
    esti  <- sum(oi*wi)/sum(wi)
    varest <- sum(((oi-esti)*wi*wi)^2)/(sum(wi*wi)^2)
  if(is.null(N) | !is.numeric(N)){
    sqrt( varest )
    sqrt( (N-length(outcome))*varest/(N-1) )

#  @export 
EL.se.new<-function(weights,outcome,N=NULL, use.second.order=FALSE, homophily=1){
  nas <- is.na(weights)|is.na(outcome)
  nas <- nas | is.infinite(weights)|is.infinite(outcome)
    wi <- weights[!nas]
    wi[wi > 10*stats::median(wi)] <- 10*stats::median(wi)
    wij <- outer(weights[!nas],weights[!nas],"*")
    #     wij <- wij * (1+(homophily-1)*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"!="))
    wij[wij > 10*stats::median(wij)] <- 10*stats::median(wij)
    #     Compute the EL standard error (if available)
    iLj <-  row(wij) >col(wij)
    iLjn <- row(wij)!=col(wij)
    oij <- 0.5*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"+")
    diag(oij) <- 0
    estij <- sum(oij*wij*iLj)/sum(wij*iLj)
    qij <- 2*(oij-estij)*wij*wij*iLjn
    q <- sum(wij*wij*iLjn)
    qi <- apply(qij,2,sum)
    varest <- (sum(qij*qij)+sgn*sum(cross.mat*outer(qi,qi,"*")*iLjn))/(q*q)
    wij <- outer(weights[!nas],weights[!nas],"*")
    #     wij <- wij * (1+(homophily-1)*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"!="))
    wij[wij > 10*stats::median(wij)] <- 10*stats::median(wij)
    #     Compute the EL standard error (if available)
    iLj <-  row(wij) >col(wij)
    iLjn <- row(wij)!=col(wij)
    oij <- 0.5*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"+")
    diag(oij) <- 0
    estij <- sum(oij*wij*iLj)/sum(wij*iLj)
    qij <- 2*(oij-estij)*wij*wij*iLjn
    q <- sum(wij*wij*iLjn)
    varest <- sum(qij*qij)/(q*q)
  # if(is.null(N) | !is.numeric(N)){
  sqrt( varest )
  # }else{
  #   sqrt( (N-length(outcome))*varest/(N-1) )
  # }

EL.est<-function(weights,outcome,N=NULL, use.second.order=TRUE, homophily=1.35){
  nas <- is.na(weights)|is.na(outcome)
  nas <- nas | is.infinite(weights)|is.infinite(outcome)
    wij <- outer(weights[!nas],weights[!nas],"*")
    wij <- wij / (1+(homophily-1)*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"=="))
    #     wij[wij > 10*stats::median(wij)] <- 10*stats::median(wij)
    #     Compute the EL standard error (if available)
    iLj <- row(wij)>col(wij)
    oij <- 0.5*outer(outcome[!nas],outcome[!nas],"+")
    estij <- sum(oij*wij*iLj)/sum(wij*iLj)
    Gi <- apply((wij*wij*(oij-estij))*iLj,1,sum)
    wvi <- apply((wij*wij)*iLj,1,sum)
    varest <- 4*sum(Gi^2)/(sum(wvi)^2)
    est <- estij
    wi <- weights[!nas]
    oi <- outcome[!nas]
    wi[wi > 10*stats::median(wi)] <- 10*stats::median(wi)
    #     Compute the EL standard error (if available)
    esti  <- sum(oi*wi)/sum(wi)
    varest <- sum(((oi-esti)*wi*wi)^2)/(sum(wi*wi)^2)
    est <- esti
  if(is.null(N) | !is.numeric(N)){
    attr(est,"EL.se") <- sqrt( varest )
    attr(est,"EL.se") <- sqrt( (N-length(outcome))*varest/(N-1) )

#' Get Horvitz-Thompson estimator assuming inclusion probability proportional
#' to the inverse of network.var (i.e. degree).
#' @param rds.data An rds.data.from
#' @param group.variable The grouping variable.
#' @param network.var The network.size variable.
#' @export
get.h.hat <- function(rds.data,
    stopifnot(group.variable %in% names(rds.data))
    stopifnot(network.var %in% names(rds.data))
    stop("rds.data must be of type rds.data.frame")
  harmonic.mean <- function(x){
    x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  degrees <- rds.data[[network.var]]
  temp <- function(x){  
    deg <- degrees[as.character(rds.data[[group.variable]]) == x]
  group.names <- sort(unique(as.character(rds.data[[group.variable]])))
  group.names <- group.names[!is.na(group.names)]
  h.hat <- sapply(group.names,temp)
  names(h.hat) <- group.names

# Compute the horvitz thompson estimate
  nas <- is.na(weights)|is.na(outcome)
    num <- rep(0,length=length(levels(outcome[!nas])))
    a <- tapply(weights[!nas],as.numeric(outcome[!nas]),sum)
    num[as.numeric(names(a))] <- a

#' Counts the number or recruiter->recruitee transitions between different levels
#' of the grouping variable.
#' @param rds.data An rds.data.frame
#' @param group.variable The name of a categorical variable in rds.data
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' data(faux)
#' count.transitions(faux,"X")
count.transitions <- function(rds.data, group.variable)
  #extract data
  id <- get.id(rds.data)
  recruiter.id <- get.rid(rds.data)
  grp <- as.factor(rds.data[[group.variable]])
  #       Make sure the factor labels are alphabetic!
  #count transitions
  ri <- match(recruiter.id,id)
  rgrp <- grp[ri]
  res <- table(rgrp,grp)
  for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
    if(sum(res[i,])==0){res[i,] <- 0.1}
  class(res) <- "matrix"

# This function assumes that transition counts can be turned into MLEs.
# This will not be possible if any of the rows in the transition counts
# matrix have sum zero.

# IF 7/12/13: not sure what the point of this function is, I simplified the
# code, but why not just use prop.table

#' calculates the mle. i.e. the row proportions of the transition matrix
#' @param transition.counts a matrix or table of transition counts
#' @details depreicated. just use prop.table(transition.counts,1)
transition.counts.to.Markov.mle <- function(transition.counts){
  tij <- transition.counts + .Machine$double.eps
  ti <- margin.table(tij, 1)
  sweep(tij, 1, ti, "/", check.margin = FALSE)

#' Markov chain statistionary distribution
#' @param mle The transition probabilities
#' @export
#' @return A vector of proportions representing the proportion in each group at the
#' stationary distribution of the Markov chain.
get.stationary.distribution <- function(mle){
  stat.dist <- NULL	
  eigen.analysis <- eigen(t(mle))	
  # If -1 is an eigenvalue then we have a periodic chain ... which is bad.
  values.close.to.minus.one <- abs(eigen(t(mle))$values + 1.0) < 
  if(sum(values.close.to.minus.one) == 1){
    cat(" Markov chain appears to be periodic.\n")
    stat.dist <- rep(NA,nrow(mle))
    attr(stat.dist,'status') <- "Periodic Markov MLE"
  # The stationary distribution will be given by
  # the eigenvector with eigenvalue equal to one.    
  values.close.to.one <- abs(eigen(t(mle))$values - 1.0) <
  # If there is exactly one of these, then we can take it as eigenvalue corresponding to the
  # stationary distribution.
  if(sum(values.close.to.one) == 1){
    stationary.dist.eigen.vector <- eigen.analysis$vectors[,which(values.close.to.one)]
    stationary.dist.eigen.vector <- Re(stationary.dist.eigen.vector)
    stat.dist <- stationary.dist.eigen.vector/sum(stationary.dist.eigen.vector)
    attr(stat.dist,'status') <- "MLE gives unique stationary distribution."
    names(stat.dist) <- colnames(mle)	

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